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Edited to fix an atrociously bad overuse of vague pronouns. Someone should come and teach my poor child how to write. Critter?

This made me laugh. Have you read "The Phantom Tollbooth"? We're in the middle of it. Your problem would be solved by a trip to Dictionopolis.


"I am Faintly Macabre, the not-so-wicked Which!"


This book is killing me!

Edited by KrissiK
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Happy Birthday, Angi!!!







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Well, my history lesson plans are shot because our branch of the library doesn't have The Last Samurai - it's at another branch. So instead of shoving the kids in front of a movie for the afternoon, I have to actually teach them something. Sigh.


The best laid schemes o' mice an' men

Gang aft a-gley.â€


(On the other hand, I found some great books on the sale shelf, including a hb 3-ringed-binder copy of The New Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook. It has fantastic reference pages, including photos of various types of greens. I'll probably give it to ds21 for Christmas.)

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I'm a mean mother.  I just chewed out DD15 for eating up 8 of the small, individually wrapped cheeses I had bought.  I bought them to have small, PORTABLE grab-and-go options for when time is short and I have to go NOW but will also need to eat.  They were NOT to be for munching on several at a time at home while ignoring the larger blocks and slices of cheese in the fridge.


Greedy Mom, wanting to reserve the nifty new stuff on the excuses of her dietary restrictions and tight schedule.

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Well, my history lesson plans are shot because our branch of the library doesn't have The Last Samurai - it's at another branch. So instead of shoving the kids in front of a movie for the afternoon, I have to actually teach them something. Sigh.


The best laid schemes o' mice an' men

Gang aft a-gley.â€


(On the other hand, I found some great books on the sale shelf, including a hb 3-ringed-binder copy of The New Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook. It has fantastic reference pages, including photos of various types of greens. I'll probably give it to ds21 for Christmas.)



What edition is the cookbook?  I've vulched over various editions, and I have my Mom's, given to her (and annotated by) by her mother when Mom left home as a young adult.  That cookbook was the subject of my writing for last year's NaNoWriMo.

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I want a garden. And more chickens. And healthy bees. And a lawn that is less weeds and more grass. And pretty flowerbeds. And a clean house. And fall decorations over the fireplace. And pumpkin pie.

All this will pass, but I'm not sure what I hate more: the summer depression that keeps me growling behind dark curtains, or the rebound wistfulness when the sun isn't as fierce and a cold front is on the way.  :glare:

It will pass.

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Imma sweep the house and see if that makes me feel better. I already washed the sheets in my room and cleaned out the refrigerator, and washed the rest of the laundry and I've got dishes going in the dishwasher. I'll probably get an insane urge to wash the windows next. 

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What edition is the cookbook? I've vulched over various editions, and I have my Mom's, given to her (and annotated by) by her mother when Mom left home as a young adult. That cookbook was the subject of my writing for last year's NaNoWriMo.

This one says copyright 1989 and tenth ring-bound edition, fifth printing, 1991.

ISBN: 0-696-00012-1

Library of Congress: 88-80967

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I want a garden. And more chickens. And healthy bees. And a lawn that is less weeds and more grass. And pretty flowerbeds. And a clean house. And fall decorations over the fireplace. And pumpkin pie.

All this will pass, but I'm not sure what I hate more: the summer depression that keeps me growling behind dark curtains, or the rebound wistfulness when the sun isn't as fierce and a cold front is on the way. :glare:

It will pass.

I want a house.
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I'm a mean mother.  I just chewed out DD15 for eating up 8 of the small, individually wrapped cheeses I had bought.  I bought them to have small, PORTABLE grab-and-go options for when time is short and I have to go NOW but will also need to eat.  They were NOT to be for munching on several at a time at home while ignoring the larger blocks and slices of cheese in the fridge.


Greedy Mom, wanting to reserve the nifty new stuff on the excuses of her dietary restrictions and tight schedule.


Cool.  Now said child can practice her knife skills by cutting the block cheese into single-portion sized cubes.  And individually wrapping them. 



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I'm a mean mother.  I just chewed out DD15 for eating up 8 of the small, individually wrapped cheeses I had bought.  I bought them to have small, PORTABLE grab-and-go options for when time is short and I have to go NOW but will also need to eat.  They were NOT to be for munching on several at a time at home while ignoring the larger blocks and slices of cheese in the fridge.


