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Well this was one hell of an Easter. We woke up nice and slowly and the kids were all adorable and exited about the pancake breakfast and singing nursery rhymes while we were driving. Then we got to church. Someone I don't always appreciate who thinks of me as his personal secretary had me up and running around and making copies of things and figuring things out for him and I didn't get to sit and relax at all. After all was said and done I was nauseated from running around in the hot building and having to run past the eggs and we went home at the beginning of morning service because I was so sick.


So after getting home and the children being sad that we left early I got a shower. When I got out I heard Matt having a passionate discussion with his mother about how we shouldn't have moved out here and we should move back right now and that we need to move back to Cincinnati, not Indiana, because it's the only thing that makes sense. If we moved back now she could babysit and I could get a job and Matt didn't even argue, he just said this is our plan and that's that.


Then we opened the presents from MIL. Two books they'll never read, 2 kits that didn't work and two toys that are now broken. The kids were very gracious about their toys breaking and not working. I guess they're used to it.


I'm going to have a cupcake and a nap now as I think I'm finished vomiting.

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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Rusty bunny did very well on his Easter outing.  He let everyone pet him.  Though he did thump his irritation when it was all over.  But overall he was comfortable hopping around the one classroom where we let him roam.  I only had to put him in bunny time-out (his crate) once when he started to eat the carpet during my teaching.  He seems none the worse for wear.  And everyone agreed that he's the sweetest cutest bunny ever. 

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To be clear, I wasn't complaining about my boss/pastor. The man makes me crazy, but he's kind and doesn't treat me like that.


And I've decided that JJM is adopting us and will henceforth fill the roll of mother and mother in law.

Dear Slash,


I'm sorry that you had a bad day, sweetie. Take care of yourself and try to relax, if you can. Kiss my pseodograndbabies for me.




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Long day.


Had a sunrise service, communion, continental breakfast. The kids had a presentation at the church, and Gymnast came out smiling, bouncing up and down, and waving while the rest of the kids were all calm. It was so funny. Folks were turning around looking at me - yes, they know it's my kid. The young people did skit that was a continuation from the Good Friday service. Early afternoon, we all had a picnic and egg hunt at a large park.


We're just getting back.


I'm tired.


But, it was kinda fun.

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I was curious and bored, so I looked up what I would need to do to re-certify. Basically, it's 180 hours. A 3 cr. hour class = 90 hrs. So, two classes.


There are other things that you can do to earn hours -- conferences, getting published, etc.


It's really too bad that you can't CLEP a master's degree.


I've learned a lot about education in the 12 years I've been homeschooling.



ETA: Certification is good for 5 years. Which means I would have had to re-certify 3 times by now. Without ever using it. I decided to wait until dd5 (or my last child, if we happen to have more) is almost finished with high school and then work toward it. My life should be quieter then.


I'm late on this but...I let my license lapse a few years ago and have no desire to classroom teach again. Ever. That said, it certainly has been hinted here and there that I would be a desirable candidate within our school district, should I ever desire to classroom teach again. And....I mean, in ten years, my youngest will be on the verge of graduating and I might feel differently about teaching then.


Thing is, my license and education were both obtained in RI. I live in NY now. I'm not sure if I even could get recertified here, without having to go through more classroom practicum at the very least. Plus the testing.


So I don't know. I haven't even thought of this since I made the decision to let it lapse years ago. But if it was just a matter of taking some online CEUs, it could definitely be worth it.

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Well, back to school tomorrow! We are in the final stages of vacation prep, so the week week be interesting.


I have exhausted our monthly data allowance and am now relegated to browsing between 2 and 8am. Or, slow and painful browsing....one tab at a time. I'm a multitasker. One tab at a time doesn't cut it for me.


But it is what it is.


Our science unit, temporarily shelved, is about half done, with the rest being stuff that *should* fall into place rather easily. We'll begin the week after our trip.


Otherwise, my bestie came today with her 5 kids. So insanity reigned supreme, but we always have such a great time when we get together.


I guess that's about it! Hope everyone had a good day!

