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Good morning!

I'm trying to figure out why I have so many paper cuts on my fingers.  It's not from making apple pie filling.  The pew bows look perfect in the church, so I will get started on those today.  I'm rethinking the garland for the front of the church.  Tonight is the church Christmas concert.  We are doing some of my favorites and also a couple weird ones, lol.


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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I'm trying to figure out why I have so many paper cuts on my fingers.  It's not from making apple pie filling.  The pew bows look perfect in the church, so I will get started on those today.  I'm rethinking the garland for the front of the church.  Tonight is the church Christmas concert.  We are doing some of my favorites and also a couple weird ones, lol.


it’s from doing the pew bows.

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We're back from the Christmas concert.  Some of the solos caught me a little off guard because there were just so many songs (22 if you count the carols everyone sang together) but over all it went pretty well.  My arm was very tired by the end.

Last night at the rehearsal one of the long-time choir members mimed that he was going to throw scrap balls of paper at me  - David always did that from the choir.  It sure made me smile 😊 and then cry a little.

I should do the dishes but I think I'll get my pjs on instead.

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Good Morning!!!



Crazy busy day!! I’m driving to the mountains to visit a couple of my families. I hate driving and it’s a long drive (1.5 hours each way), but it is a beautiful, breathtaking drive and the families are delightful. So… there you have it. It will be fine.

Both older girls have soccer tournaments that, while they want us to come watch, we won’t. Oldest DD is in a town 2 hours away and they will be staying the night. Middle DD’s tourney is just in the Big City. Oldest DD’s boyfriend is also in a soccer tourney in the same city 2 hours away, but his family is going. I guess I just can’t figure out how some people can just go to everything. This kid’s family does. I have work today, so I can’t go down there today and tomorrow I have a million things to do that I didn’t get done during the week. We haven’t eaten dinner together at home all week. I feel like I am being strangled. And yet some of these people go to everything. I can’t figure it out.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!

Dd14 woke up crying with painful ears and throat and headache so we are leaving for urgent care in 5 minutes.  Otherwise I plan to stop at a grocery store at some point.  Ds19 is taking his CC final.  Row class this afternoon.  Tonight we are going to a movie that ds28 bought tickets for dd21's birthday.  I will likely stay home with dd14.


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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

And yet some of these people go to everything. I can’t figure it out.

They might have fewer children or more who can drive themselves, work shorter or more flexible hours, be less involved with extended family, do less cooking, or outsource something else. They're trading off somewhere.

You're doing great.

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My favorite urgent care wasn't able to see dd because the provider couldn't be in until 9:30 and the appointments were way backed up.  The doctor at clinic #2 focused on dd's ears and diagnosed allergies.  The strep test was negative.  But after shopping and picking up allergy medicine, her fever shot back up so if her symptoms worsen I'll take her back to my favorite place in the morning.  Ds28 would have to take her because I will be driving down to The City That Must Not Be Named for a memorial service.

Who wants to play Put Together Some Wedding Garland?!?!  The materials at your disposal include: artificial silver dollar eucalyptus, 16" wide white organza, 6' twinkle lights, ribbon in various shades of purple, white, and hemp, artificial baby's breath and an assortment of  artificial purple flowers.  And anything else that you find in the house.  Ready, set, GO!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!



Slept in, but not too late. DH took middle DD to her soccer tourney in the Big City. I will pick her up later. My goal is to watch her last game.

Yesterday’s trip was nice. The mountain’s are beautiful, but very dry and no snow. We need some of that Pineapple Express the PNW is getting. I had delightful talks with both families. 

Went to the Afsa last night. Forgot to buy candles for the Advent wreath. They completely “reorganized” the entire store. I grumbled my way through it not being able to find anything. And it’s been two months.

Today I guess I will go shovel weeds at my farm, watch a soccer game, take Christmas present inventory and figure out what else needs to be bought. I am personal shopper for elderly family members, too. Tomorrow I have to teach Children’s Church, but I think DD1 will do the actual lesson. She’s good at that. I just need to be the “official adult” there.

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23 hours ago, 73349 said:

They might have fewer children or more who can drive themselves, work shorter or more flexible hours, be less involved with extended family, do less cooking, or outsource something else. They're trading off somewhere.

You're doing great.

I know, you’re right. Everyone only has 24 hours in their day.

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You all are doing way more than I am.   But I find running around exhausting and refuse to do it.

