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I grew leeks at one point. But then I harvested them and didn't know what to do with them. If I would have known you needed them I would have sent them to you. Sometimes I grow things in my garden just because it sounds cool to grow them, not because I have any desire to use them. I grew beautiful jalapeño peppers this summer, but didn't use many because I never made salsa. I grew broccoli once. Never ate it. I hate broccoli.


I once grew okra. I hate okra. But I still try it every once in a while because my mom likes it.

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grocery store?


Bed, Bath and Beyond?



for wrapping paper


Yeah. I just so hate shopping. Dh was surprised I didn't like any of the options, and I'm cheap so usually get the 4-in-a-pack or similar. Yep. Sigh.


I think I'm going to do gift inventory now. I keep talking about it...

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I helped this chick with her website. She's computer illiterate. She was convinced that the reason I couldn't sign in from my computer was because she could only sign in from hers. It took me 2 hours to convince her she'd forgotten her password. She had a mac but the tutorial on YouTube was a pc so she went out and bought a pc last weekend. The whole thing was a disaster. She's coming next week so we can do more.


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Went to the cub scout banquet and on our way out was discussing with dd17 our need for a Fortress of Solitude. Because boys.


I just finished a small chunk of Christmas shopping. Yay for Amazon. Also realized I need to get a gift put together for two teachers for the morning. Better get on that.

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I was doing gift inventory and dh walked in. I started showing him stuff for the girls, forgetting I had something under something else that was for him. He saw it, and promptly told me that if that was for him, he didn't want it. He said to give it to dd16.  :mellow:

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It is (policy) and I am (on ancestry). The problem is, there are a lot of Dunklins. We have no idea of which family we are tied in to. The only Dunklins that could possibly be parents of my grandfather are all dead, all though we don't know which line he is from.  That is what is so frustrating. We know they are dead, we just don't know who they are.


I know some local Dunklins.

I was doing gift inventory and dh walked in. I started showing him stuff for the girls, forgetting I had something under something else that was for him. He saw it, and promptly told me that if that was for him, he didn't want it. He said to give it to dd16.  :mellow:

Give him the Bon Qui Qui treatment.

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On the bright side, my odd father called to ask for a safety deposit key for a box we share since he is closing it, and I actually found it.  It would not have been good for me to not find it, and I did not want to lay this news on my odd father so I am so relieved that I put it in a safe place and could actually lay hands on it a decade later.  It's me for the win! :hat:

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On the bright side, my odd father called to ask for a safety deposit key for a box we share since he is closing it, and I actually found it. It would not have been good for me to not find it, and I did not want to lay this news on my odd father so I am so relieved that I put it in a safe place and could actually lay hands on it a decade later. It's me for the win! :hat:


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Baha! ...this could be me lol


I would have no idea if I had a Mac or...anything.

I usually say...do hicky. Interchangeable for any electronic devise...or anything else I....don't wanna do!!


Pssst. Thst would be more and my brain. I don't wanna lol

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Night ladies.

Me too. 3 hyper lil ones today.

Candy apples won. I called my mom...I thought you likede?

She says...ohh you have more candy apples coming in a week!



I was jus kiddin...I thought you at least....kinda liked me baha! ;)


Edited by Kat w
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.......laughin !

That's funny


Dd16 thinks it's funny too. I think the last time I tried okra was 2-3 years ago. I bought some frozen fried okra. It was ok. Meh. I guess it's about time I try it again.


I don't know why I try so hard to like okra. It's weird. Other foods I accept that I don't like them, like yellow squash and oysters. Weird to be me, I guess.

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Dd16 thinks it's funny too. I think the last time I tried okra was 2-3 years ago. I bought some frozen fried okra. It was ok. Meh. I guess it's about time I try it again.


I don't know why I try so hard to like okra. It's weird. Other foods I accept that I don't like them, like yellow squash and oysters. Weird to be me, I guess.

Ikras kinda one if those things....you must have *fresh* yuk otherwise. Not sure I've had em that way. Sure I have bit. I'm not an okra fan.

Yukky lol

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I was lurking ninja style. No running involved. I then went back to bed like I do every morning after fulfilling my maternal duty to deliver my son to work.


I had just gotten myself back into a very deep sleep when my mother called. I was groping wildly for the phone, I couldn't see what button to push and was randomly pushing things until I heard my mother's voice.


