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I still have 3 days of classes left before I'm off but I did finish shopping last night.  Not much to get when the kids are teenagers.  

My students were out of control yesterday.  This is always a fun week.  We also had torrential rains and flooding yesterday so we have a bunch of flooding today (it's usually worse a day after the rains) so I'm getting a lot of calls to see if we're open.  I expect light attendance due to the flooding and the holidays combined.  

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Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday!

I've finally gotten most of my shopping done and I'm hoping to get my Christmas cards out today.

Then I get to start wrapping and figuring out food for this weekend.

Actually, some of the wrapping is already done because my two married children aren't coming home for Christmas.  I sent their gifts to them last week.

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Good morning!

Thanks for reminding me that Christmas is this weekend.  My shopping is all done but  I also need to figure out meals.  Everybody is getting tired of leftover reception food, though I think one could survive on chai spice cake for quite a while.

So far this morning I took flower bouquets to the memorial gardens, bought some basic foods at Kroger, and dropped the Pup off at the groomer.  The garage door guy is coming in a couple hours so we can see what is available to replace ours.


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Good Morning!!




We are very thankful for our bit of rain we’re getting now. it’s been dry as a bone since last spring. But for those in the path of those mighty storms back East, stay safe and dry. Stay off of treacherous roads and don’t go swimming in the sea.

Having a couple of friends over for COFFEE!!~D this morning. Then I need to go to the post office and run a few other errands. The girls have soccer games tonight. I’m not sure if I’m going to go. Depends on the weather.

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21 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Maine Fiddle Camp is where I am hoping to spend a week this summer with my mandolin.  The Lost Kitchen is a farm to table restaurant that you can eat at by lottery reservation only.  You have to send a postcard to the restaurant and they randomly select postcards until the season is filled.  There's now a TV show about it.

That’s awesome. I guess you have to be local, then. Or have a really flexible vacation schedule to eat there.

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Happy Nirthday, @Renai🎉


Tis the season for last minute shopping

Fa la la la la, la la la la

Snow is in the way as always

Fa la la la la, la la la la

Making treats and wrapping presents

Fa la la, la la la, la la la

I am blessed, but feeling frazzled

Fa la la la la, la la la la

     ~Servie, Dec 2023

Edited by Servant4Christ
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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!!

Not too much on the docket for today. The girls have a half-day of school today, and then they are on vacation.  My mom, my uncle and my in-laws are coming over for dinner tonight. Soup and focaccia and then we will pile into cars and drive around town and look at Christmas lights. The focaccia recipe i’m making is different than my usual. I made this one years ago and it’s really good. You start it the night before and it ferments in the fridge first. They call the starter a “biga”, which is a pretty cool name. it’s very yummy, but a little involved, so I haven’t made it in a long time. 

Went to one soccer game last night. it rained off and on. Enough to make us uncomfortable, so we didn’t stay for the second. DD wasn’t going to play anyhow. The trainer thinks she has a torn muscle.

I finished my Christmas cards yesterday. Started and finished them, since the cards just arrived mid morning. I need to go to the post office for stamps and then get those mailed, too.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!

Well, we've made it to Wednesday.  I was definitely coming down with something yesterday, but this morning I'm doing a lot better.  Still a bit of coughing.  Yay for cold-eeze.  The girls made me some yogurt with sliced strawberries for breakfast.  I should go do something because so far today I have just been online ordering stuff and watching puppy training videos.


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I finished a book - Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb.  I really enjoyed it - autobiographical story of a therapist and her time in therapy.  I only have two categories left so this one will go under A Book From A Theological Position You Disagree With, but tweaked to A Book From A Theological Position of Which You Are Unaware.  
Just one more to go this month.

What should we have for dinner?

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D (I have quite a bit of whipped cream left over from last night’s dessert, so I got a little fancy with the COFFEE!!~D this morning)


The girls are on vacation now, so I got to sleep a little later this morning. Today I’m going to the Big City for Christmas Shopping, part 2 (just a few last minute things to get), Costco and lunch with IRL-BFF. That should be nice.

Dinner turned out well last night. Made a minestrone soup recipe that I haven’t made in years. It’s a little involved and has a lot of ingredients, but  it’s yummy and perfect for a rainy night.  The focaccia bread turned out great, too. And I made a yummy brownie/ice cream dessert. Then we piled into the Sienna and drove around town looking at Christmas lights.  It was a nice evening.

