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:grouphug:  Krissi.  I'm never 100% sure about curriculum until I have bought it and had it shipped to me.  Oh, and I must have a child sitting across from me.  Then I open it up, take a breath, begin to speak and find myself saying, "No.  No, this won't work at all.  What was I thinking?"

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I want a Navy Seal. Sounds super useful. I've been grateful for the minivans I was never going to own ever no matter what. They made my life easier with many small children. I will be glad to leave minivan land behind. Imma look into the Navy Seal thing.


I have Spielvogel's Western Civ, 5th Edition. Got it cheap. Local peeps were amazed because they are mere mortals, not ITTers.

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JJM, This?


Yes.  It is a beautiful thing.  We did one discussion and KABLOOOIE!  There went the schedule.  But it actually started (ended) with Buddy being sick.  Mathcounts has merely prolonged the chaos.  I thought about reintroducing it, but Camp NaNoWriMo (which I told her was on her own time after school but mom is a squish.)

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Critterfirxer - I can't do a pick up because I need climate control for my dogs. I seriously considered an SUV. What I really would consider if I had bucketloads more money is a new Suburban. I've heard there is "comes with your own Navy Seal" option. That's the one I'd get.   

But I need climate control & I need low vehicles because right now I have old dogs, and even when I get young dogs, I really don't like them jumping out of cars too high. Jumping agility is different when it's controlled than in & out of tall trucks.  I have a torn ACL phobia.


I don't have Spielvogel. I like saying Spielvogel.  I have looked at Spielvogel and that was the extent of it. 


My new car has its first free baby car check up at the dealer this morning. They will wash it for me too. I signed up to go to the selling dealer & not my local, convenient dealer, because I'm hoping they will give me swag. Like a coffee cup or an umbrella or something. I hear there are perks if you attend the first few service appointments there, so I'm driving across town for the chance of some Toyota tchotchkes & a free car wash.  



I actually really like our Suburban.  I'm more of an SUV type gal than a minivan type gal as it is.  



I did like my minivan though.  I especially liked that all of the doors opened and closed without needing to be slammed, jimmied, wrenched, needle-nose pliered, etc.  


I liked that I did not have to crawl over the center hub to get out the side door.  


I liked that the windows all worked...stayed up when they were supposed to, and down when they were supposed to.  


And then she fell apart on me and I no longer liked her.  But I like the Suburban we have.  J longingly looks at smaller vehicles and comments about how he can't wait until he can get a Geo Metro-esque sized vehicle.  I think he's crazy...I don't ever want a small, low to the ground car again. And not for nothing but...DH is a big guy.  He'd look ridiculous climbing out of one of those teeny cars.  

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Yes.  It is a beautiful thing.  We did one discussion and KABLOOOIE!  There went the schedule.  But it actually started (ended) with Buddy being sick.  Mathcounts has merely prolonged the chaos.  I thought about reintroducing it, but Camp NaNoWriMo (which I told her was on her own time after school but mom is a squish.)

If I remember correctly neither of you is super excited about Logic this year, right? Why don't you do this instead and pick logic up again next year?

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Ok, so the Spielvogel discussion prompted a little online research. ;)


I totally scored. I have the 7th edition west civ. I searched today for an instructor edition, and I found one. For FIVE BUCKS!!

I have also had the Essential World History set on my list that he co-authored with Druiker. 2010, volumes one and two for a grand total of...


Wait for it...



I am beyond thrilled.


I have to put in some makeup and go vote. Our districts are set up such that we vote at this tiny church on the very outskirts of town. I am usually in and out in 5 min. I am hoping that the trend continues. Because primary.

Edited by Professormom
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If I remember correctly neither of you is super excited about Logic this year, right? Why don't you do this instead and pick logic up again next year?


Oh, no!  The short person loooooves logic!  We finished Art of Argument in the late fall.  The plan was to take a side trip into philosophy for fun.  But schedule KABLOOIE.


