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Yes. In 2015.



Hmm....  I might have to library that to compare it to my copy.  I'm almost certain my copy is older than 2015.


I still have the new WTM book in my list at Amazon.  I'm waiting until after Christmas before ordering that because of budget and lack of desperately immediate need for it.


I hear she has other stuff in the works, too, and I haven't read all of her adult/teen-audience histories yet, either....

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I'm trying to increase my fiction reading in my somewhat narrow genre of fantasy writing, and to increase my fantasy reading overall. I think you should try the Hobbit (that's a good one to start out with for Tolkien) and you should read The Last Unicorn, because you love the movie and the book will blow your socks off.


For me, I've got a series by Eric Flint that I keep taking home from the library but I don't get around to reading it. He does alternate history stuff (and I tinker with it in my novel). And I'm assembling a list of books that have some similarities to mine, so that I get a feel for what is out there and what's been selling.

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Don Quixote is awesome! But it's a slog, no kidding. However, there is the "kids" adaption with the most gorgeous illustrations that might get you through it. I'll remember the guy here in a minute. I'm running without caffeine--well, spluttering actually.


ETA: I think it is the Candlewick Illustrated Edition adapted by Michael Jenkins. 


I love Quixote, but I didn't like the first book. It was the second part that was great.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I wonder if I have enough Christmas presents for myself yet? Maybe I need two more... :)


(I buy most of my own presents because I like shopping a lot more than dh does. And I have a picky streak in me... :leaving: )

One of the major perks of being Mom is that Santa always knows exactly what I want.

When Weapon X was a baby, I read a blog post somewhere. The author was talking about how when they were a child they always thought their mom was naughty. Santa took so much thought and care filling stockings for them and their dad, but mom's stocking was a mishmash of stuff just found around the house! That's never happened here.


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I know she wrote a new Well-Trained Mind, but did she write a new Well-Educated Mind, too?  The WEM book is for adults wishing to further their own reading and education.

 YouTube the comparison.  

I checked it out from the library once.  Read parts, skimmed parts.  Didn't make it through the whole thing.  But, I'm not as consistent with self-ed as you are.  Try your library first.


 :laugh: I'm not that consistent. I'm consistent in though, not deed. 

I own two copies. I bought one new, and picked up a second at a secondhand bookshop so ds and I could each have a copy.  I think between WEM and wikipedia, there's a good foundation for covering the great books on a cursory level.


 That's really what I'm aiming for.  

Which flower do you like best?

Which child do you like best?


I'm not sure how to answer your question, but it falls in to this vein for me.


Pink roses. Alex. :leaving: 

2nd edition is 2015.  1st edition is older.  


Reading lit in chronological order is great and all, but lots of people start with Don Quixote and get stuck.  Sort of like reading the Bible straight through and never making it through Leviticus.   :w00t:  :D

 I LOVE Leviticus! 

I should ask, how long ago was high school for you? 


High school was a generation ago for me. And I can't imagine spending that long without my friends.

 12 years. 

Don Quixote is awesome! But it's a slog, no kidding. However, there is the "kids" adaption with the most gorgeous illustrations that might get you through it. I'll remember the guy here in a minute. I'm running without caffeine--well, spluttering actually.


ETA: I think it is the Candlewick Illustrated Edition adapted by Michael Jenkins. 


I love Quixote, but I didn't like the first book. It was the second part that was great.

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I don't know if James Baldwin has one or not. That's an old book, and there are lots of adaptations. I read one in middle school that had none of the original language, and I remember thinking that it was a great story then. I didn't get to read the real thing until several years ago. But then, I thought War and Peace was a great four week read. I like crazy plots and huge casts of characters.

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2nd edition is 2015.  1st edition is older.  


Reading lit in chronological order is great and all, but lots of people start with Don Quixote and get stuck.  Sort of like reading the Bible straight through and never making it through Leviticus.   :w00t:  :D



I got stuck on Don Quixote, and I wasn't reading in chronological order, either.  I have a two-volume (thin volumes) graphic novel of it, though, and I love watching The Man Of La Mancha, so I think we still get the gist in this house!  I can browse through the actual written words as I feel like.


I tend to skip over the long lists of begats in the Bible.  On to the more interesting stuff!

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One of the major perks of being Mom is that Santa always knows exactly what I want.

