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I feel guilty and I need "permission" to...

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take the rest of this week off of school and maybe next week, too. Maybe even one further week if I am honest with myself.


We started school on Monday of last week. It was a bad, bad idea. My DD is nearing the end of intensive vision therapy (Sept. 17th cannot come soon enough!) and we've been trying to squeeze school around it so as to not have to go all summer. We've been at it hard all summer, driving 3 hours round trip for double sessions of VT 3x a week. So, this means I am gone MWF, 9 am to 2 pm minimum, and I'm tired and broke on gas and doctor's bills. Yet, we keep trying to do school because I think we're "supposed to." Dumb, I know, but I'm only on year 2 of homeschooling and haven't completely broken out of the mold yet.


I am sick...really sick. Been down with three different somethings for three solid weeks, but I just keep going (what else can you do, KWIM?). I've had either my MIL or my mom living with us all summer helping with the other kids, but they are both gone this week. (Mom comes back on Saturday...I can't wait!). We have a 10 ft hole in our roof after a tree fell on the house in June and after we realized that no contractor in this tiny little town believes that a hole in our roof constitutes an emergency...even during hurricane season. So, we have mold and collapsed or missing ceilings on two stories. DH just got promoted (there's a big yeah!) but has been on the road almost solidly for the last three weeks while he works on filling the position he vacated and several others. The kiddos are wailing and complaining over school. The twins just went back to their part time preschool program today...my first break from them all summer.


Life generally s*cks right now. I know it will get better soon. I know there is a light of hope around the corner. I just need someone to tell me that it was a bad idea to start school during all this! A little permission from my gals (or my guys!) will go a long way! ;)


If you've read this far, thanks for listening. I feel a little better just for getting it out on the table.

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As someone pointed out to me just last week, that's one of the benefits of homeschooling, the flexibility to take off as needed. We are off the rest of this week and perhaps the next as well.


Don't feel guilty, you are still taking care of your family's needs.


I heard a sermon on the radio yesterday. The pastor wisely said sometimes people seek spiritual intervention for their needs. He said sometimes you simply need a vacation. Sometimes you need to think of yourself first and quit giving everyone else all of your strength and energy. Don't let school be that thing that zaps your strength, take a long siesta and start again. You deserve it and your kids will benefit as well. (hugs)

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As someone pointed out to me just last week, that's one of the benefits of homeschooling, the flexibility to take off as needed. We are off the rest of this week and perhaps the next as well.


Ah, yes, I remember that moment! ;)


I heard a sermon on the radio yesterday. The pastor wisely said sometimes people seek spiritual intervention for their needs. He said sometimes you simply need a vacation.


Now that I needed to hear more than I realized! I've been thinking, hey, I must be depressed/not trusting God/have a crazy child/have a crazy DH/insert your vice here. What I really need is just a nice, long vacation. I'm gonna get it, too! School is officially on break.


Now, just hold me to it!


Thanks for the much needed perspective, whooshing, happy thoughts, permission, support and prayers. You gals are great, seriously.

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I will add some fairy dust to the mix. Goodness sake! Take off the rest of September. Get the VT finished, take a week to chill, a week to plan and then start school, with a lot of chocolate on hand.


Relax. Life happens and there are so many things more important that a math worksheet or a spelling page.


One year we didn't crack a book until half way into October and we still got all of July and August off for Summer. Relax.



You are so very, very right! Thanks for the reminder. After dinner while I watched DH do Bible study/catechism with our kids, I was tempted to do school again tomorrow. REALLY tempted, though I know it would be another disaster. I came back to re-read the thread (I think I may have to do that a lot!) and your post brought me back to reality.


For now, I'm just gonna :chillpill: and be really, really happy that my DD just blew through reading me The Polar Express, which, according to the Lexile folks, puts her squarely in her grade level for reading! If you'd have seen her struggle last year to read through her visual processing disorder, you'd know why this is about to make me cry happy, happy tears!


I must be doing sumthin' right, huh? :D

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I am so sorry! First, I have to say, you could easily be sick because of the mold in your house. When Hurricane Isabel hit our house, we had water that sat for 13 days before electricity returned and we could get someone to empty it. By the second day, my dd had contracted a lung infection from the mold, and I was on my way there.


I would check and see if your ins. will pay for a hotel until it can be fixed (our's did, and it took 4 months to get our house livable again--and they paid for all meals, too!). That could take some pressure off and you'd have a pool, etc, to entertain the kids--they offered to pay for an extra room for our daughter as well.


Second--stop schooling! Part of hs is so that you can accomodate what you need to! If it makes you feel better, buy or rent something on tape or cd and listen to it on the way to and from the VT. But give yourself, and your kids, a break! Tell them they are getting this time off, and can expect to really work in a couple of weeks, so they should get ready. Then take no nonsense when you do start.


And, in the meantime, give yourself a break, and know that you not only need it, but also deserve it. We, unfortunately, grew up with the supermom image drilled into us, and we added to that homeschooling--I think supermom would have collapsed if you had mentioned homeschooling to her, then checked herself into a mental hosp just for a break! (Lord knows there are days I've considered it ;)) It sounds like you are doing more than anyone person should do, and you are sick! You need to slow down before you get to the point where you are sick enough to need a very. long. time. off. And will be a month or two behind before you get started.


Take it easy. Know you are doing what you should--what is best for your fam, and yourself--just what a mom should be doing :).

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I am so sorry! First, I have to say, you could easily be sick because of the mold in your house. When Hurricane Isabel hit our house, we had water that sat for 13 days before electricity returned and we could get someone to empty it. By the second day, my dd had contracted a lung infection from the mold, and I was on my way there.


I would check and see if your ins. will pay for a hotel until it can be fixed (our's did, and it took 4 months to get our house livable again--and they paid for all meals, too!). That could take some pressure off and you'd have a pool, etc, to entertain the kids--they offered to pay for an extra room for our daughter as well.


Well, you could be right. I actually did think about this...my kids all have runny noses and I've been sick about the amount of time that the mold has been present. I have asthma, so I'm the first to go down. That's why DH cut out the ceiling. At least I can see the sky now! :eek: (well, the blue underside of the tarp if nothing else!).


Our insurance s*cks. They've not paid enough to fix the roof, thus we are sitting with the hole and the mold. They didn't pay for the remainder of the tree to be removed...that had to come down first at a tune of $3,000 cash, so now we are out of money to fix the roof. So, I highly doubt that they will pay for a hotel room. We are cancelling our policy after this incident is resolved. For the moment, I'm stuck here.


As for the rest of your most excellent advice...I'll take it! You are absolutely right. I'll have a nervous breakdown if I keep going like this. I told my kids this morning that they were off school this week, just so they'd hold me to it!

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What all the other moms said! You are the one in charge of your own school, so YOU decide the schedule.


That said, does your family enjoy audio books? That's a lot of driving every week. My family would be listening to books on tape. It's fun and requires no advance planning except maybe a trip to the library.

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