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I have no waterfalls here (though DH did say he could build me one -- I declined because our yard can't take even more wet).  Can you post a pic of one sometime?  I'm convinced I not only need periodic outside time, and sky time (a break from being hemmed in by trees), and stop-thinking-and-just-breathe time -- I think I also need periodic natural topography time (everything is very low and very flat here, even flatter than the prairie or Great Plains).  A picture is better than no waterfalls at all.


Well, it did rain, and we saw no waterfalls. We ended up doing very little of anything, but for a while the boys galloped up and down the rocky bank of the Buffalo river finding fossils, and DH and I just sat and watched the river slide by. Mesmerizing. 

I'd post pics if I took them. But I've got cheap-phone, and the photos are never good. 

We ended up in Gilbert--the town that time forgot and found that the cafe that DH and I ate at many, many years ago was closed and for sale. Kind of sad. But the drive was nice, and we discussed a longer drive that I really, REALLY need to take this fall (down in the area of the state where my novel takes place) so I feel refreshed.

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I have plans to try the school outdoors thing this week. The creeks are kind of muddy right now due to the rain we had last night and the night before. But I think by Monday or Tuesday they should be perfect for paddling and swimming. And it's supposed to be hot enough this week that a dip in a cold creek would feel good.

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I was researching Zoloft to see if it's okay to take it in the morning and apparently there's a whole lot of crap that comes with this drug. I experienced a few minor side effects but nothing too bad and they all went away. Some people wind up in the hospital thinking they're having a heart attack, some become extremely anxious, powerful migraines etc. I'm glad that after a horrible pregnancy complicated recovery that at least *something* went well for me!

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I wish that I lived nearer to you, Jean.  I think you should be taken out to dinner tonight.





In other news, Nana has a "friend."  Please note the quotation marks.  I am glad that my widowed mother is less lonely.  But I am still a widdle bit freaked out.


And more than a little jealous that my 73-year-old mother has received more flowers in the last few weeks than I've received in almost 17 years of marriage.

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BTW, I've decided that all of you should live within driving distance of me. But I don't want to move, so that means that you all have to. Jobs are a bit scarce, though, so one of you needs to win one of the really big lotteries. Could someone please get cracking on this?

Build a duplex. We'll move in next door and not pay rent. That way we can live on limited income.

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BTW, I've decided that all of you should live within driving distance of me. But I don't want to move, so that means that you all have to. Jobs are a bit scarce, though, so one of you needs to win one of the really big lotteries. Could someone please get cracking on this?

We can winter on the beach and summer in your neck of the woods. I think a nice cluster of cozy log cabins, serviced by Sven and his brothers might do the trick. Rocco can come along for some well deserved R&R.

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We can winter on the beach and summer in your neck of the woods. I think a nice cluster of cozy log cabins, serviced by Sven and his brothers might do the trick. Rocco can come along for some well deserved R&R.

Ooooh, we have Sven now? Hubba, Hubba! I'm all for a cabin in the woods!
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Build a duplex. We'll move in next door and not pay rent. That way we can live on limited income.


Better yet.  I'll chase away the annoying neighbors and move you in.  You can trade babysitting time with my Pseudo-Grandbabies for rent.  My lack of ownership of said property may be a slightly inhibiting fact, though.

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Well, it did rain, and we saw no waterfalls. We ended up doing very little of anything, but for a while the boys galloped up and down the rocky bank of the Buffalo river finding fossils, and DH and I just sat and watched the river slide by. Mesmerizing. 

I'd post pics if I took them. But I've got cheap-phone, and the photos are never good. 

We ended up in Gilbert--the town that time forgot and found that the cafe that DH and I ate at many, many years ago was closed and for sale. Kind of sad. But the drive was nice, and we discussed a longer drive that I really, REALLY need to take this fall (down in the area of the state where my novel takes place) so I feel refreshed.



We've been to the Lake DeGray area, but I'd really like to see northern Arkansas sometime.  I hear it is really beautiful up there!  Is it any cooler than the southern part of the state?