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

We are finally on Christmas break.  There was one research paper that I have been trying to get finished with dd13 since before Thanksgiving.  Things kept happening and it was *almost* done for weeks.  It's printed and done.

Working on doing some house cleaning and organization.  We might be having company on Christmas Eve, but I'm not sure yet.  It depends on Other People's plans.

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Good afternoon!

Thursday?  I am so exhausted.  Stopped by a pet food store which didn't have what I needed so headed to row class and knew I must be extra tired from the lack of sleep last night because the person rowing next to me had horrible technique and it was driving me nuts to see her arms flapping all over the place out of the corner of my eye and then went to pet store #2 which DID have what I was looking for and then took a deep breath and headed into AFSA where I spent the next two hours just getting basic groceries and then gas station because the van has been on empty for 2 days and now finally home.  I begged the girls to get the groceries put away so I could escape to my snuggly blanky.  
Everything is sending me into a panic today.  I need some sleep.  Also



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Things are falling into place. Busy day ahead but after it, should be done with lots of things. Hoping to get cards posted and gifts delivered. All my gifts need wrapped and I should get a couple small things but am in surprisingly good shape after being empty handed a couple days ago. 

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19 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

so headed to row class and knew I must be extra tired from the lack of sleep last night because the person rowing next to me had horrible technique and it was driving me nuts to see her arms flapping all over the place out of the corner of my eye

When I was in college, I was trying the rowing machine at the campus gym and a guy stopped running laps to come correct my technique. I was so embarrassed. But everything embarrassed me back then.

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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I am awake way too early.  I'm hoping for second sleep.  Today is an exciting day because we are going to pick up Chester's baby brother.  Nobody knows about it.


A Christmas puppy! That's what I wanted. Except the training. Maybe just a puppy for a day. I need a rent a puppy service.

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Good Morning!!


Thursday!! (I think)

Or is it Friday. Actually, I think it is Friday. I am so confused.

Baking cookies today. I mixed up a couple batches last night, so I just need to bake them this morning. And I need to make up a couple other batches as well. And gotta run to the Dollar Store to get some plastic trays to put them on.

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Morning, Happy Friday!

I'm now off for two weeks except for redoing my entire website; setting up and sharing Facebook and Instagram postings; designing, posting and following up on ads for an Open House and our next session; working out Summer Camp schedule then deigning, posting and following up on ads for that; figuring out if I can set up a payment terminal using one of the computers I already have; setting up a survey about next years classes then working out the schedule and posting about that; updating and sorting folders for my math workshop class; finishing up the organization of supplies that we moved over Thanksgiving break; sorting through some bins to make sure they are what they are supposed to be; finish organizing my upstairs area (should be for the last time since it will be lesser used stuff now); update Quickbooks for year end; and rearrange my classroom in a better setup for the size and age of my classes.  

Oh yeah and some holiday stuff too.  I'm enjoying my second cup of tea now after sleeping in until after 9am.  I've been storing the kids gifts in the upstairs storage at work so I'm going to head over there in a little bit to do the wrapping. Except I'd like to wait until after lunchtime at the restaurant there so I'll be able to park near the door and not have to carry stuff too far.  

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Chester and his baby brother are getting acquainted.  Puppy ate some dinner and drank water and though Chester hates his own food he loves baby's food so we have to keep that out of his reach.  Baby has only piddled on the floor once and pooped and pottied outside 3 times.  No name yet but he's adorable.  


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11 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Chester and his baby brother are getting acquainted.  Puppy ate some dinner and drank water and though Chester hates his own food he loves baby's food so we have to keep that out of his reach.  Baby has only piddled on the floor once and pooped and pottied outside 3 times.  No name yet but he's adorable.  


He's adorable! Looks like a Teddy to me.

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Good Morning!!!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!

COFFEE!!~D (is not ready yet, i woke up too early. I was having bad dreams)

Got all my cookies made yesterday and they look so festive on Dollar Tree plastic trays.  Today is going to be busy. Family Christmas with DH’s side. that starts at 1:00. It’s Mexican themed, so I need to make my charro beans and enchiladas this morning and wrap the gifts for the kids from Grandma and Grandpa. Tonight we’re going to my Aunt and Uncle’s house.  Usually that’s on Christmas Eve, but this year it’s tonight. So, busy day.

