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Cute story. Matt and I have always been poor. We used to put our kayaks on top of our jeep (yes we had a jeep :crying:) before church so we could go kayaking after morning service. A church member was very wealthy and had a little yacht. His son pointed to our car and said "Look Daddy! They're *really* rich because they have 2 boats!" :lol:

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I'm bored. Dh took the kids to the river. It's quiet. I sat outside and worked on Latin, but got hot. And it's too bright outside, even though I had on 2 pairs of sunglasses and a hat. (I had this virus attack my iris about 5 years ago and it ate part of it away, so my one pupil doesn't contract right and I am very sensitive to light) .So I came in and tried to read. Nothing interests me. I'm waiting for bread to finish rising because I make bread every Sunday afternoon. I hate that I am wasting a perfectly wonderful and quiet Sunday afternoon feeling bored and unsettled.

Edited by KrissiK
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I have done most (if not all) of the things on my to-do list. And I made lasagna and took it to my parents house where we ate it with them and with my brother and his ds. Fun times! Oh, and Mom made chocolate chip cookies. Yum!

Lasagna sounds good. I like a good lasagna!
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We used to have kayaks. I believe we spent $189 per kayak, $20 for paddles, $5 for licenses and only went places it was free to kayak. Once Alex is 2 we plan to get a canoe. We sold our kayaks for almost as much as we paid when John was born because we knew we wouldn't use them. I recommend contemplating getting kayaks. It encouraged us to get out more and explore new places.

We kayaked once on Catalina Island. Scared me to death. You sit so low in the water I was afraid fish or some sea creature was going to jump in my lap!
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We kayaked once on Catalina Island. Scared me to death. You sit so low in the water I was afraid fish or some sea creature was going to jump in my lap!

I would love that!





Congratulations to Jean's dd!!!!


My goal is to *someday* run/walk a 5K.

Both of my 5Ks were mostly walkers. I run for Be The Match. Don't wait, just do it!

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We used to have kayaks. I believe we spent $189 per kayak, $20 for paddles, $5 for licenses and only went places it was free to kayak. Once Alex is 2 we plan to get a canoe. We sold our kayaks for almost as much as we paid when John was born because we knew we wouldn't use them. I recommend contemplating getting kayaks. It encouraged us to get out more and explore new places.

I love kayaking. We bought one at a yacht club fundraiser that is bright green, now everyone on our lake knows when I am out. I call it my escape. The children cannot follow me. Well, now they can because they have small ones and they are big, but they couldn't follow me for a long time.


Young men in speed boats chase me because blond. I snicker under my breath because I know they are going to be sorely disappointed when they figure out it is a middle-aged mom (who looks better at a distance) instead of fresh meat :lol:


I also got pulled over by the poh-lice one time because I didn't have a pfd. Because when we were young, you only needed pfd's if you were in something with a motor. I was very lucky not to get a ticket, young lady. Again, I snickered because I am pretty sure he was close to my age.



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I made these cookies and this salad for the week. This week is Potato Soup, Fish Pie, Onion Roasted Chicken & Veggies, Pork and Apple Pie, and an omelet for Sunday morning.



I love kayaking...

My Kindle has a waterproof case. I didn't have it at the time, but my kayak was open (because I was so thin) and I would lay on it and read. I would totally bring my Kindle out now.




Eta: http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=57806866&ab=TopNav_Outdoors_KayaksPaddle_Kayaks&jsessionid=1fyTWvwJKK9F1yTnYz0Lx1WcgBrTQQj7Bxfy1nfxShZQMQfKy2Kp%212109403170&cp=4413993.4417832&categoryId=13041155



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So why is it ok for us to domesticate and have as pets some animals (cats, dogs) but not others (seals)?



Because the needs of others (seals) are beyond what we can ever possibly give them in a home environment.  


Here's a good one for ya...


Why is it ok for us to consume certain animals (cows, pigs, etc) but not others (horses)?





****I am NOT a horse eater.  But this topic comes up from time to time at the barn my sweet girl rides at.  And I see both sides of the issue...on the one hand...there are WAY too many horses.  On the other...eating a horse would be like eating a dog, imo. They are such intelligent creatures.  But then again...cows are too.  Ok...they're not.  But they're awful sweet when they're babies!  


