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Exercise Thread ~ March 29 - April 4


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So, I am trying the progesterone cream that I found on Amazon and I'll give it three months. If I don't feel any better at all I guess I'll go raise hell at the doctor's office?  My old midwife is now doing accupuncture and I respond really well to that. I might give that a try as well..it's just so expensive. It's like 50$ a visit and they want weekly visits. Who has that?

:grouphug:  Which cream are you using? Emerita? I need to remember to use mine more regularly. I've been a bit neglectful. 



Well I had another migraine today so I didn't workout as planned. :( I forced myself to go for a short walk in the evening when I was feeling a bit better, but it wasn't much.

:grouphug:  Migraines are awful. I had a horrible one last week. 

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(hugs redsquirrel) I would be direct as you need to be, perhaps the progesterone will help, although it seems too often it is more than one thing going on, I hope it provides you some help. I well know the feeling of your body not working how it should, it is hard to deal with. Another thing to think about is iron and b-vitamin status, iron made a huge difference for me. My electrolyte formula is really helping with energy, recovery and just how my body works in general (although I don't know that it would have the same effect for everyone). We all have our own unique issues so it is hard to figure out, our bodies are so complex!


(hugs Greta) I hope your migraine goes away soon


I finished the night with a sunset walk and bedtime yoga- ahhhhh- tried to get some work at the playground yesterday but I wasn't feeling it at all. Now, I had been thinking it was something in yoga I had done that was hurting my back but now I think I went a little to vigorous on the monkey bars, so we just did some light playing yesterday. 


Tonight is Yoga class, sleep continues to be better but not perfect. I did manage to get to bed at a reasonable time(the 2yo and other commitments kept me up late the last 2 nights) and I slept 5 hrs straight without having to go pee (which is a record as of late) but then dh was up and he ended up keeping me from going back to sleep(not on purpose mind you). Anyway, getting ready to try and get a bit more sleep. Today was also scheduled as a strength day but I'm going to take that a bit lighter, as I said I think I pushed a bit hard (I tend to do that :) ).

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Hugs Redsquirrel and Gretalynne.


It's a slow, gentle, careful capoeira day for me. 


Here's a beautiful video for all of you of one of my favorite sports/dances/martial arts:




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Redsquirrel, I really hope that the progesterone cream helps you. I think low-progesterone might be at play with my migraines, because I don't get them the first two weeks of my cycle, and then I have very frequent ones for the rest of my cycle (and my cycles are getting much longer). Does that sound like a progesterone issue? I have an appointment tomorrow with my GP so I hope that he will know. If not, I'll go on to an OBGYN.


Perimenopause STINKS!

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Down with menopause!!! Down with perimenopause!!!


I'm not an expert on the progesterone cream, from what I've read the chance of side effects are very small so to me it is worth it to try, although I do have a prescription as my tests showed my levels were off, it didn't help me until (1) I weaned and (2) I lowered the dose- I used Dr. Lee's recommendations and so far it seems about right. My mom has been suffering since she went off of HRT, I'm trying to get her to try it becauase her list of symptomos are long, alas she hates to take "things", I'm all about taking stuff now, I just regret that I didn't push going to the dr sooner and I suffered too long. Right now I'm only taking my electrolytes and progesterone. We'll see how it goes as time passes. 


But along the way I've treated my thyroid and reversed various deficiencies, worked on increasing intestinal permeability, went on the auto-immune diet and did 20 million things to try and naturally help my sleep. I've taken various supplements, I started last year with sublingual B's, Omega 3s and getting my sleep lined out last year when I was so tired and depressed and that helped a ton. Then I started AIP and thyroid pills along with various other supplements and that was another boost, now it seems I'm the closest I've been to being normal and for me it seems the electrolytes and progesterone were the last keys I needed to get there (or as I said so far- I hope that holds).






He wrote the book :)



I would say as well that regular dr's do horrible about diagnosing thyroid issues, they use outdated ranges and don't even run the test for Hashimotos, it took me 3 tests to be diagnosed, so I wouldn't dismiss the thyroid just because they say it is fine, it is however ridiculously hard to find a good dr to get the diagnosis.

