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DD13 says that we have old people snapchats.  


Somehow it just seems wrong that technology that wasn't around, or at least wasn't common, until AFTER my kids were born is considered "old".

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I will not be able to participate this evening. 


My MCT order arrived today while I was at work.  As is only natural, my over-planning side just took over my brain.  Must. plan. now.


I had spent every spare moment for the better part of a week getting the different elements of our next level in MCT LA planned out.  I did it, and I'm quite pleased and proud of myself, as this way I know we will not be overloaded on any particular day (not in the LA part of the schedule, at least) and we know when those various subjects will wrap up.  I even went through and scheduled in extra days as field trip days or flex days (I first designated the days in which someone had an appointment, and then added in more so that there was at least one each month).


I have now discovered that I scheduled stuff clear through the week and a half that we will likely be taking a road trip to visit family, however, and I have to rewrite everything from late March through May to postpone those lessons.  I'm playing hooky from that to catch up more on past pages of this thread.


Baby steps.  ITT first, then more planning.  Then maybe actually doing something about supper.

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Don't be. Your first idea is fine. I would (sometimes) plan a year just to get an idea of pacing, then I wouldn't look at the plan for the rest of the year. Seriously. Also, don't get attached to one way of doing something (ie, planning). It will change as your kids grow and you get your groove. Do not despair!


Whole-hearted agreement here, especially about things changing as your kids grow.


I am being more determined and anal in my planning this year because this past year, with all of the sundry expected and unexpected interruptions, kinda got out of hand and I couldn't get a clear picture as to how far we still had to go in certain subjects.  This year I have TWO planners (one like last year's, in case I don't like the other one, and a new teacher planner for me to try out), and I think I will actually make use of both.  In the teacher planner I am planning out actual lesson content to go through each day in various subjects, to try to manage my expectations and get an idea of flow and speed.  I will use the other planner (a weekly/monthly one) to keep track of everything we actually will get done each day, so I'm not fretting over re-writing in the teacher planner if something deviates from the pre-written plan.


Being this anal is certainly calming some of my qualms.  I might have to do this again next year.

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WOuld it sound weird if I said I had 3 cute chicks trapped in a box in my kitchen?




lol woke up to find 3 of the eggs hatched overnight, and a bunch more are starting to crack.  it is very egg-citing :)


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I think I'd crack, too, if you kept me in a box in your kitchen!

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LOL - fairly boring.  I just politely refused to sign a form at my  new doctor's office - a blanket informed consent form that was saying that he could do anything or order anything for me and I was agreeing to it up front.  I was getting Tex texts cheering me on.  (I was a bit nervous about being "that patient".) Tex might be a BA but I'm a wimp and needed help channeling my inner Ninja elephant.   


Good for you and good for Tex!  Keep it up!

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No abuse has been documented.  Carry on.



I'm actually pretty demonstrative.   :D



Jean is more BA than she thinks.  She is just a little paranoid due to past experiences.  I am less BA than I look.  Like, I am really, really nice for 20 years and then you cross that line and I CUT YOU.






Yes, Ma'am.  No, Ma'am.  I'll be good, Ma'am. 

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Okay, I looked.  SWB's disappointment is apparently about some forum users being royal twerps to each other; basically some rather strong verbal sniping has been happening again in some of the other threads.


This thread is SOOOO my happy place.  Everyone is playing nice here.  I hang out here so much I sometimes forget the other stuff even happens.



Hugs to all my wonderful playmates here!  :grouphug:


Wait, there are other threads on this forum?

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Because it is on topic currently, I am doing a half marathon in December.  San Antonio Rock and Roll.   :D  Note that I never said "running a half marathon".  I am told one can walk.  And walk I will.  


I have not walked/jogged since Nan came to live with us, but I went out today with the dog.  It was noon.  It was almost 100 degrees.  I thought I would die of heat stroke.  But I'm back, baby.   :D


Hmmm, so how long do you think it will take to walk it?  You've gone and done it -- got me thinking I might be able to pull something like this off, despite the near 100% humidity outside at this very moment....


