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  • Slache


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I can't decide what books to get dd17 and ds20. I may work on boosting ds20's collection of young children's books, since we didn't start giving end-of-year books until he was in about 5th grade. He does have the Winnie-the-Pooh collection and Where the Wild Things Are.


In other news, I need a shower.

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Yes, I like that.  I think Matt should make it.  We have something similar in design but white.

You don't know Matt very well, do you?


I'm not ketchup'ed yet, but the TTC I was referring to was Teaching the Classics, but I should have said Center for Lit because that's the website (TTC is the curriculum) - Adam Andrews. 

:laugh: Oops.

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I am so sleepy. I can't hardly keep my eyes open. Just a few more hours...and sleep. Or, at least, I hope I can sleep.


I have done all the driving I needed to do today. Supper is done. So I will not be operating heavy machinery or using the stove. So there's that. :hat:

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Is it just red and bumpy, or does it puss?  No puss, no poison I always thought.  (I ask, because witch hazel helped to dry out my poison.  Calamine just caused it to spread to whatever area the calamine was touching.)



Ewwwwwww, a pussy poison BOOYAH!



I have this overwhelming urge to go take a shower. :mellow:

Yes!!!  And then take some benadryl just for good measure.  (I still vote more prednisone.  Because always take prednisone when you can.  :lol: )


I'm outta likes, but had to like these! 

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Don't worry, girlfriend.  I had yer back. :laugh:

Thanks!  I knew I could count on you.  And distinguishing it from IEW!


Yes.  I heart him and his speaking voice and his mannerisms and his beard. :leaving:


I talked to him and one of his ds's at conference.  Their whole family is so.stinkin.cute. 

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Tex, my children are extremely allergic to poison ivy. So the pediatrician prescribes prednisone and this salve/ointment/cream......Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP, 0.1%. It is wonderful. If I catch the rash soon enough, sometimes I can avoid the prednisone. This also works for bug bites and other itchy rashes. The pediatrician usually prescribes several refills in a big tube. Maybe if you call and ask the PA and tell her the rash is getting better but still itchy, she would call in a script. Also Caladryl-Clear works pretty good too without the pink tones. I think it works better than calamine lotion. I hope things begin to improve soon. :grouphug:

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I can't decide what books to get dd17 and ds20. I may work on boosting ds20's collection of young children's books, since we didn't start giving end-of-year books until he was in about 5th grade. He does have the Winnie-the-Pooh collection and Where the Wild Things Are.


In other news, I need a shower.

Well that was quick. I'm going to get ds20 the Sendak Nutshell Library, plus three books by Ruth Krauss (The Carrot Seed, A Hole is to Dig, and I'll Be You and You Be Me).


Bonus points for quoting myself.

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Tex, my children are extremely allergic to poison ivy. So the pediatrician prescribes prednisone and this salve/ointment/cream......Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP, 0.1%. It is wonderful. If I catch the rash soon enough, sometimes I can avoid the prednisone. This also works for bug bites and other itchy rashes. The pediatrician usually prescribes several refills in a big tube. Maybe if you call and ask the PA and tell her the rash is getting better but still itchy, she would call in a script. Also Caladryl-Clear works pretty good too without the pink tones. I think it works better than calamine lotion. I hope things begin to improve soon. :grouphug:

Now I want a tube of this cream.  I like an all-purpose itch ceam.

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Slache, glad you got some good food.  I meant to reply to your food situation.  Man, I can remember that - needing to eat and not being able to do anything about it.  Early in my first pregnancy, a good friend came over and brought me chicken soup.  I think I would have given her first born right then if I could have, I was SO grateful.  (just kidding).  I hate that you suffer that way the whole pregnancy.


Sounds like you need more ice cream now. 

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I am so sleepy. I can't hardly keep my eyes open. Just a few more hours...and sleep. Or, at least, I hope I can sleep.