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Down with menopause!!! Down with perimenopause!!!


I'm not an expert on the progesterone cream, from what I've read the chance of side effects are very small so to me it is worth it to try, although I do have a prescription as my tests showed my levels were off, it didn't help me until (1) I weaned and (2) I lowered the dose- I used Dr. Lee's recommendations and so far it seems about right. My mom has been suffering since she went off of HRT, I'm trying to get her to try it becauase her list of symptomos are long, alas she hates to take "things", I'm all about taking stuff now, I just regret that I didn't push going to the dr sooner and I suffered too long. Right now I'm only taking my electrolytes and progesterone. We'll see how it goes as time passes.


But along the way I've treated my thyroid and reversed various deficiencies, worked on increasing intestinal permeability, went on the auto-immune diet and did 20 million things to try and naturally help my sleep.




He wrote the book :)

You felt it helped you more at a lower dose? I tried the full recommended dose originally, and it made me feel awful: light-headed like I was about to faint. I'm experimenting with a smaller dose now to see if I can get the benefits without that side-effect.

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Yes, I tried the lower dose because another board poster mentioned how at too high a dose it made her more awake, well then I found Dr. Lee's site and found his recommendations and tried that and bam it seems about right on for me. I'm doing about 20 mg right now.


It is confusing because some sites recommend megadoses, well I'd rather try smaller dose first to see if it works before megadosing anything. When I tried it before it made me depressed and anxious, just the opposite of what I'm feeling now, it really puzzled the doctors but that is what it did (they speculated it was due to my nursing- I'm wondering if it was just that it was too high). 


I am hoping that a few more months after weaning here that my body will get back to regular and I can go off- well then normal again until menopause, when the fun starts again :)

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That's not me Snickerdoodle.  Somewhere there is footage of me playing that's worth seeing but it's from before I had kids.  I just practice by myself for this stage of life and I really enjoy how peaceful my practice has become.  

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Beautiful Uff da! It is something that although our bodies may not be exactly the same I think in ways it is better than ever. We can more appreciate ourselves, the peace, the movement, the work, all of it.


Rieshy, belt test?


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Uff, is that you?   Which group are you with?



Today WO, stretch roll.


I am reading all the posts.   It's just been a little hectic here.

Rieshy?   Belt test?


I love watching capoeira- such strength and control.  


Snickerdoodle- I incorrectly assumed that choosing not to test on Saturday (with my arm in a sling) would help draw less attention to my injury but I've been hassled by everyone for not testing.  It's all good natured, but eek.   The trainer checks my elbow tomorrow morning and either sends me to ortho or not.  Prayers would be appreciated!   I'm going to paint my nails brown and test this Saturday no matter what.


My Sensei's rule of thumb is that you count the days from the initial injury until pain is gone- double that number and the resulting number is the number of days you wait to use that body part 100% again- or at least you keep that part protected.  Thankfully, he mentioned I could roll one armed this weekend- he just warned me that I will "suck".


Running today, one armed katas, stretching, one armed swings and squats and hopefully a 2 mile walk with dh.

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I am hoping that a few more months after weaning here that my body will get back to regular and I can go off- well then normal again until menopause, when the fun starts again :)


Actually, the real fun starts with peri-menopause when suddenly you have the hormonal swings that remind you oh so well of early teen-hood.  :cursing: But hopefully that's just me.  

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I wanna workout with Uff Da!


Welcome Greta & Fruit! (and my runs are always wimpy)


Soro-I'm glad you're sleeping better! I workout as per usual when I'm menstrual, except for one day, but that's just because it's a bad day for me. I'm 29.


Luckymama-I'm glad you're feeling better and I'm so glad you have a personal trainer to work with you on your shoulder.

Myblessings4-Fantastic step count!

Redsquirrel-Please don't burn out. Be careful.


I do have a stress fracture apparently, but it's not too bad. I don't need a boot, but I'm not allowed to walk around barefoot anymore until it heals.