Mom - "Hi. Did you call me?"


Me - "um.. no."


Mom - " Oh, the phone told me to call you (she still doesn't quite get caller i.d. - esp. the part where it shows when someone called you like days or weeks ago.) "I can't talk though. I'm going to the pharmacy."


Me left holding the phone going :confused1: . I'm not mad at her though. She'll be 91 next month. She gets a few allowances due to that. (She's sharp as a tack but not about these newfangled phones.)

Laughed til my stomach hurt. Omg.



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I was doing gift inventory and dh walked in. I started showing him stuff for the girls, forgetting I had something under something else that was for him. He saw it, and promptly told me that if that was for him, he didn't want it. He said to give it to dd16.  :mellow:




Some of your ITT peeps might have to come over and hurt that guy.

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Dd16 thinks it's funny too. I think the last time I tried okra was 2-3 years ago. I bought some frozen fried okra. It was ok. Meh. I guess it's about time I try it again.


I don't know why I try so hard to like okra. It's weird. Other foods I accept that I don't like them, like yellow squash and oysters. Weird to be me, I guess.


I cannot stand okra and I have no compunction about it. Feels like moldy zombie fingers in my mouth. I have tried it MANY ways. The absolute best was pan-seared from fresh picked that afternoon and I didn't even like that but at least I felt it was something I could eat a full serving of and not have to suppress a gag.


I am a pretty good eater but okra is just one of those things. I can hardly think of anything else I dislike as much as okra! Kholodets perhaps? It is a meat jello made from boiled down bone broth. It's literally bone jello. It is very, very good for you but you develop a taste for it as a child, in absence of other sources of those nutrients. It's not something anyone learns to like as an adult when they have access to just plain beef in my experience. On that note, okay, heart and tongue.


Heart, tongue, and okra are all in one category of "I'll learn to love it when I'm starving."

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I once grew okra. I hate okra. But I still try it every once in a while because my mom likes it.

I'm like that with tomato juice. I hate it. But I feel like for some reason I should like it. So, I try a little every once in a while just to see. But I always hate it.
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ALL fish??? What about shellfish and other seafood? Caviar?

I like most shellfish, except for scallops, to which I have a texture adversion. Just the swimmy fish. Can't stand to eat it, can't stand to small it.


Recently I was able to eat a small bit of salmon cooked on a friend's grill. We were outside, and it was a big dry, so I didn't gag at least. LOL. DH cooked something the other night that I tried since the salmon didn't get spit out, and nope. It was a good thing I had a napkin handy because there was NO way I was keeping that in my mouth!


ETA: Caviar is a no.

Edited by ikslo
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I like most shellfish, except for scallops, to which I have a texture adversion. Just the swimmy fish. Can't stand to eat it, can't stand to small it.


Recently I was able to eat a small bit of salmon cooked on a friend's grill. We were outside, and it was a big dry, so I didn't gag at least. LOL. DH cooked something the other night that I tried since the salmon didn't get spit out, and nope. It was a good thing I had a napkin handy because there was NO way I was keeping that in my mouth!


ETA: Caviar is a no.


Scallops are interesting. They can be really great or really hard to get down.


You might like my grilled halibut steaks. I don't like them mushy either.

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Good Tuesday Morning! 


Mark - how was the MRI ?  How are you?


Renai, I say take the gift back now while you can and buy yourself something instead, wrap it, put it under the tree.  If he didn't mind giving it to singer, he certainly won't mind that you "gave" it to yourself instead.  About wrapping paper, I would like to find some that doesn't rip so easily.  And, regarding your family tree, I remember the frustrating response from Soc. Sec. too.  So wish there was another way! 


Dawn, glad you are getting pain relief soon.  They should have taken care of that immediately!


Ducklings, keep cooking!


Slache, keep eating!


Tex, way to go locating the key!  I would have failed. 


Ikslo, which movie?


Tsuga, everything's better on the grill, right?


Krissi, meant to tell you the other day that your Booyah Christmas songs are nicely done.


Jean, way to go getting your treadmill walk in!


Susan, brain dead Tuesday!  Your last one before Christmas?


Kat w, Welcome!


Ellie, so glad you're here to kiss boo-boos and threaten violence where needed!


Hope everyone has a good day.  :)


ETA:  This Booyah is in honor of Krissi and her cool Christmas Booyah songs. 







Edited by Another Lynn
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