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Matt and I were talking about my last surgery and we decided I was the victim of malpractice. She broke my tooth into several pieces and left it imbeded in my mouth without contacting anyone until the next morning. I assumed all tooth extraction recoveries were so difficult until now. I'm almost completely recovered whereas last time 24 hours later I was still bleeding and in immense pain despite being on more medication. Matt remembers me crying off and on for a few days. The reason she left me was because her husband was in the ER dying. She should have handled my situation better but we have no interest in any sort of reconciliation.

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He’s in the “executive†class, but I don’t know what that means. He already knows the people he’s hoping to work with but maybe he wants to explore options. I don’t think they wear suits daily.


I didn’t think most executives could even afford 6 $1000 suits. What is an executive anyway? #sheltered #knownothing


Like the others said, CEO, CFO, CTO, etc. I think the overwhelming majority of executives could afford 6 $1000 suits. I mean, some of them might have low enough incomes that they're not going to be happy about that, but it's not like they can't. If DW's work told her she'd need 6 $1000 suits in order to keep her job, she'd be looking for another job, but if the entire industry decided that 6 $1000 suits are required... then yeah, we could make that happen without insane hardship (but we'd be ticked off, because that's almost as much as our annual rent, so they'd better give a raise for that kind of nonsense), and our household income is not even close to six figures, and DW has I think something like 2 managers above her before the C-level guys. 


He also suggests that interviewing in too expensive of a suit can make the prospective employer wonder how the prospective employee could afford it.  This can be a big deal if the job deals with finance.



Um, for real? ONE $1000 suit is really not that crazy that you'd have to rob a bank in order to have that. From an interview they typically can't tell whether you've got a closet full of them or it that's your only one (there are certain jobs where you have multiple days of interviews, so you can show off 2-3 suits... but people applying for those jobs typically could afford 2-3 $1000 suits if that's their priority). I mean, I could see hiring managers being confused if you apply for a job waiting tables or something in a $1000 suit... but for stuff paying >$50k/year? I'm not sure I'd even want to work at a place where they're so crazy that they'd get paranoid about a single suit. If DW had applied to any white collar jobs shortly after we'd gotten married, she'd probably have worn her $600 (on clearance, so probably closer to $1000) suit that she wore at the wedding (which she'd actually gotten for some other event a few years before that). (of course, if you're talking about suits that are several thousand dollars each, then yeah... that'd be weird unless the job's like half a million a year). 

Edited by luuknam
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Found out the man who murdered my cousin last year got 21years. He plead out. My uncle & aunt and cousins wish he would have gotten more, but they are happy it didn’t go to trial and he can’ t get off for good behavior. He has to serve it all.


Krissi, I'm sorry.  I didn't remember about your cousin.  I'm glad the man is going to be in jail for a very long time without parole hearings and all of that drama.

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Dd13 liked the movie (Secretariat).


I made a comment about the race at the end of the movie and she looked at me wide-eyed and said, "Wait.  That was a true story?!?"  Um, yes, dearie, I thought that you knew.



ETA:  BOOYAH!  Secretariat wins the Triple Crown!!!

Edited by Junie
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My cousin...he was a very good hearted guy, but he made a lot of poor choices throughout his life. He was helping out a co-worker by letting him live in his house for a while and they got into an argument and the co-worker went into the bedroom, brought out a gun and shot my cousin. My cousin is quite a bit older than me and I was always a little scared of him because he was kind of wild and always getting into trouble. But I do remember on my wedding day, he came to my wedding. I’d forgotten to invite him (totally unintentionally, someone always gets left off the guest list), but he came with his sister and I remember being really glad he was there.
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I did double the recipe, but I also doubled the fluid. I don’t know. Sometimes it just freaks out on me for no reason whatsoever.



It could be the weather.  If the air is drier it could require more fluid to make the dough come out right.  Baking can be a finicky business.

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I watched two sessions of the American Revolution documentary with the boys. I also touched up my camellia flower on the cold press paper and started the exact same flower in roughly the exact same colors on hot press paper. Very different flowers.

I think the experiment has been a helpful one for me, because I'm coming to appreciate both kinds of paper for very different reasons. Cold-press is going to be wonderful for anything where I want that ethereal picture quality--landscapes, for instance. It's more--forgiving. The hot press is all about details. I can see using it for portraits, anything where I want close up, delicate details and subtleties of light to be important.



Thank you for sharing this.  I might be getting DD16 some paper and more watercolor paints for Christmas, so she can do more of her pictures (her interpretation of Chinese or Japanese flowering branches).  I might get her some of each of these two papers so she can play with them, too.