Monday and today I did NROL stuff and about 10 minutes cardio. My butt is getting big and round. Yay squats!

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Yoga class yesterday - really good, concentrating more on seated and squatting stretches.  So often I can't get full benefit out of standing twists and stretches because my balance is off due to labyrinthitis.  I'm going to talk to my yoga teacher about regular substitutes for standing poses.  Brisk walk with Husband after the class.  11,700 steps.


Today: lovely walk at lunchtime, then another walk up and down hills in the village after supper.  Not happy with my shoes - ordered some New Balance, as I had luck with the brand in the past.  11,700 steps

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Luckymama, how is your shoulder?


I squeezed in 30 mins of mat work and that is going to have to do for today.  I had to get very cranky about even those 30 mins, lol.  I did get a nice brisk walk downtown and back but I don't count that as real cardio, but it's something.


I am proud of myself. After my little whinefest (and thank you for your indulgence) I made an app't for myself at my GP and I specifically refused an app't with the PA who usually sees me. I love her, I really do. She has taken good care of me and my kids, but two years in a row I have told her my concerns and two years in a row she orders a thyroid test and it comes back fine. I need someone who can hear my concerns a little bit better or who says 'Hey, this wasn't good last year either. Huh, maybe we should follow up'.  So, I have an app't with the new doctor in the practice. She looks pretty crunchy and in this town that is saying something.


Speaking of crunchy, I also found out there is an acupuncture clinic down the street from my house and it has a sliding scale. See what I mean about crunchy? So I made an appt there as well.  I am going to get myself back on track this summer!

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Ankles I do calf raises and a series of stretches.  It's very similar to what

might do but not on pointe obviously.


Good morning ladies!    Sleep is such a wonderful, wonderful thing!.


Today, skillwork, stretch, roll, MA.


My shoulder is feeling somewhat better today.

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Today my oldest turned 21, and my oldest son got his driver's permit.  I'm feeling a bit old.......


OMG it's so bittersweet to see them grow up, isn't it?  


I love watching capoeira- such strength and control.  


Snickerdoodle- I incorrectly assumed that choosing not to test on Saturday (with my arm in a sling) would help draw less attention to my injury but I've been hassled by everyone for not testing.  It's all good natured, but eek.   The trainer checks my elbow tomorrow morning and either sends me to ortho or not.  Prayers would be appreciated!   I'm going to paint my nails brown and test this Saturday no matter what.


My Sensei's rule of thumb is that you count the days from the initial injury until pain is gone- double that number and the resulting number is the number of days you wait to use that body part 100% again- or at least you keep that part protected.  Thankfully, he mentioned I could roll one armed this weekend- he just warned me that I will "suck".


Running today, one armed katas, stretching, one armed swings and squats and hopefully a 2 mile walk with dh.


That's really good that your sensei keeps track a bit on your injuries.    I know how hard it is sometimes when you start feeling a little better you want to go all out, but really you should ease back in.     It's so good your peers are so supportive too.  What a great environment!



I am proud of myself. After my little whinefest (and thank you for your indulgence) I made an app't for myself at my GP and I specifically refused an app't with the PA who usually sees me. I love her, I really do. She has taken good care of me and my kids, but two years in a row I have told her my concerns and two years in a row she orders a thyroid test and it comes back fine. I need someone who can hear my concerns a little bit better or who says 'Hey, this wasn't good last year either. Huh, maybe we should follow up'.  So, I have an app't with the new doctor in the practice. She looks pretty crunchy and in this town that is saying something.


Speaking of crunchy, I also found out there is an acupuncture clinic down the street from my house and it has a sliding scale. See what I mean about crunchy? So I made an appt there as well.  I am going to get myself back on track this summer!


Being heard is such an important factor in getting good medical care, isn't it?     You almost feel like why did you bother going in if no one is taking your concerns seriously.



