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Good morning!


Not so much with the sleep last night. Today is dd14's first day of tutorial. I have to go sign a waver, then store, then home for school. I'm glad I don't have to drag all The Youngers with me. If we are not too tired tonight we might try to go to the Slow Jam - it's the last one we'll be able to attend for several months.


I have to see if I can get the GP to call and talk to me about yesterday's fiasco. Otherwise she will have to discuss it during dd19's appointment.


Dd's college supply packing has taken over the living room.


I might stop by the store today, and will buy ice cream for everyone. (I'll pick up some dairy-gluten-nut-free frozen treat as well.)



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I'm interested in your top choices for dealing with "pity-party"/ "nobody loves me" syndrome. Christian Content welcome/desired. I've got the "tough luck buttercup" line down pat, but I would like to address the heart issues behind the problem if anyone has thoughts.

A sincere, honest discussion outside the home or home alone so there are no interruptions. You will need to be prepared with explanations as to why it's sin and how it's affecting everyone else in the house.
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How'd that go?




Looking at my 10yo, I don't think I want to be as skinny as him (same BMI would be fine, but since I'm more than a foot taller, I really need more flesh on my bones). It wouldn't be healthy, and it wouldn't look good on me either. That said, I'd be okay with losing the weight of my 10yo (though no more, or I'd end up being that skinny, which wouldn't look good... losing his weight would really be the max (it'd put me at a BMI of 19.2 or thereabouts)).

I got the desk. I use it a good deal, but not always.


Actually, then I moved to this desk and there was one here, but it annoys me when the other one didn't. I realized a few weeks ago it is actually a smaller version. So my keyboard keeps sliding off slightly and then is askew.




I still don't look like a 10-year old.

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Congratulations, Auntie Angi!  :hurray:

Just had a nice evening watching an old Robin Williams movie with the boys. Bed could happen, but I'm not so tired. I'll probably write until I get sleepy.



There is something very wrong with this sentence.  I think it's an adjective somewhere in the bolded bit.

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I should spend most of next week up a creek somewhere, I think. I'm always a little more settled in my mind after I've been up to my neck in quiet water. Preferably with the company of fluorescent blue damselflies. :001_smile:

This is why I  :001_wub: my boys for thinking of getting Mom a canoe. 



This is a good plan.  Water soothes, and it cools, even when the humidity and temps are really high.

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Jean's Camp-Prep Song


Camp preppers they sing this song

Doo da, doo da

Camp prepping's the way to go

All the doo da day.


Going to prep all morn,

Going to prep all day

I bet my money I'll be sick of this song

By the end of the day



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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So when is this scheduled for?




Me too. 



As it says in what you quoted -- as soon as Queen Ellie tells us it's all set up.  It is taking her a while, isn't it?   ;)

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My family loves me.  They don't wish to deprive me of any of life's fulfilling events and activities.  These past few days when I've been oh so exhausted and sick they have kindly let the dishes stack up, the counters remain unwiped, the trash accumulate, the floors -- they have left me as much as they possibly can without impinging upon actually eating.  Aren't they considerate?

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My family loves me.  They don't wish to deprive me of any of life's fulfilling events and activities.  These past few days when I've been oh so exhausted and sick they have kindly let the dishes stack up, the counters remain unwiped, the trash accumulate, the floors -- they have left me as much as they possibly can without impinging upon actually eating.  Aren't they considerate?

:grouphug: I know of what you speak.


ETA: It's a Mom-will-do-it-if-we-just-ignore-it Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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I decided to stay home and keep the cooties to myself.

Lynn--boy or girl? 



A good plan.  Rest if you can.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:




Down here I'm actually on the mend, and the occasional cough (this will linger for about 3 weeks or so) isn't enough to stop me grocery shopping.  I will still wash my hands as soon as I get to the store (something I do anyway before handling produce) and if I tire or feel more coughing coming on I'll cut the trip short and leave, but I really need some fresh foods in this house now.  Sunday, when I asked DH to pick up "a bag of salad or two" (along with a few other things) he picked up just the one bag we ate that night at supper.  I asked for some berries if any looked good -- one small bin, so I ate all of those yesterday.  (Hey, if the rest of the family is just going to wait for me to wash berries and tell them they are ready to eat they can miss out from time to time).