When Weapon X was a baby, I read a blog post somewhere. The author was talking about how when they were a child they always thought their mom was naughty. Santa took so much thought and care filling stockings for them and their dad, but mom's stocking was a mishmash of stuff just found around the house! That's never happened here.


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It has happened here for both DH and me, but we both make such a happy fuss over whatever that the kids pretty much think we have boring interests.

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Good morning! I am in great need of caffeine. I think because of all of the aforementioned hormone flux, I am getting little headaches here and there. They are irritating me.


I'm nearly done getting packages ready to mail. Just have to finish the Christmas letter, which is actually just pictures with some captions. Cold-eeze has been consumed, ears have been hydrogen peroxided. For no reason whatsoever, because sickness is not allowed in December.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure:-)



I would love to go to a party with you all!

Bedtime for me too...



Yup! By the way, is anyone going to the Cincy convention this year? I am. It can be an ITT Meetup. It will be an occasion like no other. :wub: Apparently ikslo will definitely have to come because we all want to party with her.


Last time I went to the convention - with the same friend I am going with this year... my "daughter" - we were having drinks after dinner and got hit on by two guys. That was interesting all in itself. One was married, and we counseled him on the fact that if you want a better marriage, you may not want to hit on strangers in bars, no matter how cute they are;-) The other was an Ann Rand fan who was spiritually confused. We talked about God. It was one of the oddest bar experiences I have ever had.


They probably left with their heads swimming. Hilarious.



I think maybe I'll add The Hobbit to my 2017 list. I haven't read fiction since High School.



I was going to reply that I don't read much fiction. I realize, though, that I read a ton of it... just with the kids. And it is usually older. The Hobbit is a keeper. LOTR makes me happy. Narnia, of course. Five Children and It is great with the kids. Brothers Karamazov, I loved. Farewell to Arms. Tale of Two Cities. Apparently, it has to prove itself by being around for a while for me to want to read it.



That stuff sounds wonderful!  Those garlic-stuffed olives are a favorite in DH's family, especially in gin & tonics (or tonics without gin for those who don't imbibe, like eldest niece).


Would you be able to share the instructions for assembling the Bacon Ranch Pepperjack pull-apart bread, please?  That sounds like just the sort of thing a certain BIL (or two) would love.


I found it on Pinterest and will try to post the link in a bit. Methinks I am going to have a hard time not starting it down before the party, lol.



Have any of you read The Well Educated Mind? I keep eyeing it.

Yes. See below.



2nd edition is 2015.  1st edition is older.  


Reading lit in chronological order is great and all, but lots of people start with Don Quixote and get stuck.  Sort of like reading the Bible straight through and never making it through Leviticus.   :w00t:  :D

This happened to me. I have read quite of the few books in the WEM, but I would like to actually go through and do it along with the book someday.



I should ask, how long ago was high school for you? 


High school was a generation ago for me. And I can't imagine spending that long without my friends.

This. The fantasy books, LOTR style, help me retain hope in a world that seems very dark. Almost 25 years without them would be :crying:



One of the major perks of being Mom is that Santa always knows exactly what I want.

When Weapon X was a baby, I read a blog post somewhere. The author was talking about how when they were a child they always thought their mom was naughty. Santa took so much thought and care filling stockings for them and their dad, but mom's stocking was a mishmash of stuff just found around the house! That's never happened here.

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

This is timely. Last night, dh cleared gifts from others with me. After we made some adjustments, he said, "Why don't you just order them since you have the website up?" We totally cracked up at how that would look crazy to others, but for us, it works.



Good Morning!

Coffee! And more coffee!

Nobody around here is sick because Those are the Rules.

I need to get packages ready to mail and then go to the post office. I need oven cleaner. And stamps. And a clean house.

I like your rules.

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I have let the guys sleep in the morning because dh left early and the house is *quiet*. I must now roll them out of bed.


By the way, the tree finally has ornaments, ILs tree is up and decorated, and cards have been sent (both sets). Today, I hope to have a quiet day of school and cleaning. And I plan on carving time to get through at least a few more chapters in the Bonhoeffer biography and Grit, which Amazon was nice enough to just send me, lol.

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Good morning! I am in great need of caffeine. I think because of all of the aforementioned hormone flux, I am getting little headaches here and there. They are irritating me.



