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Two things:  It is now pouring rain again.


Also, when cleaning out I found my health share membership form which I completely forgot to have church personnel sign and return.  I will need to call them and explain I am not quitting but that I need them to bother me more if they want stuff returned.  The squeaky wheel and all.  I think Nan distracted me from doing this.  Also, it was in a pile of junk.  I was looking through the junk to find ds12's vaccination record and the two vaccines he needs.  I will get to go to the health department for these on Friday.  We will be there bright and early.  Wish me luck.  :)

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2 things, first Tex send that rain this way, we are in a drought, the crops are barely in the ground and not going to do well at this rate, my province is on fire everywhere we need rain so freaking badly right now.

secondly, I am a rock star, though it took long enough.  So 2 years ago ds16 broke 1 pane out of nine on my front door, last year ds 11 broke another.  Doors are expensive so we made do without replacing it.  It is a small town all you had to do to unlock my door was reach in a broken pane and yet no one did.  Over the winter my storm door swelled in the cold and would no longer shut.  So we had a crazy long winter and cold not properly block out the cold.  Not fun.  Yesterday my ds11 came into the house, shut the storm door (which started shutting again once the weather got warm) and it literally fell apart.  It is a wooden door that is at least 40- 50 years old, the bottom section popped inwards off the rest of the door, the glass of the window fell out, and the sides of the door were coming apart.  I was now in a panic because it meant having absolutely no screen door and the broken windows and mosquitoes were getting in, the cats brought a dead mouse in etc.  I vent to my mom about it, planned to buy a new door next week but wanted to vent about needing to at all.  SHe ticked me off with her comments which were less than helpful.  THis morning I wake up and realize I am a dumba$$, 2 years ago ds11 took the door off the garage (the people door), it had been laying in the garage ever since.  Had him haul it out today, I measured it and it was a perfect fit! and I still had the key for it from back then.  SO I took off the door with the broken panes and installed this heavy duty aluminum door, and now that I am home from work again just took off the broken storm door and hauled it out for bulk pick up.  No more broken doors, full protection from everything.  I have no clue why it never occurred to me before to use that door.  Would have made winter a little warmer.

So now that we have a door that shuts out the elements you can send that rain here.

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I'm having a bad, bad day. Two glasses of wine and two truffles helped, but not much.


I took Nana to the airport, and that was sad.  But mostly I am feeling the suffering of others.  For which I should be grateful, because it (theoretically) draws me closer to my Savior.  But Jesus rocks, and I suck.  So there you go.


Thank goodness that I have Despicable Me to help express my inner weirdness.


I am really SUCH a loser. 

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I have constant hip pain. I have diagnosed myself with trochanteric hip bursitis. Evidently, to add insult to injury, I'm supposed to lose weight to improve this.


can you try this hip workout (assuming no spiritual objections to a secular yoga). it's short (10 min);  be gentle with it but it really targets the area nicely. I prescribe one/day for a week & come back to report.

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can you try this hip workout (assuming no spiritual objections to a secular yoga). it's short (10 min);  be gentle with it but it really targets the area nicely. I prescribe one/day for a week & come back to report.

I'm down with yoga as long as I'm not forced to do Satanic rituals or something.  And who could force me to do that?  So I will gather up my courage and take a look at this hip workout.  I have done some yoga in the past as part of P90X (which I did for a very short time years ago).


I took three ibuprofen before bed, and this dealt with the pain.  I hate taking meds, and I almost never do it, but I have been in constant pain for close to a year probably so that is not cool.

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We are having kidney bean loaf tonight. 


It's delicious; so much lighter and tastier than it's carnivorous counterpart.  But "kidney," "bean," and "loaf" are three very unappealing words.


New name ideas, anyone?



If you made up the recipe I'd call it duck loaf in honor of your hive name.

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We are having kidney bean loaf tonight. 


It's delicious; so much lighter and tastier than it's carnivorous counterpart.  But "kidney," "bean," and "loaf" are three very unappealing words.


New name ideas, anyone?

It sounds like poop in a pan.  I agree, we can do better.  But I'm too busy groveling to deal.  I can't even.

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It sounds like poop in a pan.  I agree, we can do better.  But I'm too busy groveling to deal.  I can't even.


I lovelovelove the alliteration.  


And while the imagery is spot-on, I'm not sure I can market it that way.


I've accepted your apology, so get up off your lazy knees and get back to work.  I need a name and I need it NOW.  Dinner is fast approaching on my side of the continent.  

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You were one of twelve!  You were in the queue.   :p


I texted you back random pictures of me, my kids, my pets, and all that jazz.

Dd has stolen my phone to use the calculator.  She's using it to check her math.  Since this spares me from having to do actual math to check it myself, I'm allowing it.  


Our pictures were of us doing math.  That is proof that both of us are actually living through the process even though she was trying to get me to do her math and I was trying not to do it and we were both p.o'd at each other.  (It doesn't count as swearing if you just use initials, right?)

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If you made up the recipe I'd call it duck loaf in honor of your hive name.


It sounds cannibalistic.  


And still has that word "loaf" in it.  Why oh why has no one come up with a better word than LOAF?  The meat version has been around since at least the 5th century*, for pete's sake!





*I googled that.  For your after-school enrichment today, courtesy of Wikipedia:

  1. The meatloaf has European origins; meatloaf of minced meat was mentioned in the famous Roman cookery collection Apicius as early as the 5th century. Meatloaf is a traditional German and Belgian dish, and it is a cousin to the Dutch meatball.
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Dd has stolen my phone to use the calculator.  She's using it to check her math.  Since this spares me from having to do actual math to check it myself, I'm allowing it.  


Our pictures were of us doing math.  That is proof that both of us are actually living through the process even though she was trying to get me to do her math and I was trying not to do it and we were both p.o'd at each other.  (It doesn't count as swearing if you just use initials, right?)

Interestingly, it did look like you were doing math so you get points for this, particularly the pictoral representation.

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