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Probably enough to pay for one semester, provided they commute. :D


I think I am just going to put the expectation in my 4 Youngers that if they want to go to college, they will attend two years of (free) community college to either get an AA or then transfer. We have an excellent CC right here and they have their programs set up to transfer right into the university system. For the private colleges dd18 has been accepted into, "meeting a family's financial need" includes taking out a minimum of $20K in loans every year, beyond the loans dd18 would have to take out herself. That's even after thousands of dollars offered in scholarships and grants. 🤑


Oy vey. 


I'm pushing UI (and the PSAT) because National Merit scholars get a full-ride.  DD, being young, wants to go further away.  She does understand, however,  that we need to look more at schools that give good merit aid.  I just wish that they were the ones contacting us!  :glare:

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I'm going to have jury duty again! Our panels are lettered, and I figured they would call the letter before ours. They skipped the letter, and called us! I really needed Monday.

I spent two days off work to find out I was excused from jury duty. If they would have just asked me ahead of time, I would have told them they'd never use me.

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Renai hosted a class on the Spanish alphabet as a precursor to a curriculum she's writing.

Oh cool. That would have been cool to see. My dd is very interested in learning Spanish.


Oh my word!!! I'm speechless!!! I've never been #1!!!


How does it go.... Booya!!!! And all the rest. I'm on my phone and can't copy the song.


By the way, how many times do you think they will let me edit this same post? lol

Edited by Based on Faith Academy
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Oh cool. That would have been to cool to see. My dd is very interested in learning Spanish.


Oh my word!!! I'm speechless!!! I've never been #1!!!


How does it go.... Booyah!!!! And all the rest. I'm on my phone and can't copy the song.

Yay! I knew that you were team H. All the cool kids are. ;)



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Oh cool. That would have been to cool to see. My dd is very interested in learning Spanish.


Oh my word!!! I'm speechless!!! I've never been #1!!!


How does it go.... Booyah!!!! And all the rest. I'm on my phone and can't copy the song.


I'm offering the classes through Outschool.com. On Friday, there were a few ITTers I had the pleasure of meeting. It was fun! :) Here I am. https://outschool.com/teachers/Renai-Ruiz


And congratulations on the BOOYA. #noh

Edited by Renai
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My very short trip to Aldi took twice as long as it should have because I forgot to get my card back from dd18 when I gave it to her on Thursday to get gas in the van. And of course I had no cash on me and they don't take checks or Barnes & Nobles gift cards. :D So I drove home and got dh's card (dd is at a friend's house this weekend) and drove back. The store manager, Jessie, was really nice and stuck my cart back in refridgeration until I got back.



I've had to do that at a grocery store once, too -- somehow forgot to put my wallet back into my purse and didn't discover the fact until we were partway through checkout.  I think grocery stores see this often enough.  They had me stay while they finished ringing everything up, sent my cart off to the produce cooler and my frozen stuff to the freezer somewhere, took my name, and told me to go to any checker when I got back.  


When I did return with my wallet I had some really envious looks from other people at checkout.  I bet they wondered what special service I knew about that had my groceries brought to me at checkout!  (This was before local stores started doing the call-us-your-list-and-we-will-shop-for-you service.)

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I put my socks on and then realized that they don't match. But getting them on was so hard that they are going to stay unmatched.



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But that is recurringly fashionable!  You are simply starting the next wave of the trend.


And just think -- you probably have another pair just like the pair you are wearing!

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I'm thinking of walking down to the waterfall that I posted on here for a waterfall do-over later today.  But I also plan to vacuum so that might do me in. 



I vote waterfall.  Vacuuming can wait until after, and can be delegated or postponed if you don't have enough energy after the waterfall.  Waterfall is self-care, which you need to maximize for a while.

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I vacuumed the entire main floor. Yesterday I felt like a failure. Today I feel like a rockstar. Someone should analyze that. ....



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I'm proud of you.   :hurray:  :hurray:   Did you get to go to your waterfall again?  Remember your self-care!

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Thanks, Lynn. People always ask me how I do it and say they could never do it. As I tell them, you'd do anything for your dc.



Back when we first started homeschooling one SIL was giving me the "Oh, I could NEVER manage to homeschool" line.  She had already been saying things like that earlier in the day and I lost my patience.  "I have more faith in you," I said.  "If you felt it was the only or best way to give your kids the education they need then you would make it work."  She had to acknowledge I was right on that point.

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Oh cool. That would have been cool to see. My dd is very interested in learning Spanish.


Oh my word!!! I'm speechless!!! I've never been #1!!!


How does it go.... Booya!!!! And all the rest. I'm on my phone and can't copy the song.


By the way, how many times do you think they will let me edit this same post? lol



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   Yay, Christina's first Booya(h)!

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:lol: Should I go make my fifth edit to my post and put my "h" back?

I forgot all about the controversy about the "h".



You could straddle the fence or simply be nicely diplomatic and put the h in parentheses, like this:  booya(h).


Or you could go fakey Texan drawl and say "booy'all"   :lol:

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Oh, my dd is too old.



There were 2 12-year-olds participating because Sra. R was very nice and allowed it.  Mine had a lot of fun and wants to sign up when Renai has an older kids' class put together.

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The bunnies broke through the gate separating them and all hell broke loose. Stupid cannibal rabbits. And now there is bunny fur all over my newly vacuumed floor.



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Can you tie dustmop pads onto the bunnies and make them sweep it up?

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Yesterday I was really dragging, so I went to bed early.  I was awake at 2:30 this morning and unable to get back to sleep, so I will likely be napping this afternoon.  Allergy season blows (into tissues).


The cousins aren't staying through tomorrow as they originally thought so we will finish our visiting today and have most of tomorrow off of school to rest and catch up on house stuff.  We will have music lessons, though.


It really is spring here.  All of the birds were yammering away before I could detect the first light in the sky.  Soon it will be time to battle the mockingbirds.



The other day my cat caught a chickadee.  I saw her outside the back door with something small and gray, so I picked her up and put her inside, then took paper towel to go see what I could do for whoever she caught.  I was carrying the poor thing to the back of the yard, looking for someplace it might stand a chance of recovering in before being found again.  When I opened the paper towel to try to set it down it flew up into a willow -- yay!  I like chickadees.


I think my brain is in ramble mode this morning.


Oh, yeah, just remembered something I need to do.  Must do it before I forget again.


Have a good day, everyone!  I hope new churches work out well.

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I'm up, but probably not quite awake. It's gray, I didn't sleep well, the boys are crabby and I'm grouchy. I am taking tomorrow off from school, and I think that's a good thing.



:grouphug:   I'm sorry you didn't sleep well.  Think the weather and/or allergens might be affecting you all?



DD15 went to bed at 8 PM last night.  She's STILL asleep.  She wasn't feeling quite top notch herself.  I'm blaming weather and allergens here.

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:grouphug:   I'm sorry you didn't sleep well.  Think the weather and/or allergens might be affecting you all?


Noise kept me up. That and the rough day Saturday. But I'm taking Monday off from school and that should help with my mood. Evidently the old cat feels that now is a good time to nap. She's snoring on the bed. She woke me up a time or two snoring last night.


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