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I am proud of myself. After my little whinefest (and thank you for your indulgence) I made an app't for myself at my GP and I specifically refused an app't with the PA who usually sees me. I love her, I really do. She has taken good care of me and my kids, but two years in a row I have told her my concerns and two years in a row she orders a thyroid test and it comes back fine. I need someone who can hear my concerns a little bit better or who says 'Hey, this wasn't good last year either. Huh, maybe we should follow up'.  So, I have an app't with the new doctor in the practice. She looks pretty crunchy and in this town that is saying something.


Speaking of crunchy, I also found out there is an acupuncture clinic down the street from my house and it has a sliding scale. See what I mean about crunchy? So I made an appt there as well.  I am going to get myself back on track this summer!

Fabulous!  I hope you get some answers and make sure you get copies of the tests too. Don't forget all of your vitamin levels, especially iron, b's and d's. If you look at stopthethyroidmadness.com they will give you an idea of the tests you need. 


It is ridiculous that we have to work so hard to get listened to, we are told we are just getting old or we have children or blah, blah, blah. If it was a man I think they would get a little more respect when they tell their dr. I'm really struggling here, just to do the basics, life should be better than this and if it isn't we ought to have a reason why!


I finally called my dr and requested for labs (again) and this was the good dr, his practice has went down hill as far as attentiveness goes and if I had a better option that didn't require hundreds of dollars of new patient fees and months wait I'd jump ship. I've been wanting to have my thyroid retested since Jan when I felt like I was going hyper (my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest). 


One note on the progesterone, I have been taking my dose at night because the day I tried to split it I noticed I felt tired during the day, even then if I take it too late I'm tired in the morning, so I'm going to have to make sure I take it earlier and bring it with me those nights I'm out of the house!!





onto workout stuff....

Went to yoga class last night, it was fabulous. Found out something new, apparently my ankles have a bit of hyper mobility, since I was able to do my feet together quite easily she said the next step is to fold open my feet like a book, which I was able to do fully with ease. Well, I've been having some difficulty in my balance postures (I always have) I can't stay in them too long or it kills my ankles, which she said is not surprising with my mobility there, so I need to be practicing these more. For yoga I'm going to be practicing tree and eagle because I really feel it in those. Was going to do a walk yesterday but dd2 ended up falling asleep and napping during our walk time, so we walked around the yard and did some light work.


Today I'm doing my first day time yoga class, so excited and nervous, was afraid I wouldn't sleep but I went to bed early and had no trouble. Getting ready to do a short bit of yoga this am. Maybe walk today, if the rain holds off.

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I would say as well that regular dr's do horrible about diagnosing thyroid issues, they use outdated ranges and don't even run the test for Hashimotos, it took me 3 tests to be diagnosed, so I wouldn't dismiss the thyroid just because they say it is fine, it is however ridiculously hard to find a good dr to get the diagnosis.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I was tested for Hashimoto's right away (after being diagnosed with another auto immune disorder earlier that week) so my doctor knew I had it before my thyroid numbers were out of whack. I have my blood drawn every four months to monitor and make sure my meds are at the right level. 


I guess I lucked out.



Quick workout as I need to run out the door. I did a short (painful) video that targets thighs. I was fine until the last bit when you are in the L position, and then I started doing my labor breathing and whimpering. 

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I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I was tested for Hashimoto's right away (after being diagnosed with another auto immune disorder earlier that week) so my doctor knew I had it before my thyroid numbers were out of whack. I have my blood drawn every four months to monitor and make sure my meds are at the right level. 


I guess I lucked out.

Yes, it sounds like it, from talking to others it often takes forever to get diagnosed. My mom's thyroid levels are off but the dr she sees doesn't use the new levels and because she won't go to a different dr she is out of luck, no consideration to a whole family with thyroid disease (both of my female cousins have thyroid issues- one has had a thyroidectomy due to Graves). It is evidently rampant in our family and in my husband's family but yet again his mom won't push the testing, despite years worth of symptoms and a daughter with Hashi's(it took her 10+ yrs to get diagnosed and properly treated). My own daughters are in trouble, they get it from both sides. 

