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This is truly A.MAZ.ING.


You are clearly every bit as ubercool as your name suggests.


And hilarious, too.  


Thanks for providing such fabulous late-night waiting-for-the-dryer-to-stop-its-drying kind of reading.  (I would not be waiting for the dryer at midnight EDT, by the way, except that tomorrow we rise at 5:15am to fly back north.  Into the land of eternal snow. My dd4 was in tears tonight over that.)




On the plus side, we had a fabulous trip (mostly, with just a few bumps and bruises along the way): ds7 learned to whistle and to swim (he has sensory issues including significant water fears); dd2, dd4, and dd6 greatly improved their swimming skills; ds 10mos can now say "woof;" no one was severely burned; and I didn't cook a single meal (unless omelets count, and I don't think they really do).  


Not bad, all in all.   :coolgleamA:


I agree!  Slash is amazing!


Ducklings, that sounds like the perfect vacation!  So glad you got to enjoy sun, water, swimming, and no cooking.  What else could one possibly want on vacation?  Hope you're finished with snow soon. 


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(((Lynn)))  That is a terrible trauma for the family as well as the loss.


I don't recall where I left off yesterday!  lol  I had another migraine at noon yesterday and was all messed up for the afternoon.


Hornblower, what I really need some help with regarding my Pyr is the digging of holes to China in the back yard.  She is about two so still kind of puppyish, and our backyard is smaller than is idea for her, but she is destroying the back yard.  She digs deep, long holes in a hot minute with her huge, strong paws.  Someone told me I can bury her poop in the holes and she will stop, but I think she might just dig more holes.  Can you come down to Texas and help a girl out?  :D


Going to a funeral later.  



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BTW, Lynn, I think it is cool that your dh is a narc detective.  That sounds really BA.  (not Beast Academy - hehehe)  Does he get a dog?  I assume he does not wear a uniform but extra points if he does cuz a narc detective in a uniform with a dog trumps kilts any day.

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Hornblower, what I really need some help with regarding my Pyr is the digging of holes to China in the back yard.  She is about two so still kind of puppyish, and our backyard is smaller than is idea for her, but she is destroying the back yard.  She digs deep, long holes in a hot minute with her huge, strong paws.  Someone told me I can bury her poop in the holes and she will stop, but I think she might just dig more holes.  Can you come down to Texas and help a girl out?   :D




oh poop, I typed a response & them my computer froze (i'm pretty sure there's a giant clump of fur inside the fans & it's overheating the cpu..)


I'll have to get back to it later as I have to run now but I'll leave with you a teaser of the lgd I fostered & another photo, with his adoptive sister in his new home - those are little nests they've dug in the ground


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oh poop, I typed a response & them my computer froze (i'm pretty sure there's a giant clump of fur inside the fans & it's overheating the cpu..)


I'll have to get back to it later as I have to run now but I'll leave with you a teaser of the lgd I fostered & another photo, with his adoptive sister in his new home - those are little nests they've dug in the ground


Awwww, I wouldn't mind  a little nest.  I will take and post some pics soon.  It is apocalyptic destruction out there, dude.

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Sorry you keep battling migraines!  Bummer.  Hope they stay away now.


DH doesn't use a dog or wear a uniform.  He usually wears a t-shirt and jeans.  He used to sport a goatee.  It's sort of "feast or famine" work.  Some days are boring.  Some days he has an exciting story to tell. 

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Sorry you keep battling migraines!  Bummer.  Hope they stay away now.


DH doesn't use a dog or wear a uniform.  He usually wears a t-shirt and jeans.  He used to sport a goatee.  It's sort of "feast or famine" work.  Some days are boring.  Some days he has an exciting story to tell. 

I want your dh to at the very least have a German Shepherd or something.  That sounds fun. :)

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texasmama:  I've used the poop method successfully once before, but that was with a GSD ("Ooooooh, Alpha does not wish for me to put my paws in the earth. I am ever-so-sorry, Alpha.  Please forgive me.") The current one also likes to dig, but only out and about in the property, not in the backyard, so I'm okey-dokey with it.  I don't know how your Pyr might react.  They are of totally different minds.  (but still way cool.)

