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18 month old's family is publicly asking for prayer. Joslyn is brain dead. Daddy is going out to meet Mommy to decide if they should take her off life support. They've asked for prayer for Daniel, Maribel, Kati, Alexandra, Tito and Joslyn.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  I'm sorry.

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I went to a bar tonight. For the first time in like fifteen years! A college friend moved to town and she wanted to get together for coffee, so wepicked a place but when we got there it was closed so we went to the bar down the street. It was the kind of place where you can get a beer, or if you’re feeling really fancy, a beer in a glass with an orange slice on the rim, so I ended up with just water. Then she asked me if I wanted to go dancing! 🤣. Maybe I shouldn’t find that so funny, but I do. In case you’re wondering, I didn’t go. I like dancing, but I just can’t see myself in a club. And there’s no way I can stay up til 11pm.

I miss dancing. It would kill me now--I know my hips couldn't stand it.

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18 month old's family is publicly asking for prayer. Joslyn is brain dead. Daddy is going out to meet Mommy to decide if they should take her off life support. They've asked for prayer for Daniel, Maribel, Kati, Alexandra, Tito and Joslyn.

:crying: I'm so sorry.

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I wonder if dh is going to get me a Christmas present this year. Some years he really knocks it out of the park and other years he’s mad at me and doesn’t get me anything. I don’t know what to get him. I’m kind of tempted to not get him anything. If he wants something just buys it himself unless we can’t afford it, but then I can’t afford it for a present, either. He doesn’t have a bunch of $10-50 items that he’d like but feels bad buying for himself, lol. Part of me thinks we’d be better off making Christmas just a kids gifting holiday. I wonder if that’d be weird for them.

This post sounds grumpy, but really I’m just tired of stressing out about this.

How about ask him if he feels that would be a nice idea? It might let him off the hook, and you wouldn't have to try to figure out what to get him. 

I just asked DH and he was okay with our Christmas carols in the cavern being good enough. Neither of us are all that great at gift giving, but with the gifts out of the way we can focus on each other instead of trying to find a good present.

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Good morning!


Pie for breakfast at Critters!


Busy busy day today. Dh is at church to sing with the Advent choir, the rest of us slept in. We have to breakfast, shower, clean kitchen, eat early lunch, Advent Wreath and treats and then drive to the Big City Univeristy for orchestra dress rehearsal. Then over to Another University for recital dress rehearsal where dh will meet us with some dinner and take dd14 and dd8 home. I will take dd11 and ds13 to the Big City Concert Hall for children's choir dress rehearsal and we'll all be home maybe around 10pm.




Breakfast Pie Booyah!


Booyah bells, Booyah bells, Booyah all the way!

Oh what fun it is to Booyah, or booya Slashe's way!


(This booyah song brought to you by ikslo in 2016.)

Edited by Susan in TN
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I went to a bar tonight. For the first time in like fifteen years! A college friend moved to town and she wanted to get together for coffee, so wepicked a place but when we got there it was closed so we went to the bar down the street. It was the kind of place where you can get a beer, or if you’re feeling really fancy, a beer in a glass with an orange slice on the rim, so I ended up with just water. Then she asked me if I wanted to go dancing! 🤣. Maybe I shouldn’t find that so funny, but I do. In case you’re wondering, I didn’t go. I like dancing, but I just can’t see myself in a club. And there’s no way I can stay up til 11pm.



Underground like a wild potato....musical-notes-smiley-emoticon.gif

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I wonder if dh is going to get me a Christmas present this year. Some years he really knocks it out of the park and other years he’s mad at me and doesn’t get me anything. I don’t know what to get him. I’m kind of tempted to not get him anything. If he wants something just buys it himself unless we can’t afford it, but then I can’t afford it for a present, either. He doesn’t have a bunch of $10-50 items that he’d like but feels bad buying for himself, lol. Part of me thinks we’d be better off making Christmas just a kids gifting holiday. I wonder if that’d be weird for them.

This post sounds grumpy, but really I’m just tired of stressing out about this.

