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Toy Story?


Run like the wind, Bullseye!

Ok, I Googled it. "Three Amigos". And the actual quote was "Sew, very old woman, sew like the wind". We used to say that to each other in high school, you know how high school girls do. But then we'd change the "sew" part to whatever it was that we were doing. "Study, study like the wind".
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Explain to me why an IT department would switch out someone's laptop, tell the person that it was all set up, good to go, but not set it up for VPN access (or give me admin rights to configure/add programs to my laptop like I had on the previous one so I can do it my darn self!)?


Um, I have a laptop assigned to me so that I CAN WORK REMOTELY!!! 


So all the things I promised people I would finish for them this weekend.  Nope, not gonna happen.  All the catching up I was going to do?  Nope, not gonna happen.




The new IT kid who set up my laptop?  He works part-time while finishing up his senior year HOMESCHOOLING.  So I don't even want to be mad at him.  I really like him.  (He actually has a personality, unlike the other homeschool graduate we employ who was sheltered beyond belief and told me three times in our 5 minute conversation that he was homeschooled to keep him away from the horrible secular influences of the world.  Because he had no idea I homeschool secularly, because he has no idea how to gather relevant information prior to spouting of his mouth, because he has no people skills, because he only knows the lines he was spoon fed, because sheltered.  I digress.)


So this kid Stewart is a really smart, great guy.  So I am trying not to be frustrated that I will not be able to submit last week's time card (possibly preventing this week's pay from not being on the next paycheck- DH is not worried, it's just grrrr), or work this weekend for OT, or catch up on work.  I'm trying really hard.


So to look on the bright side:  More family time.  More me time.  More binge watching Season 2 of Lost. :)

Edited by ikslo
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The Eyore Child has arrived. There are a few neighbor kids playing out front and so I told Eyore Child and ds11 that they should play outside with the kids, (as opposed to playing on the N64 that they came in to ask about.) Eyore Child cursed and sulked off. I told him that he was not required to play with the other kids - he can go back home or something if he'd rather. Right now he is rocking on a rocking chair on the front porch by himself.


I try to be patient with him. He has some definite Aspergers characteristics. But it does get tiresome having him come over only for the video games and not be willing to actually play with the kids. And the sulking. I have very little tolerance for sulking.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Some of us never have a choice on how our hair looks.  Because curls.  


Every day is a crap shoot.  Either they'll behave...or they won't.  And when they don't...I look like I just rolled out of bed, lol.  Which...for curls...is not a good look.  


I so get this.  



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What's the likelihood I could be pregnant with twins and not know it? I've already had the in depth "the baby has all the parts" ultrasound.

So remote that you should buy a lottery ticket instead.


We have raccoons that come into our backyard to eat our catfood. And there are owls. I love the owls.


Our raccoons ate the dog food so we have to collect it every night and bring it inside.  I was tired of feeding all the wildlife.

I could never figure that out. Which is why I have to make an individual post each time.


So easy!  Even I can do it!  When you read a post you have a witty comeback to, just push the multiquote button at the bottom of the post.  At the end, when you have all the witty things to say, put the button at the bottom and it does what I have done here.  You just add the wit and brighten up the ITT universe with your clever repartee.

Skunks! I forgot about skunks. How could I forget about them? They wake me up in the middle of the night when I leave the windows open. And we do have coyotes.


We have those, too.  One sprayed the dog full in the face about a year ago.  It was not good.

Eeek! I'm guessing they weren't the fancy lulus that sculpt your butt??



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Nope.  Cheap old navy jobbers.  I need some butt sculpting here. :leaving:


Lynne, that.was.amazing!!!!!


I'll be humming that all morning in church. Humming because I'll never remember all of the words, lol!

Okay, I will be the one to say it. Lynn does not have an "e".  I know this because I want to be her when I grow up so I committed it to memory.

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Today is my 17th wedding anniversary.  I have slept for two nights with ds13, who has developed a croupy cough, and the gut-kneading cat.  This is due to dh having a cough with cold.  Now that all of my roommates are coughing up a lung, I am unclear of my options here.

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I also figured out that I have been taking my thyroid med wrong.  I don't wait 30 minutes prior to having coffee or my mag drink.  Sigh.  Why does this stuff have to be so hard?  So now I have switched to taking it at night.  All of this is temporary until I can make it to college girl's naturopathic doc this summer to get some better help.

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Okay, I have one more thing to say.


Thomas Walkup is a BEAST.*


*March Madness reference


Look him up.  You won't be sorry.  Made 19 of 20 free throws in a game.  He IS the team.  SFA - a Texas team.  Of course.  Michigan State laid an egg early on and broke my bracket, but I'm not bitter.

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Honey...you can have mine!  You know....I would probably love them more if they behaved.  If they held their corkscrew form throughout the day.  If they looked, at 5pm, the way they look 5 minutes after I wash and style it.  


Instead...10 minutes after I wash and style...a puff of wind and forget it.  Can't go too short though...otherwise I look like Ronald McDonald had a perm (because I'm also a redhead...yay me).


