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Hi back!


Now I'm going to have to search the thread on "ketchup" just to find out what that was about.


It's in this thread. We were talking about old computers and Ellie talked about her old computer and the newsletter she put together called "Ketchup." Way cool.

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Gentle ((hugs)), Jean. 


Bad night for me, too, though I did sleep, I think. My throat is sore, my nose is running like a tap, and I've got a head-ache. I think I need to wash the sheets as I didn't have tissues handy and I think I was using the sheets to stop the flood from my nose.  :cursing:



German foods I know:


- Schnitzel = can be tasty

- Bratwurst = I like

- Sauerkraut = don't like

- Potato pancakes (kartoffelpuffer or lakte) = don't like

- Chocolate = LIKE!!

- Cake and desserts = LIKE!!


cordon bleu

German potato salad

don't like brats

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Sauerkraut is definitely not ewe! :D


For those who cannot take the wonderful essence of sauerkraut I recommend winekraut.  Much of the flavor, but less intense.


Personally, I prefer sauerkraut.  With bratwurst and horseradish!

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I thought kielbasa was a Polish food.  Bratwurst would be the German equivalent, no?


I never used to like sauerkraut, but it has grown on me over the years.  Pork and sauerkraut is a popular New Year's dish here in PA.  I wouldn't buy it in the store or order it in a restaurant, but I won't refuse to eat it when it is served to me now.


My mom (raised in SD) used to bake pork chops on a bed of sauerkraut.  The whole family loved it, if the chops weren't cooked too long (leather).  I think it was her Polish & Hungarian grandmothers' influence.

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Bad night.  Back/shoulder/ribs are still in a lot of pain.  The prescription pain meds which I need for inflammation control as well as for actual relief are messing with my tummy.  


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   Poor Jeanie.  There there.

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I've done that before, but I've always felt it a little disrespectful to fall asleep while praying. I've tried doing devotions at night, when everyone is asleep, but then I wake up at the kitchen table with my head on my Bible.


Wow, now I feel oblivious.  I thought she meant the guy herding the sheep had a lot of boring stories to tell.



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Gentle ((hugs)), Jean. 


Bad night for me, too, though I did sleep, I think. My throat is sore, my nose is running like a tap, and I've got a head-ache. I think I need to wash the sheets as I didn't have tissues handy and I think I was using the sheets to stop the flood from my nose.  :cursing:



German foods I know:


- Schnitzel = can be tasty

- Bratwurst = I like

- Sauerkraut = don't like

- Potato pancakes (kartoffelpuffer or lakte) = don't like

- Chocolate = LIKE!!

- Cake and desserts = LIKE!!


I like potato pancakes with applesauce and sour cream.



gingerbread houses

Gummi Bearen

those chocolate ladybugs we used to sell for German Club


I even like some of the beer


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I hate bats. Especially when they fly over and get tangled up in your hair.


That has never happened to me personally, but I have heard it can happen!


But they are adorable and eat mosquitoes and other bugs that bite us!  And I have never had one get close enough to get tangled in my hair.  They sense me too quickly and turn aside.

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Just walk away...


Very herbal. No Valerian in it. Couldn't figure that one out. I fully expect to end up as a giant insect if I take it again.  :lol:


Just  because something is "herbal" doesn't mean it is mild or unaffecting.  Herbal remedies can have side effects of their own, or can combine with other stuff to create weird effects.  Now that you know how it affects you you know when NOT to take it.


Let us know what kind of insect you turn into next time.  That might explain some of the old B-grade monster movies I've seen years ago.

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I like potato pancakes with applesauce and sour cream.



gingerbread houses

Gummi Bearen

those chocolate ladybugs we used to sell for German Club


I even like some of the beer


Yep. Gummis. When we lived in Nurnberg, we'd go to the gummi store - gummis fresh from the factory (or at least closer than that nasty stuff you get here in the states) - cokes, strawberries, smurfs, cherries. Those were my favorites. Then, there were those long strings, only 10 phennies at the time. That's 0.01.


The stuff sold here is disgusting. Gummis are...gummy, soft, and delicious. Sigh, memories.

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Took ds14 to oral surgery this morning with kids #1 and 4 tagging along.  It went well.  Got him settled, got his meds, went to the store with kids #3 and 4, took kid #4 to therapy.  Just returned the doxie across the street to her yard, which she often escapes from.  These people had donkeys I had to chase back in the yard, too.


Stick a fork in me.  4 hours of sleep is catching up.


I'm right there with ya.  I hope you get some rest soon.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:




Labor Day weekend we had 5 nieces and nephews sleeping overnight, about 1 1/2 days visit total.  It was good, but draining.  DH declared (wow, I had to figure out how to pronounce that before I could spell it -- dlecared didn't sound right) he wanted to go paddling Saturday morning and I agreed, believing I could get all the post-sleepover cleanup done and be rested for it.  Ha.  Halfway through I ordered a new mop because I really don't like the one I have.  I skipped out on visiting DH's folks Wed. (sent him and the girls) so I could go to yoga.  It was nice, but not enough.


