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I do crazy stuff like this too!  It makes for very interesting story telling at church by our youngest in her super loud voice during the passing of the sacrament. 



I feel your pain.  It is hard to explain things at our house.  Today at the grocery store, I told the kids that something is too "ficey" so we couldn't get it.  Oops, using the secret language in front of strangers.  People heard. :mellow:

Edited by texasmama
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I would gently take her by the arm and help her get up and start putting away the toys.


When she says she has to play with the toys first, she is telling you that she has no intention of obeying. You must help her understand that yes, she must obey her parents (and by extension, other adults in authority).


Since this is ITT, I don't expect to be blasted for believing that it is important to teach children obedience, but just in case, I have my flame-proof armor all ready to go.

I'm big on obedience to a point. I don't believe in blind obedience (do whatever adults tell you even if it's wrong type of thing). Still, transitions help prevent a lot of tantrums, IME. So giving warning is fair. And then when they don't comply, yep-time to pull the I said so card.

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I try to only say things that I am willing to follow through on. If I ask once, then if there's not a move towards compliance, I have to get up and address the behavior immediately. When a lot of whining or other stuff pops up, it tends to be because I'm using my words and not following through immediately.

I think that's what's happening here. Matt and I just had a talk. We're going to be faster to discipline and have a half hour of structured fun like painting or bookmaking. We don't want to crack without something pleasant in place. Her life shouldn't be terrible just because I screwed up.
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I try to only say things that I am willing to follow through on. If I ask once, then if there's not a move towards compliance, I have to get up and address the behavior immediately. When a lot of whining or other stuff pops up, it tends to be because I'm using my words and not following through immediately.

My 9 yo still freaks out when I start counting to three. 'Cause I was awesome at follow through. :)

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Today turned out to be BOX DAY!!! I'm waiting for the kids to get in bed before I open the box so I can preview everything before the excitement takes over.  So, while I'm waiting for bedtime, I'm going to keep reading letters from my great-great-grandmother to my great-grandmother.  My great-grandfather is in danger of being called up for WWI and there's typhoid fever going around so my great-grandmother's siblings are all wearing necklaces of anodyne when they go out in public. The teenage sisters are apparently all slipping off and drinking whiskey with the boys from school.

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Today turned out to be BOX DAY!!! I'm waiting for the kids to get in bed before I open the box so I can preview everything before the excitement takes over.  So, while I'm waiting for bedtime, I'm going to keep reading letters from my great-great-grandmother to my great-grandmother.  My great-grandfather is in danger of being called up for WWI and there's typhoid fever going around so my great-grandmother's siblings are all wearing necklaces of anodyne when they go out in public. The teenage sisters are apparently all slipping off and drinking whiskey with the boys from school.

That's some good journaling right there!! :) 

Off to google 'anodyne'. 


ETA: This is interesting about anodyne necklaces. 



And, then there's this. Apparently, these necklaces were the best thing ever! (though I'm pretty sure this is a spoof)

"The famous necklaces, for easing young children in breeding and cutting their teeth without pain, thereby preventing (by God's assistance) fevers, convulsions, consumptions, ruptures, chin-coughs, rickets, and such attendant distempers, to the admiration of thousands of persons in this city of London, and counties adjacent, who have experienced the same, to the great comfort and entire satisfaction of their parents, besides the decrease in the Bills of Mortality. These rare necklaces are sold, for the publick good, at 5s. each, with a catalogue of the names of the many children honourable and worthy parents, and other sufficient housekeepers, who, by hearing these necklaces, have recovered, when there was but little hopes of life. Sold only by Mrs. Garway, at the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, London." --The Daily Courant, 6 January, 1717.



Edited by Southern Ivy
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You'll have to forgive Slashie! She's a little uptight and possessive about the Booya/h. ;) We are a very tolerant group. You are judged by your character. Not on whether you are "h" or no "h".


We are very tolerant, but there is only one way to spell booya. Heretic.











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Renai is also in the no "h" booya camp and has aquired quite a bit of graphic proof as to her spelling interpretation. The rest of us use the "h" or a hybrid just to annoy them.




Yep, we are brats. Some of you are heretical brats. We still love you though.