We are considering restarting the philosophy discussions (it's very informal and easy to implement), but we are having time issues.  (Much of our discussion time happens around meal time.  Breakfast and lunch are frequently accompanied by game playing [like Timeline, Professor Noggin, BrainBox, and - our latest craze- Name Chase], so it has to compete.  So far, games are winning and philosophy...isn't. :)  )

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Ok, so the Spielvogel discussion prompted a little online research. ;)


I totally scored. I have the 7th edition west civ. I searched today for an instructor edition, and I found one. For FIVE BUCKS!!

I have also had the Essential World History set on my list that he co-authored with Druiker. 2010, volumes one and two for a grand total of...


Wait for it...



I am beyond thrilled.


I have to put in some makeup and go vote. Our districts are set up such that we vote at this tiny church on the very outskirts of town. I am usually in and out in 5 min. I am hoping that the trend continues. Because primary.



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And it's Prof for the Spielvogel win!!!


I still haz belleh rash. Small itchies have appeared on my legs and arms. I think it's viral and a six week thing now. I've self diagnosed because I give up on medical help. As long as it goes away eventually I'm not going to mess with it cuz I'm cool like that.


Little dd brushed out my rat's nest hair so I could wash it. It was an ordeal. She told me not to worry, that she would help me. It's good to have help in life.


Didn't go to sleep into after 2 last night so spent a lot of time with the gut kneading cat.

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And it's Prof for the Spielvogel win!!!


I still haz belleh rash. Small itchies have appeared on my legs and arms. I think it's viral and a six week thing now. I've self diagnosed because I give up on medical help. As long as it goes away eventually I'm not going to mess with it cuz I'm cool like that.


Little dd brushed out my rat's nest hair so I could wash it. It was an ordeal. She told me not to worry, that she would help me. It's good to have help in life.


Didn't go to sleep into after 2 last night so spent a lot of time with the gut kneading cat.

:grouphug: for ratty hair, itchies, and sleepless nights:(

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And it's Prof for the Spielvogel win!!!


I still haz belleh rash. Small itchies have appeared on my legs and arms. I think it's viral and a six week thing now. I've self diagnosed because I give up on medical help. As long as it goes away eventually I'm not going to mess with it cuz I'm cool like that.


Little dd brushed out my rat's nest hair so I could wash it. It was an ordeal. She told me not to worry, that she would help me. It's good to have help in life.


Didn't go to sleep into after 2 last night so spent a lot of time with the gut kneading cat.


Awww!  :001_wub:


And I'm sorry about the itchies.  I am prone to eczema on my elbows and ankles; itchies are no fun.

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And it's Prof for the Spielvogel win!!!


I still haz belleh rash. Small itchies have appeared on my legs and arms. I think it's viral and a six week thing now. I've self diagnosed because I give up on medical help. As long as it goes away eventually I'm not going to mess with it cuz I'm cool like that.


Little dd brushed out my rat's nest hair so I could wash it. It was an ordeal. She told me not to worry, that she would help me. It's good to have help in life.


Didn't go to sleep into after 2 last night so spent a lot of time with the gut kneading cat.


Hair brushing would totally put me to sleep, especially if I had been up til 2 the night before. 


Bummer about the rash.  I guess you have to pick your poison - itchies or uncontrollable urges to take over the world.  I'm not so good with physical discomfort and taking over the world could be fun, so I vote drugs.  It's a sign of your maturity that you choose itchies.  :grouphug:


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Hair brushing would totally put me to sleep, especially if I had been up til 2 the night before. 


Bummer about the rash.  I guess you have to pick your poison - itchies or uncontrollable urges to take over the world.  I'm not so good with physical discomfort and taking over the world could be fun, so I vote drugs.  It's a sign of your maturity that you choose itchies.  :grouphug:


I'm mature!  Who knew??? :lol:


So my computer now blocks this site so I've had to ditch my bookmark because it just gives me an error message no matter how I come here.  This is the only site.  It's a problem with my router, evidently.  Nice.  And now I am not receiving notifications.  AGAIN.  So I really have no way to get here but through old, deleted notifications or on my phone.  You see the problem with this, right?





