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Ick. I remember one year in high school that was particularly bad. We went something like 10 weeks with fog delays; we literally did not see the sun for over a month. Bleh.

A couple years ago it was like that. January was gray. That was all. Last year we got so much rain we had no fog because it never had a chance to form.
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One more chapter edited to under 4K. Six more to go. I gotta go flip the laundry. I've also decided that I'm tired of everything piling up on the various flat surfaces in my room. I need to do something about that. 


ETA: I'd borrow the flamethrower, but some of it is curriculum for winter and spring.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Day I don't even remember, no AF. 


I want to say 33, since iirc you posted 32 yesterday. 


It's hard to ask that when you're laughing. I can't help myself.


I actually can - haha - areyou - haha -okay? - haha.


I’m sorry y’all can’t see me. I can’t figure out how to get a new avatar up. It keeps saying my file is too big and I can’t upload it.



I still see you.

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DS has another Foggy Day Schedule. Around here we get dense fog and it’s dangerous to drive in it, so schools start a couple hours later to give the fog a chance to clear. This time of year it’s usually not bad (actually there is no fog at my house, but DS’s school has kids coming from all over the Valley, so it must be bad somewhere), but in January we can be socked in for days if we don’t get a weather system coming in to scour it out.


I learn so much from this thread!  I had never heard, prior to your post, of a Foggy Day Schedule.


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ed po warning.....  rambling post warning....    


(because burn out is a great time to think about what to do differently next year....)


I need to figure out how to strike a balance between outsourcing vs. being home enough to get the work done.  And between what I'm motivated to hold them accountable to vs. what I need them to be motivated to do without me (or motivated by someone else).  The local highschool UMS-type thingy can be Tuesday only, Thursday only, or Tuesday and Thursday.  Some of what I would like to outsource would be Tuesday and Thursday, but that only leaves 3 full days and probably a partial day at home (let's be real about how much work will get done on the partial day!!!) which seems problematic.  But maybe it's just time (next fall) to pull up our big girl/boy panties and do it.


Can we take the half day and make it a house work only day? Also, this is going to sound crazy but bear with me. Why don't you take your time off this summer and teach your children how to do laundry? Don't be mad at me. You literally could not do laundry. Like not for 9 more years. Just think about it.



Savasana is a good pose!

This was introduced to me as the corpse pose. :D



I want to say 33, since iirc you posted 32 yesterday. 




I actually can - haha - areyou - haha -okay? - haha.





I still see you.

Thank you for keeping track for me. ;)
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   Thank you for keeping track for me. ;)



You might not want to rely on that number though - it could've been a day longer ago. I don't even have a clue when my own last period started. I'm going to guess wildly and say 10 days ago. Or 12. Or maybe 14. Who knows? (Who cares?)

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You might not want to rely on that number though - it could've been a day longer ago. I don't even have a clue when my own last period started. I'm going to guess wildly and say 10 days ago. Or 12. Or maybe 14. Who knows? (Who cares?)

Well, I use an app but I just switched which app I use so I lost all of my information.

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Can we take the half day and make it a house work only day? Also, this is going to sound crazy but bear with me. Why don't you take your time off this summer and teach your children how to do laundry? Don't be mad at me. You literally could not do laundry. Like not for 9 more years. Just think about it.


   This was introduced to me as the corpse pose. :D


   Thank you for keeping track for me. ;)


Youngest could afford a half day to learn more chores, but the olders do not have enough time available to do that.  Additionally, trips to town take 45 minutes there and 45 minutes home, so that impacts the issue of time as well.  This school year, dh and I each make the trip at least once every day, and sometimes twice.   :eek:   As far as laundry goes, yes, they need to learn how for their own benefit, but as far as helping me out, we would need an extra set, or at least an extra dryer for it to do me any good for them to learn the chore.  If I'm driving them all over God's green earth, then they're not home any more than I am.  So, I guess I'm saying my biggest issue with laundry is needing to be home more.  


Anyway - not mad at you, but I'm probably not doing a good job of explaining how our lifestyle works, lol.    

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Matt just got an 8.5% raise! He's never gotten a raise. People have worked there for 30 years and never gotten a raise. I think I might pass out.





Unrelated: I like CNN 10's trivia questions (except when they're wrong*). Like, which capital city is the farthest north - Washington D.C., Athens, Beijing, or Tokyo? Broccoli and I both guessed correctly, but I was pretty unsure, and I'm almost certain I would've gotten it wrong if I'd had to order all of them (I didn't try before looking them up). 


*On another day they asked which city had the most people - London, Beijing, something else, or New Delhi. I got the correct answer according to Google, but they counted a different answer correct (answer in white): New Delhi is tiny, but they counted all the population of Delhi and New Delhi together and claimed it was the correct answer. Not fair. The correct answer is Beijing.

Edited by luuknam
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Oh, and let me also rank those cities in how far north they are, with northernmost first:


Buffalo (I know, not on the list)


Washington D.C.




And also, as a side note: The population of New Delhi is about the same as the population of Buffalo proper (not including the Buffalo metro area) - they're both almost 260k. 


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Yay for Matt's raise!!


And hugs to Growly Bear Jean and Taxi Driver Lynn.


Krissi, I can see you.  On Chrome.  Haven't checked on phone because it's across the room and I'm lazy.






