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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


    a stream, brook, or minor tributary of a river.
    synonyms: streamriverbrookrivuletfreshetrunnelrilltributarywatercourse,bourn
    "marsh marigolds grow along the creek"


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I am chief cook and bottlewasher and grocery shopper.  


Me too. Except I delegate the bottlewashing. I prefer to go grocery shopping alone with my list. Every time dh goes with me, I'm $25 over. I can actually pull the receipt and add up the $25 dh put in the basket.

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It is. That's just how the hillbillies say creeks.

My mom, born and raised in MN and not a hillbilly, has always said "crick" - I have never actually heard anyone else call it that. Of course, she also mixes it all up and calls crawdads "crayfish", so there's no telling what is going on with her.


I have a definite creek behind my house, called Sharps Branch, and I don't think you could say it babbles, as much as I would like it to. I think it needs to cascade down a few rocky hills to make it a brook. It is filled with crawdads, which I am gradually getting used to calling them, though it hurts just a little bit.

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We played Farkle tonight - the first "entire family" game we have played together for a while. Dd6 caught on after watching 2 people take their turns and placed 3rd overall. She is a smart cookie (and has a good sense for when to risk another roll and when to hold her points). Dd12 enjoyed enacting death scenes with every "farkle". Ds10 won, which made me particularly happy because he does not often win games.

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Came back from my IRL Girls' Night Out, and Slache had changed.  


Possibly twice, because I can't quite figure out some comment about a green dress???





I do not handle change well, but your children are totally adorable so I will forgive you for yet again throwing me out of whack.  

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I just let my crew fend for themselves, and enjoyed steak tips with friends at a harbor-side restaurant.   With live music.    And a fire pit.  




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I have a twice-dropped food story. We had a container of cherry tomatoes and the little one dropped it on the floor. Tomatoes everywhere. The next day, I opened the fridge door, and the tomatoes fell everywhere AGAIN. I only wash veggies right before use, so of course I place them back in the fridge as-is. A couple of days later, dh is home and cooks. I'm eating, then remember the only tomatoes in the house were twice-dropped. No, he doesn't make a habit of washing many of the veggies before he cooks them. I could tell he was trying not to think about it as he finished his meal.



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I needed Little Duck in my life.  Truly.


I have a middle child.  I walk around announcing to people like the chiropractor, "This is kid #3.  He has middle child syndrome so he gets to come to this appointment with me."  He's used to it by now.  As I tell him, having a crazy mother like me is good preparation for life.   :D


But oh my goodness, is this child my very heart.  I think God looked at my life and the lot of it, shook his head, dug through a pile of little souls, and handed me this one.  He is so helpful, so kind, and so wonderful.  He is the most responsible person I live with.  He is in charge of a lot, and he thrives with it.  And is GOOD at it.  So gifted.  But he was the biggest pain in the butt for the first 7 years of his life.  But yes, he is just exactly like Little Duck.  Maybe that is why I heart her so much.  I have a soft spot in my heart for the middle children.  I think they often are given extra gifts to help them overcome their family status.  My poor boy was the oldest, the  youngest, the only one of a gender, the first one of a gender, etc.  His birth order is nondescript.  But he is amazing and a kindred soul with Little Duck.


My heart is melting.  So encouraging to hear that you have a Little Duck like mine.  When Bucket-Filler is having one of her rough-around-the-edges growing moments,  I will think of him and how beautifully he blossomed in spite of because of his birth order.    I also have a soft spot for middlers.... probably because I was one myself.   ;)

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Home from buying furniture.  Got off work at 6, got to the IKEA in the city, bought everything on my list (lucky for me it turned out the system saying they only had 2 of those beds was a glitch, they had tons), so I got everything, finished up 10 minutes before the store closed (meaning I was in and done in IKEA if 55 minutes), and then the 2 hour drive home and unloading the car.  Get on the hive to find 267 notifications...I have a lot of catching up to do.  

:)  TOmorrow is furniture assembly day after work

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Ok, good. So on Monday, we're on? You have the whole30/Bible/workout thing. I have the Bible/workout/homeschool 4yo thing. I'm not counting my school because I can pretend to do school all day.


I think my 4yo just said "oh dammit." I need to take care of it.

Tamer than the 3 year old at work on Friday that said "oh for eff's sakes" when he couldn't take off the bike helmet.  In front of his mother (which I am sure where he got it, can't disclose why I think that, lets just say she has made some bad choices that lost her custody)

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Good Morning! 