Friday I got a desperate plea via text from a casual friend needing babysitting Saturday from 3-9 PM for her 3 kids.  She couldn't find anyone to take her kids that long.  Her eldest is a former classmate and friend of my youngest, so I agreed.  I now know why she had such trouble lining up a sitter.  Her eldest is ADHD and I knew it, knew what he was like.  What I didn't know was that his sister and brother are both just like him.  Ugh.  It was during their visit that DD11's elbow got fractured.  She fell from the trampoline when the youngest boy started bouncing while she was climbing down.


Yes, if they are desperate I'll sit their kids again, but we will plan out specific activities beforehand and require participation by all.  The trampoline will not be an option.


Yes, we went paddling first on Saturday, after which I went for groceries (highest grocery bill I've had for one week ever -- had to restock the fridge emptied by the previous visitors).  The day was a wonderful temp, but the lake was choppy and windy.  It turns out our kayak loves to go into the wind and waves.  Nowhere else, just into the wind and waves.  All attempts to go anywhere else, including back to the boat ramp, were major battles.  I am falling out of love with that kayak rather quickly.  We were exhausted before the Saturday kid-sitting ever started.  When the kids finally went home (their parents hung around for a HOUR after coming at 9 PM to pick them up) I helped DD11 get into bed with her arm propped and DH and I finally got to bed about 11 PM.  DD11 was up at 6:30 the next morning.


Friday was also the day that my nephew pleaded with me to take him on his field trip.  I discussed it with his mother to verify it would be okay for me to bring the girls along (the only way I could do it), and she told me he turned down her offer to take off work to drive him.  Yeah, I know he's concerned about her losing income from an unexpected day off, but it still felt nice to hear.  I thought about all the schedule juggling to squeeze 5 days of instruction into 4 again, and then looked at my planner and discovered I had planned in a field trip for this Friday anyway, so I simply moved it.  All in all this potentially stressful field trip has proven to be quite the opposite, for which I am very grateful.


Monday's schedule got truncated a bit anyway because that was when I got concerned about how swollen DD11's arm still was.  Until then both DH and I thought she had sprained it, and in a phone consultation MIL said the same.  I took her to the pediatrician anyway on Monday just to check, and they found evidence of a small fracture.  They made an appointment at an orthopedist right away, but didn't leave us enough time to get through the traffic (afternoon car line at the high school next door).  I suspect some folks leaving the high school try to cut through the medical offices' parking lot to short cut to the main road because people were adamant about NOT letting me out of the parking lot.  I finally rolled down my window when the traffic was stopped at a red light, pantomimed that my front passenger had a broken arm, and a lady who until then was angrily crowding me out gasped and backed up to let me into the flow of traffic.


I'm tired.  My computer was buried until yesterday because all of the kitchen table miscellany got dumped on it when I frantically cleared the table for 7 kids to eat at 8 days ago.  I'm bathing my DD again like I did when she was little (the cast is on her dominant arm, and swallows up most of her hand and 3/4 of her arm), and bending over the bathtub trying to wrestle wet soap and shampoo bottles while keeping her cast clear and dry had my back aching.  Still, it was fun, and the press-and-stick plastic wrap did wonders for keeping the cast dry.  Next time I'll have a pair of scissors handy, though, for getting the plastic off again.


I vote for early bed tonight for everyone.  I'm wiped out, and DH still needs a hair cut.

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Copy and pasting this from the accountabilty thread just to cheer Renai up:


If you had been listening in at our house today:  "Mom, you can't speak Spanish with a Japanese accent."  "Sure, I can.  I already speak French with a Japanese accent."  (It's true, my French teacher told me this once she caught her breath after rolling on the floor in laughter.)  

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I will be taking medication tonight to sleep.  I will not go another night with terrible sleep.  I am putting my foot down.


I'll send you some of that weird stuff I took. I'm betting I turn into a large, green-spotted hard-shell bug if I take it again.


Just as an aside? My GF buttermilk pie is really, really good. Mmmmm. Not bad for an experiment. I'm dropping the sugar content though. A little too sweet.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  Renai.


Happy Anniversary everyone!


Krissi, if I worried about falling asleep before I finished praying, I would either not pray much or else I would worry a lot.  Not that you should offend your own conscience, but that's my .02. 


Busy day - drove to town twice.  Did school with everyone.  Added more one on one math time with 12yo dd.  Added 1 Challenging Word Problem to two others math time.  Still need to check 13yo ds Latin and Math work for the day - maybe in the morning.  Gave one dc a quick piano lesson and another one a longer one.  Cooked "turketti" for supper.  Suppose this would be better on the accountability thread.  I'm tired.  I'm going to bed.   



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Got some tweaking to do.



Adapted from a recipe (Wild Oats Natural Marketplace-Whole Paycheck, now I think? :lol: )

1/3 cup of tapioca starch, brown rice flour and corn flour (1/3 cup of each-I play with the amounts and types of flour all the time!)

1 tbsp corn starch

2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 and 1/2 tsp xanthan gum

Throw all in the food processor, add 1/2 cup of butter in pieces and churn it to sand.