San Antonio isn't that far away from where I am.  Hmmm....

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Hmmm, so how long do you think it will take to walk it?  You've gone and done it -- got me thinking I might be able to pull something like this off, despite the near 100% humidity outside at this very moment....


San Antonio isn't that far away from where I am.  Hmmm....

I have no idea how long it will take.  Like three days, maybe?  I'm crazy like that, signing up for stuff without knowing a darn thing about it.   :lol:

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oh you made me crack up. Love it! They're going down a river with rapids...


DH recently found online a video of a whirlpool formed when a drain was opened in a dam to relieve the water pressure.  I forget what type of drain it was, but it looked just a bath draining. 


That is tempting imagery when I think of a certain uncle of mine.  We can even sing! 

I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair

I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair

I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair

and send him DOWN THE DRAIN!

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oh you made me crack up. Love it! They're going down a river with rapids...


Oh, and I am very sorry to hear of your loss and the commensurate family wrestling.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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The incubator on my kitchen counter is now in lock down.  THe eggs started peeping today, 2 have started cracking their eggs. Today is day 19, we weren't expecting any to start hatching until Friday so these 2 may take some time to actually finish hatching, or they could just be early birds.  Hearing the peeping everytime I head into the kitchen to get some work done makes me smile.  We are making arrangements to set up a brooder of sorts.  We are moving the tortoises to the dog kennel, and then scrubbing their home clean and turning it into a temp brooder (it is a large rabbit cage).  Once they are too big for the brooder they have to go to a friend because I am not allowed chickens in town (though I am so tempted to set up a coop anyway if my fence it built before they grow out of the brooder and keeping them until town finds out.  we will see, probably I will do what I always do and follow the rules and send them to my friend's place.  






You know, I seriously crack myself up.  Get it; the butt of your jokes?  :smilielol5:


I peaked when I was about 8.



Oh, and the Sticky thing was in response to EARLIER harassment about my supposed lack of avatar.  I was seriously emotionally damaged by the blatant, anti-Stick Person hate.  It doesn't help my rather tenuous self esteem that I have a rather, ahem, ample posterior.  Even among Stick People, I am odd.





At any rate, put it all together and what do you get?  FA Sticky.  But I'm starting to think that maybe I should stick with Ma'am. 


Now I'm going to figure out the proper wine pairing to go with a Bacon and Maple Fritter.




Arghety argh argh argh!

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Punk a$$ $hit at the park today decided that he needed to rub his hands all over my son's face after DS told him about his allergies and asked him not to touch him.  Kid was eating a doughnut that DS felt might have his allergens.  DS came screaming across the park at full speed with a look that I will never forget.  Actually, I will never forget the scream, either.  After washing his face and flushing his eyes, and giving him a precautionary dose of Benadryl, I calmly approached the parents and explained the situation, and also explained how DS had politely asked him to simply not touch him (I overheard this part, he was nice about it), and then what he (according to my son - they had moved away from the adults at this point) did anyway - intentionally.  Dad took it seriously, apologized, and called the kid over to talk to him.  Of course the kid denied it, and the dad wasn't having it.  He knew the kid was full of BS.  At some point the mom turned to me and said, "kids will be kids, eh?"


That was the point when I walked away.


Meanwhile, the kid had gone over to my DS to apologize as commanded by dad and I was just in time to catch my son's face as he stared down this kid with a look of pure hatred, fists clenched.  Priceless.


(The whole time this was happening I was playing out a scene in my head off what I REALLY wanted to say and do to that boy.  Not pretty.  Boy got a beatdown.)




You did right.  I'm not sure I would have walked away when you did.  "Kids will be kids" indeed.  That boy's mother needs to learn just how life-threatening such "antics" could really be, but not at your child's expense.


:grouphug: :grouphug:


Good job, IksloMom!


