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So the lady I help take care of, is a long complicated mess.


She is not any better after her hospital stay. She is still having difficulty breathing, confusion.....and it is just not good. I have an appointment for her to see her primary care Dr. @ 1:10 this afternoon. She lives on her own in an elderly/disabled apartment complex. She has a lady that comes 3 times a week to help with housework, bathing, meals. Meals are delivered 2-3 times a week. And then there's me. I help with bills, grocery store, doctor appointments, medication, etc. However it has gotten to where all this help is not enough.:( She took too much medication out of the weekly pill box between Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. She will not take her breathing treatments unless someone makes her. And then she won't breathe it in properly unless she is reminded. She does not want oxygen, but she needs it. She is fall risk. She is mentally handicapped, epileptic, has copd and now I think congestive heart failure. She needs to be in a rehab facility for a bit. She adamantly refuses. I am putting a lot of hope in this Dr visit today for more help or some solution. Because I can't provide all the help she is needing at this point. And that makes me sad because she is a sweet lady, and I am afraid if I quit being her guardian then the judge will appoint someone that will mistreat her. Her family is not good. How I came to be her guardian, my mom promised her husband before he died (cancer) that she would take care of her. When mom became unable then I took over. Dilemma.


*please excuse typos and grammatical errors. I am overwhelmed.

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Good morning! I'm being flexible today. Becoming more cheerfully flexible is something I have been working on over the years. It does not come naturally! I had a very nice list for the kids to do this morning - independent school stuff, chores, etc. Then a friend texts after 9:00 desperate for a babysitter (just for today) for her two kids who have school off all week, but she has to work. They're the same age as my kids, so, looks like my well planned morning is out the window! I'm hoping to round up the troops and have them do their work after 3:00 when the babysitted go home!

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Who cares? It's PIE!


I've yet to ever find a store made apple pie that I truly enjoy. Pumpkin is fairly easy. Strawberry rhubarb is 50/50. Apple must be home made. I don't like my apples crunchy, so I'm a bit of an anomaly.

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Good morning! I'm being flexible today. Becoming more cheerfully flexible is something I have been working on over the years. It does not come naturally! I had a very nice list for the kids to do this morning - independent school stuff, chores, etc. Then a friend texts after 9:00 desperate for a babysitter (just for today) for her two kids who have school off all week, but she has to work. They're the same age as my kids, so, looks like my well planned morning is out the window! I'm hoping to round up the troops and have them do their work after 3:00 when the babysitted go home!

You're a good friend. :)

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(((Dawn)))  This is the position that many family members are in, but you do not even have the distinction of being family.  You are a good person.

Thank you very much.


I hope we can figure out a solution because I can't just let her get worse, possibly fall and break something, or even worse possibly die.


She has three daughters, but they are in worse condition health-wise than she is. Also they are very poor money managers. All on fixed income. And broke a week after pay day. I can't even count the number of times they have called and asked to borrow money from "mom". She gets SSI and it is the bare minimum. After rent and utility bills there's not much left. :(

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Not to derail the thread <ha!> but Ellie I'd like to hear more about what is spiral or not related to math and Saxon.  Feel free to link me to another thread or pm me or ignore me <ha!>. 


Saxon is incremental, not spiral. (FTR,  "spiral" vs "mastery" is not my first thought regarding math; traditional math [bJUP, Saxon, ABeka, R&S] vs process math is [Miquon, MUS, Making Math Meaningful]). Saxon introduces new concepts in tiny little bits, and continues working and developing each concept in every lesson through the whole book. So it would go something like this: The first lesson does a general review, with a little emphasis on Concept A. The next lesson does a little of everything with a little more on Concept A, plus maybe developing Concept W. The next lesson does mostly Concept A, lots of review, a smidge of Concept B. The next lesson does Concept A, a little more of Concept B...and there it is.


Happy Monday. :hat:

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I *think* I looked at the FlyLady site once several years ago.  Maybe it would be more helpful now that I have some older children to help keep the house "rett up".*


*Rett up is the phrase that my dad always used to tell us to clean up our rooms, eg: "Rett up your room.  It's a disaster."  It's from my Pennsylvania Dutch-ish side of the family



This has been Junie's educational contribution to this thread.


