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oh, it is horrible for our poor boy. For homework time we had to turn off texting and everything else, but it is so hard for him to do the work on the iPad. I think he likes school overall. He’s playing basketball and he likes that, but academically he is struggling so much. I think it would be so much easier on him if he had paper and pens and books.

One thing that helps me focus (say, I want to write for an hour, or edit for an hour) is to put on a piece of orchestral music that plays for that length of time. I typically will go with something powerful and emotional, depending on my mood, and I just won't allow myself to look at anything else while the music is playing.

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A big huge FAFSA on the FAFSA. It lets me do one page and then tells me that we don't exist. Then we finally get it to work and do another page and then we don't exist. . . FAFSA *^@(#&!!!!

It's about this time that you write to TurboTax and beg them to start a program for filing your FAFSA and you will be happy to pay them $29.99 for the service, especially if they offer FAFSA audit help.

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I've been reading when I can, but I'm often two days behind! Life got really busy since I started working, and I haven't found balance yet. But, the kids are getting educated and loved on, DH and I are trying to intentionally take time for each other, and everyone is fed and has clean clothes, so it's good enough.


I'm doing well at work. The managers are floored by how quickly I'm learning and how accurate I am, and I'm frankly floored by their astonishment. It's a coffeeshop. It isn't hard. But it is fairly mindless, which means it doesn't interfere with school except for time, iykwim.


I agreed to take the nursery for part of the co op day next semester. It enables us to keep going, as I'm considered a teacher and the fee is waived for the kids' classes. I feel so blessed, I'm nearly weepy, because the board members came up with this for us, specifically to make sure we could keep coming, when I asked about payment plans and explained about DH's layoff. I was concerned we wouldn't be able to continue. Then, because news travels fast, two of the women approached me with job offers for DH! One is a one time side job, wiring a barn for lighting, and the other's husband owns a general contracting business and is looking for help! Thank You, Jesus! I'm always so imoressed with the kindness and solidarity of the homeschool community. My experience has never been anything but lovely.


Except for one thing.


The co op had a meeting today, to discuss respecting our teachers. The 1-3 grades are combined 3rd hour for a gym class, invluding Reader and Runner. Apparently, last week the teacher went to the board and quit, saying those kids were the most disrespectful kids she's ever seen. 😯 None of the parents or the board members knew anything about a problem in the class. Most of my volunteering hours this semester have been in this age group, and I haven't seen disrespect like that, but I haven't been in that specific class, either. I feel terrible for the teacher's feeling disrespected, but I'm also dumbfounded. The board has asked the kids to write apology notes. Reader and Runner are upset, because they say they tried to listen and participate, and they don't understand.


I hate drama.


In other news, I read #5 (Stardust by Neil Gaiman), #6 (Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham), and #7 (Gwendy's Button Box by Stephen King and someone else that I'm not sure of, because the book's in the van to be returned to the library and I'm too lazy to look it up). I finally started Codependant No More. I liked Carry On, Mr. Bowditch best of the lot, and I plan to read it again. I finished reading A Little Princess aloud, and plan to start A Christmas Carol next. I'm also almost finished planning 2018's work. Good times!


I pray for you guys. Hope you don't mind.


I like this post a squillion times, except the drama part. :-)

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My cherry pie wasn't all that great, but I can say that I nailed the top crust. It is buttery, lightly crunchy and tender. :drool5: We are still dining on leftovers from Thanksgiving, but we ran out of pecan pie at lunch, when I ate the last slice. :blushing: I might be stress eating a little bit.

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I been squished. The technician was full of homeschooling questions (all in a positive spirit, which I’m noticing a lot more these days. I think because of the increased challenges at b+m schools? There hasn’t been a bean dip conversation in a long time.)


Now I’m at a coffee shop to avoid getting home before the kids that I raved so much about go to bed. 😳

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I been squished. The technician was full of homeschooling questions (all in a positive spirit, which I’m noticing a lot more these days. I think because of the increased challenges at b+m schools? There hasn’t been a bean dip conversation in a long time.)


Now I’m at a coffee shop to avoid getting home before the kids that I raved so much about go to bed. 😳

Hoping for a good squish that you don't have to repeat.

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Dd is in an anatomy app on her virtual reality system.  She's been inside the heart, the brain, the colon. . .    It is really amazing what this thing can show. 