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I have no idea how long it will take.  Like three days, maybe?  I'm crazy like that, signing up for stuff without knowing a darn thing about it.   :lol:


Okay, I did the math.  If a pace of 2.5 miles per hour is sustained it should take 5.2 or so hours.  A half-marathon is 13 miles, right?


If a pace of 3 MPH is kept it should take about 4 hours and 20 minutes.  Add 30 minutes (give or take) for sundry interferences along the way by hillbillies and we are looking at 5-5.5 hours. 


Walking for 5 hours solid?  Sounds a lot like a typical Mom's day....

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So I was walking the uncivilized supermodel dog the other day and a neighbor stopped me and asked if I knew where she came from.  I told her that she had come into our yard as a stray after wandering the neighborhood and we tried to find her owner to no avail and kept her.  Well, she gave me the 411 right then and there, let me tell you.  She said (all mysteriously there in the middle of the street) "Don't tell this man I told you all of this because this dog is better off with you, but that guy with the small farm got her to breed with his male Pyr.  He went out of town and his wife let her run off and didn't look for her.  He was mad when he came back, but he didn't worry about it and just got another female dog, but that one died."  


So our dog (whom I suspected had been dumped) was actually a neighbor's dog, but they were only trying to puppy mill her or something.  Oddly, that man stopped me when I was walking with Daisy once and he offered to breed her with his dog.  By that point we had owned her for three months, and she was spayed so I told him that.  When she came to us, she was full of ticks and fleas but friendly.  So that is a weird story, and who pretends they don't know their own dog and tries to get you to breed your dog with theirs???  Weirdos.


Also, my friend told me the deets on Phoebe the foster cat who was put down.  She told me that she entered her into the system as a surrender and not a foster return (Why?  I don't know.  Probably an oversight.) so when she got sick, the shelter was overrun with cats and they didn't know that she had been in long-term foster and to call me.  So she was just put down.   :(  My friend accepted responsibility and apologized.  I'm sure she feels bad.  I will just let it go, but it is sad and was avoidable.


Marley kitten grew while little dd and I were at camp.


How did your dog act when you encountered him?  Did she act like she knew him?  She might have been his dog, or might not.  If she was he might not have recognized her if he was just puppy-milling.  It could also be he was feeling out the situation to find out if he wanted to try to get her back, and decided he didn't want her when he found out she was spayed.


Very sorry to hear about the situation with Phoebe.  Marley looks a lot like her.  I think it's a comfort to Marley to be back with you.

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Sort of caught up. Hope everyone is having better days!


Lived through my triathlon on Sat. So did the kids.  Super proud mom here. My daughter was fast, until she decided to stop in the middle of the run and make a friend.

We made the mistake of explaining the tortoise and the hare thing to them. My son took it seriously. I did not know you could ride a bike so slow and still have it stand upright. He was 15 min behind my daughter before I went running down the trail to find him!


There were free cookies after! Lots of fruit too. I had a respectable time for being overweight and over 45.


In-laws left yesterday and more family arrives Thurs. #nonstopsummervistorswhenyouliveinalaska


2 major wildfire here in AK.  One has burnt several Iditarod mushers homes. Praying for rain.


I hope you got your rain!  Can I come visit in mid-March?  I love to watch the Northern Lights!  We never get them in SE Texas....

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Tex.


Definitely call the hospice people.  Repeatedly, throughout the year.


As for the inlaws, I think we should have Renai make ninja elephant costumes and we should go put itching powder on their toilet paper.




How many ILs, and what are their addresses?


No toilet paper -- might get innocent kids that way.  Underwear.  We put it on their underwear.

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Hey Tex and AMJ (if you aren't still ignoring us)!  Are you gals doing okay?  I'm concerned about the flooding situation again.  I hope all is well.


Water was high in our ditch again, but our house (shoot, our street) sits high enough to have stayed dry through it all so far.  TS Bill made a mess, but no real damage at our place.  It just kept us a little busy keeping an eye on things.


I think Renai seriously needs to come up with Ninja Elephant suits.  Move over, Seal Team 5.  Here come the ITT Ninja Elephants:  Behold!  And FEAR.


