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*This post is not meant to be political - it's about my awesome kid :) *


We were watching the debate last night in lieu of schoolwork, and my DS9 was playing with Legos at the same time. I was just starting to think, "This is boring. Maybe I shouldn't have ditched schoolwork tonight. He's not even paying attention," when Kasich responded to a question about the Tiananmen Square massacre. Part of his response was, "We should have the heat on them to work in North Korea to get rid of that guy and the things that he's doing, number one."


DS looked up, and then said to me, "Does he mean Kim Jong Un? Does he not know the guy's name?"


I guess he was paying attention after all. :hurray:










Typo. :(

Awesome (and not political... I think we can all agree your son makes an excellent point!)

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Heights absolutely kill me. Which is really weird because that started only after I had kids. I used to go cliff diving (short cliffs into a river, but still.) No problemo. But now? I even dread high bridges. The Grand Canyon, while awesome (in the truest sense of that word) was my own little version of hell. :

We went to the Grand Canyon last summer and I was a wreck! I am so afraid of heights. All these people were sitting on rocks jutting over the edge taking selfies and I'm making sure my kids don't put so much as a pinkie toe off the walking path. I kept having visions of a huge gust of wind coming up and sweeping my child over the edge. It was really bad!
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I don't do well with heights anymore either.  When I was in high school, I worked on the stage crew.  We used to play tag on the catwalk 40 feet above the floor.  (It helped that there was a false ceiling in the auditorium, so we couldn't see the floor.)


Edited for clarity.  Also, ETA:  We couldn't see the floor, but we could see where the auditorium ceiling was patched.  Our faculty adviser had fallen through years before.  He was miraculously uninjured.  He landed in a chair.)

Edited by Junie
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I'm up with the chickens - not to take ds to work like planned, but to call him in sick to work again.  This will be his 4th day home from work.  I had to call because he has absolutely no voice and no one would be able to hear him on the phone.  And now it looks like he's woken up with pink eye.  He's already on antibiotics so I figure that will work on the yellow stuff he's coughing up.  (Sorry, tmi).


He's worried that he's going to get fired.  But I guess I'm at the point where if they do, they do, because he's just too sick to even do his 4 hour shift.  In his case, it's not like he's trying to support a family or even himself since he's still at home.  I hate this kind of dilemma.


As Critter told me yesterday, that might be a good opportunity for him to learn to self-advocate?  I know if one of mine were fired for illness, I wouldn't take it laying down (no pun intended!).  I realize not all employers have humane policies, but I think it's important to assert our worth as human beings, to stand up for what is right and for how people should be treated.  Having a bad illness is not the same as someone who just calls in sick every time they don't want to work.  His record up to the illness should mean something.


Or the shorter version - just tell us when you need the Elephant Ninjas and we'll be there!  With bazookas!   


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A height related story.  A number of years ago, ds went on a backpacking trip with dh and some others.  On day two, he called me from the top of a mountain and said, "Mom, I'm at the edge of the mountain!"  And then the phone went dead.  I didn't hear from them again until they got home late the next day.  I thought it was funny. 

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A height related story. A number of years ago, ds went on a backpacking trip with dh and some others. On day two, he called me from the top of a mountain and said, "Mom, I'm at the edge of the mountain!" And then the phone went dead. I didn't hear from them again until they got home late the next day. I thought it was funny.

Hah. Haha. Ha...ha?

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<raises hand> Another height hater! We have a Natural Bridge in KY. I went there once before children. I will never go there again. Nor are my children allowed to go during my lifetime.

Oooo, you should go to Picket State Park - in TN but close to the border of KY. <evil laugh> We went camping there and they have all kinds of natural bridges and drop-offs. It's beautiful, but I had several very panicky moments.

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Hi Heather!


Ooooo, it's a Howdy Heather Booyah!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

I get my very own Booyah?! I feel verklempt :wub:

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*This post is not meant to be political - it's about my awesome kid :) *


We were watching the debate last night in lieu of schoolwork, and my DS9 was playing with Legos at the same time. I was just starting to think, "This is boring. Maybe I shouldn't have ditched schoolwork tonight. He's not even paying attention," when Kasich responded to a question about the Tiananmen Square massacre. Part of his response was, "We should have the heat on them to work in North Korea to get rid of that guy and the things that he's doing, number one."


DS looked up, and then said to me, "Does he mean Kim Jong Un? Does he not know the guy's name?"

I guess he was paying attention after all. :hurray:


Apparently our offspring should run as a group for election. That would be a government to write home about, lol.

Edited by Professormom
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We went to the Grand Canyon last summer and I was a wreck! I am so afraid of heights. All these people were sitting on rocks jutting over the edge taking selfies and I'm making sure my kids don't put so much as a pinkie toe off the walking path. I kept having visions of a huge gust of wind coming up and sweeping my child over the edge. It was really bad!

When we were there, there were three teens/20s who had gone over the fence and jumped onto one of the pinnacles and were messing around taking pix. I truly almost had a heart attack. They were just across the way so I couldn't even go smack some sense into them :svengo:

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Add me to the list of those who can't do heights. I cried on our last vacation when DH took DS out on a ledge to take in the view. Actual tears. I was petrified, and I wasn't even the one out there!

