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I don't understand British humor so I reserve the right to be offended.


Lynn mentioned me!




I don't eat butts and don't like German food.


Jean's husband sounds cute.


Mary has no fashion sense.

I just wanted to say I think this post sums up our little thread here quite well.

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"Good night sweet heart, well it's time to go...... Good night sweet heart, well it's time to go! I hate to leave you, but I really must say.... Good night, sweet heart, good night!"


I'm goin' to bed! See ya'll in the morning!

Every time I sing that to the kids the scream "No! Don't sing that song!" They have no point of reference for it. I don't understand.

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DD informed me a couple days ago that I should stop waking her up early to take care of the kitten (HER kitten) because she read in the Care and Keeping of You book that teenagers and pre-teens need 10 hours of sleep per night.  I guess that doesn't count when she's reading a good book she likes?  See how we're working on logic informally?  :hat:


Anyway, it's a good think you're not a teenager, because you only got half that.  :hat:

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I was up until 2 am, at which point I took a benadryl, some ibuprofen for my vise-like headache, some Calms Forte I bought for the kids years back, and put lavender essential oil on myself that a friend gave me.  I used everything BUT a rubber mallet.


I did pray, as in "God help me sleep!" :lol:


Oddly, at 1 am, dh was still up, and little dd wandered down the hall telling me she had to go to the bathroom due to slamming down too much water after eating a bad mushroom last night.  :confused1:   She had wet her pants a tiny bit.  I had to wander into where college girl was sleeping to get little dd some undies.  So at that point, dh, little dd and I were all up.  The dog was super confused in her crate.  I told her it was okay and to go night night.

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When I think of German food I think of kiobasa and sourkrout. Both are ewe and apparently I can't spell either.


I thought kielbasa was a Polish food.  Bratwurst would be the German equivalent, no?


I never used to like sauerkraut, but it has grown on me over the years.  Pork and sauerkraut is a popular New Year's dish here in PA.  I wouldn't buy it in the store or order it in a restaurant, but I won't refuse to eat it when it is served to me now.

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DD informed me a couple days ago that I should stop waking her up early to take care of the kitten (HER kitten) because she read in the Care and Keeping of You book that teenagers and pre-teens need 10 hours of sleep per night.  I guess that doesn't count when she's reading a good book she likes?  See how we're working on logic informally?  :hat:


Anyway, it's a good think you're not a teenager, because you only got half that.  :hat:

I would help her count ten hours before kitty care time so that she knows when to go to bed so that she can get adequate sleep.  

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Gentle ((hugs)), Jean. 


Bad night for me, too, though I did sleep, I think. My throat is sore, my nose is running like a tap, and I've got a head-ache. I think I need to wash the sheets as I didn't have tissues handy and I think I was using the sheets to stop the flood from my nose.  :cursing:



German foods I know:


- Schnitzel = can be tasty

- Bratwurst = I like

- Sauerkraut = don't like

- Potato pancakes (kartoffelpuffer or lakte) = don't like

- Chocolate = LIKE!!

- Cake and desserts = LIKE!!


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During our outing to the caves we got to see quite a few bats sweeping around. There was one friendly little animal that seemed to enjoy swooping down around us. The guides called it Charlie. Probably Charlie was actually being a little territorial. Decent sized bat!


Last night I tried an herbal sleeping medication. Usually, I take a little Benedryl when I need it, but I got this stuff for DH, who really has trouble. Really strange stuff! I was a little disoriented going down and figured I'd be in for an interesting night. My dreams are always vivid, but last night! Wow.  :wacko: Very strange and unsettling dreams. 

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Last night I tried an herbal sleeping medication. Usually, I take a little Benedryl when I need it, but I got this stuff for DH, who really has trouble. Really strange stuff! I was a little disoriented going down and figured I'd be in for an interesting night. My dreams are always vivid, but last night! Wow.  :wacko: Very strange and unsettling dreams. 

Just how "herbal" was this medication?   :scared:  :lol:

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I thought kielbasa was a Polish food.  Bratwurst would be the German equivalent, no?


I never used to like sauerkraut, but it has grown on me over the years.  Pork and sauerkraut is a popular New Year's dish here in PA.  I wouldn't buy it in the store or order it in a restaurant, but I won't refuse to eat it when it is served to me now.