Last night we watched  A Christmas Story. Love that movie.

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Good morning!

Puppy slept well in his crate last night, and I slept OK once the cough suppressant kicked in.  This morning dd17 took pup out to potty and in the process of jumping about seems to have hurt his front leg.  The vet said to bring him in later this morning if it still seems to be bothering him.  Sigh.   He's sleeping in the crate again.  Chester is thrilled to have a playmate though we are trying to give them both some space.  Little Pup occasionally mistakes Chester for Mama and is a little disappointed over that.


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4 hours ago, Junie said:

Good Morning!

Happy Saturday!

I need to treat today like Christmas Eve and get all of the presents wrapped, but I'm sick (just a cold) and I don't feel like doing anything except staying in bed.

I'm sorry that I passed this stupid cold on to you.  I'm feeling slightly less sneezy today than yesterday.  I'm playing for services tomorrow morning and after that I think I'll be staying home for the remainder.  We have an invite for Christmas Day dinner but I may decline.

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Puppy's leg is fine now.  Probably just needed a nap to recover.  I also took a nap and got all the presents wrapped and under the tree.  Little Pup (whose name is Tobey) doesn't get to go near the tree, so they should be safe.  I don't have anything but oranges and peppermint candy for the stockings.  Oh well.

Oh look - I found some lip gloss and hand creams.  That will work.

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Presents are wrapped, except not Dh's. Made bacon jam. Baked our daily bread. Mixed up a very work intensive batch of cookies, Italian fig filled, but won't assemble and bake until tomorrow. Starting on more cookies next.

I told dd3 that I want to go on vacation. She said, " Yes, let's go to the library."

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Happy Christmas Eve.

I'm feeling very sneezy too.  Can't tell for sure if it's allergies or cold.  Feels slightly cold-like (feels different in my sinuses to me, I can usually tell) but could be start of a sinus infection from allergies.   We had a bunch of flooding last week and it's been warm-ish, generally in the 50's every day, and I'm very allergic to molds and mildews.  I've also been eating hazelnut chocolates (they are soooo good!) and I've been showing mild signs of tree nut allergies (walnuts a definite can't eat, almonds not as bad but not good to eat) so that could be contributing.  

We aren't doing anything holiday related until tomorrow.  My mother, oldest dd are coming over for breakfast and to spend the day until an early dinner. 

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Started to post but didn't finish last night:

Wrapped dh presents, made 2 types of cookies, gave 3 haircuts, made a batch of candy to gift to sunday school teachers tomorrow. Started laundry but have at least 3 more loads to wash.  Ugh. I need another week. I always need another week but this year is worse.


Got up at 4:45. Woke up to hot flash... I think I have a vitamin d deficiency because this happened last winter too but improved in spring. I need to remember to take my vitamins and calcium/d supplement but I'm so bad at remembering. Anyway, figured I might as well get up. Got candy wrapped for teachers. Made my date pudding and toffee sauce. Did 3 loads of laundry but not yet folded. Need to iron boys clothes and then off to church.

I'm thinking of not making the buche de noel (yule log cake) that I usually make. I like to have it. It's fun and pretty but we probably have enough dessert and I need to finish the time intensive fig cookies this afternoon. It is a lot of dessert for just us. Except I was thinking of asking someone to stop over for dessert... we still have enough. But I like options, and beauty. But we need to cut back on sweets. Such a hard decision. 

Happy Christmas Eve!

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Good afternoon!

Ds19 and I played for services this morning, plus a special music of I wonder as a wander so we left the house at dark o'clock.  I feel like Christmas is rather hap hazard this year as I am throwing together a Christmas eve dinner of pot roast and potatoes and a salad if we have any lettuce that has not yet gone bad.  Some Kids want to go to the invite family's place for dinner tomorrow and I am still not sure if we are going or not.  I should probably make a decision but

I'm too tired to make decisions today due to an early morning puppy-hootenanny.  New pup DID eventually settle back down in his crate.

Hey Slachey, don't be mad.


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I've been in the kitchen most of the afternoon. Bread is made, my buche de Noel is about half done. Dinner is in the oven. We are having Dutch oven chicken. I brown thighs, salt and pepper them well, add lots of onion and them cook for a couple hours in the dutch oven until the meat is falling off the bones. I will make mashed potatoes and gravy and roasted carrots.

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