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36 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

No test yet?  That's ridiculous.

I'm actually ok with it.  She had significant exposure and she is in the age group that often is asymptomatic.  From what I've read, testing too early can give false negatives.  So, while it's a hassle for her, it helps to keep the campus safer overall.

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good Morning!!!



I feel like death defrosted. Which isn’t even as good as death warmed over. It’s too hot and this air doesn’t move out, it just keeps getting packed down due to the high pressure system and baked. I need summer to be over. My friend even cancelled a bbq because it’s too hot. We are getting together, but just a little later and only for dessert.

Today is my last day of summer vacation. I’ve been working all July anyway, but that is technically our summer vacation.

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45 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I think all puppies have bats in the bellfry. Some lose them, some don’t. 😂

I don’t know if you have a Staples out there, but they have free delivery here and the wicked awesome Better Binders. 🙂 

@mms you can’t just tell us you got a cat stuck in your hair and then not tell the whole story! 

That’s what I was thinking. And the bat, too, for that matter.

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10 minutes ago, Junie said:

I'm actually ok with it.  She had significant exposure and she is in the age group that often is asymptomatic.  From what I've read, testing too early can give false negatives.  So, while it's a hassle for her, it helps to keep the campus safer overall.

Our friends’ son is a recent college graduate and is living in a house with 5 other guys. One of them tested positive and all the rest were negative.  I can’t figure that out. 

And that’s a Booya/h there, folks!

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Morning.  I'm being super lazy today, just finished my second cup of tea at 11:00am after staying in bed until 9:30am.    Dd and I are meeting every other morning to workout and today was not that day.   I should go to the science center and do some work but I'm tired and it's super super hot here.    

Dh is going down to his moms again in the next few days.  She has another pretest for her surgery.  At the rate things are happening, I have to wonder if the surgery is ever going to happen. 

My dad is back in rehab because he fell again.   My stepmother took a week to call and tell me, which is weird because they wanted me to take my dad to an appointment yesterday.  It's nice that she told me before I drove up there to take him to an appointment.  

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I took dd to swim.  Alone.  In the rain.  Then I came home and took 2nd ds to AFSA for college/dorm stuff.  That was about an hour and a half trip.  Then came home.  Now I need to finish cleaning the house.  And then should probably take a 2nd shower.  Or something.


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I want a Danish.

My babies slept in cribs because we are both violent sleepers and I feared for their safety. I kept them in my room until they slept through the night.

5 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

Lots of potatoes. Learn to bake bread or get a bread machine. Keep the menu simple and make as much of it as you can yourself to keep costs down. My 4 boys are all still little, but my daughter eats nearly as much as I do, and my husband has a hefty appetite, so I've been doing the research, lol.

Potatoes yes, bread no. I don't know if I have celiac or what but I avoid constant exposure to gluten for the kids. Our diet is expensive because of that. I make almost everything from scratch because allergies.

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1 hour ago, mms said:

At the co-op house being a slacker while the other moms work. My contribution was bringing DH to do the heavy lifting. Actually it’s lunch break so I don’t feel too guilty.

So when I was growing up in Central Asia there was a park outside our apartment building and it was full of mulberry trees that were really low to the ground. Bats loved that park. It was not super unusual to walk through the park at night too close to a branch and have a bat fall on you.

The cat was more traumatizing and I blocked it out of my memory but this is what I’ve been told by people who were there: I went to a birthday party, sat on their couch and a cat had just had kittens under there. I sat down and the cat flew out from under the couch and straight at my head and got tangled in my hair. My sister ripped it out and she was subsequently scratched up. I remember going to the party, sitting on the couch and running home crying but I do not remember the in between events.

Oh my word. I would be completely traumatized, too.

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The house is as clean as it's going to get.  I should eat a snack and take a shower.  

Yay for grocery shopping with baby!

More yay for giving kids to Grandma's!  

Yay for FOUR errands!

And Yay for bread machines and potatoes and freezer cooking and 5 toilets (We have 5 also, though not well thought out.  half bath in the basement - not used much.  Half bath on the first floor is the only first floor toilet - this was very bad planning.  Three full baths upstairs - two were original to the house and one was an addition.  Seven people, so lots of usage in the three full baths.)

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On the way to the dollar tree, dd17 said she cut her finger on a doorknob and it reminded her of the cut she got on her finger from the toothpaste cap.  Lol.  What is with your skin, child?!?

I slept for 2 hours after breakfast and feel mostly human again.  On my second coffee.  I took some kids to the dollar tree to buy presents for dd13, and then dh and I went to early primary voting.  Voting was pretty much the same as usual except they gave everyone a stylus pen to sign the paper and do the touch screen.  I was sorely tempted to add Jean as a write-in candidate for everything.

Good news on the puppy front - dd13 taught him to go down the stairs!  So now we don't have to carry him outside to go potty!  He gets really enthusiastic on the second-to-last step and does a giant leap and summersault. 

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8 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Stuff like that just makes me paranoid since that cop in Dallas. Or rather, more paranoid because that would totally freak me out to begin with. 

Ah. No. It's a thing with apartment living. I think it's being preoccupied and hitting the wrong floor. At least that's been my experience. But I'm 35 and that was the 3rd time, so it's not really a concern.


Creepy neighbor Booya!

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We have had a good amount of rain in the past 2 days.  About 6 inches.  The pumpkins are happy.

It seems that I am the only person in the house really not effected much emotionally when puppy whines and complains.  I suspect raising 6 kids makes me somewhat immune to the noise. 😄


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Good morning!