Speaking of which...I spoke to our cowguy today at church.  Put in an order for three brown swiss babies for when we get back from our Rhody trip.  Can't wait to get these sweeties back on site!  I suspect it will be more fun taking care of them in the warm spring than it was in the cold fall...lol.  


We also chatted about 4-H, which I have woefully failed several times at getting my kids involved.  He said he'll sponsor a cow for our kids to raise and help walk us through everything.  He and his wife are so terrific.  I foresee them playing a big role in our kids' adolescent years, as mentors.  


Plus...his wife (also a vet) just bought some broodmares and will have foals within a couple of years.  Pretty sure that is going to make my daughter's entire life.  :-)  

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Interesting aside - Dd took several anthropology courses and she learned that there were numerous attempts to domesticate gazelle-like animals but they failed because they're so stressy, they break their legs trying to escape and they don't breed well in captivity.


Some random thoughts


Seals were my favourite animal when I was a little kid and my mom took me to the poky little zoo we had. I was really only interested in the seals.


I protest the seal hunt and write letters to my govt about it.


Vancouver Humane society has a regular campaign on our transit system which asks why eat one and befriend the other. http://www.vancouverhumanesociety.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/VHS-bus-ad-295x300.jpg


Esther the Wonder Pig - a pet pig - has a huge social media presence. There are more people asking these questions.


Some of the most interesting work is around sentience.... and implications from that.


Dogs are food for some. There are groups rescuing dogs from the meat trade in Asia.


I recently saw an adorable video of a cow getting nighttime snuggles and asking for more petting. It was like my dogs....



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Interesting aside - Dd took several anthropology courses and she learned that there were numerous attempts to domesticate gazelle-like animals but they failed because they're so stressy, they break their legs trying to escape and they don't breed well in captivity.


Some random thoughts


Seals were my favourite animal when I was a little kid and my mom took me to the poky little zoo we had. I was really only interested in the seals.


I protest the seal hunt and write letters to my govt about it.


Vancouver Humane society has a regular campaign on our transit system which asks why eat one and befriend the other. http://www.vancouverhumanesociety.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/VHS-bus-ad-295x300.jpg


Esther the Wonder Pig - a pet pig - has a huge social media presence. There are more people asking these questions.


Some of the most interesting work is around sentience.... and implications from that.


Dogs are food for some. There are groups rescuing dogs from the meat trade in Asia.


I recently saw an adorable video of a cow getting nighttime snuggles and asking for more petting. It was like my dogs....



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


First point....I absolutely believe there is something to be said regarding the sentience of dogs and probably cats.  I mean...one need only spend some time with a dog who loves his owner to see that.  



Second point...I'll tell you...cows are something else.  The one calf...Barney was his name...he would come up to the fence when he'd see me and moo.  And if I walked over, he'd put his nose up, exposing his neck for me to scratch.  Then, he'd roll his eyes back, obviously enjoying the scratch.  


And when we first got them...they were on reduced milk for the first few days as they transitioned.  Well those babies were NOT happy to be on reduced milk.  We'd pull the bottle off the fence and they'd snort and give this little "Moo" of protest and kick and snort and twirl around and I about thought they'd throw themselves on the ground and have a tantrum! 

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So why is it ok for us to domesticate and have as pets some animals (cats, dogs) but not others (seals)?

I wonder if we respond in certain ways to some animals and not to others. For example, when I was researching infertility stuff back in the day, I read that cats were a preferred pet to infertile women. There was a reason for it..... it's kind of vague in my mind. I think it's because they can be "baby-ish".
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And can I buy it?



ETA:  I failed to buy the fast version.  I don't know why??  But iTunes went freaky on me.  I'd really like to own it, so I can just throw it on our memory work playlist and go.  We mostly listen to our mem work in the van.  



ETA:  Ooo!  Got the fast version after all, in spite of iTunes freak-fest.  Yay!


You do realize you can just use a mp3 converter (free), right? Dd16 showed me.


ETA: to convert from youtube.

Edited by Renai
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We used to have kayaks. I believe we spent $189 per kayak, $20 for paddles, $5 for licenses and only went places it was free to kayak. Once Alex is 2 we plan to get a canoe. We sold our kayaks for almost as much as we paid when John was born because we knew we wouldn't use them. I recommend contemplating getting kayaks. It encouraged us to get out more and explore new places.