Brandy - Yay for a successful shopping trip!  It sounds exhausting.


Susan - your 6yo dd is smarter than I am.


Slace - adorable picture!


Tex - way to go on your exercises!


Jean - you are so witty. 


Renai - court reporters was funny stuff. 


Ikslo - thanks for taking one for the "H" team. 


Ducklings - Yay for a mom's night out!

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My heart is melting.  So encouraging to hear that you have a Little Duck like mine.  When Bucket-Filler is having one of her rough-around-the-edges growing moments,  I will think of him and how beautifully he blossomed in spite of because of his birth order.    I also have a soft spot for middlers.... probably because I was one myself.   ;)

I was an oldest child.   My theory is that the only good birth order is the baby.  Everyone else pays in one way or another.  


Raising a cup of coffee to all the Little Ducks out there. :cheers2:

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Tamer than the 3 year old at work on Friday that said "oh for eff's sakes" when he couldn't take off the bike helmet.  In front of his mother (which I am sure where he got it, can't disclose why I think that, lets just say she has made some bad choices that lost her custody)


Well, I don't curse at all, and dh will but in Spanish. I'm not sure where she got it from. Which reminds me of when my oldest was copying dh when she was around 3 years old. I wasn't paying attention to her, but what she repeated caught my attention real quick!

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Tamer than the 3 year old at work on Friday that said "oh for eff's sakes" when he couldn't take off the bike helmet.  In front of his mother (which I am sure where he got it, can't disclose why I think that, lets just say she has made some bad choices that lost her custody)




Well, I don't curse at all, and dh will but in Spanish. I'm not sure where she got it from. Which reminds me of when my oldest was copying dh when she was around 3 years old. I wasn't paying attention to her, but what she repeated caught my attention real quick!

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I have now planned twelve weeks of 32 for my co op class.  I will make a big push now and make it through week 16 to the end of the first semester and then take a break.


I was so confused this morning I forgot to drink my second cup of coffee, so I am drinking it now.

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Slache - Your kids are super cute! 



I enjoy watching The Beverley Hillbillies, but have no desire to be one or live among them. I'm back to my birthplace, among Albertan rednecks and others. The most polite people on the face of the earth. Even while driving, they are yielding to pedestrians who are contemplating crossing the street. 

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Well, I don't curse at all, and dh will but in Spanish. I'm not sure where she got it from. Which reminds me of when my oldest was copying dh when she was around 3 years old. I wasn't paying attention to her, but what she repeated caught my attention real quick!

That's you!  I saw it on SP this morning and friended you back and everything but still didn't figure out it was you!  

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Yay for week16 on planning!


I have almost all the subjects planned then I go back after I have a plan and make sure all my little plans work with each other. If I try to plan week by week I give myself a headache, it has to be done subject by subject here.




I went to the grocery store this morning. 


However, I didn't make a list like I was suppose to so dinner for the next couple nights isn't going to be exciting:


Tonight: Tacos

Tomorrow: Birthday party @ friends, just need to make a side

Sunday: Spaghetti

Monday: Grilling out some meat and making tater tots.



I outdid myself, I know. The kids leave for week vacation with grandparents this coming week and we're going backpacking if we can survive the humidity for 3 days.... so I don't want to overload the fridge and have it all go bad without the ravenous children here.

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Yay for week16 on planning!


I have almost all the subjects planned then I go back after I have a plan and make sure all my little plans work with each other. If I try to plan week by week I give myself a headache, it has to be done subject by subject here.




I went to the grocery store this morning.


However, I didn't make a list like I was suppose to so dinner for the next couple nights isn't going to be exciting:


Tonight: Tacos

Tomorrow: Birthday party @ friends, just need to make a side

Sunday: Spaghetti

Monday: Grilling out some meat and making tater tots.



I outdid myself, I know. The kids leave for week vacation with grandparents this coming week and we're going backpacking if we can survive the humidity for 3 days.... so I don't want to overload the fridge and have it all go bad without the ravenous children here.

Yes, without the children our grocery bill would be really small! For me, anyway.


Backpacking is brave.


My planning is only for the co op English class I am teaching. Otherwise, I plan by subject, too. I actually kind of like planning once I get started. This co op class I'm teaching is a new curriculum to me. I have ten students, and it is high school so I was intimidated starting out. Now that I'm into it, I see how it will work. I estimated 20 hours to plan, and I think that is not far off the actual total. I have tomorrow blocked off, as well, and I will need it to finish up.

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