Ellie prefers the Sidetracked Home Executives over Flylady, which is, BTW, how Flylady got started. :-)


Junie has done a good job of contributing educational whatsit to this thread. Goodness knows it could use it. :hat: 

Edited by Ellie
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We sometimes go feed the homeless on Christmas day.  We will be going to my brother's house.  My SIL is good at cooking gf, and I really appreciate it after suffering through holidays with dh's family in which one easy ingredient could have been changed but no one cared enough to do so, which meant that my kids could not eat most of the food.  One year, SIL made homemade fried onions for the greenbean casserole just so they would be gf, and I almost cried from the kindness.


I have caught the cold my kids brought home, which means that I snore and dh wakes me up repeatedly so now I am up but a zombie.  I also dreamed that the ghoss of a mean lady was coming to get me and I had to invoke the name of Jesus. The ghost was small and sneaky and slid through the door.  My high school friend Amy was there so I hollered for her to help.  Then, a mean, big dog came to chase me so I had to stand on the counter top.  Also, I was carrying too much stuff, and I couldn't get my kids to carry some of it.  My friend Lisette was there, too, from the Humane Society.


I cleaned up the house on Saturday night during the mariachi concert just because I could not take it anymore.  Too much clutter depresses me.  It was that or Zoloft.  Made dh and the kids help.  Now I bask in the glow of cleanliness, even though we aren't having anyone over.  We will be going to my brother's house.


Renai, I now have a sense for how small 659 sq feet is because I helped my dad find house plans for 600 sq feet.


In a bit, I have to get my car tires rotated.  I think it needs new tires.


ETA:  I wrote a book, and it turned into a booya(h).


You have a great SIL!!!

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So the lady I help take care of, is a long complicated mess.


She is not any better after her hospital stay. She is still having difficulty breathing, confusion.....and it is just not good. I have an appointment for her to see her primary care Dr. @ 1:10 this afternoon. She lives on her own in an elderly/disabled apartment complex. She has a lady that comes 3 times a week to help with housework, bathing, meals. Meals are delivered 2-3 times a week. And then there's me. I help with bills, grocery store, doctor appointments, medication, etc. However it has gotten to where all this help is not enough. :( She took too much medication out of the weekly pill box between Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. She will not take her breathing treatments unless someone makes her. And then she won't breathe it in properly unless she is reminded. She does not want oxygen, but she needs it. She is fall risk. She is mentally handicapped, epileptic, has copd and now I think congestive heart failure. She needs to be in a rehab facility for a bit. She adamantly refuses. I am putting a lot of hope in this Dr visit today for more help or some solution. Because I can't provide all the help she is needing at this point. And that makes me sad because she is a sweet lady, and I am afraid if I quit being her guardian then the judge will appoint someone that will mistreat her. Her family is not good. How I came to be her guardian, my mom promised her husband before he died (cancer) that she would take care of her. When mom became unable then I took over. Dilemma.


*please excuse typos and grammatical errors. I am overwhelmed.



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But first I have to tell you that I think that Saxon is snoring boring.  Math in general is boring but Saxon takes it to a new level.  Just my opinionated opinion 


You're entitled to not like Saxon. Or Spalding. Or HOD. Or anything else that is someone else's favorite. :cheers2:

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Hello everybody.


Dawn--I am sorry. That sounds so hard.


We made an offer on a house. It's low compared to asking but they were asking more / sq ft than any home we have looked at in the past 4 months. People are weird about what in some cases are their pretty worn-down houses... I can't offer a premium if I have to do the roof! This is not a half a million dollar home just because I can see all of 20 sq feet of lake if I peek between houses!

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I took my odd father's car to have his tires rotated, and they were in deplorable condition and in need of replacing, which we suspected.  So now my odd father will call me back with information on tire replacement.  For many odd reasons, I drive my odd father's car (he has two).


On the way, I drove past Nan's grave to see if the dude had chiseled the date of death on the marker.  He had.  I took a photo, said "hi" to Nan, cleaned off the stone of dirt, and wished her a Happy Thanksgiving.  Only it is just Nan's body and not the rest of her.  The rest of her is elsewhere, and I am jelly.