Matt and I don't do gifts for each other.

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18 month old's family is publicly asking for prayer. Joslyn is brain dead. Daddy is going out to meet Mommy to decide if they should take her off life support. They've asked for prayer for Daniel, Maribel, Kati, Alexandra, Tito and Joslyn.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I miss dancing. It would kill me now--I know my hips couldn't stand it.



I could never do the dance club type of dancing, but ordinary-folk-ballroom dancing (like at weddings and balls) and folk dancing I thoroughly enjoyed and would have liked to do more and longer.

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I wonder if dh is going to get me a Christmas present this year. Some years he really knocks it out of the park and other years he’s mad at me and doesn’t get me anything. I don’t know what to get him. I’m kind of tempted to not get him anything. If he wants something just buys it himself unless we can’t afford it, but then I can’t afford it for a present, either. He doesn’t have a bunch of $10-50 items that he’d like but feels bad buying for himself, lol. Part of me thinks we’d be better off making Christmas just a kids gifting holiday. I wonder if that’d be weird for them.

This post sounds grumpy, but really I’m just tired of stressing out about this.


Just for kids is one way to do it.  You can also let him buy his own presents, then take them away and wrap them.  Anything he buys himself in the month of December is a present for Christmas.



At our house we have defaulted to DH often buying his own presents, then turning them over to the girls and me to wrap.  This way we know we get the right stuff.  Sometimes we have to give him his presents early or already opened and inspected, since he needs to make sure the right stuff got sent and wasn't damaged in shipping.


I will buy myself presents, too, and hand them over to DH to give to me.  I keep supplying a wish list when requested, and DH and others keep buying me other stuff.  This year DH asked, "Do you have anything other than books on your wish list?", and after my affirmative he stated, "I only see books."  Less than half of the list was books, one has to scroll a bit to get to the first book on the list, and what's wrong with books, anyway?!?

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How about ask him if he feels that would be a nice idea? It might let him off the hook, and you wouldn't have to try to figure out what to get him. 

I just asked DH and he was okay with our Christmas carols in the cavern being good enough. Neither of us are all that great at gift giving, but with the gifts out of the way we can focus on each other instead of trying to find a good present.


This is a nice idea, too.  Here DH fusses if people don't have things to unwrap, however.   :glare:   His folks do, too.  DH wanted to get me a new phone for Christmas, but I want to wait until after I return from Colorado before I mess about with switching phones.  Mine is starting to misbehave a little, but if I keep a spare power bank and charging cord handy I'm good.  I told DH we are going to be spending a lot of our own money on my trip to Colorado and other things I'll be doing to help Dad, but DH can't wrap that so he is grumpy.  When Black Friday shopping with DD16 and hosting SIL I did buy myself some clothing items.  As soon as we got home I tried them on and then turned them over to DH to wrap and give me.  I did say, "It's not books!"

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You’re hungry? Usually I dream about needing to pee but there are no doors to the stalls.



In my dreams I have had toilets and outhouse seats crop up in the most unusual places and times, and everyone would look at me wondering why I'd be fussed about using such facilities without any privacy.  By my current age I have mostly managed to train myself to wake up now when such a thing occurs, thankfully.

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DH and I don’t really buy each other gifts. Well, one year I got my Smart phone, but I knew about it it and we had planned on me getting one, so we just made it a Christmas present. Same thing this year with a new iPad. And I got it two weeks ago.😜. He needs new biking clothes, so i’ll Get him those and wrap them up. We aren’t like the couple in the television commercials where she finds a little gold box hidden in the Christmas tree and with shining eyes opens it to find a beautiful bracelet and the caption says something sappy.

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DH is having a lot of trouble ordering online from Home Depot, and now he suspects their website might have been hacked.  He's been chatting with a customer service gal over problems with their payment system not working, and now he's observing computer things that cause him to believe their website itself might have gotten hacked.