I need to pick up my prescription refills, too, before I run out of certain key meds.  


I'm torn between which grocery store to visit today.  My preferred one is farther away from the pharmacy where my meds are waiting, but it has the better produce section.  The more conveniently-placed (today) store has the chai concentrate I really like, and I use my FIL's rewards club card so he gets my fuel points.

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I plan to make myself a bite of cheese toast here in a little bit. See if that helps.



That sounds good, too.  I need to remember to add bread and cheese to my shopping list.  We did a rather thorough job of eating the fridge empty before going on our trip.

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Good Morning!!!




Friday Eve!!!!!ðŸ‘


Four days till school starts for us, too!!😩😩😩


No doctors appointments or dentist appointments or appointments of any kind today!!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘

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I'm interested in your top choices for dealing with "pity-party"/ "nobody loves me" syndrome.  Christian Content welcome/desired.  I've got the "tough luck buttercup" line down pat, but I would like to address the heart issues behind the problem if anyone has thoughts.  



But mom, you *know* everyone here loves you!

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I'm interested in your top choices for dealing with "pity-party"/ "nobody loves me" syndrome. Christian Content welcome/desired. I've got the "tough luck buttercup" line down pat, but I would like to address the heart issues behind the problem if anyone has thoughts.

*We all feel this way at times. We can acknowledge loneliness or disappointment. These are genuine valid feelings that we can tell God about and we can tell our friends and family as well. Know that you aren't alone in these feelings.


*These feelings can get worse when we're tired or under the weather, so take care of your needs. Maybe you need a nap? Or a snack?


*Play the "what do you know game". It might go like this: I know that God made me. I know that He loves me so much that He gave His son to die in the cross for me. I know that He gave me feelings and understands them. I know that He will never stop loving me. I know that we can take valid feelings and twist them into sin. I know that my family loves me. They might not always like how I am acting but I am secure in their love. I know that if I sin, I can confess my sins (tell God my naughty things). I know that God always forgives me. "

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:grouphug: , Lynn and for DD.


On the advice, I got nothing.  I tend to be of the "suck it up, Buttercup" line of parenting.  So go with Jean.  And I agree with Slash:  one on one.


Diagnostic question:  This is also struggling math student, right?  Sounds like the root could be insecurity (esp. in light of brother's "triumphant" exit to college), so I'd be careful with any implication of "you're making everyone miserable" until you rule insecurity in or out.  An insecure 14-year-old doesn't need more help to pile on more guilt, shame, self-loathing; they're pretty darn good at it, generally speaking.

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What I don't like about Latin: Pronouns

What I love about Latin: Pronouns

Never have I had such an intensive course on the pronoun.

I don't like 'em much, either. Especially the adjective pronouns and the regular ones. And then whether or not to use a subject pronoun or let the verb take care of it. I get so many exercises wrong from that. But I don't really count them wrong. Because I think it's a matter of preference.
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I'm interested in your top choices for dealing with "pity-party"/ "nobody loves me" syndrome. Christian Content welcome/desired. I've got the "tough luck buttercup" line down pat, but I would like to address the heart issues behind the problem if anyone has thoughts.

Well, that's a tough one. I'm more of a Tough Luck, Buttercup type of person, too, but I may also throw in some "I know it's hard when you feel this way" sort of stuff, and maybe some "growing up is difficult" and the whole "sometimes our perceptions aren't really the truth" kind of thing. I don't know. I try to be understanding and sympathetic without giving license to bad behavior.
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That's because Latin is better than Geometry!!

I think it has something to do with the fact that dividing a line segment into three parts is just not something I get intuitively. I don't get Latin intuitively either, but I can figure out word problems better than math problems in my current state of health.

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