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Late last night: 2 mile walk with dh


Thursday morning- hour session workout with trainer followed by katas and Thai combo practice.  Trainer wants me to go to ortho to see how bad my elbow sprain is... grrrr!  Not what I wanted him to say.


Thursday evening- martial arts class.


All in all it's Spring and life is good:)  Not to mention the countdown to the end of the school year has begun. :hurray:


Snickerdoodle- take care of that tweak.

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Today I'm going to walk to/from the gym for my training session. It's about 2 miles away. I have wanted to do this since we learned in January that this gym would open :D


My shoulder is a bit better. Flexibility has definitely increased since Sunday---I now can hook my bra and get the ticket from the parking lot dispenser pain-free :party:


(I need to stretch it before leaving. Thanks for the reminder ;))

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Yes, it sounds like it, from talking to others it often takes forever to get diagnosed. My mom's thyroid levels are off but the dr she sees doesn't use the new levels and because she won't go to a different dr she is out of luck, no consideration to a whole family with thyroid disease (both of my female cousins have thyroid issues- one has had a thyroidectomy due to Graves). It is evidently rampant in our family and in my husband's family but yet again his mom won't push the testing, despite years worth of symptoms and a daughter with Hashi's(it took her 10+ yrs to get diagnosed and properly treated). My own daughters are in trouble, they get it from both sides. 


A lot is also being the squeaky wheel if you want to call it that. If a person does not let a doctor know that something is not right then the doctor will not look for anything. If a doctor disregards a person's concerns/complaints then it's time to go for another assessment with another doctor. 


My first doctor poo-pooed my symptoms/complaints by telling me that I was overly emotional and stressed due to homeschooling 3 boys. She told me to learn relaxation and to let things go. She told me to exercise and do yoga. At that point I was irritated with her and said, "Okay, I exercise 2x a day for an hour each time 6 days a week. That's 12 hours a week of exercise. I do yoga 3x a week and sometimes more. How much more would you like to see me doing?" She had no suggestion except to focus more on yoga breathing. Then she wanted me to do a week fast to detox. I refused for 2 reasons: 1) I was nursing (she told me to wean so I could do the fast) and 2) I did not think I it was in my best health interest to do something that would make me lose weight as I was already underweight. I point blank asked her if doing to the fast would cause weight loss. She said, "Why yes, a 10 lb weight loss is average. It's one of the benefits of doing it." To which I reminded her that I weighed 92 lbs, and did she think it would be healthy for me to potentially drop to 82 lbs. She just looked at me and again asked if I would consider weaning. That's when I'd had enough and went to another doctor. That doctor had me diagnosed with 2 auto immune disorders at the first appointment.


I also had an endo tell me that I was anxious and having anxiety attacks because I was a perfectionist. Went to a different doctor and he was ticked off that I'd been told that. My anxiety attacks are caused by my auto immune disorders and he explained the how and why.


So, one does have to be persistent *and* find a doctor that will work with you. I was lucky that I found a doctor who tested me for Hashimoto's immediately after he found the first disorder.   

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A lot is also being the squeaky wheel if you want to call it that. If a person does not let a doctor know that something is not right then the doctor will not look for anything. If a doctor disregards a person's concerns/complaints then it's time to go for another assessment with another doctor. 


My first doctor poo-pooed my symptoms/complaints by telling me that I was overly emotional and stressed due to homeschooling 3 boys. She told me to learn relaxation and to let things go. She told me to exercise and do yoga. At that point I was irritated with her and said, "Okay, I exercise 2x a day for an hour each time 6 days a week. That's 12 hours a week of exercise. I do yoga 3x a week and sometimes more. How much more would you like to see me doing?" She had no suggestion except to focus more on yoga breathing. Then she wanted me to do a week fast to detox. I refused for 2 reasons: 1) I was nursing (she told me to wean so I could do the fast) and 2) I did not think I it was in my best health interest to do something that would make me lose weight as I was already underweight. I point blank asked her if doing to the fast would cause weight loss. She said, "Why yes, a 10 lb weight loss is average. It's one of the benefits of doing it." To which I reminded her that I weighed 92 lbs, and did she think it would be healthy for me to potentially drop to 82 lbs. She just looked at me and again asked if I would consider weaning. That's when I'd had enough and went to another doctor. That doctor had me diagnosed with 2 auto immune disorders at the first appointment.