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I watched two sessions of the American Revolution documentary with the boys. I also touched up my camellia flower on the cold press paper and started the exact same flower in roughly the exact same colors on hot press paper. Very different flowers.

I think the experiment has been a helpful one for me, because I'm coming to appreciate both kinds of paper for very different reasons. Cold-press is going to be wonderful for anything where I want that ethereal picture quality--landscapes, for instance. It's more--forgiving. The hot press is all about details. I can see using it for portraits, anything where I want close up, delicate details and subtleties of light to be important.



Is a "block" of paper simply loose sheets?

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Morning. Coffee.


The dogs woke me up demanding to be let out so they could frolic in the cold. They are hyper. All of the other humans are sleeping in. Part of me is jealous, but it is nice to just sit here with my coffee for a while.


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you amaze me!! I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but it sounds really neat.

Could be distilled down to this: the paper makes a huge difference in watercoloring. Therefore, when getting your young aspiring painter paper, spend the money to get the good stuff.

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Is a "block" of paper simply loose sheets?

I don't think so. I think a block may be bound. Don't get me lying though, because I usually buy my paper about five sheets at a time when Cheap Joe's has them on sale. A sheet is enormous. I tear them carefully into fourths, and that usually suits me just fine.

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I remembered again why I don't like the days between mid-November and the middle of January. We are always broke. Not only do we have two reasonably expensive holidays in that time period, we also have three birthdays, dentist appointments, doctor appointments, and this year they did something messed up to the truck insurance that resulted in two payments being due in December and not one. 

It's not miserable or anything, but it's just an added frustration. 

I'm going to look at getting those yearly and biyearly things moved out of December and toward February or March.

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I got a couple thousand more words written this morning.  I cleared the kitchen table, took over DD16's place because I like the vantage point better, and set up my laptop there.  Much nicer for watching the world come awake!  The ergonomics of the set-up aren't as good as at my desk, but right now I'm watching the sunbeams play across my fingers and keyboard, something not possible where I have a good ergo situation.


I need to shop for groceries today while DH works with DD16 on her geometry.  Then DH and I get to start moving stuff to the storage unit.  I do feel a bit better today, and the cool air that came in (wee can smell the cold in it!) is helping, too.


Time to write that shopping list.


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I remembered again why I don't like the days between mid-November and the middle of January. We are always broke. Not only do we have two reasonably expensive holidays in that time period, we also have three birthdays, dentist appointments, doctor appointments, and this year they did something messed up to the truck insurance that resulted in two payments being due in December and not one. 

It's not miserable or anything, but it's just an added frustration. 

I'm going to look at getting those yearly and biyearly things moved out of December and toward February or March.




:grouphug: :grouphug:  Those are frustrating.  Lots of stuff seem to pile up in the final quarter of the year.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:  Those are frustrating.  Lots of stuff seem to pile up in the final quarter of the year.

It does--and I think I can improve that somewhat by changing up the scheduling to put the more expensive things (dentist) at the times during the year when I'm more likely to have a little extra work to cover the expense. Just one less thing to have to do and pay for.

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Critter, ugh! I know, though! Our car registrations and inspections are all December, and last year all the dental was Nov-Dec, too! Add in Christmas (even frugally, 18ish people isn't cheap) and extra food, etc. I at least made the dental appointments for January this time.

Absolutely. I'm going to try to slide things toward March or April if I can. 

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I remembered again why I don't like the days between mid-November and the middle of January. We are always broke. Not only do we have two reasonably expensive holidays in that time period, we also have three birthdays, dentist appointments, doctor appointments, and this year they did something messed up to the truck insurance that resulted in two payments being due in December and not one.

It's not miserable or anything, but it's just an added frustration.

I'm going to look at getting those yearly and biyearly things moved out of December and toward February or March.

Here too. Both boys have their birthdays in January. Last year, due to mechanical issues, my car registration was done in March, so at least that is pushed back some. But 2017 has not been good to us. Hopefully we can get things on the right track before 2018 starts.


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Here too. Both boys have their birthdays in January. Last year, due to mechanical issues, my car registration was done in March, so at least that is pushed back some. But 2017 has not been good to us. Hopefully we can get things on the right track before 2018 starts.


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:grouphug:  At least I did not have a hurricane to contend with this year! Mine is mostly just irritated whining, but y'all have had a rough go of it.

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I remembered again why I don't like the days between mid-November and the middle of January. We are always broke. Not only do we have two reasonably expensive holidays in that time period, we also have three birthdays, dentist appointments, doctor appointments, and this year they did something messed up to the truck insurance that resulted in two payments being due in December and not one.

It's not miserable or anything, but it's just an added frustration.