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I think I've only made it to the top once. 


next time I do, I'm writing "First"   :tongue_smilie: 


Sweetpea, a long long time ago, the board was almost like a sheet of paper on an easel & it 'flipped' late at night & a new page would appear. People would stay up late at night to be 'first'.  (Well, of course, we were up researching curriculum and deciding how to teach Latin and if it just so happened that it was getting close to flipping..... )


I was around then. I found me on that archive page, I think I started posting around 2004. Those were the days...

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I'm not sure how it came up but when I met my husband he told me he was 100% German and I told him he was Irish and he called me crazy. After meeting his mom I told him he got it from her and they both called me crazy. A few months ago he got the two free weeks of ancestry.com and found out that he's Irish. Since then he's been listening to Irish music and now that it's almost St. Patty's Day he's speaking in an Irish accent. I hate this man. I really do.

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It is booya. The end.


No, it is not ok if you spell it that other way. Because then it is not booya.


Honestly, keeping the ITT peeps in line is a full-time job. Which is why they are the way they are, because who has time for that?? :hat:

So the Queen has spoken, so shall it IS.

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That is why I spell it booya(h).  It is ecumenical.


Also, we have atheists and heathens among us so there's that.  Atheists and heathens (who don't make fun of Christians) are my favorite.  I'm kind of a black sheep Christian.  I love me some Jesus, but a lot of His people are cotton headed ninny muggins.


Don't worry, I know that none of that made much sense.  You will get used to that from me.  This is one of the only places I can truly be my grand self. :laugh:  :hat:  :coolgleamA:


You make sense to me. Remember, I understand you. ITT understands you.

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It is booya. The end.


No, it is not ok if you spell it that other way. Because then it is not booya.


Honestly, keeping the ITT peeps in line is a full-time job. Which is why they are the way they are, because who has time for that?? :hat:


Thank you queen. She has spoken.

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We didn't get any pie.  :-(  I have all these apple pie pucks in my freezer. Oh and peach ones too.  I grew them!  (The apples...and the peaches).  And I turned them into frozen pie pucks.  


But no crust.  And I don't make my own pie crust...because I just don't...lol.  



Slache...my husband is 100% Portuguese.  His family name is the same as one of the smaller Azores islands.  I tell him all the time he must be descended from royalty...and he should seek his roots.  Because this girl likes her tiaras!  



That actually happened once, you know.  Some bloke from Minnesota (I think) discovered he was descended from the royal line of the Isle of Man.  He went to claim his royal heritage and they hated him.  Or something.  They made a show about it!  It was like somebody had been listening in at our windows and made a story of our lives!


Except...my husband refuses to claim his royal heritage.  Turd.  



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Ok, somebody explain the booya(h)!


I see there has already been much explanation. Please just remember, that here in ITT we have a Queen. Long may she live. And she spells booya without an h. So let it be written. So let it be done.



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I need mom advice. Mary has decided that she doesn't have to do anything, everything will always go her way and she's going to scream and cry if it doesn't. 3 examples from today:


1. It was time to pick up so John began picking up and Mary started playing. I asked her to put what she was playing with away and she said "I need to play with it first."


2. Mary wanted to watch a show but it was lunch time so I said no. She cried all through lunch.


3. She got up twice during nap time to get toys which she's not supposed to have. She's recently decided that she's not going to take naps which makes her pretty unbearable in the evenings.



Is this just bad behavior I need to correct or something going on here? It's just strange to me that she would suddenly become a complete brat. I feel like I'm missing something.



She's 3.


I mean, she is 3, right? That sounds like a 3.

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We didn't get any pie. :-( I have all these apple pie pucks in my freezer. Oh and peach ones too. I grew them! (The apples...and the peaches). And I turned them into frozen pie pucks.


But no crust. And I don't make my own pie crust...because I just don't...lol.



Slache...my husband is 100% Portuguese. His family name is the same as one of the smaller Azores islands. I tell him all the time he must be descended from royalty...and he should seek his roots. Because this girl likes her tiaras!



That actually happened once, you know. Some bloke from Minnesota (I think) discovered he was descended from the royal line of the Isle of Man. He went to claim his royal heritage and they hated him. Or something. They made a show about it! It was like somebody had been listening in at our windows and made a story of our lives!