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I want your dh to at the very least have a German Shepherd or something.  That sounds fun. :)


This makes me laugh.  DH is SOOOO happy that his former agency now pays him to NOT go to work. He's so old that he remembers when le was fun; he tells young guys to run away.  We have a GSD not because he ever had one at work, but because I was fascinated by the K-9s.  I had total crushes and did multiple ride-alongs with K-9 officers (oh, the crushes were on the dogs). A well-trained schutzhund is an awesome, awesome creature. Well, and so is the less-well-trained variety.  Like mine. ;)

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texasmama:  I've used the poop method successfully once before, but that was with a GSD ("Ooooooh, Alpha does not wish for me to put my paws in the earth. I am ever-so-sorry, Alpha.  Please forgive me.") The current one also likes to dig, but only out and about in the property, not in the backyard, so I'm okey-dokey with it.  I don't know how your Pyr might react.  They are of totally different minds.  (but still way cool.)

Funny!  I don't think Pyrs recognize Alphas, but she does have some degree of respect for me.  I will need to do something about one of the holes soon or she will dig under the fence.  She is really big so that would take some time, but still...I had to take some garden fence to one spot where she dug down to the sprinkler system piping.  Dh is not and was not amused.

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on my way out the door but  - alpha talk leaves me so cold. I have to catch myself & remind myself to breathe when I hear the word (and "dominant") because it bugs me so much LOL.  The original wolf researcher who first talked about alpha has published articles & books & videos saying he was wrong in his interpretations about wolf behavior. And dogs' social structures are not like wolf social structures.  Some dogs are very eager to please. Others less so. Some of it has to do with breed. Some of it has to do with individual temperament.   Just a small teaser about it.

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Funny!  I don't think Pyrs recognize Alphas, but she does have some degree of respect for me.  I will need to do something about one of the holes soon or she will dig under the fence.  She is really big so that would take some time, but still...I had to take some garden fence to one spot where she dug down to the sprinkler system piping.  Dh is not and was not amused.


I think they're Quakers; you know, "we're all Friends here."

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on my way out the door but  - alpha talk leaves me so cold. I have to catch myself & remind myself to breathe when I hear the word (and "dominant") because it bugs me so much LOL.  The original wolf researcher who first talked about alpha has published articles & books & videos saying he was wrong in his interpretations about wolf behavior. And dogs' social structures are not like wolf social structures.  Some dogs are very eager to please. Others less so. Some of it has to do with breed. Some of it has to do with individual temperament.   Just a small teaser about it.


Yes, I know these words are now "no-nos," but there is still order in a pack (Or a herd-I find watching my horses interacting to be fascinating.)  The "Alpha" line was a reference to the movie Up, another "One of the Best Movies On the Whole Dang Planet."


(I think this does a fairly good job of critiquing the controversy alluded to above, ICYI.)

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on my way out the door but  - alpha talk leaves me so cold. I have to catch myself & remind myself to breathe when I hear the word (and "dominant") because it bugs me so much LOL.  The original wolf researcher who first talked about alpha has published articles & books & videos saying he was wrong in his interpretations about wolf behavior. And dogs' social structures are not like wolf social structures.  Some dogs are very eager to please. Others less so. Some of it has to do with breed. Some of it has to do with individual temperament.   Just a small teaser about it.


And Pyrs in particular are so independent due to necessity and thousands of years of breeding them to work alone.  She is a gentle family pet, but those instincts are there.  I have heard it said that Pyrs don't really obey.  The best you can expect is that they agree to cooperate.  My girl was fairly young (a year-ish) when we got her, and she does seem to respect that we are working together to keep the family safe and guard them so we have that going for us.

I think they're Quakers; you know, "we're all Friends here."



They are an interesting breed, for sure.  If I was looking for a family pet, I would not have chosen a Pyr, but since we brought her in off the streets, she chose us.  She is crate trained, house trained, and she is manageable on the Gentle Leader.  Her two issues are jumping up on us in the yard and digging to China. I think she just wants to see China because she has heard it's nice this time of year.