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I realized I never caught up from yesterday's 180 posts. 



Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world with a job who drives a $5,000 car. Paid off. With dents. Three carseats across the back of a Nissan, booyah.


I have never owned a new car, nor has my mother. I can't even fathom it.


Anyway, interview went well. I feel we clicked to some extent. At least if they don't need me we could work with them for references to other startups.


Also I got a suit on sale at the mall for 50% off. $500 suit for $250 minus $100 in rewards = $150 for a new suit. Lightweight wool! It looks fancy too.


I've never bought a new car either, or had a car with payments. I can't fathom paying every month on something going down in value daily. I don't knock those who do. But, dh has an unstable job (construction, which was extremely stable before the crash) and we have enough bills.


Good idea about working with the interviewer for references. It keeps you on the radar. I'd never thought of that.


We need a pic of you in the suit. :D

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Until a few weeks ago I was driving a 99 sienna which we bought second hand 12 years ago. I think it would sell for about 2K.  It's sitting parked here while my kids dither about getting a licence and whether they want it or not. 


The 2003 I just bought a few weeks ago was to replace the 1993 I'd been driving. I only paid $400 for that old car, and served me well for about 6 years. It's probably worth about $200-300 now, lol! The junkyard would only give us $150.

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Earlier, one kid came downstairs and told me that another kid refused to allow him to work out with a video because he planned to watch Judge Judy.  I had him send down Judge Judy kid to tell me that with a straight face, and he could not.  I insisted he allow his brother to work out and invited him to watch Judge Judy downstairs.  So I just finished up Judge Judy while planning next year's classical education for youngest.   :huh:

Edited by texasmama
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I think I've found a really awesome babysitter.  She's GF.  She's a black belt. She has crazy brothers so large family dynamics don't scare her. She made cookies with the girls while I was gone. I'm super excited. I'm paying her $10/hr so hopefully I can keep her even if word gets around that she's good.




The answer to all life's problems is ... DUCT TAPE.  That'll keep her from straying.


(BTW, I feel the very same way about house/pet/menagerie sitters.  Congratulations!)

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So am I allowed to put the anti-social neighbor's mail in their mailbox? For some reasons I thought that I wasn't allowed to. But despite knowing they are home, they did not answer the door when I took over misdirected mail. I was tempted to just dump it outside their door but I didn't. I brought it home again.

No. I won't tell though.
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So am I allowed to put the anti-social neighbor's mail in their mailbox?  For some reasons I thought that I wasn't allowed to.  But despite knowing they are home, they did not answer the door when I took over misdirected mail.  I was tempted to just dump it outside their door but I didn't.  I brought it home again.


I think you can put their mail in their mailbox.  I am reasonably certain that a postal inspector will not jump out of the bushes and haul you off to the hoosegow.


If it does happen, however, I am reasonably certain that I can scare up a platoon of Enraged Marauding Ninja Elephants to storm the facility and return you to freedom.


I am glad that I no longer live in suburbia.  Weird neighbors are better spaced here.

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Ha! I know something Tex doesn't! Mark the calendar!


If mail is delivered to you instead of the proper recipient you're required to write wrong address on it and put it in your mailbox to be picked up by the mailman. You cannot hand deliver it or put it in their box.

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I think you can put their mail in their mailbox.  I am reasonably certain that a postal inspector will not jump out of the bushes and haul you off to the hoosegow.


If it does happen, however, I am reasonably certain that I can scare up a platoon of Enraged Marauding Ninja Elephants to storm the facility and return you to freedom.


I am glad that I no longer live in suburbia.  Weird neighbors are better spaced here.


I have an unnatural  fear of enraged postal inspectors. 