While getting my odd father's tires looked at, I thought I was having a migraine due to vision changes so I took an Imitrex, then realized I am not actually having a migraine.   :confused1:  I'm not on my game today.  So now I'm goofy and tired from Imitrex, but not much is expected from me so it's all good.


Little dd made a comic and charged 25 cents for it, which I paid.  It was pretty cute.



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And she understands gf really well so she will not accidentally gluten the kids!  So wonderful.


So great to have relatives who won't mix up serving utensils or touch the whipped cream to the pie.


In my family, I'm the only one gluten free, but the dc know to drop spaghetti sauce from a good distance or to not contaminate the jelly with bread crumbs.



:hurray: for your SIL!!

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So great to have relatives who won't mix up serving utensils or touch the whipped cream to the pie.


In my family, I'm the only one gluten free, but the dc know to drop spaghetti sauce from a good distance or to not contaminate the jelly with bread crumbs.



:hurray: for your SIL!!

It would be hard to be the only one.  The kids and I are gf but not dh so he has his own shelf of gluten.  The shelf o' gluten. :lol:  Ds15 and I do not have to be gf - we choose to be, though he will sometimes eat crackers and such, maybe once a month or less.  Everything I cook is gf.  We've been this way for 8 years so it is no big deal now.

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Monday's prep duties include wiping down the oven inside (self-cleaning thing was done last night while we were out), cleaning the kitchen (again), finding the table linens, making sure I have containers and cookware for everything, and organizing food and ingredients in and out of the fridge.


facepalm.gif Clean the oven.  Totally forgot.

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So the lady I help take care of, is a long complicated mess.


She is not any better after her hospital stay. She is still having difficulty breathing, confusion.....and it is just not good. I have an appointment for her to see her primary care Dr. @ 1:10 this afternoon. She lives on her own in an elderly/disabled apartment complex. She has a lady that comes 3 times a week to help with housework, bathing, meals. Meals are delivered 2-3 times a week. And then there's me. I help with bills, grocery store, doctor appointments, medication, etc. However it has gotten to where all this help is not enough. :( She took too much medication out of the weekly pill box between Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. She will not take her breathing treatments unless someone makes her. And then she won't breathe it in properly unless she is reminded. She does not want oxygen, but she needs it. She is fall risk. She is mentally handicapped, epileptic, has copd and now I think congestive heart failure. She needs to be in a rehab facility for a bit. She adamantly refuses. I am putting a lot of hope in this Dr visit today for more help or some solution. Because I can't provide all the help she is needing at this point. And that makes me sad because she is a sweet lady, and I am afraid if I quit being her guardian then the judge will appoint someone that will mistreat her. Her family is not good. How I came to be her guardian, my mom promised her husband before he died (cancer) that she would take care of her. When mom became unable then I took over. Dilemma.


*please excuse typos and grammatical errors. I am overwhelmed.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


It's hard when you're doing your best to help, but it's just not enough.  God bless you for loving her.


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I am wide awake again due to the &^*#@ person ("private caller" on the Caller I.D.) who called on the phone and then hung up by the time I stumbled (literally) to the phone.  The cat has taken the opportunity to take over my bed. He was gracious enough to share with me earlier in the morning.  I was mean to Libby the disabled wonder dog and would not let her lounge on my bed with her icy wet paws. 

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But first I have to tell you that I think that Saxon is snoring boring.  Math in general is boring but Saxon takes it to a new level.  Just my opinionated opinion 


Oh, yeah.  And if you have a child who neither needs nor wants the material presented in "dribs and drabs"-Oy Vey!  That is the stuff of nightmares.  After DD went to school following our move, it took us the better part of a year to get her back on track and to not hating math (She loves math.  She is lovely child, but she is very, very weird.)

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Over 4,000 words written between yesterday and this morning, and I'm just getting into my stride. I'm at 56,713 right now. Think I'll get my act together and validate my word count this afternoon so I can get my shiny winner's badge, then hustle along to my goal of 70,000 for the month.

I've done the laundry. Good for me.

