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Note to self, go back and start reading at page 600


So I am finally on Christmas break...sort of.  Both daycares are now closed for the next 2 weeks, but I am going in Monday to get some work done that we did not finish before the break started (washing toys, deep cleaning the room, lockers and boot room, programming, clean out the fridge etc).  Those hours will get added to my Jan check which is good, because my Dec cheque was 1200 less than I am used to because of being closed for 2 weeks.  Which sucks.  

I also have to get this portfolio completed and submitted to the college by tomorrow for my advanced credit for the practicum I should have done last month.  Technically it was due by yesterday but I got a couple day extension due to being a mom and preparing for the daycares to close (helps that one of the daycares is in the college so while we are privately owned often I get thought of as college staff).  

The girls had their final dance classes until after the holiday today.  So while I have a few things to still do on the whole I am saying I am on xmas vacation.  And from right after dinner xmas day until the 30th I will be childless, and on my break which means I can do the mom thing and deep clean my house :)

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I'd say stay home for fever. But then, I'm introverted enough to come down with a fever if I was supposed to go to a crowded Carols and Communion service, so I might not be the best person to comment!


That's how I feel about our normal Christmas program. This one is more laid back and just feels more intimate to me. 

I'm actually sad to miss it, but dd comes first. 



For the fever part, I've talked to some drs before and some have actually said "Oh, that's not considered a fever. We don't consider it a fever until it's over 101."  :huh: I consider 100 a fever, so I'm always confused. haha

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Good Morning!!!


I have a problem. Dd16 has been "talking to" this boy. "Talking to" means going with or some form of exclusivity. This boy is a year older and has been kicked off the basketball team for drugs. Dh took her to a ball game Wednesday evening and found her at the very top of the bleachers with this boy, and he had his arm around her. Dh was not happy. He said he stared until the arm was removed. So last night ds20 and dd16 went to the YMCA to swim. So I call ds, and make sure this boy is not going to be there. He assures me no, not going to happen while he is around. Ok good. But however, apparently, he tells dd about the call. Dd16 then sends me a big long text about why I don't trust her. She wants to talk. Ok fine I told her we would talk.


My plan was to just keep a really close eye on her, and not let her be alone with the boy. I figured the relationship would fizzle out in a couple of weeks. But now I have been called out on it. What do I do? I trust her completely, she is a wonderful daughter, but I DO NOT trust this boy. I know his parents and some of his family. Dh is firmly against any type of relationship. Again, what to do?

I would tell her my concerns.  I would be open and honest about why I don't want her with him.  And then I would leave it be.  Pushing too hard will drive her right into his arms.  Laying it all out there so she can see that you are not simply trying to keep her under your thumb or keep her as a little girl will work so much better even if it is not instant.  She will remember your worries when he says/does something and start to see those little red flags herself.  Be ready with a pint of ice cream and a box of kleenex when it does end.  If you told your piece and then let it drop she will come back to you saying you were right rather than trying to keep making it work with him just to prove you wrong.  At least that is how I would handle it with my own dd16.


I am sure you have already spoken with her since this was from yesterday so it is likely a moot point anyway.  Time to keep reading to check for an update.

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For the fever part, I've talked to some drs before and some have actually said "Oh, that's not considered a fever. We don't consider it a fever until it's over 101." :huh: I consider 100 a fever, so I'm always confused. haha

I have heard this too, and don't get it. A 100* temp is usually enough for me to start feeling pretty crappy. 101 would have me in bed. Maybe I'm just "sensitive". :D

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I just discovered something new about this board completely  by accident.  If you click on the ________ replies part on a thread line it will tell you who posted in the thread and how many times.  Slache wins this thread by posting on it 4749 times. 

I can't figure it out. :(


ETA: I wonder if it's because I'm on a Mac?


I figured out I'm just super special. *eye roll*

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Ok, need experienced mom advice and mine is in bed.

Dd is STILL running a low grade fever - about 100.3. She was about a 99.5 all day, but played hard and was generally acting like she wasn't sick.

I had really wanted to go to church tomorrow for the Carols and Communion service, but I don't want to infect anyone if she's still contagious.

(Our school won't send them home unless they're 101, so that's what's got me questioning.)


What say you all?

I've heard two things that as time has past have proven to be true. 1. You are only contagious if you have a fever of 100 or more or if you have a sore throat. 2. You become sick 3 days after catching your illness.