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DD16's friend who has slept over will get a bunch of convenience food on this visit.  We ordered pizza last night, and I'm picking up quick fix-it-yourself foods when I go to the grocery store in a bit.  DD16 did request that I not "make anything weird" this time (she didn't like my playing with cheese logs the last time said friend slept over).  We'll see how she likes this plan!

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So. There are disadvantages to country living.


I just got in from my evening outside chores (it's dark here now by 4:30) and went to take care of the dogs. I went to dump Buddy's backwash polluted water bowl into the downstairs toilet.  And there was a freaking mouse in there.  I screamed, bowl and backwash went flying, and I flushed that sucker down.


And I've flushed the toilet about 19,000 times since.


That puts a new meaning to the plumber saying the problem is an infestation of little white mice (something I read once on the internet - apparently it's a euphemism for a bunch of tampons clogging up the sewer pipe. Not sure why people would flush those, but anyhow).


I bought our microscope at a yard sale for $5.  I have no idea how to use it.  And two of my kids are already through biology.   :leaving:


Well, *they*'re the ones that are supposed to learn, not you! Right?


Same problem here.  What's the difference between a $5 and a $100 microscope?  I don't know.  And possibly doesn't matter if I can't work either one.   :D


If bought new, a $5 microscope is a toy that won't actually work, whereas a $100 microscope might be decent. Best I can tell, anything under about $60 should probably be automatically eliminated from all consideration. Bought used... well, you know how that goes... you might get super lucky and get a complete steal, or you might end up with something with broken or missing parts, or with one of the toy microscopes that you shouldn't buy even when new, or w/e. I'd probably ask to try it when buying used off Craigslist or w/e (just like I'd ask to try most things off of Craigslist - fridge? Nice, I'll buy it if it's plugged in when I come look at it and it's actually cold. Etc). 


When I was a kid, I got a used microscope kit once. I couldn't really get it to work right. I don't know if that was me or the microscope, but I think there's a good chance it was the microscope (but as a kid, of course I thought it was me). Likewise, as a kid I got a used electronics kit. I got some of the circuits to work right, but others not. Odds are that some of the components were broken, but I had no way to test that, and again, I couldn't tell if it was me or the kit (at least with that one I was fairly confident that *some* of the parts were broken, but I had no clue how to get replacement parts, even though that actually should've been trivial (as in, go to w/e the Dutch equivalent of Radioshack is)).


Because of those experiences, I'm more inclined to buy new, or at least make sure I can cope with w/e is wrong to make sure that the kid knows that yes, this part is broken (and I can buy a new replacement part if it's important) or "yeah, you're actually doing it wrong, let me teach you how to do it right". 


Hm, actually, I think that maybe I bought that microscope myself (not sure). Either way, it was not a fun experience. 


I went to a bar tonight. For the first time in like fifteen years! 


I misread that as you were in a bar fight for the first time in fifteen years.  :lol:


We get good mangoes at the Asian grocery stores.



Yes, but you're on the West Coast. You're closer to Asia and probably have more Asians. We of course do have some Asian grocery stores, but I haven't been all that impressed by their produce (though I've never specifically tried a mango other than to feel them to determine that they were too ripe for my purposes).

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I have my Christmas present already - violin bow. That'll probably hold me for the next 5 years of Christmas and birthday presents. :D I got dh a new backpack for work because his current one is falling apart. I had a coupon from ebags.com that was valid during the cyber Monday sales and dh picked out the one he likes.

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DH is having a lot of trouble ordering online from Home Depot, and now he suspects their website might have been hacked.  He's been chatting with a customer service gal over problems with their payment system not working, and now he's observing computer things that cause him to believe their website itself might have gotten hacked.



I hope not. You're going to have to scrub your computer for malware and stuff. 

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No kidding! We were supposed to have dinner at Cracker Barrel last night on the way to the Lessons and Carols service which is the family tradition. And I would order delicious pancakes! But when we checked in there was a 45 minute wait for a table, so we went to Arby's instead. The kids had never been there. The manager gave us a 20% discount on the sandwiches (she called it an "unadvertised manager's special") so that was really nice. :)


But still - no pancakes with cute little bottles of syrup. :(

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Ds10 is torturing me with My Little Pony.