Except...my husband refuses to claim his royal heritage. Turd.

My husband is a snob. I'm poor but he thinks I'm very smart so I guess that cancels it out? He did my family history and found out I'm descended from like all criminals. All. He was appalled. He was like "I thought your mom's family were cattle ranchers!" They were, but before that they were cattle thieves. He kept looking for someone reputable in my family tree. Um that would be me, dear.

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When  little dd was 3 or 4, she refused to go to the bathroom before bed, which is a bad idea for a young tot.  So I told her I would beat her in the amount of "gallons" I could pee.  And since I can always pee, I peed first and then somehow, she was always the winner of the "pee gallons" contest.  But she peed - easily, happily, and we both avoided an unpleasant power struggle.  This went on for a Very.Long.Time.  Until one day she did not need this fun activity and she just peed.


I'm big into avoiding unpleasantness when possible by weirdness like that.  Most of these struggles are developmental.  They develop into them and then out of them.  I was old and tired and needed my energy for things like breathing in and out so I didn't want to waste it fighting with a young girl who had the capability of not peeing if she chose to.


My kids have interesting childhoods. :lol:


I am now out of likes.

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Just saw an email from a student. She says that my PITA student is screaming at the sub and another student. Her comment? "Yeah, I can tell we won't be getting a good report today. But, I'm being good, so yay me!" hahaha

Of course, this student would do this when the principal and I are both gone. 

I'm ready to trade him out for a different model...or none at all. Just a refund. 


Very mean to say, but after last year's student and then this year's, I'm done with incredibly difficult, destroying my classroom, screaming in my face students. 


It was that kind of day today. I had triple-threat meltdowns. As in, my main difficult students in the AM all had at it. One decided he was just going to leave and see the principal himself (I followed at a distance). This was after several crying episodes. Another bit a kid so hard under the knee so bad that he bruised the knee and broke the skin - over a pair of jeans. The third had the whole screaming, yelling, tantrum, kick-the-assistant, and hit-the-teacher-everywhere-including-the-face kind of day.


It was lovely. Not.


And this is prek.


I'm surprised I walked out of their smiling today.


God is good.

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My husband is a snob. I'm poor but he thinks I'm very smart so I guess that cancels it out? He did my family history and found out I'm descended from like all criminals. All. He was appalled. He was like "I thought your mom's family were cattle ranchers!" They were, but before that they were cattle thieves. He kept looking for someone reputable in my family tree. Um that would be me, dear.


I mean....where does he think they got all those cattle from???  HELLO?!?  They don't just grow on trees you know.  Somebody's gotta thieve them!  

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Dh is pathetically happy that I bought a dutch apple pie today.


I was going to buy one, but since only dh and I expressed interest in apple pie (dd16 says she doesn't like it) and we are currently stocked with GS cookies, I decided not to.


In fact, I bought no pie. Although that was my intent when I walked into the store.

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I mean....where does he think they got all those cattle from??? HELLO?!? They don't just grow on trees you know. Somebody's gotta thieve them!

You sure have gotten the hang of this here thread rather quickly, I must say. I like you. Of course, I liked Mark, too.





You're doomed.

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Oh! Oh oh oh! While I was lenting I had a dream about that chicken someone posted while I was sick. The chicken in the soup, remember? There were three in my dream and they were attacking me under command of this old headless lady in a blue floral dress. I was trying to escape in a wagon and the popular boys from high school were looking on in disappointment. They haven't aged. And there were corn fields. I blame Renai for that.


Me? I'm to blame for that? The cornfield portion, I assume. I don't even remember the chicken in the soup post.

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It was that kind of day today. I had triple-threat meltdowns. As in, my main difficult students in the AM all had at it. One decided he was just going to leave and see the principal himself (I followed at a distance). This was after several crying episodes. Another bit a kid so hard under the knee so bad that he bruised the knee and broke the skin - over a pair of jeans. The third had the whole screaming, yelling, tantrum, kick-the-assistant, and hit-the-teacher-everywhere-including-the-face kind of day.


It was lovely. Not.


And this is prek.


I'm surprised I walked out of their smiling today.


God is good.


Wow.  Good thing you have experience in corrections.


Before the dc were born, I taught in a small private school.  (Two schools, actually.)