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And Pyrs in particular are so independent due to necessity and thousands of years of breeding them to work alone. She is a gentle family pet, but those instincts are there. I have heard it said that Pyrs don't really obey. The best you can expect is that they agree to cooperate. My girl was fairly young (a year-ish) when we got her, and she does seem to respect that we are working together to keep the family safe and guard them so we have that going for us.



They are an interesting breed, for sure. If I was looking for a family pet, I would not have chosen a Pyr, but since we brought her in off the streets, she chose us. She is crate trained, house trained, and she is manageable on the Gentle Leader. Her two issues are jumping up on us in the yard and digging to China. I think she just wants to see China because she has heard it's nice this time of year.

My beagle mix came to me house trained which was great since he is my first dog. He never really dug but once I had floor length windows cracked to speed carpet drying and after awhile went looking for pups. After a panic, I found him sunning himself in the back yard.

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A side note to the above:  Generalizations about particular animals, breeds (or anything really) never can be applied to individuals.  For example, horses (and I love them) are not creatures that God gifted with extreme intelligence.  They are prey animals and, when they encounter anything out of the ordinary, the RUNAWAYFAST.  Unless they don't.


An example:



(Go get a hanky.  I'll wait.)





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I don't recall where I left off yesterday!  lol  I had another migraine at noon yesterday and was all messed up for the afternoon.



Have you tried taking a magnesium supplement for the migraines? I used to get them often, but don't anymore. I don't take it as consistently as I used to either (I used to take a pill daily). (Have you checked your blood pressure lately?)

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Funny!  I don't think Pyrs recognize Alphas, but she does have some degree of respect for me.  I will need to do something about one of the holes soon or she will dig under the fence.  She is really big so that would take some time, but still...I had to take some garden fence to one spot where she dug down to the sprinkler system piping.  Dh is not and was not amused.


Reminds me of a pit mix we used to have. He was smart too. He'd dig down just enough to pull on the bottom of the coyote fence until it broke, then he'd run. We have about 15 feet of coyote fence that has had to be boarded at the bottom because of his antics.

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Have you tried taking a magnesium supplement for the migraines? I used to get them often, but don't anymore. I don't take it as consistently as I used to either (I used to take a pill daily). (Have you checked your blood pressure lately?)

I take Natural Calm magnesium every day, along with B2.  It helps some, but I still get them when the weather changes suddenly.  That seems to be my worst trigger right now.  My bp has always been steady and perfect, if maybe a bit on the lower side.

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For all of you who are still under the illusion that I have any cooking skills at all, I made a bundt cake today... In a beautiful William sonoma non-stick pan with a stained glass relief. This pan is the gold-touch line... So pretty it could probably bake a cake without my input:-). Totally Pam'd the crap out of it too. Let it cool completely, just like a good little baker. Apparently, it liked its pretty pan home too much because it would.not.come.out. I picked at the edges, banged it on the counter top, shook it with all my might. (Dh btw the way, was laughing his fanny off.) nothin. Finally, I decided to just spatula the whole thing... I figured I could use the pieces of cake in a trifle, lol. (See how creative I am :lol:)


Well, I finally got the blasted thing out... Split in half. And the top's stained glass relief looks like texasmama's dog was digging in it. I think I am just going to mash it together, drizzle a butt load of frosting on it and call it a day. I really HATE baking... I just suck at it so completely. Anyway, if I get sucked into the vortex of culinary adventure, Happy Easter!

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For all of you who are still under the illusion that I have any cooking skills at all, I made a bundt cake today... In a beautiful William sonoma non-stick pan with a stained glass relief. This pan is the gold-touch line... So pretty it could probably bake a cake without my input:-). Totally Pam'd the crap out of it too. Let it cool completely, just like a good little baker. Apparently, it liked its pretty pan home too much because it would.not.come.out. I picked at the edges, banged it on the counter top, shook it with all my might. (Dh btw the way, was laughing his fanny off.) nothin. Finally, I decided to just spatula the whole thing... I figured I could use the pieces of cake in a trifle, lol. (See how creative I am :lol:)


Well, I finally got the blasted thing out... Split in half. And the top's stained glass relief looks like texasmama's dog was digging in it. I think I am just going to mash it together, drizzle a butt load of frosting on it and call it a day. I really HATE baking... I just suck at it so completely. Anyway, if I get sucked into the vortex of culinary adventure, Happy Easter!