I also had an endo tell me that I was anxious and having anxiety attacks because I was a perfectionist. Went to a different doctor and he was ticked off that I'd been told that. My anxiety attacks are caused by my auto immune disorders and he explained the how and why.


So, one does have to be persistent *and* find a doctor that will work with you. I was lucky that I found a doctor who tested me for Hashimoto's immediately after he found the first disorder.   


Oh- just wow to all of the above. Did the fasting doctor ever look up at you or was she glued to her laptop while telling you to fast?  I'd like to retroactively back hand some doctors.  All I can say is you are amazing!

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I did Jessica Smiths Cardio Flow this morning. It was supposed to be a gentle calming type workout I think. Too bad all the kiddos were up & misbehaving! I kept yelling-stop that! Don't touch your sister! Put that down! Turn off that water now! Kinda ruined the vibe. Plus the workout was a little hard for me. It was pretty easy to modify but I felt a little discouraged that I couldn't keep up-fitness level or coordination. At least I tried right?

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AM Yoga class done- AHHHHH! Have 2 classes already scheduled next week, my mother in law is being great about it, so I don't feel too guilty. I know one of the ladies and she is also in the more advanced class and I was happy to see that I kept up with her just fine as I'm nervous about joining it when it comes open. I made it through the whole class during full chatarangas, WOOT! Its a milestone!!! I'm going to have to tweak up my strength training I just can't do pushs and pulls on the same day as yoga, not when I'm pushing hard in chatarangas and other poses, when I wasn't able to do them fully it wasn't so big but now doing both in the same day is more than I need, plus I'm obviously working the upper body in Yoga. I might just keep to doing various squats on Yoga day, assuming it isn't a leg heavy day too. I think I may do another yoga session sometime today, just for fun :)



A lot is also being the squeaky wheel i,f you want to call it that. If a person does not let a doctor know that something is not right then the doctor will not look for anything. If a doctor disregards a person's concerns/complaints then it's time to go for another assessment with another doctor. 



So, one does have to be persistent *and* find a doctor that will work with you. I was lucky that I found a doctor who tested me for Hashimoto's immediately after he found the first disorder.   

Yes! I'm on dr. #3, I heard well of course your tired, your pregnant with your 4th and I'm like, ya, I've been through this so I know it isn't normal but I didn't even know what Hashi's was at that time or the right test so when they said my thyroid test was fine and the labs showed in range I believed them. Then I had the baby and I did feel better so I kept thinking it would just take time, I wasn't sleeping so that didn't help either, so I just chalked it up to sleep dep (which I now know was certainly a big chunk of it, that and my iron levels). Finally during a bad spell I met a lady who referred me to her dr (and I also happened to have some money in my HSA to afford all the tests at this time as another big deterrent to finding a dr was everything was OOP), who finally did the right tests, although she was sure it was just candida- I pushed because I knew it was hormonal. Being she totally didn't follow-up to my tests I found another dr, who was great at first and actually started treating me but now, well he's not been so great, I'm having a hard time getting labs ordered, its a mess. Thank goodness I finally seem to be on the upswing but I'm going to have to have a rather frank talk with this dr when I go in next. 

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I did Jessica Smiths Cardio Flow this morning. It was supposed to be a gentle calming type workout I think. Too bad all the kiddos were up & misbehaving! I kept yelling-stop that! Don't touch your sister! Put that down! Turn off that water now! Kinda ruined the vibe. Plus the workout was a little hard for me. It was pretty easy to modify but I felt a little discouraged that I couldn't keep up-fitness level or coordination. At least I tried right?

