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  • KrissiK


I wrote for one hour, but I still have edits to make to my short story project before tomorrow. I think I'll read to the boys first. This will be draft six on this project.

Which reminds me to remind all young writers of this most important fact: writing is rewriting. Anybody who says different is selling a writing curriculum. :laugh:

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I walked to the mailbox. Twice,because I forgot the key the first time. I go barefoot, usually, and did today. I have burns on my feet now.





Rocco, ice packs and soothing gel over here, stat!

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I am going in search of banana ketchup.  It's a thing.  A Filipino thing.  From WWII when GI's introduced ketchup but they didn't have tomatoes but had lots of bananas instead. 


I'm also going to go buy a book on cadavers for dd14.  It's for Biology.  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/stiff-mary-roach/1101998814?ean=9780393324822&pcta=n&st=PLA&sid=BNB_DRS_Core+Shopping+Textbooks_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP237&k_clickid=3x237#



Alright!  Sounds great all around!

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I am the meanest mom In the world.


I don't know what to make for dinner but it has to be on the table in an hour.


Everyone is fighting.


I have an enormous bag of single socks.



Mismatched "pairs" of socks are periodically in style.  It's yet another trend my friend and I started in our starving student days.  It's quite the thing now!

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We horsed.  I asked DH if he would be willing to go over there with us this evening after he got off work instead of tomorrow because my tomorrow kept filling up.  It's a good thing we went early -- the horses had knocked down some of the fencing between the house yard and corral.  It was still standing enough to keep them away from the roses and bird feeders, but they might have gotten hurt.  FIL had been gradually replacing fence posts before their trip; now there will be several replaced in quick fashion this weekend.


DH, my dear engineer, promptly dug out scrap lumber and long deck screws and managed to support the fence enough to keep the horses contained and safe for the interim.  He really is such a catch!   :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:



And then we stopped for Japanese food on the way back home.




A mending fences Booyah!

Edited by AMJ
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Slache, your avatar is pretty! I love the color.


I've never heard of that Michael guy.


Lynn is always right, but I do like Our Mother Tongue as a sort of grammar supplement and make my kids read it in high school.


I might use banana ketchup on a peanut butter sandwich.


It appears you all need to be reminded about the perils of traveling dangerous roads. In the immortal words of Teresa Mannion:

"Don't make unnecessary journeys, don't take risks on treacherous roads. And don't swim in the sea. Incredibly people have been spotted in the water here in Blackrock in Salthill today and yesterday."

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Matt wants banana ketchup.


Michael Clay Thompson is the author of a language arts curriculum. It looks lovely but it's pricey. Several components including grammar, writing, poetry, and literature. I was planning on using the poetry but ikslo's obnoxious and won't shut up about the stupid program so I really, really, really want it.




Is Our Mother Tongue not good as a stand alone for my purposes? I think it would help with my Greek studies.


I've had this frigging phone case for who knows how long and apparently I don't even know what color it is. I'm so irritated.

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This new schedule is seriously messing with me.  Oh well.  I will adjust.  And then the schedule will change! 


I'm ready for the schedule change. And the full schedule is just starting tomorrow (for Dancer). I already know I'm not going to like it. Come on spring!

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It appears you all need to be reminded about the perils of traveling dangerous roads. In the immortal words of Teresa Mannion:

"Don't make unnecessary journeys, don't take risks on treacherous roads. And don't swim in the sea. Incredibly people have been spotted in the water here in Blackrock in Salthill today and yesterday."

You have the transcript! You are totally awesome!
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I'm getting a divorce and never buying anything green, blue or purple ever again.


Is Matt being an annoying dinosaur?





Okay, seriously. What color is the first word in my signature? What about my bed spread in my new avatar?



The correct answer is, "Whatever color Slash says it is."  Duh.

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I need the cranky pants with the chocolate dispenser. And Sven. He needs to come and fan me with a large fan made of peacock feathers. And Rocco can peel me some grapes.


My oldest is going to send me to an early grave.


Actually, I think I am going to go to bed early. I just need to lay down and relax in some place soft.

Edited by KrissiK
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I have a colorblind story for you.  MIL with dementia was missing and I was talking to the police and giving them a description.  FIL was telling me what she was wearing - gray shirt, gray pants, gray shoes. . . .  Dh was listening to all of this and he leaned over and whispered, "You do realize that he's colorblind, right?"  Oops.  When we finally found her she had a purple shirt, brown pants. . . 

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Slache, was it even morning your time when you posted?  Go back to bed!


Good Tuesday Morning!


There's nothing wrong with Mother Tongue... might be a bit wordy for your purposes.  I haven't looked at it in a while.  I've never used JAG, but it seems like when I looked at it, it was very much like AG but slightly easier reading level.  If you already have JAG, for heaven's sake give it a try before you buy anything else.  


Crazy busy week again here.  Hope everyone has a good day.  Hugs, chocolate, wine, and everything else good for Krissi.  

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Good morning!


Sorry about the MCT conversation, Slache. Not. :D


*****WARNING disgusting visual WARNING ******


Still not sure what to think about Banana Ketchup. I'm thinking it would probably remind me of what the last banana DS ate looked like after coming back up on my table. I think I'll pass.




We had a very productive school day yesterday. Also, no whining. Scary.

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I'm ready for the schedule change. And the full schedule is just starting tomorrow (for Dancer). I already know I'm not going to like it. Come on spring!



In the interim I'll settle for the end of DST.  Several days & weeks in a row.  I need an extra hour in my days....

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I guess I shouldn't have answered.



Answered what, the MCT thing?  That's not keeping us away from you.  That couldn't keep us away from you.  Different things work for different people, and we wouldn't let such things come between friends.


I was in bed when you posted that, so I'm answering this morning.  You are our friend and we love you, points of difference and all.  If we were all the same who would we have to friend-bicker with?   :001_wub:  :biggrinjester:  :001_tt2:

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Junie, I don't see a few shades (1?) of blue which screws up green and purple if they have that shade.


JJM, get him.


Angi, they're green. :toetap05:



Oh, I just thought the color discussion was simply noticing that the signature text and the sheets are the same color.  They look green to me, a rather pretty seafoam green.

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My dh and I don't agree what color our house is.



I suspect my DH and I also see colors a little differently, too.  Clothes he calls "brown" I call "green".  Blue-green colors can be a source of contention as we bicker over whether they are more bluish or more greenish.  We also disagree on the pronunciation of "cyan" -- I say the "c" is soft ("si-ann) and he says it's hard ("ki-yann", like cayenne).

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Good morning!


Field trip today. Then music lessons and orchestra rehearsal.


I believe Sven is available for Swedish massage and gourmet chocolates and fancy coffee/hot chocolate delivery today.



Send Sven over here!

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