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Good morning!


We are going to the late service today so some of us have managed to stay in bed a bit late. Dh left a while ago because they were having problems with the sound system and called to ask if he could help get it working again.


Two girls have Sunday school parties today, ds12 is helping with a hot dog stand at a local church fair, and we are planning to see The Winter's Tale at Shakespeare in the Park tonight. I need to do the dishes and clean the kitchen and practice my orchestra concert music.



Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Sunday Morning!



Your judgment of good and evil might be too hasty.   :lol:   But thanks.




You are my friend.


My friends are good; my friends are not bad.


Therefore, you are good.


Thus, shooting you would be bad.




(Now, for the advice.  The tool you need, darlin', is DUCT TAPE.  You're welcome.)


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I gotta take the girls to the cheap shoe store this afternoon for flats to wear to church. My baby has been wearing thrashed flip flops to church for months now. And I forget about it until Sunday morning and we're walking out the door to church and I look down and she's wearing those dumb flip flops. "But I don't have any other shoes, Mommy". And that is the truth.

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I gotta take the girls to the cheap shoe store this afternoon for flats to wear to church. My baby has been wearing thrashed flip flops to church for months now. And I forget about it until Sunday morning and we're walking out the door to church and I look down and she's wearing those dumb flip flops. "But I don't have any other shoes, Mommy". And that is the truth.

Shoes! :ack2:



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I gotta take the girls to the cheap shoe store this afternoon for flats to wear to church. My baby has been wearing thrashed flip flops to church for months now. And I forget about it until Sunday morning and we're walking out the door to church and I look down and she's wearing those dumb flip flops. "But I don't have any other shoes, Mommy". And that is the truth.

"Alexa add shoes to the shopping list."


See. This is what you need.

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"Alexa add shoes to the shopping list."


See. This is what you need.


Can Alexa actually do the foot measuring and shoe shopping, too?  Because I got the list thing down already. The measuring and shopping is why my children have no shoes. 


(And if she can reteach Ds10 how to tie after 6 months of crocs, she gets double bonus points.)

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I have slept most of today.   :hurray:


I'm doing church online so as not to spread germies.


I still don't really have an appetite.  Maybe I'll lose a couple of pounds.  :hurray:


Also, I have noticed that the past few times I have had a cold, my (still  :glare: ) daily migraines have disappeared.  Maybe it's because I'm doped up on Tylenol.

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"Alexa add shoes to the shopping list."


See. This is what you need.



Around here she'd probably just put on the martyr act and say no one else ever has to do anything around here, she does it all.



I don't like someone taking my line.   ;)

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I have slept most of today.   :hurray:


I'm doing church online so as not to spread germies.


I still don't really have an appetite.  Maybe I'll lose a couple of pounds.  :hurray:


Also, I have noticed that the past few times I have had a cold, my (still  :glare: ) daily migraines have disappeared.  Maybe it's because I'm doped up on Tylenol.





and  :hurray:  Yay, Julie is still alive!

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Uh....yeah. it's the middle of the second quarter, 10-0 Denver and Oakland has had a total of 2 first downs the entire game.


Maybe they'll come back in the second half.  You should call up Derek during halftime and give him the what-for.  ;)

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You remember a few weeks ago when I had to go all Elephant Ninja on our GP? Well, our doctor apparently left the practice a week ago. We must have pushed her over the edge. 🤔 There's no GP there now - just a nurse practitioner. (Dh heard this from a lady at work who had an appointment with this doctor and they called her gave her the news.) I wonder if they get a new doctor at that office, if we will be grandfathered in or if we'll have to go find another. Truly, I don't think we'll bother - it is way too much work. I like the people at the walk-in clinic and they are open on weekends and have an x-ray lab and we don't have to wait 4 months for a "new patient" appointment. (And our insurance doesn't require a referral for specialists.)

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Bread is baking.  Pot roast is in the oven.  Vacuuming has happened.  Laundry is in process.


I think the ponies should just figure out dinner on their own. That's reasonable, isn't it?  I mean, how are they going to evolve opposable thumbs if there's no need?

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