An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure:-)




Yup! By the way, is anyone going to the Cincy convention this year? I am. It can be an ITT Meetup. It will be an occasion like no other. :wub: Apparently ikslo will definitely have to come because we all want to party with her.


Last time I went to the convention - with the same friend I am going with this year... my "daughter" - we were having drinks after dinner and got hit on by two guys. That was interesting all in itself. One was married, and we counseled him on the fact that if you want a better marriage, you may not want to hit on strangers in bars, no matter how cute they are;-) The other was an Ann Rand fan who was spiritually confused. We talked about God. It was one of the oddest bar experiences I have ever had.


They probably left with their heads swimming. Hilarious.




I was going to reply that I don't read much fiction. I realize, though, that I read a ton of it... just with the kids. And it is usually older. The Hobbit is a keeper. LOTR makes me happy. Narnia, of course. Five Children and It is great with the kids. Brothers Karamazov, I loved. Farewell to Arms. Tale of Two Cities. Apparently, it has to prove itself by being around for a while for me to want to read it.



I found it on Pinterest and will try to post the link in a bit. Methinks I am going to have a hard time not starting it down before the party, lol.



Yes. See below.



This happened to me. I have read quite of the few books in the WEM, but I would like to actually go through and do it along with the book someday.



This. The fantasy books, LOTR style, help me retain hope in a world that seems very dark. Almost 25 years without them would be :crying:



This is timely. Last night, dh cleared gifts from others with me. After we made some adjustments, he said, "Why don't you just order them since you have the website up?" We totally cracked up at how that would look crazy to others, but for us, it works.



I like your rules.



Is someone archiving a book list for ITT?  If so, would you point me at it, please?  


SLASHIE!  I forgot to mention Mrs. Wiggs and the Cabbage Patch.  That is a wonderful book!


The roughest years of my life were the ones in which I felt I had no time to sit and read.  Reading for pleasure is NECESSARY.


Ordering our own presents is a rather common practice in this household.  It works!

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I don't know if James Baldwin has one or not. That's an old book, and there are lots of adaptations. I read one in middle school that had none of the original language, and I remember thinking that it was a great story then. I didn't get to read the real thing until several years ago. But then, I thought War and Peace was a great four week read. I like crazy plots and huge casts of characters.


I read War and Peace in 8th grade.  I loved it.


And I hated Just So Stories.






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Ok, I am back! Delivered DS to school. It's starting to rain. We're supposed to be getting some big ol' honkin' storm today. Flash flooding, blah blah blah. I'll believe it when I see it.


I read The Well Educated Mind. I loved it! And, like everyone else, fell into the swamp of Don Quixote. I swear I started that book at least 5 times. I took notes, did everything she said in the book and sometimes I actually fell asleep reading it. So, I gave up. I think at this time in my life, I need something that's a little easier. And more guided. Like studying Latin. MP makes studying Latin very easy. Just do what they say and check off the boxes. I think I would do better with TWEM if she had comprehension questions and stuff like that. I'm a workbooky kind of gal!😊

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With WEM, I take a crack at it now and again. Sometimes I've read the books so I try to pick ones by the same author or similar authors that I think I'll like. Sometimes I know outright that I'm not going to like a book because of content or the author, so I'll pick a different book and a different author to try. Think of it like a pirate: "It's more a set of guidelines, like. Not a code." :laugh:

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I am now using sticky notes to try to figure out structure in my journal to start in January.  I'm writing out things I want pages for or things I'll need to have recur and sticking them in various places.  Some reserve specific pages, and some are on pages for planning particular sections. 


I have an entire section in the back of the journal for ITT notes and references.  Maybe I should make a separate master notebook for this stuff instead.  I can capture stuff in the journal as it occurs to me, and then add it to the ITT notebook daily or weekly.


I suspect as I use this journal system I will be splitting out other topics into other topical journals, too.  There are already my school planning planner, my what-we-actually-did school planner, likely my health-related stuff (food, BG, exercise, etc.) will remain in another book and/or some apps.  An ITT notebook just makes sense, as will a writing project notebook as I get back to more thinking on that topic.


I am eagerly awaiting my sticky dots so I can find out how much of a page margin to leave for them.  I think they will be useful in color-coding page edges.



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