I have done all the driving I needed to do today. Supper is done. So I will not be operating heavy machinery or using the stove. So there's that. :hat:


:grouphug:   Hope you sleep REALLY WELL tonight! 


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Slache, glad you got some good food. I meant to reply to your food situation. Man, I can remember that - needing to eat and not being able to do anything about it. Early in my first pregnancy, a good friend came over and brought me chicken soup. I think I would have given her first born right then if I could have, I was SO grateful. (just kidding). I hate that you suffer that way the whole pregnancy.


Sounds like you need more ice cream now.

There are good days and bad. Thursday through Sunday I was all spinach salad and fresh fruit. Now... not so much. So it's the whole pregnancy, but not every day. Imma take a nap now.
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"Carrying a book bag."??? Do they mean a backpack? Canvas tote? :D



I'm guessing backpack.  


He was stopped at a convenience store about half a mile from the church and fled in the direction of the church.  When we were allowed to leave, we drove past the car, still at the convenience store, parked with all four doors open and being babysat by a sheriff.

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Boy...when you are just scanning posts, and you see the Booyah post up top there ^^^ real quick like....it really makes you do a double-take...


Just sayin'...



Otherwise...Critter, prayers for your situation...


Sorry to everyone else that I missed...


Seriously...going on trips is not fun.  Whoever said it was was Lyin'.  Or a husband sitting at home complaining about how "tired" he is, while the wife packs everything and thinks for everyone.  


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Tex, Lynn, etc. when would you start TTC?


I think it's perfect for 8th grade (along with WttW and The Elegant Essay).  I would use The Elegant Essay preceeding WttW.  That is what I would have done if I had it to do over again.  That line up sets kids up really well for high school level literary analysis and writing.


TtC is a video course for teachers.  WttW (Jill Pike syllabus) weaves it into the first five weeks as a student teaching took with exercises.  I liked the exercises and the use of the videos with students.  Much prior to that age/stage, Adam is going to lose students since his audience is literary savvy adults.  The exercises are very user-friendly for teens.  

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I think it's perfect for 8th grade (along with WttW and The Elegant Essay). I would use The Elegant Essay preceeding WttW. That is what I would have done if I had it to do over again. That line up sets kids up really well for high school level literary analysis and writing.


TtC is a video course for teachers. WttW (Jill Pike syllabus) weaves it into the first five weeks as a student teaching took with exercises. I liked the exercises and the use of the videos with students. Much prior to that age/stage, Adam is going to lose students since his audience is literary savvy adults. The exercises are very user-friendly for teens.

The description says K-12. You don't think it would be very beneficial in the younger years?
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Boy...when you are just scanning posts, and you see the Booyah post up top there ^^^ real quick like....it really makes you do a double-take...


Just sayin'...



yes. I had trouble with the vowel there. 


I thought it was another candidate for a band name, but this would be a feminist punk band. 

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I just read a blog post by a woman who says that her boss didn't understand that AF does her own thing & we can't control it. 
He thought it was like having to go to the washroom: something you could largely control the timing of. 
He was aghast to discover that it wasn't so. 
How does a man rise to a supervisory position and yet be so confused about things like this? 

It's a biology booyah :D 

Edited by hornblower
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The description says K-12. You don't think it would be very beneficial in the younger years?

This is because TtC is geared towards educators.  So they want people educating K-12 students to listen to the videos, and THIS is helpful, yes, but not for STUDENTS ages K-12.  Make sense?  You can watch it at any point (and order the workbook thingie that goes along with the videos - it has written materials which can be used with students and such).

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I just read a blog post by a woman who says that her boss didn't understand that AF does her own thing & we can't control it. 

He thought it was like having to go to the washroom: something you could largely control the timing of. 

He was aghast to discover that it wasn't so. 

How does a man rise to a supervisory position and yet be so confused about things like this? 


Well, none of my bosses, male or female, ever were aware of the timing or existence of my AF.  So I'm assuming that she had major problems with it. 

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