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What are resurrection biscuits?

You take a jumbo refrigerated biscuit and wrap it around a (large) marshmallow (i.e. Jesus was sealed in the tomb). Dip in melted butter, roll in cinnamon sugar, and put in well greased muffin tins. We do this the night before, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. On Easter morning bake them at 375* for 25ish minutes. The marshmallow melts and the "tomb" is empty.


Oh, I see Sweetpea has answered already. I am so tired, but if I go to sleep now I'll be up at 3am.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Hello Girlies,


Slashie, sorry for your day and your mil problems!


Resurrection Biscuits sound like fun! Might have to try those next year!


Jeanie, I have to admit.... I do like McDonalds. I don't know why. I do.


I have not seen Passion of the Christ. I don't have a huge desire to do so!


We had a good Easter. Ransacked the yard (and our neighbor's yard) for flowers to put on the cross this morning. Had a nice service and went to DH's brother's house for lunch and the afternoon. It's always a nice afternoon over there. They live in a nice part of town and have a big backyard with big trees. And the weather was perfect. So, I just say it was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

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I look so forward to being told how stupid I am for not circumcising the baby. And infant potty training. And homeschooling. And teaching them Spanish before they can write. And living in an apartment. And being a stay at home mom. And not going to college. Why did I invite this woman out here? Why would I do this to myself?

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Has she met your real mom? Maybe I could show up as "Mommy Dearest" and scare her off...(insert evil laugh here)

Only once at the wedding. They don't like each other. Conversation between my mother and me:


"She's going to try to control you, isn't she?"


"That's not going to go well."


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It's so strange that after all this time I have a great relationship with my father. He's the only one that thinks I'm weird and loves me anyway. My mother doesn't like me and my MIL still thinks she can fix me. FIL doesn't care and is just glad his son is happy.


Eta: I say that's strange because my father and I didn't have a relationship while I was growing up.

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Well this was one hell of an Easter. We woke up nice and slowly and the kids were all adorable and exited about the pancake breakfast and singing nursery rhymes while we were driving. Then we got to church. Someone I don't always appreciate who thinks of me as his personal secretary had me up and running around and making copies of things and figuring things out for him and I didn't get to sit and relax at all. After all was said and done I was nauseated from running around in the hot building and having to run past the eggs and we went home at the beginning of morning service because I was so sick.


So after getting home and the children being sad that we left early I got a shower. When I got out I heard Matt having a passionate discussion with his mother about how we shouldn't have moved out here and we should move back right now and that we need to move back to Cincinnati, not Indiana, because it's the only thing that makes sense. If we moved back now she could babysit and I could get a job and Matt didn't even argue, he just said this is our plan and that's that.


Then we opened the presents from MIL. Two books they'll never read, 2 kits that didn't work and two toys that are now broken. The kids were very gracious about their toys breaking and not working. I guess they're used to it.


I'm going to have a cupcake and a nap now as I think I'm finished vomiting.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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It's so strange that after all this time I have a great relationship with my father. He's the only one that thinks I'm weird and loves me anyway. My mother doesn't like me and my MIL still thinks she can fix me. FIL doesn't care and is just glad his son is happy.


Eta: I say that's strange because my father and I didn't have a relationship while I was growing up.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I wish ITT could be your IRL family. :crying:

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So, I went to Easter Vigil last night, which meant I didn't need to go to Mass this morning. :-) Mr. Ellie invited a couple of friends from his church over for dinner, and I invited a young woman and her son; I had met them last year when they were coming into the Church (she was in my discussion group at RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), and we've been friends ever since. I didn't do an Easter dinner last year because I was just Hypothyroid Girl. This year I am feeling so well (thanks to modern science and NatureThroid) that I prepped stuff yesterday for a couple of hours, and some more this morning, since I was able to stay home, and we ate dinner and I cleaned everything and washed everything and put away everything, and still didn't need to crash in the afternoon.


Tomorrow I'm going to binge-watch Season 2, disc 1, of Downton Abbey.


That is all.

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