I'm going to look at getting those yearly and biyearly things moved out of December and toward February or March.

I know, things tend to pile up and it does get discouraging. ((Critter))
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I've decided I'm a cat and not a dog. Dogs frolic in the cold. Cats tell you to turn up the furnace and find them an extra blanket.

I have many more cat like qualities than doglike qualities. And I think I even get the same look on my face that a cat does when encountering a dog.ðŸˆðŸˆ Edited by KrissiK
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It could be the weather. If the air is drier it could require more fluid to make the dough come out right. Baking can be a finicky business.

Yes, the weather does affect my bread at times, but yesterday was sunny. Generally clouds and rain cause it to have issues. So, I don’t know. My DH would spend all kinds of time and energy trying to figure it out, him being an engineer and all. Me, I just complain about it for a while and move on. 🤪
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Paige--dh built his wardrobe gradually. Start with his best color (usually navy blue), then build up to black and grey, and from there. We just recycled out a brown suit from 10 years ago and added in a modern blue.


Shirts from Costco are great. Watch the sales at Brooks Brothers and Jos A Banks (the traveler's shirts).


Shoes matter.


Pinterest has good men's capsule wardrobes. Dh lives out of a suitcase some weeks, but only wants to use a carry on, so he will wear the same suit all week, but mix it up. Blazer over jeans is more common on the coasts...

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I'm 53% way through Absolute Surrender (book 3) with The Writer's Jungle on the side and might start Tools for Titans next. I think I'm the slowest one here but we already knew I was a slow reader. I'm definitely reading a lot more!


BOOKA BOOYA! :party:

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Book #4 changed, because I got some Neil Gaiman in from the library. So now book #4 is Neverwhere. I still plan to read Codependant No More. Sometime. Because I know it will help.


I found a slow cooker cookbook at the library, too. Cookbooks make me happy. There's so much excitement and potential! I won't count it as a book for my 100, but I read cookbooks like I read novels.


Whiny-ed-po, avert your eyes! Reported!


Lessons have been so hard to keep up on with DH home. For a quiet guy, he sure is disruptive! And I now he doesn't mean to be, but still. No one focuses and I get tired of being the bad guy who ruins the fun. Le sigh. I'm not sure what the answer is, but a conversation is in order today, and I don't wanna.

Since he is planning to be more involved with school, maybe now is the time to have him take over things like reading practice, spelling practice, hearing recitations, reading to the younger children, figuring out how to keep the very youngest children occupied while other things are being done, and brushing up on the housekeeping skills he plans to handle on the days when you are working.

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Oh, and I've been starving for 24 hours so I'm having a milkshake. This juice fast crap is for the birds. I'll try it again when I can actually make my own juice and can physically handle the water needed.



When you are healing your body needs more fuel and nutrients.  I'm glad for the milkshake and postponing the fast until you are better.

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Like the others said, CEO, CFO, CTO, etc. I think the overwhelming majority of executives could afford 6 $1000 suits. I mean, some of them might have low enough incomes that they're not going to be happy about that, but it's not like they can't. If DW's work told her she'd need 6 $1000 suits in order to keep her job, she'd be looking for another job, but if the entire industry decided that 6 $1000 suits are required... then yeah, we could make that happen without insane hardship (but we'd be ticked off, because that's almost as much as our annual rent, so they'd better give a raise for that kind of nonsense), and our household income is not even close to six figures, and DW has I think something like 2 managers above her before the C-level guys. 




Um, for real? ONE $1000 suit is really not that crazy that you'd have to rob a bank in order to have that. From an interview they typically can't tell whether you've got a closet full of them or it that's your only one (there are certain jobs where you have multiple days of interviews, so you can show off 2-3 suits... but people applying for those jobs typically could afford 2-3 $1000 suits if that's their priority). I mean, I could see hiring managers being confused if you apply for a job waiting tables or something in a $1000 suit... but for stuff paying >$50k/year? I'm not sure I'd even want to work at a place where they're so crazy that they'd get paranoid about a single suit. If DW had applied to any white collar jobs shortly after we'd gotten married, she'd probably have worn her $600 (on clearance, so probably closer to $1000) suit that she wore at the wedding (which she'd actually gotten for some other event a few years before that). (of course, if you're talking about suits that are several thousand dollars each, then yeah... that'd be weird unless the job's like half a million a year). 



I personally have seen execs get completely side-tracked during a presentation because the paper "felt too expensive" for the purposes at hand.  I can easily see interviewers talking with someone who dresses a bit nicer than anticipated (or nicer than the interviewer thinks he himself can afford) feeling a bit more reserved about said candidate.  I think it's stupid, but it does happen.

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