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Not at all!  It was a good experience for me and ds13 to find the fuses and follow the directions.  I cannot stress how little my dh does in terms of car repair so if our kids are going to have any idea of how to problem solve car issues, it will be from me or someone else.  I was kind of impressed with my bad self out there in my pj pants yanking out fuses left and right. :laugh:


This is us. I used to have an 89 VW Golf and loved that car. I fixed all kinds of things on that car, with someone else's help. Dh knows nothing about cars. He learned some things from that awesome neighbor I've told ya'll about. When I got this newer car, the first thing I did was diagnose a noise, get the part, and had dd16 help put it on. Actually, she saw the problem noise, and I figured out what all was what. All that's left for me to do now is get a ramp that my car can drive up without hitting the front bumper, so I can get under the car. That will be fun. I haven't been so happy to get under a car in a long time... Maybe there's enough stuff from all our vehicles to get dd16 a credit in Auto Shop, lol!

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I read that in the US it depends whether you have a mailbox thingy at the end of the drive or if you have a slot in the door? The box you can't put stuff in but the slot in the door you can... 

In crazy Canada, afaik, you are allowed to do either & we do it all the time. 

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I read that in the US it depends whether you have a mailbox thingy at the end of the drive or if you have a slot in the door? The box you can't put stuff in but the slot in the door you can... 


In crazy Canada, afaik, you are allowed to do either & we do it all the time. 

Yep. Because your mailbox is property of the USPS, your house is not. You Canadians are wild, I'll tell ya.

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Another day...more packing.  


My boys do not have enough jeans for this trip.  Oh....they have TONS of jeans.  Tons.  But 85% of them have holes in the knees.  Because boys.  I guess I didn't realize just how many "outside play" jeans the boys had.  



I think mostly their clothes are pretty much set.  Now to turn my attention on packing for J and I.  


Never before has Lynn's profile quote, "It's exhausting being the frontal lobe for the entire family" been more relevant.  



Happy schooling day!  


This is not just a boy thing. I have been unable to pass down clothes because my girls are so rough. I think Gymnast still has two pairs of jeans without holes, but one pair is running pretty thin at the knees. Sigh.


Thank you for reminding of another ITTism to add to the book. 

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I'm not doing school today. So there. (Planned day off for other things that need doing)

The minivan talk makes me chuckle. That is one vehicle that I have never had the slightest interest in owning. I drive a truck, y'all. Complete with a camper shell. And it's dirty from taking it across the low-water crossing and then covering it with pine pollen.

I do not own Spielvogel. Despite detesting history and the teaching of it, I do try to keep my book count down to a reasonable number of various history resources. History is the bane of my teaching life. I don't like the subject. I don't like reading history books. I hate trying to link everything and it's cousin to what happened when.

There you are. And I don't apologize for hating history. Everything else I teach, I enjoy.


ETA: I say "despite" because I've found that the less I like something, the more I accumulate resources so that I don't have to learn anything about it. It never works, of course. But I persist in my ridiculousness.


I used to dislike history, too. Then in college, I had this professor that made it sound soooo interesting. I was like, "Why wasn't it this interesting in school????" Weird thing: I always enjoyed writing, but I hated English. Well, English class. Even in college. Especially teachers who like to read things aloud at a boring, uninteresting pace and tone. Loathe. Despise. I haven't met an English or literature class that I like yet. But, I still like to write.

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I used to dislike history, too. Then in college, I had this professor that made it sound soooo interesting. I was like, "Why wasn't it this interesting in school????" Weird thing: I always enjoyed writing, but I hated English. Well, English class. Even in college. Especially teachers who like to read things aloud at a boring, uninteresting pace and tone. Loathe. Despise. I haven't met an English or literature class that I like yet. But, I still like to write.


I went to college intending to be a history ed major.  But, I had this professor that made it soooooooo boring that I decided one class with him was enough.  I switched my major to English ed.  I ended up with a minor (well, one class short) in journalism.  I didn't really like my literature classes either.


Being read to in class was terrible for me.  I am really not an auditory learner.

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