One day one of the preschool teachers plunked a child down on the floor next to me and said I could have him for a while.  She needed to calm down after he had yelled at her and thrown scissors at her face.


Glad you came out of that with a smile.  I'm not sure I would have.


:grouphug: to you and to the child who was bitten.   :crying:

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For the picking up, like I mentioned above - I give her a 5 minute warning (sometimes 2 since she can't tell time. haha). Then, we pick up together and make it a race. If she throws a fit, she loses the chance to play with that item later. 


Stop whining - 

Riv is horrible about whining. She doesn't get away with it at home, so I'm not sure why she does it, other than age. We do not cater to the whining, though. If she whines, we tell her that we can not understand her and to use her big girl voice. We also just tell her to "ask correctly". By now, she knows what that means. It hasn't stopped it, but it has slowed a bit. 


Out of likes again.


I'm bringing back the Arghs!

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Wow.  Good thing you have experience in corrections.


Before the dc were born, I taught in a small private school.  (Two schools, actually.)


One day one of the preschool teachers plunked a child down on the floor next to me and said I could have him for a while.  She needed to calm down after he had yelled at her and thrown scissors at her face.


Glad you came out of that with a smile.  I'm not sure I would have.


:grouphug: to you and to the child who was bitten.   :crying:

Ditto. I get too emotionally invested and end up shaking and feeling out of control. (I do control myself, but inside, I am usually not thinking nice thoughts.)

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You sure have gotten the hang of this here thread rather quickly, I must say. I like you. Of course, I liked Mark, too.





You're doomed.



See....this place speaks to my sarcastic side...lol.  I could tell before I even opened the thread.  Of course!  A thread titled, "Ignore this Thread!" with 800+ pages MUST have my kind of people on it!  


And because using sarcasm and snark at home has resulted in a waaaaaaay too smart-mouthed 9 yr old...I have to limit my actual use.  This place can be my creative outlet!  I promise not to talk politics or...anything controversial!  I promise to keep all Jesus Jukes to a minimum! 


(side note...I had to tell same 9 yr old to not drop any Jesus Jukes at his first baseball practice yesterday...because he thinks he can save the world...maybe I should work on his socialization???  He also wants to go to public school and save the world. Love the kid but...he thinks public school is Candyland)  


Who's Mark?  


Obviously, I have a lot of reading to do.  One night...when I am all caught up on my daily demands...and I have insomnia...I'll read all the pages.  Let's see...youngest DS is 6...he'll be graduating in at least ten years...I should have some time then!  

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See....this place speaks to my sarcastic side...lol. I could tell before I even opened the thread. Of course! A thread titled, "Ignore this Thread!" with 800+ pages MUST have my kind of people on it!


And because using sarcasm and snark at home has resulted in a waaaaaaay too smart-mouthed 9 yr old...I have to limit my actual use. This place can be my creative outlet! I promise not to talk politics or...anything controversial! I promise to keep all Jesus Jukes to a minimum!


(side note...I had to tell same 9 yr old to not drop any Jesus Jukes at his first baseball practice yesterday...because he thinks he can save the world...maybe I should work on his socialization??? He also wants to go to public school and save the world. Love the kid but...he thinks public school is Candyland)


Who's Mark?


Obviously, I have a lot of reading to do. One night...when I am all caught up on my daily demands...and I have insomnia...I'll read all the pages. Let's see...youngest DS is 6...he'll be graduating in at least ten years...I should have some time then!

We have the same problem. We were out in public when my son said something hilarious and every adult around us was mortified. Oops.
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Some of these little ones have very poor coping skills.  When I asked the little guy why he threw scissors at his teacher, he said, "Because I don't want to be here."  I looked him right in the eye and told him, "I don't want to be here either.  I'd rather be at home watching TV.  But I have to come here just like you do.  And I don't throw scissors at people."


ETA: This post is in reference to Renai's class, not in reference to Slache's and Sweetpea's boys.  The post just showed up in a weird place.  :)

Edited by Junie
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I see there has already been much explanation. Please just remember, that here in ITT we have a Queen. Long may she live. And she spells booya without an h. So let it be written. So let it be done.



And since Renai the Icon Queen said so you can take it to the bank.

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