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My Buddy Dog thinks that all the people he knows are his best friends and that we should all live together in one big happy pack. 



He may have a point.

No. I hate being around people. I love people 4 hours a week on a Saturday evening, but then they have to go home and wait until next Saturday.

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No. I hate being around people. I love people 4 hours a week on a Saturday evening, but then they have to go home and wait until next Saturday.


No.  It would be different with me.


You'd only have to tolerate me long enough for me to pick up the grandbabies.

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How does John describe his castle?




(My mom has an ancient cookbook that I drew a stick figure in when I was 2.  She still hauls it out to show people my brilliance:  Look!  Her figure has FINGERS!  And a BELLY BUTTON!  Nana Rocks!)


Your mom was right. Fingers and a bellybutton at that age is remarkable.

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I slept horribly. My tongue still hurts and every time I moved last night it felt like someone was stabbing my tongue. Plus I kept drooling.


Dh is leaving soon to bring ds20 home for Easter. This has motivated the youngers to clean their rooms.


JJM, I know how you feel. It stinks. People keep telling me I can't possibly quit teaching at the co-op. They will likely die. Their kids will die. But I have to quit. HAVE. TO. QUIT. Even if I were paid, continuing is just not an option

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An "I woke up too early" Good Morning! 


I'm with you on the "too early."  Not so much the "woke up" or "Good" parts.


Today, I was actually going to sleep in - a rare event here.  I heard dogs barking shortly before six.  Convinced myself it was coyotes yipping (Wow.  I can lie to myself even half-awake) and went back to sleep.  But Buddy came and got me.  I assumed that he needed to go out; for my Buddy Dog, I will get up.


Turns out the blankety-blank neighbor's blankety-blank dogs were chasing my horses.  Corralled my dog (who had rushed the fenceline of our fenced backyard to go after them), threw on my barn clothes, and chased them home with a whip.  Wishing that I had thought to grab the shotgun.


:cursing: :cursing: :cursing:


Those dogs are constantly in my barn, chasing my cats, and eating the cat food.  Dipsh*t neighbor is always, "What? My dogs?  No, they were home."  Yeah?  BS.  I've caught them before, but this is the first time I caught them worrying my horses.  Spritzer, my daughter's old gelding, can't be running around on frozen ground.  Usually DH calls the neighbor.  It might be time for mama to make the call.


Did I mention :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

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Good Morning.  Good (almost) afternoon?


This day is flying.


I have choir practice this afternoon for our church cantata.  I'm excited, but not ready.


And I'm not sure what I'm going to wear.  


At least the girls' dresses are ready.

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I WANT THE NEW ONE! Duh. They've eliminated LA from their cores. I might actually contemplate them now. And they put the book descriptions back in. I vant it!

Now that I am done with buying SL Cores, they have made it all perfect.  Sigh.


I get sad and overly contemplative if I'm too tired. 


Everyone does.  It's a thing.  



I slept horribly. My tongue still hurts and every time I moved last night it felt like someone was stabbing my tongue. Plus I kept drooling.


Dh is leaving soon to bring ds20 home for Easter. This has motivated the youngers to clean their rooms.


JJM, I know how you feel. It stinks. People keep telling me I can't possibly quit teaching at the co-op. They will likely die. Their kids will die. But I have to quit. HAVE. TO. QUIT. Even if I were paid, continuing is just not an option

I had to tell myself a lot when I would leave a job or need to terminate with a client, "This person lived a long time before me and will live a long time after me."  It was always true.

Edited by texasmama
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I didn't go to sleep until at least 2 am, probably due to prednisone.  I am going to try to wean off of this evil stuff early by spending two days at each dosage level rather than three.  I think it seems reasonable.  My rash looks some better this morning but still itches.



Edited by texasmama
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I'm with you on the "too early." Not so much the "woke up" or "Good" parts.


Today, I was actually going to sleep in - a rare event here. I heard dogs barking shortly before six. Convinced myself it was coyotes yipping (Wow. I can lie to myself even half-awake) and went back to sleep. But Buddy came and got me. I assumed that he needed to go out; for my Buddy Dog, I will get up.


Turns out the blankety-blank neighbor's blankety-blank dogs were chasing my horses. Corralled my dog (who had rushed the fenceline of our fenced backyard to go after them), threw on my barn clothes, and chased them home with a whip. Wishing that I had thought to grab the shotgun.


:cursing: :cursing: :cursing:


Those dogs are constantly in my barn, chasing my cats, and eating the cat food. Dipsh*t neighbor is always, "What? My dogs? No, they were home." Yeah? BS. I've caught them before, but this is the first time I caught them worrying my horses. Spritzer, my daughter's old gelding, can't be running around on frozen ground. Usually DH calls the neighbor. It might be time for mama to make the call.


Did I mention :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

Doggie pepper spray doesn't need to be washed out, a bb gun is a better option if they're big. One does not shoot a yorkie with a bb gun. If someone will not take responsibility for their dog I will. I will verbally discipline, physically discipline, or take them to the pound. I love dogs but they must behave.
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