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Ok, this soccer league is run by a bunch of honyaks! I have had it! Out of three kids, I've had one coach call me. And now I'm in the middle of this stupid text conversation by a bunch of people who I have no idea who they are, but apparently I am on the group list, so one of my two remaining kids is on a team who's coach one of the numbers belongs to. But I have no idea who it is, but there is a meeting tomorrow night, I know not where or what time or even who's team (either Jonathan's or Cassie's). And it doesn't matter anyway because I can't go. But I would like to know who it is. I did text back the number of the person who seemed to be in charge, but they haven't texted back yet. I swear.... the people who run this league... make me want to...... Screammmmmmmm! I don't need this!


They apparently also run our league.


(We are not doing soccer this fall.)

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I thnk you meant "hankering", and that is why Ellie had a fit via blinkie smilie.

Dislike.  Greatly.


Oh. It must be the migraines talking. I knew there was something wrong with that word.


Me too. I had to apologize to my class yesterday for being grumpy due to a headache.

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In other news, I'm scared silly of this grad class I'm in. Now, Chrome doesn't want to work and I don't remember the site to get to my ebooks. Oh, wait, the upgraded Blackboard has a link. I'll be around, but got some reading to do...

You have no idea how hard I am cheering for you.  You can do this!

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Just got back from the homeschool consignment shop.  Dd talked me into getting this big box (book and kit) on the history of science.  She said, "Look Mom, I could do history and science at the same time!  And it has experiments!"  Seeing dd enthused about trying anything school related is unusual so I shelled out for it.  I did however go through the entire kit first and checked it against the list of supplies.  I was not going to buy something with missing parts.  


Renai, dd is jumping ship from learning Japanese with me and is going to learn Spanish.  Ai yai yai.  (Look - a Spanish joke.  At the only level I could do such a thing.)

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I'm wondering when I'll use up all my 'likes', but I'm still going strong!


Tennis was great this evening. My partner (a gorgeous Greek man) and I lost 6 - 4, 5 - 7, 6 - 7. It was a wonderful match. We played against friends, a lovely, tiny, fierce woman and her very tall, quiet husband. 


Relaxing now with a glass of white wine and some sea weed. It's a little weird flavour combination, but I LOVE the salty taste of the green stuff (not the fishy breath so much). 

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Jean - Sorry you're still feeling pain.  I think at certain ages, and sadly for some people, some levels of pain are just a way of life. There is no "pain-free" anymore, and we figure out how to live with it. You're doing a fantastic job, by the way, of living with all your stuff. (((hugs)))   It is amazing how our brains and bodies can deal with the low-level pain so we can function and think about other things.  :o


When I wake up in the morning and start walking, I wonder if this foot pain will ever end. Within a few minutes, though, I don't feel it anymore. I remember my grandmother talking about her aches and pains, and how she just got moving and they seemed to vanish - not always, but at least become manageable.

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Good morning, friends!  


Kid is better today a bit.  No throwing up.  Still coughing a lot.  I'm making him some rice.  I feel sorry for him.


Today is school and preparing more for my co-op class.  I am adjusting to the level of my students and making some changes (more written materials) to support one kid in my class.

Edited by texasmama
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John has been going through a hard core geography phase and has been asking for Miquon so I placed a RR order. I got Miquon Orange (getting the annotations PDF), laminated 20X40 US and world maps, a topographical globe, the Zoo guide Openhearted told me about that I wanted to get months ago, and Positive Action's PK curriculum which will be cool until I can afford BSGFAA. It's only 8 weeks, but it looks really sweet.

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Auntie Camp begins tomorrow!   :hurray:


Two days and one night of Uninterrupted Thought and Uninterrupted School Preparation.  And No Cooking At All.  And maybe Yardwork If There's Time.  



I'm frantically cleaning and laundering today and tonight so that I don't feel compelled to do any of that tomorrow. 

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BTW - I'm not writhing in pain or anything.  I've just started back on my cycle of ending all my days in pain.  Probably because the start of school makes things busy again.  Tex keeps trying to bundle me in a fluffy blanket to protect me from myself but I'm resisting because I have kids and they need to do school and activities and because I am tired of watching ife from my armchair instead of just getting out there and living it.  Which doesn't mean that I don't appreciate Tex's concern and her wish for me to not over-exert myself.  Love ya, Tex!  And all my ITT peeps!  

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BTW - I'm not writhing in pain or anything.  I've just started back on my cycle of ending all my days in pain.  Probably because the start of school makes things busy again.  Tex keeps trying to bundle me in a fluffy blanket to protect me from myself but I'm resisting because I have kids and they need to do school and activities and because I am tired of watching ife from my armchair instead of just getting out there and living it.  Which doesn't mean that I don't appreciate Tex's concern and her wish for me to not over-exert myself.  Love ya, Tex!  And all my ITT peeps!  


I suffered from chronic exhaustion for 8 years which I imagine is easier than chronic pain, but yeah, I get it. Sometimes I was so tired that I laid on the floor with a blanket and a sketch pad drawing whatever they wanted, but it was better than being in bed while they grew up without me.

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