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Amazingly generous actions thread....


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So with all the awfulness that is splashed all over the news 24/7 (My dh said once that someone should start a news channel that only shared uplifting, good stories; they'd make a mint!), I thought we needed a thread about good, generous people and/or kind actions.


And I've got a doozy of a story to begin!


I had the most bizarre, awesome and generous thing happen to me tonight. I'm standing in line to checkout at Target with over $100 worth of items when I realize I've left my wallet at home by accident (Thank you, children who get in my purse without permission!). The cashier offers to hold the items while I run home. I tell her I live in a town 25 miles away so don't worry about it. Then the lady in front of me, who just checked out, says, "I live in that same town. I'll buy your stuff and you can pay me back later." I couldn't believe it, but she paid for my stuff and gave me her number so I could call her when I got back in town! I was floored. She doesn't know me from Adam and when she paid for my things, she had no guarantees to ever see that money again. I know that I would not have been brave enough to do that for a total stranger. When I went to pay her I told her how stunned I was that she would do something like that for a perfect stranger. I told her I was shocked since I could very easily have been someone who scammed her. She told me that she helps people when they need it on faith. Sometimes she gets paid back and sometimes she doesn't, but she keeps on giving.


I didn't know people actually did stuff like that anymore. Do you have a story to share that was so amazingly generous or kind that you couldn't believe it? 

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Today I got gas and thenwent to Wal-Mart to pick up some pictures for my son's teacher. I managed to drop my debit card and not realize it until I got into the car. At that point I had no time to search (dd had a long promised activity due to begin)but thought I had just dropped it in the car.

Get home search frantically (my car is really clean now) but don't find it. Call the gas station and they don't have it. I prayed my way to Wal-Mart and asked at customer service. To my surprise it had been turned in. The ladies let me know the photo dept. worker had turned it in. When I went back to thank her she told me she had found it shortly after I left but had gotten busy and couldn't get it to the customer service right away so if I hadn't had somewhere else to go I might not have found it as easily.

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Earlier this month we adopted 2 cats from the shelter. It's a no-kill shelter so they had a couple cats that had been there a long time. We decided to take one of the "older" cats-- he was only 2yo but he'd been there a year--and an older kitten. When dh went to pay we were told we only needed to pay for the kitten. The cat's fee was paid by a local middle school's pet club.


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I've been on the receiving end of some amazingly generous people since my dh died 3 years ago. People generous with their time, taking my young boys out fishing, inviting us over at holidays, and sending some things anonymously.  It's been incredibly humbling to tell you the truth. I've had to learn to receive graciously and I so pray that it's shaping my heart and my children's hearts to be generous.  


One of the most generous: when my dh died, his truck was was sort of a company truck and so was sold. I had been driving our 10-year-old Suburban that I loved but it had 200,000 + miles on it. We knew it needed replacing and we had started a car fund, but it was not anywhere near funded. Anyway, I wasn't worried b/c I actually really liked that Suburban but apparently people were worried for us. 


A couple months after dh died, my sister was up to visit and check on us and we were all eating leftovers in front of the tv one evening. The doorbell rang and a man, lady and their little boy introduced themselves with made up names I'm sure. They told us that all we needed to know was that the Lord was providing us a new car. New to us. They handed me the keys to a 2 yr old, beautiful Ford Expedition.  My kids asked a thousand questions trying to find out who they were and who had sent them. We have an inkling but really, it felt like it was straight from the Lord's hand. My husband's truck had been a black Ford same year as this black Ford Expedition and even having it sit on my driveway reminded me of my dh. Those tiny details mean so much. 


Here's another small but sweet story I wrote about recently as I recalled an umbrella ministry my husband had. :D Little things can be big things too! 


Great thread Chelli. I'm looking forward to seeing what folks share. 



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We started going to our church in April, I guess about two years ago. In June we mentioned that we were finalizing adoption of our foster daughter. The church threw us a shower, and we received gifts from several families that we didn't even recognize the names on the cards. Almost every family in the church got us a gift. Ladies we didn't even know baked cakes and made snacks for the shower. We also received a $2,000 dollar check from the church as well as a $500 dollar gift card to Walmart. I should mention that our church is big on adoption and taking care of the orphan and widow, so they see adoption as a ministry to children in need of loving homes.


Eta: I forgot to mention, one of the elders and his family took off work to come to the adoption hearing. It was very sweet. :)

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My oldest dd has a low grade brain tumor. Doing well. She was first diagnosed (by 3 hospitals) with a rare highly aggressive tumor & was told that she would die within the year. I was told by one doctor to go home & make arrangements. We were in this place of desperation for almost 6 weeks until we received miraculous news that it wasn't the rare kind but a low grade kind instead. She is still surprising her medical team with how well she is doing.


Anyway-we had many incredible things happen during that time. After being told to make arrangements I laid in bed & had a near panic attack bc I didn't have a good picture of my 2 girls. I told DH-I have to get their pic made ASAP. Early the next morning I received not one but two phone calls from local photographers offering to take pics for free. One was arranged by a church member who had also sewn my girls matching (beautiful) dresses.


A business man at our church offered his private plane for us to fly to a cancer hospital (where doc told us to make arrangements). So after receiving such terrible news we were able to drive straight to a small airport & board plane then fly into local airport. I think I would have had a nervous breakdown on a commercial flight. I was so devastated that I could hardly function. Also the pilot donated his time.


We had so many awesome things happen to us during that time. It felt like we were being reassured daily that the Lord was watching out for us.


Fast forward a few years-we were making it ok financially but there wasn't any wiggle room in budget. I had 4 girls. I was unpacking winter clothes & looking at the dresses. I just had a fleeting thought-I wish I could buy them matching dresses for Christmas. A couple from our church asked me a few days later if they could do something special for our girls-buy them matching dresses!!


One more-another Christmas my older girls really wanted American Girl dolls but it wasn't in the budget. A dear friend asked if she could play Santa & get a big item on their wish list. There were American Girl dolls under the tree that year :)


God has been good to us. You would think I would never doubt His goodness but I am ashamed to say that I do. Typing this out is a good reminder to be thankful.


There is much more I could write but I am on a mobile!

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I was posting on a Ancestry.com family board, I was helping people with a certain surname. My family has a lot of data regarding this surname.


Someone messaged me out of the blue and said they had gotten an antique photo album in an area where I knew my relatives were during the Civil War and the surname was on the photo album. The photo album contained some old tin types of people in that era of clothing. They sent me the tin types for free. I sent them several messages asking if I could do anything in return but they wouldn't have it.


The photos were lovely and interesting, they would have been worth some money to some people. My family was very grateful. I gave the tin types to my uncle who handles a lot of the family photos and tends to be the family historian, he made copies for the rest of us. :)

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The folks on this board helped make my daughter's 18th birthday the best day last year with a card shower.  She is very ill and got her port for iv meds on her birthday.  Long story some of you are familiar with, when we got home, I gave her a huge folder filled with gifts and cards from you all.  She sat for an hour opening, laughing and crying tears of joy.  There are no words for what it meant to us.

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