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It would be hard to be the only one.  The kids and I are gf but not dh so he has his own shelf of gluten.  The shelf o' gluten. :lol:  Ds15 and I do not have to be gf - we choose to be, though he will sometimes eat crackers and such, maybe once a month or less.  Everything I cook is gf.  We've been this way for 8 years so it is no big deal now.


It's not too hard because it's me.  If it were dh or one of the dc it would be much more difficult.  Dinner is usually 100 percent gf, although they do eat regular pasta/bread/desserts.  Mine is too expensive to share with people who don't need it.


The shelf o' gluten.  LOL!


I've been gf for about 7 1/2 years.  It's much easier now than it was in the beginning!

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Over 4,000 words written between yesterday and this morning, and I'm just getting into my stride. I'm at 56,713 right now. Think I'll get my act together and validate my word count this afternoon so I can get my shiny winner's badge, then hustle along to my goal of 70,000 for the month.

I've done the laundry. Good for me.


I knew I was forgetting something.  Be back in a little while...

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Hi, everyone.


Neighbors' fire was confined to the outside furnace room, but it burned until almost 4.  It burned so hot that it blew out an upstairs window on the near side of the house.  And the firefighters had a bust a hole in the wall to make sure there wasn't fire inside (it was badly singed-see heat of fire, above.)  They had a very cool alternative energy set-up, combining the use of an exterior wood-burning furnace, solar, and electric back-up.  Everything expensive melted.  We're all hoping that the state inspector will show up today, so the electric can be turned back on to the house.  Because of the complexity of the system and the dark, DH couldn't get the generator to talk to the house, so fingers are crossed that the pipes didn't all freeze last night. I'm so, so sad.  These are the awesome, courtesy grandparent neighbors, the ones everyone turns to when in need.  They are the ones who have taken responsibility for an elderly bachelor who lived in the neighborhood, buying his (worthless) trailer and property and getting him set up in a safe place in town, visiting him regularly, and being his "home" for the holidays.  Have I mentioned that I'm really sad?   (Thank you for listening.  Typing is cathartic.)


Less sad news:  DD and I took Nana to the concert in the Very Big City last night.  She loved it, so yay me.  (Nana's life has been one tragedy after another since my dad died 11 years ago.  We minimize bad things.  Also, she was being sponged off of and being bled dry in old hometown, so my goal is for her to enjoy life here, as much as is possible. And I wasn't much help yesterday anyway. Not that I'm conflicted or anything.)


Hi, everyone.  Happy Monday? 

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I'll be scrubbing walls if anyone needs me. We really need to paint. But, we have a open floor plan with high ceilings. Ugh! So, the ongoing debate is... Hire it done (me) vs. rent paint sprayers and do it ourselves (dh) and it never gets done, which brings us to today. And me scrubbing walls! Cheerio, friends!

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Well, I tried to do laundry.


I opened the washer and found wet (and kind of smelly) clothes that have been sitting there since Thursday or Friday.   :svengo:


So, those are being rewashed...


How awful for you.  I've never, ever done that.


BTW, have I mentioned that I sideline in real estate sales?  I have some wonderful desert properties for sale.  And bridges!  Lots of bridges...

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I'll be scrubbing walls if anyone needs me. We really need to paint. But, we have a open floor plan with high ceilings. Ugh! So, the ongoing debate is... Hire it done (me) vs. rent paint sprayers and do it ourselves (dh) and it never gets done, which brings us to today. And me scrubbing walls! Cheerio, friends!


Yep.  Our house is the same way.  Except dh and I both agree that we need to hire it out.  He just has a different timeline than I do...


My younger dc love to wash walls.  However they can't reach very high.

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I'll be scrubbing walls if anyone needs me. We really need to paint. But, we have a open floor plan with high ceilings. Ugh! So, the ongoing debate is... Hire it done (me) vs. rent paint sprayers and do it ourselves (dh) and it never gets done, which brings us to today. And me scrubbing walls! Cheerio, friends!


Pay someone. It will be worth every penny.


When Mr. Ellie and I moved to this house almost 12 years ago, we paid someone to paint most of the rooms, because it is a big house with high ceilings and a two-story entry. We wanted it d.o.n.e. So, living room, dining room, family room, two bedrooms, entry, halls. Best money we ever spent.


Oh, and guess what?




Edited by Ellie
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