I don't know. It's all icky.


I've done that before, but I've always felt it a little disrespectful to fall asleep while praying. I've tried doing devotions at night, when everyone is asleep, but then I wake up at the kitchen table with my head on my Bible.

I hope you didn't drool!


Gentle ((hugs)), Jean. 


Bad night for me, too, though I did sleep, I think. My throat is sore, my nose is running like a tap, and I've got a head-ache. I think I need to wash the sheets as I didn't have tissues handy and I think I was using the sheets to stop the flood from my nose.  :cursing:



German foods I know:


- Schnitzel = can be tasty

- Bratwurst = I like

- Sauerkraut = don't like

- Potato pancakes (kartoffelpuffer or lakte) = don't like

- Chocolate = LIKE!!

- Cake and desserts = LIKE!!

OK. I like some of those. Maybe I just hate my mother in law's cooking?

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Just tell me to walk away from a couple of threads.  No train wreck to tell you about - just a grumpy sleep-deprived middle aged lady in pain who should not engage or there might end up being a train wreck.  


Just walk away...



Just how "herbal" was this medication?    :scared:   :lol:


Very herbal. No Valerian in it. Couldn't figure that one out. I fully expect to end up as a giant insect if I take it again.  :lol:

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Nap was forced on me.  I was sitting at the table at noon and started to fall asleep.  Stumbled over to my armchair and slept for almost an hour.  I could have slept much more but the kids have this idea that I should be actually doing things around here.  (Humph!)  Ds wants to get an allergy shot in a bit and this will require being awake enough to drive.  

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Took  a kid to oral surgery this morning with other kids tagging along.  It went well.  Got him settled, got his meds, went to the store with kids, took one kid to therapy.  Just returned the doxie across the street to her yard, which she often escapes from.  These people had donkeys I had to chase back in the yard, too.


Stick a fork in me.  4 hours of sleep is catching up.

Edited by texasmama
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So DS read three chapters in his book instead of 2, and when I pointed it out, he suggested he just forgo the rest of his schoolwork and ...continue reading.  Maybe even finish it.


I said that sounded good to me.  But only after I hemmed and hawed a little.




I'm smiling on the inside so he doesn't see me.


The girls (especially eldest) were rather unimpressed with my choice of starting our reading off with Treasure Island.  Now they both routinely read ahead (I assign one chapter per day) and I have to remind them they are not allowed to read ahead until their other work is finished!  I told them they would like it but they didn't believe me.  Ha!


We are back from the field trip.  It was fun, though necessarily a little light on material (took 90 minutes to get their and 90 minutes back, had to start and end at the school at normal times, and included lunch at a restaurant).  The teacher obviously had prepped her students beforehand, however, with lots of information they pulled together during the trip.  The girls and I will now be playing catch-up, because the trip really grabbed their attention.  Since they are interested we will study it some more.  We visited the Pier 21 Theater in Galveston to watch a movie on the Great Storm of 1900, then drove around town looking at some of the buildings (on the outside only) that survived the hurricane.


Youngest is skipping Aikido today with my blessing.  She's had her cast about 24 hours now, and got more easily fatigued today than she expected.  She is on the couch now, being quieter than usual, watching a show she likes.  I think early bed time tonight.

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You should just start reading ITT posts out loud over the phone occasionally and see if they even notice.  You can start with "Bats!"  I bet they would be just a bewildered as we are.


Link please!  What's up with the bats?

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Tex- no flood, just lotsa blizzards and a bad roof and leaky front steps.


Renai- you have no idea how I wish I could hire him!


Ellie- Ketchup story is awesome sauce.



Everyone needing hugs, HUGS!


Hi back!


Now I'm going to have to search the thread on "ketchup" just to find out what that was about.

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You gave me more than her. Your stuff will get me through the week. Spanks. :)


Eta: And Matt's out of the woods and Miquon was dissapointingly easy, but it was day one so...


Why was Matt in the woods?  And when did you start spanking people?

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"Good night sweet heart, well it's time to go...... Good night sweet heart, well it's time to go! I hate to leave you, but I really must say.... Good night, sweet heart, good night!"


I'm goin' to bed! See ya'll in the morning!


You sing beautifully!

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