I'm going to have to tell my nephews about this.  One wants VR for Christmas, and another wants to borrow it once the first nephew gets it.  Not that it would help that much in the long run, but they could have some fun arguing the educational prospects of the system!

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Krissi, ds did the right thing!


BTW, I still can't see you. Your avatar is just a tiny white square. :(



I wonder why you can't see her?  I see her fine.  I'm using Chrome browser.

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Dental content! Grosspo:


I'm fairly certain I swallowed my scab and I'm rather horrified.



Don't worry, it won't grow into a plant in your tummy.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:



What does your dentist say?

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Captain Mal says flick flocks.

Weapon X used to call hot cocoa hot caca. That was always funny.


But my favorite will always be goose doe (goofball).


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk



I have never heard of goofball.   :confused1:



Scratch that, I have heard of it.  Why did my brain right now think it was some school-created "sport"?

Edited by AMJ
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DH is playing in a pool tournament tonight. The boys are in bed, and I took a nice long hot bath. Now I have a sweet kitten and a grumpy old lady dog both vying for lap space. They dislike each other but will cuddle if it means they get to be with me. They make me feel special and loved.


ETA Also, Dean Martin is playing in the background. He also makes me feel special and loved. You know he's singing directly to me.

Edited by lanalouwho
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Ah, so you're tooling around town sans kids in your super cool loaner CRV! 😎😂



You'll be so proud of me!!!!! 


I channeled my inner-ENB and told Mr-Fancy-Tie-Service-Guy that, unless he could tell me how I was to fit 5 carseats (and children) safely in his loaner, he would have to bring my van back to ME to make the trade.  And I told him that he needed to do it by 5pm because at 6pm, my bOOkS were getting squished.  


Well, I didn't say it exactly like that.  But I think terms such as Child Endangerment and Critical Appointment with Medical Specialist scared him a little.   




He got me back my wheels right quick, he did.



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We always said "sim-yum-yum" instead of cinnamon. Simyumyum toast is the best.



Except it's realyumyum, not simulated yumyum. 


We didn't really have a Thanksgiving meal last week, but I'd bought some things for it (like, frozen cauliflower stuffing and cranberry pie), so, I went wild and did pretend Thanksgiving this evening. I made mashed potatoes from scratch, peas, the stuffing and the cranberry pie, and I baked chicken breasts in the oven. Yes, DW immediately complained that chicken != turkey, but I'm also pretty sure that she prefers chicken anyhow. And then we watched half of The Secret Garden. 


Oh, and apparently Broccoli thinks that Sinterklaas is from Dec 1st to Dec 5th... not sure where he got that from, but I'd accidentally left my shoes right next to the heater, and he was completely convinced, so, we sang Sinterklaas songs and since I got a box with stuff from my parents today that should have chocolate letters in it among other stuff, we'll get those in our shoes. I hope I'm not wrong... if I am, I'm going to have to scramble. 


Broccoli's learning to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and half-scales on the violin. I'm kind of surprised, as I'm pretty sure that when I learned to play the violin we spent a bunch of time on just 1st finger and open string, and then 1st and 2nd finger and open string, etc. But anyhow, he's doing okay-ish (his violin also has colored tapes where his fingers are supposed to go... I'm pretty sure we never had that), and happy to be learning a song. 

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My oldest also calls the color of caucasian skin "meaghkan" (the best spelling I can come up with for what he says.) As in, "Hey, gimme a meaghkan so I can color her face in. And a blue for her eyes."  


He's done this as long as I can remember, and of course that means it became an accepted and understood term for all the younger ones.  





If it weren't for the fact that "flesh-tone" doesn't really have a good name, I'd have nipped it in the bud a long time ago.  But as it stands, it actually comes in rather handy to have a word for that.  Soooo..... we use it.





My children will need so much therapy when they finally fly the coop.   :leaving:



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When the dc were little, the word "stupid" was a banned word.  Instead, I would spell S-T-U-P-I-D when I wanted to use it.  Only my children weren't stupid and they always knew what I was spelling out.  So dd, who was about three or four at the time, started to spell it out too when she wanted to use it.  Only she couldn't remember the letters so she would say S-O-G S-O-G. Which led to us teasing about something being sog-sog.  We still use that one on occasion. 

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Dental content! Grosspo:


I'm fairly certain I swallowed my scab and I'm rather horrified.

I just laughed and gagged at the same time. I didn’t know it was possible to do that. (Laugh and gag, that is. Swallowing scabs is obviously possible, but gross.)

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