I would love a picture of this. My poor ds always seems to get the cakes that just don't look right (and I consider myself a good baker). I also want to see the shiny pan! Sounds too fancy for me.

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Here is how culinarily advanced my children are, we went to a nice middle eastern restaurant for dinner. As soon as they saw pizza on the menu nothing would entice them to try anything else not even the chicken kabob. Then for a finish dd5 took the half lemon from my plate and began to eat it as if it were an apple. Oh the adventures of children and food.

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I agree!  Slash is amazing!


Ducklings, that sounds like the perfect vacation!  So glad you got to enjoy sun, water, swimming, and no cooking.  What else could one possibly want on vacation?  Hope you're finished with snow soon. 



Thanks!  Perfect, no. But the ups outweighed the downs.  And now we are home! Which also isn't perfect (in fact, about to be torn apart for repairs in five of six rooms), but hey,  it's all of us, and we made it back safely.   :001_wub:


(((Lynn)))  That is a terrible trauma for the family as well as the loss.


I don't recall where I left off yesterday!  lol  I had another migraine at noon yesterday and was all messed up for the afternoon.


Hornblower, what I really need some help with regarding my Pyr is the digging of holes to China in the back yard.  She is about two so still kind of puppyish, and our backyard is smaller than is idea for her, but she is destroying the back yard.  She digs deep, long holes in a hot minute with her huge, strong paws.  Someone told me I can bury her poop in the holes and she will stop, but I think she might just dig more holes.  Can you come down to Texas and help a girl out?   :D


Going to a funeral later.  


Tex - So sorry… sounds like a rough spell for you.   :grouphug:   On a bright note: I agree: lovely butt.  All that yoga??

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Gug. It's my bedtime, I have 2 hours of work to do before service tomorrow, and I've got a horrible headache. I think I'm just going to go to texasmama's house and have margaritas.


Happy Easter everyone!


Eta: And done!

Edited by Slache
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And yeah!! 100 posts. Now I feel  :hurray:  :coolgleamA:  :thumbup1:  :001_cool: happy!!!

Well technically this is 101.


Texasmama, did you get your kitty yet? By the way, I added Texasmama to my dictionary, so no more checking to see if it is wrong, and it will be capitalized. :D

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And yeah!! 100 posts. Now I feel  :hurray:  :coolgleamA:  :thumbup1:  :001_cool: happy!!!

Well technically this is 101.


Texasmama, did you get your kitty yet? By the way, I added Texasmama to my dictionary, so no more checking to see if it is wrong, and it will be capitalized. :D

We got the kitty!  She is SO sweet and affectionate.  She is older (paperwork says 7 years!) but a tiny little thing.  And the equivalent of 9 months pregnant.  She pooped in the crate on the way home so I had to bathe her, and she tolerated that quite well.  Sweet girl.  Will post a pic soon,

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Gug. It's my bedtime, I have 2 hours of work to do before service tomorrow, and I've got a horrible headache. I think I'm just going to go to texasmama's house and have margaritas.


Happy Easter everyone!


Eta: And done!

Sadly for you, I gave up drinking at the end of my misspent youth.  But I do have steak, baked sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, garlic roasted cauliflower, and peanut butter pie

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We got the kitty!  She is SO sweet and affectionate.  She is older (paperwork says 7 years!) but a tiny little thing.  And the equivalent of 9 months pregnant.  She pooped in the crate on the way home so I had to bathe her, and she tolerated that quite well.  Sweet girl.  Will post a pic soon,


Awwww. I can't wait to see the picture. :) She sounds adorable and pretty easy going. Not many like or even tolerate baths very well.

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I followed instructions and have been ignoring this thread & doing fun dog things instead. We've had some gorgeous sunny days here, beautiful dog walks by the ocean, saw 2 bald eagles this morning, took Daisy to vet for old dog check up (tried to just ignore the size of the vet bill  :ohmy: ), groomed the dogs on the deck, dremelled 12 paws....


now I have to decide whether to wash the floor or purge my nightstand and the floor of my closet; decisions, decisions.

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