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The Anti-social neighbor husband came home a few minutes ago.  We ran out with the mail.  He was actually very nice and not anti-social at all about it.  And no postal inspectors jumped out of the bushes (though they might still be hidden in the bushes since no one touched the mailbox). 


Whew! I'm glad that you escaped with your life, Jean.  They're giving those people bazookas now, you know.  I read it on the internet.


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I went to college intending to be a history ed major. But, I had this professor that made it soooooooo boring that I decided one class with him was enough. I switched my major to English ed. I ended up with a minor (well, one class short) in journalism. I didn't really like my literature classes either.


Being read to in class was terrible for me. I am really not an auditory learner.

I had a required history credit in college and the first class I attempted, the prof was the dean for the history dept and he was a major jerk. Grade A jerk. He made it abundantly clear that those of us in the class just to get the history credit out of the way were not welcome.


Half of the class walked out before the first day was even over. Half of those of us that stayed, dropped the class later that day.


I switched to a different prof...Ted Williams, lol. His class was great.


9-11 happened a week after classes began. I still remember that.

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Ha! I know something Tex doesn't! Mark the calendar!


If mail is delivered to you instead of the proper recipient you're required to write wrong address on it and put it in your mailbox to be picked up by the mailman. You cannot hand deliver it or put it in their box.


Then haul me off in cuffs right now.

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Wow. I caught up.


Congratulations.  Staying on top of this is a challenge.  I make sure to check the thread regularly for fear of being left behind.






Do you ever wonder if anyone out there in the lesser parts of the Forum looks at our thread, considers jumping in, but is just too daunted by volume of our history?

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Do you ever wonder if anyone out there in the lesser parts of the Forum looks at our thread, considers jumping in, but is just too daunted by volume of our history?


I think they're just better at following instructions & "ignoring this thread!" 

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Phew. Catsup'd.


And for those of you intently ignoring us...


I bought a new car back in '01. My dad co-signed. Honda Civic. Had 6 miles on it when I test drove it, and 12 when I bought it. Now it is at 199,475. Paid off long ago. Engine light comes on if I give it anything less than 93, and it can't be crap 93, so I only go to one or two stations in the area. Most money I ever spend on it was the Honda guys trying to figure out why the light was on. I gave up on them and figured out on my own the light thingy was b/c of gas. Humph. Dealerships. Anyhoo, I'm close to 200K and am looking at making it 300K because I love my car, imperfections and all.

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Tonight, I have to drive an absurdly far distance (for me. It's not that far really but I actually don't like driving, even in my new car.) WITH someone I only know a bit.


Dd is coming with us. We're going to look at baby & juvenile rats & might come home with a couple. So it's worth it I guess but if I'd known where this woman lived before I agreed to this plan, I would have thought twice... 

So driving far, place I don't know, with someone I don't know well. What was I thinking???? 


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Phew. Catsup'd.


And for those of you intently ignoring us...


I bought a new car back in '01. My dad co-signed. Honda Civic. Had 6 miles on it when I test drove it, and 12 when I bought it. Now it is at 199,475. Paid off long ago. Engine light comes on if I give it anything less than 93, and it can't be crap 93, so I only go to one or two stations in the area. Most money I ever spend on it was the Honda guys trying to figure out why the light was on. I gave up on them and figured out on my own the light thingy was b/c of gas. Humph. Dealerships. Anyhoo, I'm close to 200K and am looking at making it 300K because I love my car, imperfections and all.


We had a standard Honda Civic coupe. It was a nice car but I regretted not buying AC.

Bought it new in 94 and sold it in 04 when we got the 5 yr old Sienna. 

I like the look of the new civics. 

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Pit bulls are to me akin to religion. I respect those who have one, but not in my house. *


(My parents have two rescues now, apparently! But they are in TN and I am not, so whatevs.)


Not looking to debate it, just stating my position.


*okay, not entirely the same. I would let DS have religion if he wants.

Edited by ikslo
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Congratulations. Staying on top of this is a challenge. I make sure to check the thread regularly for fear of being left behind.






Do you ever wonder if anyone out there in the lesser parts of the Forum looks at our thread, considers jumping in, but is just too daunted by volume of our history?


*waves frantically* Ooooh! That was me a few weeks ago!

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Tonight, I have to drive an absurdly far distance (for me. It's not that far really but I actually don't like driving, even in my new car.) WITH someone I only know a bit.


Dd is coming with us. We're going to look at baby & juvenile rats & might come home with a couple. So it's worth it I guess but if I'd known where this woman lived before I agreed to this plan, I would have thought twice...


So driving far, place I don't know, with someone I don't know well. What was I thinking????




I used to go you'd friend, HB. But then I hear something about rats? Presumably a pet?


I hate rats. I've been battling a STUPID #$@$#!@ rat in my coop since December. It's wreaking havoc and nothing I've done has been successful at trapping/killing it. And I can't poison it because we have cats.


In fact, we lost a male cat last year to what I think might have been secondary poisoning.



How about you and your friend come up to my place and catch my rat and then you can keep it as a pet?

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Today was a hard day in school. And a disappointing Mommy day. I think the stress of the trip, combined with monthly changes is making for a less patient me.


My daughter is pretty significantly dyscalculic and she is just entering double digit multiplication in MUS. And it isn't going well. And of course it won't because how can it when she still doesn't have her multiplication facts memorized? She has to skip count for most fact families.


