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So tired. Can't have caffeine....

However, I am roasting a turkey for dinner, and there will be mashed potatoes and gravy. And probably sweet potatoes.

One child just turned in a really good composition from WWS on hydrothermal vents. Nicely done.

This was my favorite part: 

       The ocean floor is not smooth. If you were to remove all the water on the earth's surface, you would see a rugged, rocky terrain, scarred with cracks and pits between oceanic plates. Nearby are underwater volcanoes called black smokers. These lumpy, misshapen pillars belch water and minerals, superheated to more than 350 degrees.


The other child isn't as enamored of the phenomenon, but he wrote: At the base of these hydrothermal vents are white stalks with red, feathery gills waving around in the currents. (His description of the tube worms.)

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So tired. Can't have caffeine....

However, I am roasting a turkey for dinner, and there will be mashed potatoes and gravy. And probably sweet potatoes.

One child just turned in a really good composition from WWS on hydrothermal vents. Nicely done.

This was my favorite part:

The ocean floor is not smooth. If you were to remove all the water on the earth's surface, you would see a rugged, rocky terrain, scarred with cracks and pits between oceanic plates. Nearby are underwater volcanoes called black smokers. These lumpy, misshapen pillars belch water and minerals, superheated to more than 350 degrees.


The other child isn't as enamored of the phenomenon, but he wrote: At the base of these hydrothermal vents are white stalks with red, feathery gills waving around in the currents. (His description of the tube worms.)

They are both very nice. Very descriptive. I give them both an A+. :)

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The writing could be better. The underwater volcanoes sounds awkward coming after the draining of the ocean, and there could be some transitional material that would smooth that out. And the second sentence needs a stronger verb and clear identification that the objects are tube worms.

But its the day before spring break starts. I let them off easy.

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     Those are all wonderful answers but.... No! This degenerate tooth fairy keeps forgetting!! And so she brings nothing. And when she finally remembers she puts a quarter and an apology note at the kid's place at the table.



Our tooth fairy had issues like that.  It was usually because there was another hockey game somewhere, with more teeth knocked out.  Hockey runs the tooth fairies ragged.

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Knee report:  I might have torn my meniscus.  I get to call in the morning to schedule an MRI on that.  Additional discovery:  I have degenerative arthritis in both knees, and my left (not injured) knee is worse than my right.

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So tired. Can't have caffeine....

However, I am roasting a turkey for dinner, and there will be mashed potatoes and gravy. And probably sweet potatoes.

One child just turned in a really good composition from WWS on hydrothermal vents. Nicely done.

This was my favorite part: 

       The ocean floor is not smooth. If you were to remove all the water on the earth's surface, you would see a rugged, rocky terrain, scarred with cracks and pits between oceanic plates. Nearby are underwater volcanoes called black smokers. These lumpy, misshapen pillars belch water and minerals, superheated to more than 350 degrees.


The other child isn't as enamored of the phenomenon, but he wrote: At the base of these hydrothermal vents are white stalks with red, feathery gills waving around in the currents. (His description of the tube worms.)



Very nice!  They write well.


My favorite globe shows the features of the ocean floor.   :laugh:

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So, what fitness exercises can be done with a gimpy knee?  Sitting ones, I imagine.  How does one get cardio in when one leg is out of action?


How 'bout that, a creep/ky old lady booya(h).  Yee hah.

Edited by AMJ
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I tried to call about the biopsy.  I was basically told "don't call us, we'll call  you".  So I wait.  (I understand that they might not actually have the report yet but they didn't actually bother to look to see if they had it or not.)



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I hope they call you soon, with good results.  Waiting stinks.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I hope they call you soon, with good results.  Waiting stinks.


I just want to know how we are going to treat this.  I already know that something isn't right since it hasn't healed in over a year.  And the biopsy/cauterized spot now looks further infected.  So let's treat it already.  I am putting an antibiotic cream on it but again. . . . slow - inadequate healing might need something else. 

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I tried to nap.  I tried hard.  But my stoopid body wouldn't do it despite being exhausted.  So I talked to my biggest sissy while I got laundry going and emptied the dishwasher.  Now I have to figure out what food I'm going to throw at the family tonight for dinner.  They are so unfair in insisting on eating dinner daily. 

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Knee report: I might have torn my meniscus. I get to call in the morning to schedule an MRI on that. Additional discovery: I have degenerative arthritis in both knees, and my left (not injured) knee is worse than my right.

Oh dear. That is not good! You may require more help from Rocco and Roderigo.
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I tried to call about the biopsy. I was basically told "don't call us, we'll call you". So I wait. (I understand that they might not actually have the report yet but they didn't actually bother to look to see if they had it or not.)

I'm still waiting in my results, too.
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I just want to know how we are going to treat this.  I already know that something isn't right since it hasn't healed in over a year.  And the biopsy/cauterized spot now looks further infected.  So let's treat it already.  I am putting an antibiotic cream on it but again. . . . slow - inadequate healing might need something else. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I think my work for today is done.  :hurray:


Ran some errands/went shopping; finished another cleaning project; cooked and consumed dinner; sorted laundry...


And for some reason I keep thinking that tomorrow is Saturday.   :huh:

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Knee report:  I might have torn my meniscus.  I get to call in the morning to schedule an MRI on that.  Additional discovery:  I have degenerative arthritis in both knees, and my left (not injured) knee is worse than my right.