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I have heard this too, and don't get it. A 100* temp is usually enough for me to start feeling pretty crappy. 101 would have me in bed. Maybe I'm just "sensitive". :D



I think I'm sensitive too.  I could have sworn I was dying at 99, lol.  :lol:



I'm dying before I even register that I have a fever. It's like the inner core starts boiling and doesn't let any heat out, except I can feel it and no thermometer can. It kinda sucks. 

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I'm dying before I even register that I have a fever. It's like the inner core starts boiling and doesn't let any heat out, except I can feel it and no thermometer can. It kinda sucks. 


I can relate to that too!


ETA:  Or I'll be freezing, and think I must have the chills and a fever, and then register nothing. 


Edited by Another Lynn
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I've heard two things that as time has past have proven to be true. 1. You are only contagious if you have a fever of 100 or more or if you have a sore throat. 2. You become sick 3 days after catching your illness.


Gymnast had been holding on for the past couple of weeks. Now that it is officially vacation, it's hit her. 

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One of my college roommates (eh-hmm - 30 plus years ago) sent me a framed embroidered cat that apparently I made and gave to her 30 some years ago.  I appreciate her kindness but I'm not going to tell her that it is going immediately to Goodwill.  It did not age well and maybe someone can use the frame. 

I wish we lived near each other. My sister sarcastically said that all she wants for Christmas are "cats, cats, cats, cats." I would have taken that off your hands and enjoyed giving her a "cat". 

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One of my college roommates (eh-hmm - 30 plus years ago) sent me a framed embroidered cat that apparently I made and gave to her 30 some years ago.  I appreciate her kindness but I'm not going to tell her that it is going immediately to Goodwill.  It did not age well and maybe someone can use the frame. 


At the age of 7, I gave my grandmother a door hanger with my own name on it. My name is the same as her older sister's. She gave it back to me 25 years later on the day, LOL.


I have no idea where it is now, but we all had a great laugh about it.

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I just discovered something new about this board completely  by accident.  If you click on the ________ replies part on a thread line it will tell you who posted in the thread and how many times.  Slache wins this thread by posting on it 4749 times. 


I'm in 17th place and I've only been posting on this thread for 2 months.


I guess I talk a lot.   :D

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We had a great Christmas with my family today!!


Dinner was delicious.  Dh made some really yummy soup to go with my pasta casserole.


Dd5 was feeling much better today and her uncle was quite taken with her today.   :001_wub:


The peanut butter fudge didn't set, but it tasted good.


After the visiting relatives left, we put the littles to bed and watched one of dd13's new Christmas presents -- Up.  (None of us had seen it before.)


And I have Amazon gift cards!!!   :thumbup:



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In my experience the beginning of the illness, no matter how little, occurs 3 days after exposure.


What I mean is, she's had signs of illness off and on for a while, although never strong enough to warrant staying home. It's finally hit her full force. I'm glad it's while school is out, as it would have been hard to take days off between dh and I. I'm not debating about exposure.

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What I mean is, she's had signs of illness off and on for a while, although never strong enough to warrant staying home. It's finally hit her full force. I'm glad it's while school is out, as it would have been hard to take days off between dh and I. I'm not debating about exposure.

Argue with me!


I was just clarifying what I believe to be true. I do not have a medical degree, but I do watch Bones.

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Poor child is miserable.

I'm sorry. I hate that. I'm an adult. I just sleep or watch a movie. There's all sorts of over the counter things we can take and my neti pot really is great, but kids are just so sad. I wish you could just make them sleep until it was over.

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I just discovered something new about this board completely  by accident.  If you click on the ________ replies part on a thread line it will tell you who posted in the thread and how many times.  Slache wins this thread by posting on it 4749 times. 

I don't get it. there is no where to click on the _____ replies, or am I missing something?

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Never mind, I figured out the ____ replies, you had to be right on the general education board not the view new content listing apparently.  Looks like I am in 20th position.  Given the long periods of no posting I have done due to my schedule, I am impressed I even made it that high on the listing.

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He says I'm on here too much. I've averaged 17 posts a day and most of that time multiquote was broken!

My post count on the WTM board is highest when I don't feel well.  When I don't feel well, I need distraction and support.  This board provides both, especially my happy place ITT thread.  As long as I am taking care of business in my home to the best of my ability, I figure no one can criticize the use of my free time.  Typing is especially suited to taking care of small children, I think, because you can leave a post half typed and take care of littles. 

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Scarlett is like the antimatter Tsuga--so much in common, and yet so different--so it's funny she only has one post here!


One thing about me, you can only offend me for so long. Then you have to re-offend and eventually it's family.