Stop that! MLP is NOT torture. I can't believe you just said that. There's unicorns! And alacorns! and pegasi! And regular horses! It's the bomb dot com! I use MLP for life lessons, for crying out loud...

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I dreamed I was making a peach and raspberry cobbler this morning. I wonder what that means. :D


You have the gift of prophecy?   :drool5:  :drool5:  :drool5:


I don't think my kids would notice if DH and I didn't give each other presents. They aren't that big into presents themselves. I think it must be genetic.



I don't like presents.  The kids are interested in their presents.  I don't think they care what we get.  Well, youngest might.  She likes gift giving.  (Might be a mutation.)  Some years dh and I do presents, and some years not.  Some years we know ahead or pick out our own and some years not.  Personally, I don't want anything unless I thought of it first.  (Control freak, much?   :D) Oh, and a couple years, I've returned what he got me, lol.   :leaving:

Edited by Another Lynn
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You have the gift of prophecy? :drool5: :drool5: :drool5:




I don't like presents. The kids are interested in their presents. I don't think they care what we get. Well, youngest might. She likes gift giving. (Might be a mutation.) Some years dh and I do presents, and some years not. Some years we know ahead or pick out our own and some years not. Personally, I don't want anything unless I thought of it first. (Control freak, much? :D) Oh, and a couple years, I've returned what he got me, lol. :leaving:

I love giving gifts. If I had the money I'd buy everyone new cars and playgrounds and $1,000 Amazon gift cards. Most of my received gifts come with strings so I've subconsciously learned not to like gifts. :( My husband does nice things for me and my dad gives me money because he knows it's a stress point. That's all I want. Foot rubs and cash.

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No kidding! We were supposed to have dinner at Cracker Barrel last night on the way to the Lessons and Carols service which is the family tradition. And I would order delicious pancakes! But when we checked in there was a 45 minute wait for a table, so we went to Arby's instead. The kids had never been there. The manager gave us a 20% discount on the sandwiches (she called it an "unadvertised manager's special") so that was really nice. :)


But still - no pancakes with cute little bottles of syrup. :(



Did you ding the bell as you left Arby's?


Maybe you can go to Cracker Barrel another time when they aren't so busy.  DD13 here loves those cute little bottles of syrup, too, and usually sweet talks the wait staff into giving her a second one.  She learned to do that after one waitress caught DD really scrimping on her syrup so she could take some home to share -- the waitress brought DD two more bottles and slipped them to her surreptitiously.  She got a big tip that day.

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Stop that! MLP is NOT torture. I can't believe you just said that. There's unicorns! And alacorns! and pegasi! And regular horses! It's the bomb dot com! I use MLP for life lessons, for crying out loud...



I told eldest that MLP on actual TV services is okay and fine, but she is not allowed to view MLP stuff on YouTube.  Some people have been doing not so nice things there.  I had to deal with an upset toddler nephew once when I suddenly snatched Grandma's tablet away and told him no more ponies.  He had found one of those videos and was clicking down a chain of them.


Now DD16 won't stop talking about some YouTuber called Markeplier.  I had to threaten to ban any viewing of him if she didn't stop mentioning him five times in every breath.



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You have the gift of prophecy?   :drool5:  :drool5:  :drool5:




I don't like presents.  The kids are interested in their presents.  I don't think they care what we get.  Well, youngest might.  She likes gift giving.  (Might be a mutation.)  Some years dh and I do presents, and some years not.  Some years we know ahead or pick out our own and some years not.  Personally, I don't want anything unless I thought of it first.  (Control freak, much?   :D) Oh, and a couple years, I've returned what he got me, lol.   :leaving:



DH likes to talk about a coworker of his who found a system that works for him and his wife:  He buys whatever in whatever size and color from stores he knows she likes to shop at, and includes gift receipts with a loving acknowledgement that he might have gotten the wrong size.  She then (apparently happily) returns the items and picks out what she likes.  He does this because she likes getting presents, wants them to be things HE selected, usually doesn't like the size or color or something about what he selected, and likes to shop so is willing to take things back.