I have to turn away when they do that too! I honestly think something happens to your hormones after you have kids, because the illogical fear that floods my body when I even see other people doing it is unbelievable... And stupid :huh:
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<raises hand> Another height hater! We have a Natural Bridge in KY. I went there once before children. I will never go there again. Nor are my children allowed to go during my lifetime.

. :seeya:


I had the kids in a death grip on Natural Bridge. Luckily, they were pretty small so they couldn't fight me off :lol:

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For our 3rd quarter academic celebration, we had a smorgasbord of activities in the gym. It ended up a big dance party with Whip Nae Nae and other songs. Then, we taught them Thriller. It was highly educational. ;)

Those kids have mad skills. I have no skills. haha


One has not lived until one has seen the Thriller video.  I have not seen the Thriller video.  Therefore, I have not lived.  I must be dead.



Or something like that.  No, seriously.  I have seen clips of it, but I honestly don't think I have ever seen the whole music video.  I have, however, seen a video of Chinese school kids performing it.  So, it's kind of the same thing, right? :lol:






(Note to self:  Have DS watch Thriller video with me tonight.  It's probably on YouTube somewhere.)

Edited by ikslo
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My son just sold me candy. I was that desperate. I paid .50 for two snack sized skittles.


Still no caffeine.


It was 10 days last time to break the addiction.  I can do this (because I certainly don't want to have to do this again at some later date)!


Way to go! :hurray:


I gave up coffee cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant with DS.  It was HARD. 

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One has not lived until one has seen the Thriller video.  I have not seen the Thriller video.  Therefore, I have not lived.  I must be dead.



Or something like that.  No, seriously.  I have seen clips of it, but I honestly don't think I have ever seen the whole music video.  I have, however, seen a video of Chinese school kids performing it.  So, it's kind of the same thing, right? :lol:






(Note to self:  Have DS watch Thriller video with me tonight.  It's probably on YouTube somewhere.)

I prefer the 13 Going on 30 version. ;) 



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Not ketched up.


But I miss my ITT, so I need to do a morning drive by.


Tex, :svengo: at the barfing kid scenario. How many ways can I spell "duh"...


Eastern Wash is a sleeper. And I prefer to drive. I agree with Jean, I feel like I can control the car. That is good, especially in the mountains. Heights absolutely kill me. Which is really weird because that started only after I had kids. I used to go cliff diving (short cliffs into a river, but still.) No problemo. But now? I even dread high bridges. The Grand Canyon, while awesome (in the truest sense of that word) was my own little version of hell. (Although driving switchbacks in the Rockies is the absolute worst!) I spent most of the time we were there with a lizard on my arm, showing it to some German folks, who (I think) thought I spoke German because I would say "Ja" a lot. I didn't realize I was doing it until Dh came back :lol: I think they were more impressed that I just picked up a lizard and walked around with it. I don't think you see that much in Deutschland.


Yesterday, I tool a dress for nephew's upcoming wedding to the tailor for some adjustments. Remember the Dolce I found a few months ago? The black lace overlay? Well, I found one similar that I won't have to mortgage my house for:-) boys got haircuts. One chose a David Beckham do, one wanted Tom Cruise in his long wavy days. Both look nice.


Today, it's bio lab and tennis. And we start getting the laundry room ready for tile, wooohoooo!


I want the cookie Tsuga had too much willpower to eat :hurray:

GlacierPark. Road to the Sun.



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He didn't do it on purpose. It was the only place they found with cellphone reception in that area. And then it ran out of battery.

I know but I would have still probably flipped out! Because I'm turning into my mom.

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I guess he was paying attention after all. :hurray:


Apparently our offspring should run as a group for election. That would be a government to write home about, lol.

Honestly I bet our kids could do a better job than some of the clowns up there. We do have some amazing politicians in our state but as a whole, Congress pisses me off.

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I would not have been laughing.  I am pretty sure I would have been an emotional, hysteric mess.

I consoled myself with the thought that I didn't hear his voice trailing off into the distance.  Plus, he was with his dad and a couple of other highly trained men.  And there was nothing I could do about it until we could have communication again.  So I went back to scraping the popcorn off a ceiling and then painting. 

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One has not lived until one has seen the Thriller video. I have not seen the Thriller video. Therefore, I have not lived. I must be dead.

(Note to self: Have DS watch Thriller video with me tonight. It's probably on YouTube somewhere.)

Oh wow! Major high school flashback. I'm a little dizzy now!
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I'm going to post this on the chat board as well.  A doggie WWYD:


Rocky is a 13 year old springer spaniel.  (Lifespan of a Springer is 12 - 14 years, according to Google.)  He seems happy.  He's alert, is moving fine, eating etc.  But he does have labored breathing at times.  Today he's been having really labored breathing for the past couple of hours but only when he lies down.  It sounds like he's snoring while wide awake and his belly is heaving with each breath.  Do I take him to the vet?  I don't mind taking to the vet but if it is simply old age or even cancer (which I'm not going to pursue heavy testing and treatment for at his age) then could a vet even do anything?  If he seemed like he was in pain it would be a no brainer.  I would have him at the vet in a heartbeat. 

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I have never seen the whole Thriller video either.  Because I was raised on Christian music.  But my neighbor friend's older sister had the LP (that we weren't allowed to touch.)


I know nothing about doggies.  Really.  Nothing.



ETA:  It's a Junie-has-not-yet-lived-Junie-knows-nothing-Booyah.   :huh:

Edited by Junie
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