I didn't want her to blindly memorize the facts without understanding why 8x7 is 56. But I may have no choice. She's gotta pass standardized tests in 4th/5th. And I feel pretty confident her composite score will be too low.


I worry so much for her. And I hate that she even has to take these stupid tests. And I hate that the public school has this much reach into our homeschool. Sometimes I wish I could find a specialized school for kids with dyscalculia and associated reasoning weaknesses.



Mostly, I'm mad at myself for losing my patience with her. It's been a long time since I've lost my cool with her. :-(

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Well, I did it. I did 2,500 words today despite having an absolutely dreadful day off. I think I've earned a cup of hot chocolate.

I took my dear old cat to the eye specialist, and we ended up having to do surgery on her one remaining eye. So now she's more or less blind because of the fact she doesn't want to open her eye, and she isn't doing well with that. She had pain management, but not enough, so I've got better drugs that should hopefully kick in soon. But she's miserable right now, and she's not the kind of cat to lay in her bed and be quiet. No, she has to try to follow me around so that I get to see how miserable she is, because princess!  :crying:

I have a feeling I'm going to be up with her all night.

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Buuuut... have you read.every.page.yet?  :toetap05:




And you jumped in just fine. I jumped around page 70 iirc, and that was daunting enough.


Lol! I seriously doubt I'll ever be able to read all 700 pages that I missed. But one day I'll try! Maybe some night when I have insomnia and nothing to catch up on, lol

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Well, I did it. I did 2,500 words today despite having an absolutely dreadful day off. I think I've earned a cup of hot chocolate.

I took my dear old cat to the eye specialist, and we ended up having to do surgery on her one remaining eye. So now she's more or less blind because of the fact she doesn't want to open her eye, and she isn't doing well with that. She had pain management, but not enough, so I've got better drugs that should hopefully kick in soon. But she's miserable right now, and she's not the kind of cat to lay in her bed and be quiet. No, she has to try to follow me around so that I get to see how miserable she is, because princess!  :crying:

I have a feeling I'm going to be up with her all night.



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Today was a hard day in school. And a disappointing Mommy day. I think the stress of the trip, combined with monthly changes is making for a less patient me.


My daughter is pretty significantly dyscalculic and she is just entering double digit multiplication in MUS. And it isn't going well. And of course it won't because how can it when she still doesn't have her multiplication facts memorized? She has to skip count for most fact families.


I didn't want her to blindly memorize the facts without understanding why 8x7 is 56. But I may have no choice. She's gotta pass standardized tests in 4th/5th. And I feel pretty confident her composite score will be too low.


I worry so much for her. And I hate that she even has to take these stupid tests. And I hate that the public school has this much reach into our homeschool. Sometimes I wish I could find a specialized school for kids with dyscalculia and associated reasoning weaknesses.



Mostly, I'm mad at myself for losing my patience with her. It's been a long time since I've lost my cool with her. :-(



:grouphug:   We can't be perfect all the time; we can only do our best. :grouphug:


As for memorizing v. understanding.  Yeah, understanding is "better," but whatever works is best.  (But I'm really glad that I live in a state that respects the rights of parents.)

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Ds has met a lot of gamer buddies from far flung places.  They share their favorite music with each other.  Some ask to talk to me.  And a couple of have joined my teen Bible class through Skype.  We take risks on treacherous roads and swim in the sea. 


The internet is a seriously cool place.  Jo has kids from all over the world in her classes.  And the stuff that gets discussed in the AoPS forums-oh, my!  It's awesome.


(and I'd love to hear more about your Bible class...)

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My dd9 still doesn't know her times tables.  I'm not sure how to teach them to her.  If anyone has any ideas or links, please let me know.  (Dd9 is a strong auditory learner.)


Virtual hugs for Critterfixer's kitty.  I could never hug a cat in real life, but this I can handle.

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My dd9 still doesn't know her times tables. I'm not sure how to teach them to her. If anyone has any ideas or links, please let me know. (Dd9 is a strong auditory learner.)


Virtual hugs for Critterfixer's kitty. I could never hug a cat in real life, but this I can handle.

I will add a kitty hug.


Little dd has been so very slow to learn the facts. I just kept tossing extra worksheets at her and allowed the usage of a written table. She has been at it for almost three years and has most of them memorized.

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:grouphug: We can't be perfect all the time; we can only do our best. :grouphug:


As for memorizing v. understanding. Yeah, understanding is "better," but whatever works is best. (But I'm really glad that I live in a state that respects the rights of parents.)

You know, I think MUS' presentation of double digit multiplication might actually be overly complicated. I may revert to standard algorithm for this. The problem with that is that she's confusing the values in her place value. So in 14×12, she can do the 4x2 but when she cross mulitiplies the 10x2, in her tens place in the answer, she's writing 20 instead of 2.



Then, if we do something like 23x26, she's ALL kinds of lost because now we're multiplying by 20 instead of 10.


She's a tough kid to teach. Just when you think you're making progress...she forgets how to count again.

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There's not a car with 3rd row seating we want instead of a minivan is there?



50,000-80,000 miles

No heavy repairs

Convienent family car


Do you require trunk space? If so....then no, not in your price range. The medium size SUVs are in that price range but have no trunk (and are often, still pretty expensive).


Bigger SUVs are very expensive or a lot older or more miles.

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I'm stuck with my boys at open gym on police lock down. No joke. We are locked in the building because a bad guy is on the loose.


I think open gym is above my pay grade.


Better to be locked in because the bad guy is outside than to be locked in because the bad guy is inside.  Stay safe.

Edited by Junie
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