We were given a canoe as a wedding gift, when we still lived on a lake.


We are too big a family now to use it.   :crying:   A second canoe would solve the problem, except for the fact that I have zero upper body strength.  

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I am you.  Except brunette.  


After a horrific Annie haircut right before my college graduation, I gave up salons for, oh, at least 6 years.  It was just that bad, and I couldn't see paying for just that bad.  


Then I married, and moved with my dh to where we are now, and heard about a nearby stylist who cut for primarily curly-haired clients.  Not cheap, but my hair grows slowly so I gave it a whirl.  She's awesome.  Turns out she's Deva certified.  I can't say enough good things about her.  


You can check for Deva stylists near you, if you want. Try to find one with the advanced (not entry level) training, if you can. And don't confuse a salon that sells Deva products with a salon that knows how to cut curly hair.  Deva cuts are done on dry hair.... not wet.  



I've been looking for a Deva stylist for a long time but have not been successful.  We live in a pretty rural area.  Nearest major cities are well over an hour away.  Larger towns nearby have not popped up when I've looked.  


I did recently hear of another stylist that's actually right in my town...who supposedly does really well with curly hair.  I might try her next time.  

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Because the needs of others (seals) are beyond what we can ever possibly give them in a home environment.  


Here's a good one for ya...


Why is it ok for us to consume certain animals (cows, pigs, etc) but not others (horses)?





****I am NOT a horse eater.  But this topic comes up from time to time at the barn my sweet girl rides at.  And I see both sides of the issue...on the one hand...there are WAY too many horses.  On the other...eating a horse would be like eating a dog, imo. They are such intelligent creatures.  But then again...cows are too.  Ok...they're not.  But they're awful sweet when they're babies!  




Horse meat is sweet.


ETA: Some societies do eat dog. I still remember a picture my dad took when he was in Korea over 30 years ago. It was of a dog on a spic over an open fire.

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Educational post of the day: I am teaching my children how to write by making them write 5 paragraph apology essays on what they did wrong in church, how it affected others around them and how to make better choices next time. It's working. DS's writing is definitely improving.


Dd16 is wondering what he did, and how many times he's had to write a 5 paragraph essay... :huh:

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First point....I absolutely believe there is something to be said regarding the sentience of dogs and probably cats.  I mean...one need only spend some time with a dog who loves his owner to see that.  



And fish.


We had a beta once that was in love with a fantail goldfish he roomed with. He kept making a nest for her. But it would make her sick, so we'd suck it up. One day, the goldfish fell ill. She stopped going to the top for her breath of air, so the beta would chase her up to make sure she'd do it. And made sure she ate. She eventually died. The beta stayed in the spot she died for three days, only moving to go up for his breath of air. It was sad. We moved him to the other tank that had angel fish and some platys. The platys had live babies, and he became the self-appointed babysitter. He kept the angelfish away and made sure they stayed in the floating plant nest.


He was a cool fish. We've had other fish with personalities too. It was interesting.

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You do realize you can just use a mp3 converter (free), right? Dd16 showed me.



Well, er..... <cough>... ahem..... of course I realized that.  





However, I thought it was much more effective to play the youtube video on my laptop while standing there next to it with my iphone's voice memo app set to record, then converting that file to an m4A by emailing it to myself.    


(Yes, I really did this.)


(I then re-did it four more times, breaking up the youtube video into shorter, more manageable segments.)


(It's appalling, I know.)


(And my husband is a computer scientist, which makes it all the worse.)


(But Renai wasn't here, and my dh wasn't here, and by golly I am going to learn that song and knock the socks off that smarty-pants 6 year-old who does it on youtube.)  

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Dd16 is wondering what he did, and how many times he's had to write a 5 paragraph essay... :huh:

Well...pestering and kicking his brother in the middle of the service, arguing with both me and the other Sunday School teacher while we were trying to rehearse for the Palm Branch Processional, banging his hands on the pew in front of him during hymn singing.... Basically being an enormous pain in the patootie, as well as not being obedient or respectful. He only had to write it once. His conclusion is as follows, "Next time I will behave well and obey Mom and do what her or a grown-up says. I will be a good example and be kind to my brother and not kick him. I will sing and cooperate and be a good person next time."
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I've been looking for a Deva stylist for a long time but have not been successful.  We live in a pretty rural area.  Nearest major cities are well over an hour away.  Larger towns nearby have not popped up when I've looked.  