Today is dd's 14th's birthday!  We are going to the zoo this morning (they extended everyone's membership an extra 4 months) and a drive-in movie tonight - they are playing The Princess Bride.  🥰

At 5am I was outside with puppy playing frisbee.  🙄 I'd already spent an hour sitting outside his crate to keep him from waking everyone in the house and finally gave up and took him out to potty.  And play. At least he has stopped attacking Lynette.  (Lynette is my finicky dwarf lemon tree.)

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7 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Today is dd's 14th's birthday!  We are going to the zoo this morning (they extended everyone's membership an extra 4 months) and a drive-in movie tonight - they are playing The Princess Bride.  🥰

At 5am I was outside with puppy playing frisbee.  🙄 I'd already spent an hour sitting outside his crate to keep him from waking everyone in the house and finally gave up and took him out to potty.  And play. At least he has stopped attacking Lynette.  (Lynette is my finicky dwarf lemon tree.)


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Drinking coffee now.


School order was supposed to arrive Monday, but is still in transit. I was okay with a few days but now I’m annoyed.  I think the only thing I need for Monday is the Maps.  I know it’s not the end of the world but still.

I also realized yesterday I double checked the history books I’d need but forgot to check Chem and there was a book I didn’t have and neither did the library (and that option would not be timely) but it looks like Hoopla has it, so DS is just going to have to read it that way.  Saved!  

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Anyone here wash their driveway?  Apparently it’s a thing down here.  I can’t recall ever seeing someone wash their driveway up north growing up.  It’s just one of those things where you go, oh, okay, that’s a thing.  What our poor neighbors have had to endure living next to us and our dirty driveway.  Sigh.  Poor things.  

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4 minutes ago, ikslo said:

Anyone here wash their driveway?  Apparently it’s a thing down here.  I can’t recall ever seeing someone wash their driveway up north growing up.  It’s just one of those things where you go, oh, okay, that’s a thing.  What our poor neighbors have had to endure living next to us and our dirty driveway.  Sigh.  Poor things.  

One of our neighbors does, but their house looks like it could be on the cover of House Beautiful, so there's that.

These neighbors have no children and love doing yard work.  They will often come mow our yard after they finish their own.  (Not in a mean or passive-aggressive way, but in a "we know you're busy, we know you don't have a riding mower, we have one, it will only take a few minutes, and we don't mind" kind of way.)

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We have a gravel driveway so no washing the driveway.

Dh is down at his moms. She was sounding depressed on the phone so he headed down early.    Slept like crap because I had to get up with the dog but had to get up early to work out with dd. 

Today I'm going to work on setting up school for next week and do some work on classes. 

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Good Morning!!!!!



For some reason I wonder up at 5:00am and couldn’t go back go sleep. But that’s ok. I got 3 batches of lemon bars baked by 7:30. I am supposed to bring lemon bars to my niece’s wedding this afternoon,  DH and I have to run to the Afsa and then we leave for the wedding by 3:00. It’s supposed to be 103 today and the wedding is outside because people can’t be in churches. Well, the bride and groom are getting married in the vestibule, but all the guests are sitting out in the courtyard.


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58 minutes ago, ikslo said:

Anyone here wash their driveway?  Apparently it’s a thing down here.  I can’t recall ever seeing someone wash their driveway up north growing up.  It’s just one of those things where you go, oh, okay, that’s a thing.  What our poor neighbors have had to endure living next to us and our dirty driveway.  Sigh.  Poor things.  

Imma need to see a before and after.    🤯    🤪

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19 minutes ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

Good morning lovelies!


I finally grocery shopped. The insurance ridiculousness is still ongoing, but will have to wait for business hours next week. 

The house is being inspected today! Oh, and I need to call the grocery store for boxes so they don't throw them away. I'm also going to start sorting through our stuff and getting rid of what we don't need. I love getting rid of stuff, so it's going to be a good day. ☺️

Yay for home inspections! This thing is moving right along.

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1 minute ago, Another Lynn said:

Imma need to see a before and after.    🤯    🤪

Well, my driveway does look dirtier than our neighbors’.  I think it’s because they are light concrete down here rather than the macadam up north?  That must be it.  Anyway, DH was wanting to switch to pavers since the driveway is cracked and needs repairing, but we don’t have the extra cash right now for that.  So in the meantime, we will wash the driveway. 

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1 hour ago, ikslo said:

Anyone here wash their driveway?  Apparently it’s a thing down here.  I can’t recall ever seeing someone wash their driveway up north growing up.  It’s just one of those things where you go, oh, okay, that’s a thing.  What our poor neighbors have had to endure living next to us and our dirty driveway.  Sigh.  Poor things.  

Everyone uses a leaf blower on their driveways here. So do we. Washing uses water and we are always in a drought.

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Back from the Afsa. That place is like %#$~§#$ Communist Russia. Shelves are empty, they are strict at directing which way to go.....I hate this. I wouldn’t have gone in, except we needed to pick up prescriptions and DS has nothing to wear to the wedding, and I just realized this last night. So, I got him a shirt with a collar and he does have a pair of long pants.

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45 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Guys. I need to stay out of the sea. If you see me there, say "Swim away Æthelthryth, swim away back to educational things". It is too depressing and non-productive over there. I should be reading meaningful things. Like ITT and books. 

Don't take unnecessary journeys!  Don't swim in the sea!  😱   😜  🤣

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5 minutes ago, mms said:

So, I ask this with all due respect and understanding but Russia as a country was never communist. The Soviet Union was the communist country, Russia was occupied territory gained by brutal force and most Russians were not communist. Ditto for all the other republics.

But yes, I am having PTSD living in the USofA these days, so I hear you.

That's a good reminder.  I am still amazed at how many countries "suddenly appeared" when the Soviet Union fell - I never knew they existed!  Growing up, it was just a gigantic USSR.

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