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Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!

This has been a busy and draggy week. Baby has this virus that is going around and she is just sick enough to be incredibly whiny. We have soccer games every day for someone. I’m trying to wrap stuff up for work before we go on break and I’m having a hard time concentrating.

My Aunt’s funeral is tomorrow.  She passed sort of unexpectedly right before Thanksgiving. It’s been hard because she’s been part of my life my entire life and now she’s not there and that emptiness is really painful. I didn’t expect it to be this difficult.

I went to CVS yesterday to pick up a prescription and looked for Advent candles. They didn’t any kind of tapered candle. I wasn’t really expecting them to, but CVS seems to have everything, so I had hoped.

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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

Today is my Aunt’s memorial service. I said I would say a few things. I have had them swirling around in my head these last couple days, sonI’d better write them down this morning.

The girls are all sick. There’s some virus going around. 

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Good Morning!!!



Why is it that the day before vacation start is actually better than the day vacation actually starts?? But it’s true.  Busy busy day today. I have five family meetings, two on Zoom and three in person. Plus all the end of Learning Period wrap-up stuff. It will be busy, but good.

Yesterday was a long and difficult and kind of bizarre day. My Aunt’s memorial service was at mid-day, and I did take a couple hours off work, but I had some family meetings I couldn’t reschedule, so I did those after and then I had my hair done. It was the big, long, get my highlights redone, so there was that, which I couldn’t reschedule until after the holidays and my grays were just really getting bad. Then, I went to my Aunt and Uncles house after that to finish the funeral gathering stuff. People were there from out of town I needed to talk to…. I didn’t get home until 10:00.  That last part was good, but I was exhausted at the end of the day and as I drove in the garage I was just thinking how long ago the morning was.

Edited by KrissiK
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Morning, Happy Friday. 

My week isn't quite over, I have a workshop this afternoon.  Should be pretty easy, this group of kids takes lots of initiative so I'm mainly going to be assisting with questions once the initial lesson is done.   

I think we're finally putting up our tree tomorrow.   Our house is super small so the tree disrupts things a lot.  Dh likes to wait to put it up close to Christmas.   I want it down immediately after Christmas.   It's a lot of work for just a couple weeks.  

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Today we did All the Things.  Two wedding cakes put together and decorated (chai spice and chocolate) and lemon poppy seed (see that, Slachey?) Bundt cake glazed.  Bouquets made.  Then a whirlwind couple hours at the reception venue putting everything together.  Then home for a quick coffee and then off to wedding rehearsal.  Then rehearsal dinner at the in-laws house.  Soon-to-be-son-in-law has a wonderful family and I particularly love his grandmothers.  Then home and greeting of out of town strangers staying in my bonus room (friends of stbsil) and now finally in bed.  I think I've been awake since about 3:30am.  I hope I sleep later than that tomorrow morning.

Anyhoo.  Plan for tomorrow is get up and make 4 apple pies and try really hard not to burn the crusts.  Then back to reception venue to set up food.  Then home to get dressed and make sure everybody has what they need and then please please get me to the church on time.  

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Happy wedding day to the Tennesseans! 🔔 🌼

Last night, we shared with DS our surprise Christmas plans (spending time with grandparents). He was impressed we had been able to keep it from him for months, as the whole rest of the family was in on it and there have had to be many conversations about logistics. (As I pointed out to him, my side of the family is known for pulling that sort of thing off--we were only thwarted once, in 2020, and have never had the beans spilled.)

I will take a board break from probably around Tuesday through the end of the year.

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Good Morning!!!



Happy Wedding to Susan and family. I pray that all the things go smoothly and it is a memorable and precious day for you all.

CW, that sounds like a great surprise and congratulations on the secrecy.

Slashie, congratulations on the Latin. I am a Latin failure, but someday, when my life is less insane, I am going to pick it up again. My kids couldn’t care less, but I loved (and still do) love studying it. 

Yesterday was busy. Had good conversations with most of the families I visited. Ended it grocery shopping at the AFSA with my sick girls.  DH left early this morning to drop oldest DD off at a soccer tournament. This afternoon we are headed to the mountains for DH’s company Christmas Party. I don’t really have anything suitable to wear, but I am attempting to pull something together and that will just have to do.

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11 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Slashie, congratulations on the Latin. I am a Latin failure, but someday, when my life is less insane, I am going to pick it up again. My kids couldn’t care less, but I loved (and still do) love studying it. 

Those were Harry Potter spells.

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39 minutes ago, Slache said:

Those were Harry Potter spells.

I guess I’d better study Latin more.😂😂😂

My kids actually never got in to Harry Potter. I read the first two books years ago, but my kids never liked them, so…. there you go.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning!!!



Christmas Vacation!!

We got home yesterday about 4:30. Yosemite was lovely. It’s amazing now it looks one year to the next. Last year we had early rains and the whole valley was just a breathtaking winter wonderland. This year, it’s been dry so far and not a scrap of snow. We are getting a storm in this week, so hopefully that will change things.

The girls have school this week until Wednesday, but I am off. I’m going to take them to school this morning and then go to the Big City and finish up some Christmas shopping.

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It’s up, people. The Tim Challies 2024 Reading Challenge. https://newsletter.visualtheology.church/2024-reading-challenge

I did terrible reading this year. Almost as bad as 2019, but not quite. I don’t know why. And now, I’m not reading at all. I have a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle I am working on. Nevertheless, I will try to do better next year.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Grandma and Grandpa are on their way to the airport.  A short to-do checklist has been made and Some People have made their task choice.  I am still in my pj's.  I have no where to go today but there are a few boxes that still need to be dealt with.  And I need to make an appointment.


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At least I have dinner in the crock pot. Spicy pork and butternut squash ragu. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/spicy-pork-and-butternut-squash-ragu/. It’s yummy and I definitely recommend it on a chilly winter night. And it’s easy to throw together, if you use frozen squash or have already prepped it. I cut up a butternut squash last week and roasted half of it and the rest I put in a plastic bag so it was ready for this meal. Things like that make me feel really good about myself. 

Edited by KrissiK
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12 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

At least I have dinner in the crock pot. Spicy pork and butternut squash ragu. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/spicy-pork-and-butternut-squash-ragu/. It’s yummy and I definitely recommend it on a chilly winter night. And it’s easy to throw together, if you use frozen squash or have already prepped it. I cut up a butternut squash last week and roasted half of it and the rest I put in a plastic bag so it was ready for this meal. Things like that make me feel really good about myself. 

This looks amazing!  Good job on the prep work - that makes such a difference! 🏆

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

It’s up, people. The Tim Challies 2024 Reading Challenge. https://newsletter.visualtheology.church/2024-reading-challenge

I did terrible reading this year. Almost as bad as 2019, but not quite. I don’t know why. And now, I’m not reading at all. I have a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle I am working on. Nevertheless, I will try to do better next year.

I think I might have one or two more books to get to 26. I have done terribly this year due to really not following the subject categories.  But I'm still counting them.  I'll say I have a very customized category list.

I am also working on a 1000 piece puzzle.  I want to finish it by Christmas so we can start on a new one.  

Edited by Susan in TN
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3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I haven’t heard of either. What is remarkable about them?

Maine Fiddle Camp is where I am hoping to spend a week this summer with my mandolin.  The Lost Kitchen is a farm to table restaurant that you can eat at by lottery reservation only.  You have to send a postcard to the restaurant and they randomly select postcards until the season is filled.  There's now a TV show about it.

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