I cleaned off the van seats when removing the carseats yesterday (took an hour to scrape that carp off) so today I decided it was high time I vacuumed it at the car wash.  It is officially clean.   :Angel_anim:


Now I'm helping dd7 with her knitting fork.  Except that she lost her knitting fork, so it's actually knitting chopsticks, held together by a rubberband.  She came up with that all by herself.  Love that girl.   :001_wub:

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I need to take the car in for inspection and oil change. I Lackawanna. I don't know what to do with the kids while we wait - they get really annoying really easily (and yes, I do take stuff with us to entertain them... I'm just not even sure what I'd take today, and I don't wanna deal). 

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I need to take the car in for inspection and oil change. I Lackawanna. I don't know what to do with the kids while we wait - they get really annoying really easily (and yes, I do take stuff with us to entertain them... I'm just not even sure what I'd take today, and I don't wanna deal). 


That's why I go to the dealer for inspections and oil changes. The price isn't any higher, and they have a decent waiting room (toys, tv, wifi) and juice/coffee/soda vouchers for use at the snack shop. 


Plus, Fancy-Tie-Service-Guy and I have now come to an Understanding About Things.  

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I mean, their level of brattitude is just off the charts. Like, I was peeling potatoes yesterday, and Celery was whining that he wanted me to do stuff. So I snapped at him about whether he wanted to eat, or if he wanted to prepare dinner himself, or w/e. They just have zero tolerance for stuff that needs to be done. As if I like taking the car to be inspected etc. 


So, what to do with 2 kids at car inspection place for up to 2 hours or so?

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The last time I was at a car dealer was a year ago in NL, because my parents' car was broken and we got a loaner (they definitely did not have toys). Before that, the last time I was at a car dealer was when we got our car, during that cash-for-clunkers thing in 2009... I don't recall any toys, but we barely spent any time inside iirc.  

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I'm a total cheater about getting work done on the car.  Dh takes care of it.


There are a couple of garages within walking distance of his place of employment.  He can drop the car off and walk the rest of the way to work.  For scheduled maintenance he likes to check the weather first.

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I've never seen toys at a car dealer. Not that I go to car dealers much. 



This is the place where we bought our used van.  So we learned about it then.  An adult waiting area is just off the showroom floor, and it has a glass wall looking into an enclosed kiddie playroom.  If dh can do the maintenance run, he goes to a place closer to us; but if it's me and the kids, it's worth the extra 20 minute drive to go there. 

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None of the Kia dealers are willing to list the cost of an oil change on their website. Or the cost of anything other than cars, basically. I'm pretty sure the cost of inspection is state-mandated, but since I also need an oil change and should probably* get a car wash, and the car wash is probably free at some of the places around here with either the oil change or the inspection... and plenty of places around here have $20 oil change specials... I don't know that the dealer is that cheap (I always thought dealers were expensive for maintenance... if they aren't, they might want to post their prices on their website). 


*As in, last time our car was washed was in spring.  :leaving:

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"Daddy, my glasses are broken". Hooray, more on the to-do list. On the bright side, it looks like the only issue is that one of the screws fell out, and the glasses place is almost certain to fix that for free (actuallly, they're still under warranty, so, guaranteed for free). On the not-so-bright side, glasses place is on the opposite side of town. 

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None of the Kia dealers are willing to list the cost of an oil change on their website. Or the cost of anything other than cars, basically. I'm pretty sure the cost of inspection is state-mandated, but since I also need an oil change and should probably* get a car wash, and the car wash is probably free at some of the places around here with either the oil change or the inspection... and plenty of places around here have $20 oil change specials... I don't know that the dealer is that cheap (I always thought dealers were expensive for maintenance... if they aren't, they might want to post their prices on their website). 


*As in, last time our car was washed was in spring.  :leaving:


Is the inspection you are talking about an emission inspection?  Ours takes all of 15 minutes if I go at a time when I don't have to wait in line. 

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Youngest could afford a half day to learn more chores, but the olders do not have enough time available to do that.  Additionally, trips to town take 45 minutes there and 45 minutes home, so that impacts the issue of time as well.  This school year, dh and I each make the trip at least once every day, and sometimes twice.   :eek:   As far as laundry goes, yes, they need to learn how for their own benefit, but as far as helping me out, we would need an extra set, or at least an extra dryer for it to do me any good for them to learn the chore.  If I'm driving them all over God's green earth, then they're not home any more than I am.  So, I guess I'm saying my biggest issue with laundry is needing to be home more.  


Anyway - not mad at you, but I'm probably not doing a good job of explaining how our lifestyle works, lol.   

I vote one day out of the house and not two. 

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I need to pack an overnight bag for the boys. I'm sending them to MIL for the night.


I really need the break, but I'm so burnt out that I don't even want to put in the effort of packing the bag and driving them over there. And DH wants to go out (and we should) so that means I have to put real clothes on too. Blah.


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I need to pack an overnight bag for the boys. I'm sending them to MIL for the night.


I really need the break, but I'm so burnt out that I don't even want to put in the effort of packing the bag and driving them over there. And DH wants to go out (and we should) so that means I have to put real clothes on too. Blah.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk


You can do it, Lana!  It will be worth it!!

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