Greedy Mom, wanting to reserve the nifty new stuff on the excuses of her dietary restrictions and tight schedule.


Get yourself a little snack box to go in the fridge that is yours, and labelled such.  Buy a lock and key if necessary. :)

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Actually, I was finishing critiques for the week. My children appear to be educating themselves for once. I handed them two fresh notebooks and told them to go revise the first chapter of a previously completed story. They appear to be enjoying the assignment, and we may not get to Logic today.

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This one says copyright 1989 and tenth ring-bound edition, fifth printing, 1991.

ISBN: 0-696-00012-1

Library of Congress: 88-80967





They are now on the 16th edition, I think, which I am considering getting just because (comparative development of a cookbook icon -- a worthy study, wouldn't you think?).  I did get the 75th anniversary edition, and I have Mom's old one from the early '50s.  Last year as I was going through Mom's and writing I started getting interested in the development of the BH&G cook books, and the competitive Betty Crocker cookbooks.  I suspect I will draw from those for some of the background when I start writing about Mom and Grandma.


Cooking wasn't one of the big loves for either Mom or Grandma, so the recipe collection doesn't tell enough of a tale for me to get a good idea of what was commonly thought about cooking at those times.  I'm turning to old cookbooks, including some old personal recipe collections a friend of mine picked up at estate sales, as one avenue to putting myself back in those days and ages.


When the girls grow up and leave home I am tempted to do what Grandma did, write all over whichever edition is out of the BH&G cook book and give it to each of them.  Some of my most favorite memories of growing up were of Mom cooking from that book (often a recipe or adaptation Grandma had added, though some notes were Mom's own), and later of Mom and me together fixing something from the book.  Mom put more thought into food and cooking than I knew at the time; she just liked other, more craftsy, projects more than cooking.

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That hole is currently inhaling some spore from out of doors and wafting it through the house. One cat has been coughing, a boy is sneezing, and I'm sneezing and my eyes are running. 

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Get yourself a little snack box to go in the fridge that is yours, and labelled such.  Buy a lock and key if necessary. :)



It's a good idea.  I have to declutter and organize the fridge to fit one in, however, or it will be buried.  I have a nasty habit of overfilling things, especially fridges.  I don't know why.  It just happens.

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I wondered why nobody had the local kind of milk. Turns out there was a fire, and there won't be any available for several weeks. :(



Aww!  I wish I had some local supply of milk here.  When we lived on the family farm we had local milk in glass half-gallons with foil caps.  Mom was quite quick to be the one to open a fresh bottle -- she snagged the cream for her berries or coffee.  She let me have some once in a while -- OMGosh so yummy!!!!  And such tasty milk!


Our local Mom & Pop grocery store got some in once and I was in heaven.  DH winced at the price but I didn't care because it was so good.  Unfortunately that supplier proved to be less than reliable about deliveries to the store so the store stopped carrying the milk.  I'm not sure if the dairy survived, because I haven't heard anything about them anymore and can't seem to track them down.

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We were 7 down, people! Nobody is taking this thread seriously. What are you all doing? Educating your children? Priorities, people! Priorities!



Park Day!  Hot, humid, sticky, no-breeze park day, but with new families to the group so new friends.  I had to bail 15 minutes early because the heat got to me too much, but it was a good visit anyway.


The weather app and my vehicle's thermometer both claim the temp outside is high '80s.  I think they are off by a good 10 degrees -- it sure feels a LOT hotter.

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I finally printed out the NaNoWriMo middle school writing guide for dd13 and she is so excited!


YouTube funny for musicians: How to Read Sheet Music


That sounds like it was written by the 15-year-old we just met today!  Talk about musically oriented.

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Yeah. She said she had a very busy week and has also been doing college visits with her son, so I am holding onto those ideas.

Oh, I must have missed that. Mom brain. Okay. She skips out all of the time, but never without a reason. I didn't realize there was one. Or just forgot.


Thanks. :)

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The weather app and my vehicle's thermometer both claim the temp outside is high '80s. I think they are off by a good 10 degrees -- it sure feels a LOT hotter.

Our old car's outside thermometer was always a good 40 degrees off. We would entertain ourselves with comments like, "Wow! It's only 127 degrees out today!" :D

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