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I took the dc to a Christmas event.  We didn't get home until after 1 a.m.  


Dd9 said that she was ready to eat breakfast.   :glare:  :lol:


I walked too much and have a swollen ankle.  So I am icing my ankle and eating pie.  I want to take some Advil to get the swelling down, but I don't want to take it on an empty stomach.  That's a good excuse for eating pie, right?   :D

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Day I don't even remember, no AF. We're doing the "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" "I'm sure I'm not pregnant." "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" "I'm sure I'm not pregnant." thing and now I'm questioning it. Does anyone want to yell up my hoohaw and see if there's a response?


A few years ago I went through a period (pun intended) of losing weight so fast I skipped 4 periods in a row. That was awesome sauce. Where do I apply for that?


Matt broght a hot pocket home from work which I ate and is now trying to kill me.


Can't sleep. Shall read.

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You'll be so proud of me!!!!! 


I channeled my inner-ENB and told Mr-Fancy-Tie-Service-Guy that, unless he could tell me how I was to fit 5 carseats (and children) safely in his loaner, he would have to bring my van back to ME to make the trade.  And I told him that he needed to do it by 5pm because at 6pm, my bOOkS were getting squished.  


Well, I didn't say it exactly like that.  But I think terms such as Child Endangerment and Critical Appointment with Medical Specialist scared him a little.   




He got me back my wheels right quick, he did.





:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   Good for you!  Maybe next time they will think twice before giving away the promised loaner.

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My oldest also calls the color of caucasian skin "meaghkan" (the best spelling I can come up with for what he says.) As in, "Hey, gimme a meaghkan so I can color her face in. And a blue for her eyes."  


He's done this as long as I can remember, and of course that means it became an accepted and understood term for all the younger ones.  





If it weren't for the fact that "flesh-tone" doesn't really have a good name, I'd have nipped it in the bud a long time ago.  But as it stands, it actually comes in rather handy to have a word for that.  Soooo..... we use it.





My children will need so much therapy when they finally fly the coop.   :leaving:



You should send it to Crayola as a suggested rename for that crayon.  So many people, after all, have a different skin color than that, and that crayon certainly isn't the tone of the flesh once the skin is removed.  Unless one is a chicken.  Maybe they could also consider renaming the crayon to "chicken".   :laugh:

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When the dc were little, the word "stupid" was a banned word.  Instead, I would spell S-T-U-P-I-D when I wanted to use it.  Only my children weren't stupid and they always knew what I was spelling out.  So dd, who was about three or four at the time, started to spell it out too when she wanted to use it.  Only she couldn't remember the letters so she would say S-O-G S-O-G. Which led to us teasing about something being sog-sog.  We still use that one on occasion. 



I sure hope someone has started an ITT jargon archive for all of these!

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I took the dc to a Christmas event.  We didn't get home until after 1 a.m.  


Dd9 said that she was ready to eat breakfast.   :glare:  :lol:


I walked too much and have a swollen ankle.  So I am icing my ankle and eating pie.  I want to take some Advil to get the swelling down, but I don't want to take it on an empty stomach.  That's a good excuse for eating pie, right?   :D



In this case the pie is medically necessary.  Good for you for taking such good and proper care of yourself!

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I binged on sharp cheddar cheese. Bad idea.



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I binged a bit yesterday evening on celery sticks, then couldn't eat any supper for a while.  *sigh*  It's not fair -- mustn't eat too many carrots in one sitting, and now I found I have to limit the celery, too.  I was feeling veggie-deprived.  I just want to have a veggie pig-out!  My gut objects, however....

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My grandfather used the word skulduggery in a sentence completely seriously.



So have I!  I need to use that word again soon, too.  The girls need to add it to their vocabulary.   :laugh:


Our girls have a rather interesting vocabulary, if acquaintances and strangers are to be believed.  Even before we switched to homeschooling we were getting asked if we homeschool.  "Nope, the kids just have parents with interesting vocabulary!"

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I just found out that dd needs to be at her recital tonight three hours early instead of half an hour, so dh and I won’t be able to drive together and I need to figure out how to get to a place two towns over I’ve never been to before and then entertain three kids during her dress rehearsal and presumably feed everyone fast food for dinner. 😤. Communication and/or organization is apparently not cool young teacher’s strong point.



:grouphug:   This is very common amongst places that set up performances for their students.  It's as if everyone assumes it's some other employee's job to communicate promptly and effectively with the students and their parents.