1 egg

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

Mix that together, pour it through the feed tube while grinding and let the dough ball up. Take it out, roll out in tapioca starch and use for a 9 in pie plate. Prick crust with fork and bake blind for 10 minutes in a 350F oven. Set aside to cool slightly.


Filling is based on the Raleigh House Buttermilk Pie recipe published who knows when in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, and it's too sweet, folks. I need to cut the sugar somehow, but..

1/2 cup unsalted butter

2 cups sugar (I'm going to try 1.5 next time)

3 eggs

1.5 tbsp cornstarch (close, I might increase this to 2 tbsp next time-filling is very close to holding, but not perfect yet)

1 cup buttermilk

dash nutmeg (I like nutmeg, I used more than a dash)

1 tsp vanilla extract


Cream butter and sugar, using softened butter, then add eggs, and cornstarch and mix well. Add buttermilk, nutmeg and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into the marginally cooled crust and bake at 350 for 45 minutes. To my surprise, that time was pretty much perfect.


Pie is quite sweet, creamy and very yummy. I let the boys try it, and one disliked it, the other said, "This isn't good, mom. It's great!" Yeah, he's a sweetie.


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Yep. Gummis. When we lived in Nurnberg, we'd go to the gummi store - gummis fresh from the factory (or at least closer than that nasty stuff you get here in the states) - cokes, strawberries, smurfs, cherries. Those were my favorites. Then, there were those long strings, only 10 phennies at the time. That's 0.01.


The stuff sold here is disgusting. Gummis are...gummy, soft, and delicious. Sigh, memories.


Now I feel like I really missed out on something when I went to Germany.  I'm sad.

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Copy and pasting this from the accountabilty thread just to cheer Renai up:


If you had been listening in at our house today:  "Mom, you can't speak Spanish with a Japanese accent."  "Sure, I can.  I already speak French with a Japanese accent."  (It's true, my French teacher told me this once she caught her breath after rolling on the floor in laughter.)  


When I went to Germany oh so very, very, very long ago...the people I stayed with said I spoke German with a milkmaid's accent.  I still don't know whether that was a good or bad thing.  They were laughing, too.   LOL

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When I went to Germany oh so very, very, very long ago...the people I stayed with said I spoke German with a milkmaid's accent. I still don't know whether that was a good or bad thing. They were laughing, too. LOL

When I taught in São Paulo, Brasil 20 years ago and just barely knew enough Portuguese to ask where the bathroom was, we traveled to a neighboring state in Brasil. The people we stayed with told us we spoke with a Paulistan accent. I was just cracking up because I couldn't see how they could wade through our butchering of their lovely language to determine that we spoke with a Paulistan accent. Maybe they were just being nice.
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Good Morning friends! Hope everyone slept / is sleeping well!

I hope everyone is sleeping/has slept well too.


I only woke up twice last night and went back to sleep fairly quickly.


I woke up thinking or dreaming about The Chestry Oak, a book I have heard of here on the forums. It is on my Amazon wishlist, and it is a favorite of Ellie's. It was strange though that I woke up thinking of it. I haven't thought about it since I put it on my wishlist a few months ago. I wonder if the twins are too young for it? I suppose I should order it today.

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I haven't done any exercise in years. I should, but I don't.:D


However, we have been going for long walks in the woods on various trails. Most are about a mile or two, but it is just a leisurely walk. I wouldn't call it hiking.


I dyed my hair last night. I was trying to cover a few grays not change the color completely. And do you know, it didn't do a thing. Nothing. Nada. Zip. I even left it on the extra 10 minutes for the color resistant grays like the directions says to. I am really aggravated. An hour spent for nothing, and now I am afraid of using another kind because I don't want to fry my hair. :(

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I like potato pancakes with applesauce and sour cream.



gingerbread houses

Gummi Bearen

those chocolate ladybugs we used to sell for German Club


I even like some of the beer


I remember those chocolate ladybugs! There was a little store near me called "Erika's" that used to sell those. Yummy!  I was also thinking of spaetzle, but wasn't sure if it was German or Hungarian. I think I ate that in Budapest. It was very good.



Hey, lucky me, another  BOOYAH!!!!!! 


AND, it's page 313, also a palindrome (I looked it up!)  :laugh:

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I haven't done any exercise in years. I should, but I don't.:D


However, we have been going for long walks in the woods on various trails. Most are about a mile or two, but it is just a leisurely walk. I wouldn't call it hiking.


I dyed my hair last night. I was trying to cover a few grays not change the color completely. And do you know, it didn't do a thing. Nothing. Nada. Zip. I even left it on the extra 10 minutes for the color resistant grays like the directions says to. I am really aggravated. An hour spent for nothing, and now I am afraid of using another kind because I don't want to fry my hair. :(

Don't do that. You will definitely fry it. You can go see a professional though. Be prepared to spend $70.

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Don't do that. You will definitely fry it. You can go see a professional though. Be prepared to spend $70. 


That's what I did about three weeks ago. Worth every dollar. I had no idea how long it would take though! I spent almost two hours there, but the job looks still looks as good as it did the day it was done. I'd have made a mess of things trying to do it myself.

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