I did recently hear of another stylist that's actually right in my town...who supposedly does really well with curly hair.  I might try her next time.  




That's sad.  Maybe you can convince the local stylist to look into it.  The world is full of curly-haired people desperate for a decent cut.  It's good business.  

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So, tomorrow I'm meeting with another homeschooler to discuss doing a used book sale. Our Catholic homeschoolers have not had one in several years. Perhaps they don't need one. Or maybe they just need someone to organize it. I have nothing else to do, so...

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My pregnancy diet is so sad. Oatmeal, green smothie, almonds, ice cream. Grilled chicken, spinach salad, ice cream. Quinoa salad, ice cream. Evening service, ice cream. I think I might go on a juice fast after this to lose the weight. For like 6 months.



(Ice cream keeps my food down.)

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Good morning!!!


Our first day of spring break, and I am up at 6 a.m. Oh, well, this is my quite time.


I think I have a UTI. Anyway to get over it without antibiotics? I know water and cranberry juice. Anything else? It's kinda miserable.


Hope everyone has a good day.:)

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:grouphug:  Dawn.  If you're headed towards miserable, I'd be tempted to get in and get antibiotics.  But I'm kind of anti-suffering (#wimp).




And it's a WIMPY BOOYAH!  No, actually it's a sympathic, want my friend to feel better BOOYAH!

Edited by Another Lynn
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Good morning!!!


Our first day of spring break, and I am up at 6 a.m. Oh, well, this is my quite time.


I think I have a UTI. Anyway to get over it without antibiotics? I know water and cranberry juice. Anything else? It's kinda miserable.


Hope everyone has a good day. :)



I've never been successful at treating those without antibiotics.  But the Mennonite neighbor girls...a lot of them, when they first get married, they get UTIs (shocking, I know).  We have this little trailer house next to us...it's the only house that's close.  It's the Honeymoon House....the father that owns it...when his grown children get married, the new couple starts off there while saving for their farm or whatever the husband will do.


Anyways...the last one that moved in there...the poor girl...she was carrying around gallon jugs of cranberry juice all of the time until she had her first baby.  

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I'm pretty sure that designing this science curriculum is going to kill me.  Now I remember why I wanted to buy one this year instead of putting together my own thing like I did last year.  I've only got three weeks completely done and I have a total of 20-something weeks to do.  The framework is done...the sequence and early research but because it's a topic I'm not super familiar with, I have to do a lot of research for each specific lesson.


Plus find interesting video clips.  Plus find great living books or resources that list living books and then track them down to make sure one of my library systems has them.  Plus find awesome activities, demonstrations, lab reports, whatever.  Plus find or make my own lapbook elements.  


I'm exhausted and burning the candle at both ends.  On top of it, I'm trying to get everything ready for this trip to RI...have to plan very carefully or it will be miserable.  Dealing with the not-so-fun aspects of trying to please too many sides of our families.  The subtle passive aggressive drama that has ensued because we decided to come up the weekend that was best for us, instead of the weekend that my dad and his wife wanted us to come up.  (They had offered us to stay with them, but only if we came up the weekend they wanted because that's the week they are on spring break from school and "the house wouldn't be ready" the weekend beforehand).  Which family members will hang with us in Boston?  Well that's important because certain ones can't mix.  


Finally got an answer from hubby's family on getting together with them.  An answer of, "Yeah sure" and not much else.  


Oh and Resurrection Sunday is this coming weekend and I'm totally unprepared.  




My house is an absolute disaster...lol.  There's science planning material EVERYWHERE.  I'm strongly tempted to throw school out the window for this week.  If I do....I'll be stuck somewhere else in my schedule.  Probably the last week of May that I scheduled off to plan summer lessons.  


I haven't even pulled summer clothes yet.  





Ok...vent over...I'm going to take a look at my long-term lessons and see if I can rearrange a few weeks here and there, so we can nix school this week.  I think that would go a super long way in catching me up.  



Hope everyone else has a great day and is getting the rest ya'll need!  




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