Actually...I like the color now.  I hated it as a kid. And I hated that stupid Little Orphan Annie, too.  


Anyways...when we moved to NY, I left behind the best stylist ever....my Edward.  And I couldn't find anybody...I almost returned to RI, just to see Edward and have him cut my hair.  But he was booked solid.  


So two years later...I finally had no choice but to get a cut.  I was constantly sitting on my own hair.  And getting it caught in things.  The girl did a decent job...I was pleased.  And then I forgot her name and the shop she was at closed up.


So I let my hair go again...and then I just threw my hands in the air, like I just didn't care...and had a local cut it.  And she cut it uneven.  It's STILL (a year later) uneven.  


Well guess who I've already made an appointment to see when we get back to RI in April?  That's right...my Edward!  





I am you.  Except brunette.  


After a horrific Annie haircut right before my college graduation, I gave up salons for, oh, at least 6 years.  It was just that bad, and I couldn't see paying for just that bad.  


Then I married, and moved with my dh to where we are now, and heard about a nearby stylist who cut for primarily curly-haired clients.  Not cheap, but my hair grows slowly so I gave it a whirl.  She's awesome.  Turns out she's Deva certified.  I can't say enough good things about her.  


You can check for Deva stylists near you, if you want. Try to find one with the advanced (not entry level) training, if you can. And don't confuse a salon that sells Deva products with a salon that knows how to cut curly hair.  Deva cuts are done on dry hair.... not wet.  

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We're up bright and early for dd's half marathon. Wish her luck!



It's a 'Run, Forrest, Run!" booyah!



Before I got sick, I did those. So.much.fun!!


Go Jean's dd!! Just finishing is a total accomplishment.


Did National History Day competition yesterday. Ds got good feedback from the judges even though he didn't place:-( I think if he had ironed out his thesis earlier, he would have had a substantially better project. His newer thesis was better than the old one, but he didn't develop it out as much as he should have. It was a great learning experience though. But a very looooong day.


I pride myself up for church this am, even though I woke up with a cold, and the tail end of a migraine. When your teens are begging to go to church, saying no is just not an option :D


I spent three full days last week updating our household tech, amping security on the router, and setting up a different parental control setup. Then I discover that there is almost nothing you can do to block foul pictures from google images unless you want to completely shut down all of Google images. I seriously wanted to :crying:


Tried to find a decent movie to watch last night on Netflix. We are not prudes. I am so done with every single potentially-good movie incorporating gratuitous and repeated f-bombs and explicit hanky panky.


I am so sick of smut.


Rant over.


I am apparently no fun today :lol:


I think it is time for a nap.


Prof out.

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Church was good. We will go there next week then try another one probably. I hope we find one that fits. Cause I don't like the home church deal.


We're at a restaurant with internet. I doubt we have any at home.


Run, Jean' s dd, run!!!! Go get 'em!

We are going to two churches right now, alternating weeks. I feel your pain, lol.

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If you listen to it enough, you and your kids will have it memorized right up to the part where it gets really fast. ;)

I forgot to mention, there is a SLOW version out there. Same song, just slower. So we listened to the slow one every night for awhile first, and worked our way up to the fast version.

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Explain to me why an IT department would switch out someone's laptop, tell the person that it was all set up, good to go, but not set it up for VPN access (or give me admin rights to configure/add programs to my laptop like I had on the previous one so I can do it my darn self!)?


Um, I have a laptop assigned to me so that I CAN WORK REMOTELY!!!


So all the things I promised people I would finish for them this weekend. Nope, not gonna happen. All the catching up I was going to do? Nope, not gonna happen.




The new IT kid who set up my laptop? He works part-time while finishing up his senior year HOMESCHOOLING. So I don't even want to be mad at him. I really like him. (He actually has a personality, unlike the other homeschool graduate we employ who was sheltered beyond belief and told me three times in our 5 minute conversation that he was homeschooled to keep him away from the horrible secular influences of the world. Because he had no idea I homeschool secularly, because he has no idea how to gather relevant information prior to spouting of his mouth, because he has no people skills, because he only knows the lines he was spoon fed, because sheltered. I digress.)


So this kid Stewart is a really smart, great guy. So I am trying not to be frustrated that I will not be able to submit last week's time card (possibly preventing this week's pay from not being on the next paycheck- DH is not worried, it's just grrrr), or work this weekend for OT, or catch up on work. I'm trying really hard.


So to look on the bright side: More family time. More me time. More binge watching Season 2 of Lost. :)

I would give the kid a break too. I have a soft spot for earnest homeschooled kids.


But I have been known to tell our boys that if they ever get the urge to be self-righteous about homeschooling, I am available to beat it out of them, lol. Self-righteousness, in general, is NOT an endearing quality. And, they don't get to take credit for my work. They just get to benefit from it :D

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I went to Zumba. Heathens wiggle suggestively to hot salsa and reggaeton on Sunday mornings instead of praying. 

Then I got groceries and was even brave enough to pop into Walmart on Sunday midday - it's the only close store that carries vegan sugar. 