I told DH this won't work with me, because returning the stuff and shopping for something else is yet another chore I'll have to do.


DH knows to not buy me jewelry, since I don't wear it anymore (except on very rare occasions, and then only certain not-very-metal pieces and not for very long).  I like jewelry and love to pick out nice pieces for others, but I find I simply can't wear it myself.


DH has tried to buy me clothing in the past, and as per my perpetual shopping bane it wouldn't fit right and would have to be returned or be money down the drain.


He doesn't want to buy me "blenders" for presents, after one friend of the family made it very clear her utter distaste for receiving anything useful or chore-related for a present.  But cooking stuff is TOYS for me, not tools!


He asks for wish lists, and complains about me putting books on them.  Listen here, dude, I just took about 100 books and donated them to the Friends of the Library!  I can have more books!  Especially since I also decluttered other stuff off of shelves and repurposed those shelves to more book space.)



I put "sharpen my good kitchen knives for me" on my wish list this year.  He could always wrap up the sharpened knives....

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I love giving gifts. If I had the money I'd buy everyone new cars and playgrounds and $1,000 Amazon gift cards. Most of my received gifts come with strings so I've subconsciously learned not to like gifts. :( My husband does nice things for me and my dad gives me money because he knows it's a stress point. That's all I want. Foot rubs and cash.



These are good presents!



Years ago when some friends of DH and me were getting married we had heard they were going to bicycle around Ireland for 3 weeks for their honeymoon.  We bought them each hydration backpacks, and then got some Irish currency (after checking which Ireland) and stuffed it in the pockets.  We told them their present from us had to be opened before they left (they were leaving the presents until they got back because they had a red-eye flight) so they could use it on the honeymoon.  They were thrilled!  They said the water bladders for the backpacks made nice hot water bottles at the end of the day's ride, so they got multiple use out of the things, and the cash made for a bit more treating themselves than they had budgeted for.

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Christmas tree bomb! :001_wub:


(When people dress up random outdoor trees)



I especially like dressing up the outdoor trees with ornaments to feed the birds and wildlife, and maybe bits of string and fluff for nests.  We can't do that here, because cat, and can't do it at ILs' because hawk.  All feeding of birds at ILs' takes place in one confined area, where the birds get some protection from the hawk and the feeders can be fenced away from the horses.

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DH likes to talk about a coworker of his who found a system that works for him and his wife:  He buys whatever in whatever size and color from stores he knows she likes to shop at, and includes gift receipts with a loving acknowledgement that he might have gotten the wrong size.  She then (apparently happily) returns the items and picks out what she likes.  He does this because she likes getting presents, wants them to be things HE selected, usually doesn't like the size or color or something about what he selected, and likes to shop so is willing to take things back.


I told DH this won't work with me, because returning the stuff and shopping for something else is yet another chore I'll have to do.


DH knows to not buy me jewelry, since I don't wear it anymore (except on very rare occasions, and then only certain not-very-metal pieces and not for very long).  I like jewelry and love to pick out nice pieces for others, but I find I simply can't wear it myself.


DH has tried to buy me clothing in the past, and as per my perpetual shopping bane it wouldn't fit right and would have to be returned or be money down the drain.


He doesn't want to buy me "blenders" for presents, after one friend of the family made it very clear her utter distaste for receiving anything useful or chore-related for a present.  But cooking stuff is TOYS for me, not tools!


He asks for wish lists, and complains about me putting books on them.  Listen here, dude, I just took about 100 books and donated them to the Friends of the Library!  I can have more books!  Especially since I also decluttered other stuff off of shelves and repurposed those shelves to more book space.)



I put "sharpen my good kitchen knives for me" on my wish list this year.  He could always wrap up the sharpened knives....


My husband has great taste in clothes, and always gets the right size. So there's a point for him I guess...:D

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