Yes, it is the effort that counts, as long as your consistent it will come. I like to start with a workout that I can do most of it decently but it has some moves out of my reach and a bit more than my endurance, strength and balance levels so I can work up to it. Whenever I start back after a hiatus I aim for just 10 min and I just add as I feel I can, it works really well for me. I don't end up getting too awful sore or wore out that I end up having to skip a bunch of days or I'm miserable and dread working out. YMMV of course as different people are motivated differently but if I start off killing myself I just end up hating it, I like to feel competent in whatever I'm doing so the challenge level cannot be too high.

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Thunderstorms today so ended up doing the elliptical. I get sweaty but it just isn't the same as running :closedeyes: . I have yoga class tonight as long as youngest's ballet class doesn't run over. I spent the afternoon chatting with friends who are all in peri or full on menopause. Weight just comes up over and over.   :mellow:  I love to eat so I'm wondering if when this hits I can out exercise it. Nothing about the whole thing sounded appealing I'll tell ya'. I'm going to admit to vanity and the fact I don't want to look like a dumpy old lady. :glare: And now I've reached my emoticon limit. 


Redsquirrel~I would be as direct as possible. I can only dream of a crunchy area. I live in the velveeta and cream soup belt. Doing yoga is considered pretty fringe.


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Thunderstorms today so ended up doing the elliptical. I get sweaty but it just isn't the same as running :closedeyes: . I have yoga class tonight as long as youngest's ballet class doesn't run over. I spent the afternoon chatting with friends who are all in peri or full on menopause. Weight just comes up over and over.   :mellow:  I love to eat so I'm wondering if when this hits I can out exercise it. Nothing about the whole thing sounded appealing I'll tell ya'. I'm going to admit to vanity and the fact I don't want to look like a dumpy old lady. :glare: And now I've reached my emoticon limit. 



Redsquirrel~I would be as direct as possible. I can only dream of a crunchy area. I live in the velveeta and cream soup belt. Doing yoga is considered pretty fringe.

I know, menopause and perimenopause sound wretched to me, I've experienced jacked up hormones (living it now) no wish to do that for 10+++ years, geez!  It seems either you have to (a) accept being bigger or b- accept working harder at it!


LOL- I'm hesitant to post about yoga to my friends for fear of the chastisement I will get, if I do it will have to be with some disclaimer.


We did get in a brisk 20 min walk before super, threw in some running and skipping (does that make it a fartlek? :)Feeling good today but it is a day of fasting and abstinence, planning on a few bodyweight circuits but only doing a few exercises. To be honest the more yoga I do the less I do of it but I don't feel the need, the yoga works my muscles pretty good so my goals may shift a bit as have my interests. Ordered a yoga dvd of the full primary series as this is what the advanced class does, I hate to be surprised and I've never done that all the way through (my teacher before was Iyengar). I doubt I'm able to do it all at once but once a week since it is 90 min but that would be good in itself. Although, if I continue to wake up early and get my sleep adjusted I might be able to get it in more than I think. I have a youtube video of the series loaded on my bluray so I'm going to squeeze that in on Sunday however with it being Easter our church schedule will be different so it might not quite work out.

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I did Jessica Smiths Cardio Flow this morning. It was supposed to be a gentle calming type workout I think. Too bad all the kiddos were up & misbehaving! I kept yelling-stop that! Don't touch your sister! Put that down! Turn off that water now! Kinda ruined the vibe. Plus the workout was a little hard for me. It was pretty easy to modify but I felt a little discouraged that I couldn't keep up-fitness level or coordination. At least I tried right?


So hard to WO with the kids bickering or getting into things.    Ugh. 


Sleep is a wonderful, wonderful thing.   Today is my first day caffeine free (feel my pain).  I've been weaning these last weeks.  Drinking herbal tea right now (not the same) and thinking of tonight's wonderful night of sleep.  



Today:   WO stretch roll and  laundry.     Wait, what?

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Thursday morning- hour session workout with trainer followed by katas and Thai combo practice.  Trainer wants me to go to ortho to see how bad my elbow sprain is... grrrr!  Not what I wanted him to say.



<<<Rieshy>>>   That sucks.   Elbows are nothing to mess around with.

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