I took dd to a 4H Teen party Wednesday, then had the final meeting to argue about the fair Thursday.   This coming week we have a leaders social and the holiday party for one of two of our clubs (meet together).    Next weekend we're going to my mother's for dinner for her birthday, and this weekend my daughters and I are going to the Punk Rock Flea Market in Trenton.  We're heading down tonight when older dd gets off work, spending the night at a hotel and going to the flea market in the morning.  

We joined the Y to start getting more exercise since dd ended up quitting tai kwan do when a bunch of stuff changed and it no longer worked for her.  I tried some classes with her since her anxiety she won't go alone, but I pulled a muscle in the top of one leg and it's hurt for about a week now.  It is getting better but it hurts at the weirdest times/movements.

Two more weeks of class and we are off for two weeks.

Edited by Wheres Toto
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Good evening!  
Today is Bookie's nirthday!

So it was a long and dramatic day and I'll bore you with the details here.  Left the house at dark o'clock (this was after getting to bed way too late due to having to drive into the Big City to jump the car that was driven to the movie and had it's lights left on) and made it on time to the memorial service and saw a rainbow on the way there.  Ds28 tried to take dd14 to the doctor but they wouldn't see her because ds is not her parent.  He is authorized on her pcp paperwork but maybe that doesn't translate to other medical facilities.  Anyhoo.  She's feeling better at least.  The drive back home was supposed to take 3 hours but instead took 5-1/2 due to tornado warnings popping out everywhere along the highway on which I was traveling.  I stopped to wait out the weather at a few different gas stations and got an Arby's curly fries and root beer at one.  Finally I found a tolerable weather pocket and made it home with dramatic lightning and just a bit of rain.  I missed the choir concert and also got home too late to take dd to urgent care.  I'm hoping she doesn't have strep.
Word on the street is that a Waffle House was hit by a tornado but remained open for business.


Edited by Susan in TN
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I went to middle DD'S soccer game. They lost but played well. Half the girls had never played soccer before this year and they had no subs due to injuries. The goalie was brand new, but she was awesome. Middle DD was awesome. She just got in there and popped this one girl. Knocked her down. I was yelling.

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Good morning!

I turned off my alarm and promptly overslept.  I think I hear someone rummaging about out there.  I should probably go see what's what.  I will probably drop dd off at Sunday School which means I need to Pantz.

Other than that no major plans for the day.  I need to do some organizing and cleaning and hopefully we can do Advent candles later.


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Good Morning!!!


Sunday!! and a chilly one at that. The wind machines are on. They sound like a flock of helicopters.


Not much else going on. I finished my Christmas shopping online last night. I think next week when I am off work I will go to the Big City and get some stocking stuffers and miscellaneous stuff, but the bulk of it is done. My one brilliant idea (unfortunately it wasn’t original) was to get car wash gift cards for the elderly members of the family.  They don’t need more “stuff” and a car wash is a treat that people often don’t give them self.

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Good Morning!!



However, this is the last week of work for me before Christmas Vacation, so… it’s fine.

We have a “Holiday Get Together” today for my little teacher group. Our school has a couple hundred teachers, and we are organized into little pods. I really only know the teachers in my pod, although since I’ve been there 5 years now I have gotten to know a few others. There are other parties going on today regionally, but I’m only going to my little pod group since I have done the big parties before and I just don’t like small talk with people I don’t know.

Baby has a soccer game this afternoon. This is the first of two, so I cleared my schedule so I can go. I hope she’s feeling better. She’s had a mild virus the past several days.  There is something going around.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

We had sheet pan buttermilk pancakes for breakfast.  So much easier to make than regular pancakes.  I leave in 15 minutes for row class - my last one until next week.  I need to make a couple phone calls today and my parents fly in this afternoon.  The girls have music lessons and a scout party tonight.  Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!


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10 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Apparently, I have shing les. Almost like jingles... festive rash. It's fairly mild I think just itchy and I'm starting meds so will hopefully quickly resolve. Bad headache too. I was trying to take a fun day off and had to go to the doctor.

Oh no!  Praying it stays a mild case and meds work quickly!

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15 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Never heard of this.

Sheet Pan Buttermilk Pancakes (from Simply Recipes)

8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted and cooled, divided    
2 1/2 cup (313g) all-purpose flour    
1 tablespoon baking powder    
1 teaspoon baking soda  
1/2 teaspoon salt    
1/2 cup brown sugar    
2 cups buttermilk  
2 large eggs  
1 teaspoon vanilla extract  
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest  
1 cup blueberries, divided    
1 cup raspberries, divided

Place a rack in the upper third of the oven. Preheat the oven to 425°F.

Pour 2 tablespoons of the melted butter on a 15x10.5-inch sheet pan. Using a pastry brush, brush the butter on the bottom of the baking sheet and up the sides. 