Arghety arggh arggh!  We can get our own movie, and Ellie can have her actual name in the credits! 


Mom-age Awesome Ninja Elephants

Mom-age Awesome Ninja Elephants

Mom-age Awesome Ninja Elephants

Giving attitude checks

Ninjellie power!




Yes on elephant suits.


We will potentially have flooding tomorrow. I am not in fear of life or property loss, though.


Did I tell ya'll I had another migraine this morning? I went to the chiropractor and she said that my neck made her sad! That sounds bad. I'm going for a massage and another adjustment tomorrow. I am doped up on Imitrex currently with cat on my lap.

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Good morning, ITT friends.


Visitation went well yesterday with the exception of dh's brother and sister giving me the silent treatment.  Also, none of the family cries.  No one is allowed to.  I'm pretty sure it is in the written rules.  I cried.


Long story, but dh and I waited too long to order flowers  not knowing that no one wants to deliver on Sunday.  We tried shop after shop and the online numbers and all.  Flowers on Sunday could not help us, either.  So I told dh I would do it myself, and I went to Sam's and bought some flowers and Michaels for the rest of the supplies, watched a youtube video and made a beautiful basket.  Nan would have loved it.  I put in flowers from our front bed that were in the colors she liked. We even had to hand make a card, cobbled out of a cut up greeting card I had, some construction paper and a typed message.   Here it is:




Absolutely gorgeous!  Better than any florist's arrangement, especially since they included part of home.  I'm calling you next time I need flowers arranged.


I think Nan would be proud and pleased.  You truly did a wonderful job.


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Good morning, ITT friends.


Visitation went well yesterday with the exception of dh's brother and sister giving me the silent treatment.  Also, none of the family cries.  No one is allowed to.  I'm pretty sure it is in the written rules.  I cried.


Long story, but dh and I waited too long to order flowers  not knowing that no one wants to deliver on Sunday.  We tried shop after shop and the online numbers and all.  Flowers on Sunday could not help us, either.  So I told dh I would do it myself, and I went to Sam's and bought some flowers and Michaels for the rest of the supplies, watched a youtube video and made a beautiful basket.  Nan would have loved it.  I put in flowers from our front bed that were in the colors she liked. We even had to hand make a card, cobbled out of a cut up greeting card I had, some construction paper and a typed message.   Here it is:





Here it is at the visitation, just because I'm braggy:





Because I am the braggiest person I know, and because dh's family is so mean to me, I will brag some more in a shameless attempt to get kudos from my ITT friends, who have my back even when dh's siblings are stabbing knives in it...


When I carried the basket in with college girl, the funeral director remarked on how beautiful it was.  She actually gasped.   :thumbup1:  I told her I make it, and she asked if I was a professional floral designer.  I told her nope, I'm a therapist and, this is the first floral arrangement I've ever done.  She told me I should be a professional.


So dh's siblings can suck an egg because I am an amazing floral designer, and they are not.



Also, and this one is funny, when I told the pastor that I made it, I thought he asked me if there was anything I needed.  I said, "No" very quietly.  It turns out, he asked me if there was anything I couldn't do.  


So now he thinks I am super full of myself.  Oh well, once I accidentally bent over and showed my buttcrack to him so being braggy is way down the list of things I have done to embarrass myself with the pastor.  Then someone else asked if there is anything I can't do, and I say, "A cartwheel" because I was prepared this time. :D










Brag away, dear chum, because you have earned it!  The evidence is RIGHT HERE. 


When I was in high school I once beat a priest on the leg with a stick (yup, hit him several times!), so I think I have you beat (ha ha) on the inadvertent clergy gaffs.  In my defense I thought he was someone else.


I am so with you on mishearing things, especially when what I heard is the more expected remark.

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My kids were curious about a jar of marinated artichokes in the cabinet, so I said they could have them with lunch. Half of them said it tasted like sour tuna. Sour tuna? Some people just have no taste (buds)! :D



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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WAY TO GO, DD15 and DS11!!!!  They are BOTH heroes, because they both responded immediately.  Sometimes it takes more than one person to rescue someone.  DS deserves accolades, too, even though DD had it covered this particular time.  You can never be sure when back-up will be needed.