Did yoga stretch with dd since she was doing one after her run so I thought why not.... 

I deactivated my fb last night to test it out. Confirmed you can still use fb messenger if you deactivate fb & all your contacts stay. Have to get dd to login & poke around some groups we're both on to see what that looks like. I know the admin of groups can still see me but I think others can't.  I have SO MUCH TIME without checking fb and getting into stupid arguments on the groups that I don't know what to do with myself. Hey, I know, I'll visit the chat board....  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 


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Oh & the hair - I hear you all complaining about your curls and I still want them.  

I have made serious errors in judgement in my pursuit of curls. The last time, I told dh that if I ever mentioned the word perm again, he is to take away my credit cards and lock me in my room with a photo album showing the horrors of the last perm and that I'm not allowed out till I'm over it. And he's not allowed to listen to me when I say "but the techniques and solutions have changed!" 

I actually got a teeny bit of wave in my hair after babies so it's ok. I can do messy shaggy bedhead bob. 

Hey - my dh is a ginger but I'm not carrying it so no ginger babies :(    (have all the gingers heard the Tim Minchin song ? ) 

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I would give the kid a break too. I have a soft spot for earnest homeschooled kids.


But I have been known to tell our boys that if they ever get the urge to be self-righteous about homeschooling, I am available to beat it out of them, lol. Self-righteousness, in general, is NOT an endearing quality. And, they don't get to take credit for my work. They just get to benefit from it :D

This kid is very grounded. Not at all self-righteous. He's a great kid.


It was an oversight. Sucks for me, but I should have checked.

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Look at me, I can multi-quote!

Jean hates Konmari with the passion of a million white hot suns.

 that is a lot of passion!


Today is my 17th wedding anniversary.  I have slept for two nights with ds13, who has developed a croupy cough, and the gut-kneading cat.  This is due to dh having a cough with cold.  Now that all of my roommates are coughing up a lung, I am unclear of my options here.

 Happy Anniversary!



She did it! She did it! She did it! - proud mama bursting all her buttons.

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I had a shower and am now back in bed. I'm not sure if that's progress or denial. I made overnight slow cooker pumpkin pie oatmeal. It appears to have been a hit. Imma have a green smoothie with it.

Way to go Jean's DD!

recipe, please!
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Educational post of the day: I am teaching my children how to write by making them write 5 paragraph apology essays on what they did wrong in church, how it affected others around them and how to make better choices next time. It's working. DS's writing is definitely improving.

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Today is my 17th wedding anniversary.  I have slept for two nights with ds13, who has developed a croupy cough, and the gut-kneading cat.  This is due to dh having a cough with cold.  Now that all of my roommates are coughing up a lung, I am unclear of my options here.


Congratulations..... and maybe hugs??  


I think you need to celebrate 17 years of bliss by travelling to a remote Caribbean island, by.your.self. 

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I forgot to mention, there is a SLOW version out there. Same song, just slower. So we listened to the slow one every night for awhile first, and worked our way up to the fast version.




And can I buy it?



ETA:  I failed to buy the fast version.  I don't know why??  But iTunes went freaky on me.  I'd really like to own it, so I can just throw it on our memory work playlist and go.  We mostly listen to our mem work in the van.  



ETA:  Ooo!  Got the fast version after all, in spite of iTunes freak-fest.  Yay!

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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Look at me, I can multi-quote!

 that is a lot of passion!

  Happy Anniversary!



  recipe, please!

4 C oats

7 C water

1 1/2 C Pumpkin Pie Mix


Cook on warm for 7-8 hours.


Educational post of the day: I am teaching my children how to write by making them write 5 paragraph apology essays on what they did wrong in church, how it affected others around them and how to make better choices next time. It's working. DS's writing is definitely improving.


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:hurray: for Event Planner! 

For Tex, I vote for a quiet room alone with gut-kneading cat.

I was supposed to clean out the closet, get my act together with paperwork and relax. Instead I spent most of the day at the animal ER with a sick kitty. I keep enough medications and treatment for basic stuff, but it isn't like I have a CBC machine at home. So off we went. The kitty in question is sulking, but her fever is down somewhat and she's hydrated, even if she's still pretty huffy about life at this point.

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And can I buy it?



ETA: I failed to buy the fast version. I don't know why?? But iTunes went freaky on me. I'd really like to own it, so I can just throw it on our memory work playlist and go. We mostly listen to our mem work in the van.



ETA: Ooo! Got the fast version after all, in spite of iTunes freak-fest. Yay!

I got it on YouTube.

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In lieu of doing anything useful, I have been looking up kayak, whale watching, and lighthouse tours in Acadia National Park. OK, I did practice the Hindemith symphony and the piano accompaniments for the kids' recital pieces. That must count for something.

We used to have kayaks. I believe we spent $189 per kayak, $20 for paddles, $5 for licenses and only went places it was free to kayak. Once Alex is 2 we plan to get a canoe. We sold our kayaks for almost as much as we paid when John was born because we knew we wouldn't use them. I recommend contemplating getting kayaks. It encouraged us to get out more and explore new places.
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