Tip:  You can also bake this in a 9x13-inch pan. The slices of pancake will be very thick, more like a breakfast snack cake, but equally delicious. An 11x17-inch pan, meanwhile, will give you thinner slices that bake faster.

Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a medium bowl.

In a large bowl, combine the buttermilk, eggs, vanilla, lemon zest, and sugar. Whisk vigorously until combined.

Pour 1/3 of the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Fold together using a silicone spatula. Repeat until all the dry ingredients are combined with the wet. Continue to fold until there are no streaks of flour. Mix until there is no dry flour on the bottom of the bowl. Fold in 4 tablespoons of the melted butter. Lumps are fine. Your batter should look like loose ricotta.

Fold in half of the blueberries and raspberries into the pancake batter.

Pour the batter into the buttered pan. Using a silicone spatula, spread the batter around so it covers the bottom of the baking sheet completely and is even on top.

Sprinkle the remaining blueberries and raspberries on top of the batter.

Bake the pancake for 15 minutes. Insert toothpick in the middle of the pancake. If it is free from wet batter, it's done. If not, bake for 5 minutes longer. The top of your pancake should be lightly toasted.

Tip: For a 9x13-inch pan, the baking time will be closer to 20 minutes. An 11x17-inch pan will take 12 to 15 minutes.

Right after it comes out of the oven, brush the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter on the pancake.  Allow the pancake to cool slightly, approximately 3 minutes.

Cut into squares and serve with warm maple syrup.

Storage: Once cooked, you can leave sheet pan pancakes at room temperature for up to 2 hours. Put leftover slices in a zip-top bag or another airtight container and refrigerate for 2-3 days.

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Good morning!

I literally have nothing on my To-do list for today.  But it will be busy nevertheless, I'm sure.  We will help Grandma and Grandpa move their stuff to the airbnb across the street this afternoon and get settled in there.  They will probably do a bit of grocery shopping.  I should probably wrap some presents.  Oh, and I have some laundry to put away.  Taco soup is for dinner.


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Good Morning!!



School and work!!

Yesterday was busy. Our “Holiday Meet Up” was pleasant. Baby’s team lost their soccer game. I don’t remember if I mentioned in yesterday’s post that DD1’s Choir Concert was last night. It was outstanding, as usual. A very nice variety of Christmas music and very well sung.

School and work today. Older two girls have a soccer game an hour and a half away. I will not be going to that. I had a family meeting in the far reaches of our County scheduled, but the parent changed it to Zoom and I didn’t protest. I usually see them in person anyhow, so a Zoom meeting once in a while is fine, and I have a lot to do.

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2 hours ago, Junie said:

It's been busy here and we're struggling to get school done.  I'm not worried about it; just frustrated.

Same! Last week, my ds12 has been dawdling so much and not getting work done. I wanted him to have 9 more math lessons done before taking a break but its just been ridiculous. Ds9 only has 5 more lessons to go. I'm going to still give them math but not stress if nothing gets done this week and just consider it a bonus. I think we all need a break and regroup.

The Christmas carol advent devotional I got is not great for kids. So I'm reading A Christmas Carol and other Christmas stories.

Ds9 read me Papa Panlov last night for his read aloud. It's a really sweet Christmas story I bought from MP.

I still only have Christmas gifts for dh and ds9. Need to shop for dd14 and ds12. 

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BFF recommended a book for DS.

I ordered it to give him for Christmas.

The package took 12 days to get here.

It was not the right book. They sent me the wrong book, and the title on the invoice was a different wrong book. :svengo:

I have a refund but now probably cannot get the right book in the right time frame. (It's an older and not very well-known book, not easy to find.)

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1 hour ago, 73349 said:

BFF recommended a book for DS.

I ordered it to give him for Christmas.

The package took 12 days to get here.

It was not the right book. They sent me the wrong book, and the title on the invoice was a different wrong book. :svengo:

I have a refund but now probably cannot get the right book in the right time frame. (It's an older and not very well-known book, not easy to find.)


I just discovered that the gift I ordered for my sister has not arrived despite Amazon saying it was delivered on Friday.  I contacted the seller but don't expect anything to come of it.  Also we got a notice that ds19 is no longer covered by any kind of health insurance due to the stupidity of the State of TN.  I just don't have the mental energy to deal with that now.

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40 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:


I just discovered that the gift I ordered for my sister has not arrived despite Amazon saying it was delivered on Friday.  I contacted the seller but don't expect anything to come of it. 

This just happened to me, too. Except it was the USPS. Make me so mad.

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