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I just found out that dd needs to be at her recital tonight three hours early instead of half an hour, so dh and I won’t be able to drive together and I need to figure out how to get to a place two towns over I’ve never been to before and then entertain three kids during her dress rehearsal and presumably feed everyone fast food for dinner. 😤. Communication and/or organization is apparently not cool young teacher’s strong point.



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I will need to get physically busy in a while, but I am relaxing a bit before we start class time today.  I woke up at my usual (now) 5 AM, but I lounged in bed a while.  The fatigue is starting to abate.


I'll take care of getting some physical, noticeable stuff done today, and hopefully remember to make some calls.  This way I can feel like I'm getting stuff accomplished and in fine shape, on schedule for when I leave for Colorado.

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I need to grocery shop but have no desire. My cold won't go away but for some reason the kids think we still need food in the house. 


DH mostly finished an exercise room in the basement and was all excited. :hurray:  He asked if I was going to work out today.  :lol:

Dude. My nose is bleeding from the tissues, my voice is mostly gone from the cough and sore throat, and I've slept about 3 hours a night for the last 7 weeks. What do you think?? I know he's anxious for me to try it and all, but let's be real. 

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I need to grocery shop but have no desire. My cold won't go away but for some reason the kids think we still need food in the house.


DH mostly finished an exercise room in the basement and was all excited. :hurray: He asked if I was going to work out today. :lol:

Dude. My nose is bleeding from the tissues, my voice is mostly gone from the cough and sore throat, and I've slept about 3 hours a night for the last 7 weeks. What do you think?? I know he's anxious for me to try it and all, but let's be real.

Tell him you want to do yoga for as long as possible and ask him to watch the kids. Bring a blanket.

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Good Morning!!!






I’m sorry y’all can’t see me. I can’t figure out how to get a new avatar up. It keeps saying my file is too big and I can’t upload it.

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ed po warning.....  rambling post warning....    


(because burn out is a great time to think about what to do differently next year....)


I need to figure out how to strike a balance between outsourcing vs. being home enough to get the work done.  And between what I'm motivated to hold them accountable to vs. what I need them to be motivated to do without me (or motivated by someone else).  The local highschool UMS-type thingy can be Tuesday only, Thursday only, or Tuesday and Thursday.  Some of what I would like to outsource would be Tuesday and Thursday, but that only leaves 3 full days and probably a partial day at home (let's be real about how much work will get done on the partial day!!!) which seems problematic.  But maybe it's just time (next fall) to pull up our big girl/boy panties and do it.    



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DS has another Foggy Day Schedule. Around here we get dense fog and it’s dangerous to drive in it, so schools start a couple hours later to give the fog a chance to clear. This time of year it’s usually not bad (actually there is no fog at my house, but DS’s school has kids coming from all over the Valley, so it must be bad somewhere), but in January we can be socked in for days if we don’t get a weather system coming in to scour it out.

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I need to grocery shop but have no desire. My cold won't go away but for some reason the kids think we still need food in the house. 


DH mostly finished an exercise room in the basement and was all excited. :hurray:  He asked if I was going to work out today.  :lol:

Dude. My nose is bleeding from the tissues, my voice is mostly gone from the cough and sore throat, and I've slept about 3 hours a night for the last 7 weeks. What do you think?? I know he's anxious for me to try it and all, but let's be real. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Can your DH take the kids grocery shopping?  You could then rest, and he can let the kids help pick out groceries.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Can your DH take the kids grocery shopping?  You could then rest, and he can let the kids help pick out groceries.


We can order them for pick up so nobody even needs to go in. It's pretty effortless but when I look at my menu planning options I feel uninspired. I have to go today before they put the prescriptions we refilled back up. I don't want them to pick the groceries. We'll get pop tarts, cookie crunch cereal, nutty bars, and nothing to actually cook with. 


I could nap when Baby naps during the day but my nose is making it hard. Thankfully, I think breastfeeding and Baby's age is preventing him from catching our cold. He's been a super good happy Baby this week.

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DS has another Foggy Day Schedule. Around here we get dense fog and it’s dangerous to drive in it, so schools start a couple hours later to give the fog a chance to clear. This time of year it’s usually not bad (actually there is no fog at my house, but DS’s school has kids coming from all over the Valley, so it must be bad somewhere), but in January we can be socked in for days if we don’t get a weather system coming in to scour it out.


Ick. I remember one year in high school that was particularly bad. We went something like 10 weeks with fog delays; we literally did not see the sun for over a month.  Bleh.

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