That sounds awful.  :grouphug:

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I tried to call about the biopsy.  I was basically told "don't call us, we'll call  you".  So I wait.  (I understand that they might not actually have the report yet but they didn't actually bother to look to see if they had it or not.)


Do you need some ninja assistance?

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(((AMJ))) -- water exercise is gentle on knees;  I'm kind of blanking on anything else.  My knees (knock on wood) don't bother me much yet.





Thank you, that's a good idea.  I might talk to ILs tomorrow to see when they want to open up their pool -- see if it is warm enough.  If not theirs I might be able to make a deal with a local swimming lessons place.

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I got on a jury!  But I can't talk about it until it is over... :hat:



Enjoy your jury experience!


I clearly need rest.  I tried to spell jury much like furry....

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No one is taking this thread seriously!


Hi Slache! Glad you had a wonderful visit!


Yay for all the yay things! :hurray:


Boo for all the boo things! :boo:


I did science with the youngers. Our astronomy book was written before Pluto was demoted, but had some interesting information on the "for" and "against" arguments on it's classification.


My concert is over and my arms, hands, and fingers need to recover. It went well. My family came for the first half and there were several old friends who attended as well, so that was nice. I need to stop typing.


Good night!

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Good Friday Morning!  Yay we made it to Friday!  


Ikslo - congrats (?) on your selection!  


Susan - yay for your orchestra concert! Yay for doing science! 


AMJ- I'm not a dr, not have I played one on TV, but should you even try water exercise until you have diagnosis and treatment?  Knees are tricky and water is strong.


Critter, hope you slept well.  I fell asleep twice last night while dd read Nancy Drew out loud to me.   :laugh:


:grouphug:  to everyone still waiting for medical results.  





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No one is taking this thread seriously!


Hi Slache! Glad you had a wonderful visit!


Yay for all the yay things! :hurray:


Boo for all the boo things! :boo:


I did science with the youngers. Our astronomy book was written before Pluto was demoted, but had some interesting information on the "for" and "against" arguments on it's classification.


My concert is over and my arms, hands, and fingers need to recover. It went well. My family came for the first half and there were several old friends who attended as well, so that was nice. I need to stop typing.


Good night!



Hooray!   :hurray:  :hurray:   I'm glad your performance went well.


Please answer this only after your appendages have recovered -- don't type prematurely.  What is the astronomy book you used?  I'm curious about the for and against arguments about Pluto.

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Does anyone still awake (or anyone after they wake up) know if I have to do our taxes before Ds does his?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Not a clue.  Is he claimed as a dependent for part of the years on yours?


This might be a helpful thing for a friend of mine to find out, too.  Her daughter turns 18 later this year, and will be moving out of state to get started on her own.  (Friends of the family will rent her a room and help her get started.)

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Does anyone still awake (or anyone after they wake up) know if I have to do our taxes before Ds does his?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope. Either can be filed first. (But if you are claiming him as a dependent, make sure he indicates on his tax forms that someone else is also claiming him as a dependent so no one has to file ammended returns and go through that mess In which case his ammended return will have to be accepted and processed before you can resubmit your return.)

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Good Friday Morning!  Yay we made it to Friday!  


Ikslo - congrats (?) on your selection!  


Susan - yay for your orchestra concert! Yay for doing science! 


AMJ- I'm not a dr, not have I played one on TV, but should you even try water exercise until you have diagnosis and treatment?  Knees are tricky and water is strong.


Critter, hope you slept well.  I fell asleep twice last night while dd read Nancy Drew out loud to me.   :laugh:


:grouphug:  to everyone still waiting for medical results.  



I'm actually quite lazy in the pool.  Until I know better what I should and shouldn't do I can use the pool to support some of my weight, letting my legs hang free, and exercise my arms and torso.  Right now I can do arm exercises and seated exercises, but some torso stretches are hard to handle when my legs are bent 90 degrees to my body.  I can also kick my other leg some and let it get a better stretch.  The one problem that might be a real issue is getting out of the pool afterwards.


In a few minutes I'll start calling the imaging place to get my MRI scheduled (I believe in pestering early, figuring their system can always tell me to call back later and might tell me what time they open).  Book the MRI, book the MRI review with my doctor, and after those I can find out what's next.


I was hoping to go paddling this weekend if weather permitted, and getting some household projects done.  Nope.  You know what this means, right?  I have little excuse to keep putting off cleaning up my desk area and dealing with things there.  *sigh, paperwork*

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Good morning, ITT! Can I come play some more? Boy, this winter was the worst. I hid from the entire hive for much of it, and it's taken a long time to catch up on stuff around here. (I'm actually kinda just jumping back in without the ketchup here, because when I opened the thread again, I found myself back in September. Call me a hippo.)


Hugs to everyone for their challenges, and more hugs for the victories!


Renai, may I pick your brain a moment? We decided to teach the kids Spanish, and we got Song School Spanish to start with. Was that a good choice? What course of study would you recommend for people who have never learned a second language and are not currently able to find a native speaker to converse with regularly? I plan to learn along with them, but not sure I can stay lessons ahead at this point. (Ignore me if you don't want to talk curriculum here.)


I hope everyone has a magical Friday, filled with unicorn hair healing and responsible tooth fairies. (We're so far in the boonies, we don't even have one!)


Edited because spelling.



Welcome back!  We are always glad to see you!


How's the weather where you are?

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