Drowning is quiet (see the link in my signature, below).  It happens fast and quite suddenly, and a drowning person doesn't have breath to call out loudly or much energy for flailing and waving.  Sometimes (even adults) they don't have the presence of mind to think their situation through, either -- they are entirely distracted by their struggle to get air.  I nearly drowned in a river once while surrounded by people.  The others watched me in disgust because they thought I was clowning around inappropriately (despite the fact that I wasn't the type to clown around and many there knew that, and I had mentioned to more than one of them that I wasn't a strong swimmer).  It was only when I managed to gasp out a feeble "help" that one bothered to pull me out -- I think the two who finally pulled me into the shallows away from the rocks did it just to make me quit "clowning", because no one bothered to make sure I was okay afterwards.  There was a small grotto under the water where I was, and I had gotten hung up on the rocks and stuck there while the undertow swept my feet under the rock ledge.  I was being dragged under, and couldn't fight my way free.  All they saw from shore was me clinging to the rocks and slowly sliding under while trying to wave to get attention.  Once I caught my breath I went back to camp alone and had a good cry.


When my kids were smaller and couldn't swim well I insisted they wear life jackets with leg straps when they were in swimming pools or at the shore, much to other parents' consternation.  At one child's birthday pool party (at their home, not a public pool) I was sitting next to my DD watching her (who was hanging out in the nice, warm but not hot hot tub IN her life jacket) when the kids' PE teacher, a friend of the family, darted past and dove into the main pool fully clothed.  A boy had found the drop-off to the deep end of the pool and was quietly drowning, and no one else recognized it except the PE teacher.  His mother earlier claimed he was a good swimmer when several of us were discussing my insistence that my DD have her life jacket on.  At the next pool party I noticed more children attending with life jackets of their own.



Btdt. Almost drowning is no fun.

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Actually, DH is awesome; he does good work. Me? I'm just manual labor. :001_smile:



But I am AWESOME at planning and direction. There's a reason why, in Genesis, it says, "And God recognized that the creature with the defective Y chromosome would need guidance and direction, so He made Eve. And, finally, it was very good."

One of my favorite quotes on work...


“I can't sit still and see another man slaving and working. I want to get up and superintend, and walk round with my hands in my pockets, and tell him what to do. It is my energetic nature. I can't help it.â€

― Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat



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So I am now predicting a rather long day since ds19 and dd16 have begun singing "Pick-a-little Talk-a-little" from The Music Man. In the style of a slow motion funeral dirge. A half step apart.


I swear this must be an inherited trait. My sister and I used to do this on car trips when we were growing up.

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So I am now predicting a rather long day since ds19 and dd16 have begun singing "Pick-a-little Talk-a-little" from The Music Man. In the style of a slow motion funeral dirge. A half step apart.


I swear this must be an inherited trait. My sister and I used to do this on car trips when we were growing up.


So, I had to look this up. It sounds like something I would do, too. Even today. :D Yes, I am THAT annoying. Or at least can be.

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So I am now predicting a rather long day since ds19 and dd16 have begun singing "Pick-a-little Talk-a-little" from The Music Man. In the style of a slow motion funeral dirge. A half step apart.


I swear this must be an inherited trait. My sister and I used to do this on car trips when we were growing up.


What goes around, comes around. :hat:


And BOOYA...


this is the thread that never ends...::wondering if it's possible to sing it like Pick-a-little in the style of a dirge::

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Good morning, Ignorers! It has been so pleasant here. We've had the windows open most of the weekend. (Glad I'm not he one getting in the pool this morning! Brrrrrrr!).


Hope y'all have a great day.

I need to come visit you. The weather we've been having (and that is predicted for this week) feels like we're just across the river from Hades. 100 degrees today and high humidity, but tomorrow it'll be 108 degrees.
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