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Never mind, I figured out the ____ replies, you had to be right on the general education board not the view new content listing apparently.  Looks like I am in 20th position.  Given the long periods of no posting I have done due to my schedule, I am impressed I even made it that high on the listing.


I only discovered it through an errant mouse click. 

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I'm losing my mind. You can't tell me Saturday afternoon you want a bunch of stuff done for Sunday morning. I don't have the skill set for this. Do I look smart to you? Because I'm not. I ain't never went to no college.






I thought you said that they wanted you to get a brunch done for Sunday morning and told you on Saturday afternoon. :huh:

I got the reference at once. 


I knew you did.   :hat:

Ok, need experienced mom advice and mine is in bed. 

Dd is STILL running a low grade fever - about 100.3. She was about a 99.5 all day, but played hard and was generally acting like she wasn't sick. 

I had really wanted to go to church tomorrow for the Carols and Communion service, but I don't want to infect anyone if she's still contagious. 

(Our school won't send them home unless they're 101, so that's what's got me questioning.) 


What say you all? 

I would absolutely not take a sick child to a crowded event five days before Christmas.  (She is sick, btw - how high the fever is is not an indicator of how sick she may make someone else.  Not to Sunday School or even right by me in church.  I would just skip.)


My post count on the WTM board is highest when I don't feel well.  When I don't feel well, I need distraction and support.  This board provides both, especially my happy place ITT thread.  As long as I am taking care of business in my home to the best of my ability, I figure no one can criticize the use of my free time.  Typing is especially suited to taking care of small children, I think, because you can leave a post half typed and take care of littles. 

Folks who criticize how I spend my free time get a throat punch.  I am glad to throat punch anyone else who needs one.  It makes no difference to me. :laugh:

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My post count on the WTM board is highest when I don't feel well. When I don't feel well, I need distraction and support. This board provides both, especially my happy place ITT thread. As long as I am taking care of business in my home to the best of my ability, I figure no one can criticize the use of my free time. Typing is especially suited to taking care of small children, I think, because you can leave a post half typed and take care of littles.

Yes. And this has been a horrible 9 months between my foot, back, tooth and now my little nausea issue.



Did you guys know we're 9 months old. We could have delivered by now!


Matt's not upset with me. When I read the post count he thought I was posting like 200 times a day. Once I clarified he didn't care.

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Yay for Renai.  Boo for gymnast being sick.  Yay for signing up for soccer. 


(Btw, I think you're on here less now that you've graduated.  Thinking of going for a PhD now?  :lol: )


And, I'm outta likes, but y'all know I like ya a lot. 


Off to bed....  :seeya:


I noticed that, too. It's all the texting I've been doing. Blame them. NO, I am not going for a phd. 


Good night!

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Ok, need experienced mom advice and mine is in bed. 

Dd is STILL running a low grade fever - about 100.3. She was about a 99.5 all day, but played hard and was generally acting like she wasn't sick. 

I had really wanted to go to church tomorrow for the Carols and Communion service, but I don't want to infect anyone if she's still contagious. 

(Our school won't send them home unless they're 101, so that's what's got me questioning.) 


What say you all? 

absolutely not. Stay home, just to be sure.  My rule of thumb is the same as my daycare uses...person must be symptom free for at least 24 hours.  Meaning a fever, even low grade today, means staying home tomorrow even if it has broken.  While it would be lovely to see that service, it is not worth risking infecting scores of other people.  This will come across as harsh, so be warned.  But to be honest, I would consider someone who came to something like that with a fever or other symptoms to illness to be selfish, plain and simple.



Sorry folks, missed the Booyah last night, since the servers went down.  So BooyaH

Edited by swellmomma
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Been at a hysterical annual Christmas party with some very old friends.  It is the only party dh and I go to.  It is always a trip.



I flipped off everyone.  (church crowd) :gnorsi:

I caught a peanut M&M in my mouth thrown by my friend Delana. :coolgleamA:

I mocked and heckled a lady who said she had the best time at Boy Scout camp and then proceeded to say how a Scout almost died in moose mud, she had a leech attached to her, it was freezing, and they made her carry a huge pack (and she weighs about 100 pounds).  I was all, "Sounds like a blast!!!" :huh:

Dh made me cry giving a speech about how I took care of Nan. :001_tt1:


We do white elephant gifts, and I came home with a nice tape measure (like construction worker nice), a huge box of nails, some wooden shims, and a red cloth.  Dh got a duct tape calendar with duct tape and some movie tickets.  Nice haul.  I really love tape measures. :001_tt1:

Edited by texasmama
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