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Oh and neighbor and her dog  took a walk at the end and silently looked at the fence.  I silently kept on working on clearing brush. 



In other news, there is a good chance that I won't be able to move for the next two days.  This is a test of my stamina and my "miracle" drug. 


Solidarity and support like.  Were these neighbors somehow enamored with your particular yard?

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They are enamored with not picking up or stepping in their dog's poop. 



My Dad once had a neighbor like that.  She'd bring her dog past the 3 empty lots to the tiny patch of grass (no fencing allowed) outside my Dad's apartment door.  Dad decided to "send the problem back inside" and put out chocolate Ex-lax.  The dog survived (LARGE standard poodle) and the woman never brought her dog anywhere near Dad's building again.  I would have simply taken some photos and called animal control (don't agree with jeopardizing animals if it's the owner who is the problem, as it was in Dad's case).


It will be interesting to see if your neighbor does anything about your fence.  Really, isn't there anywhere else the dog can go?  They have a hose, right?  No need to pick up if you have a hose and decent water pressure.

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Scrappy soup was a hit for supper.  The leftovers have been iced down and put away, and should supply suppers for most of the week.  


DH spent several hours (and a Home Depot run) building me a yarn swift to my specifications.   :001_wub:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:   I really did pick the best of the 3 brothers!!!!


Good night, everyone!  I hope everyone gets good rest tonight.

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Miracle drug is still working.  I've been able to start the dishwasher tonight.  I have dh's breakfast and lunch all made ahead of time ready for tomorrow morning.  Ds is in bed early to be ready for his first day of college tomorrow.  Dd is being nice and going to bed early too so that I can go to bed and be ready early for all of this. 

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Ahoy, me mateys! Git yer landlubbin selfs to the poopdeck lest ye be walkin' the plank! Aaaaaaarrrgh!



Ahoy!  Ask me to swab another deck and I will mutiny!  


However if you are callin' us to the POOPED deck and have Sven, Rocco, and Rodrigo awaiting to rub our feet and give us chocolate then I'm there.

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Good morning!


I'm trying to decide if I have enough gumption to dress like a pirate to get a free box of doughnuts at Krispy Kreme.  Part of me is like: "FREE!"  The other part of me is like: "I'm allergic to the stupid things and can't eat them anyway."


Sometimes it's difficult being a sanguine melancholy.  

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We've been to the Lake DeGray area, but I'd really like to see northern Arkansas sometime.  I hear it is really beautiful up there!  Is it any cooler than the southern part of the state?


The short answer is yes. The long answer is 'tis all relative in heat and humidity. It was still hot, and moist, and buggy north of the interstate where we were. Just a little less so. 

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The short answer is yes. The long answer is 'tis all relative in heat and humidity. It was still hot, and moist, and buggy north of the interstate where we were. Just a little less so. 



Hmm, looks like northern AR is about a 9 hour drive away from us.  I wonder if we can fit in a trip up there this next year?


Got any recommendations on time of year to visit?

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Got any recommendations on time of year to visit?


Hmm. Spring is a good time if you like waterfalls, late April or early May. The flowers should be nice, but it will be wet, and the ticks will be out.

Fall is okay-but dry, so waterfalls won't be running. Color is usually good, and the bugs aren't so bad. If you are around Ponca, you can look for elk!

Summer is hot, and the water isn't always running if it has been dry. If there is water, there will be huge horseflies. We killed a number of them yesterday. And poison ivy is pretty lush and abundant, and the snakes are active. But the cold water feels so good and refreshing when you can find it! And we have a wonderful cave system up there called Blanchard's Caverns. Well worth a trip in the dog days of August.

Winter is beautiful up there for waterfalls, but its' also a collage of grays, because of the trees and the rocks. And it can be cold.

I like it in all seasons. There's always something to appreciate.


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Don't forget to dress like a pirate for your free dozen at Krispy kream.


I need kid's Christian book recommendations. We're reading the Egermeier's Bible Story Book and Mary doesn't like it. We've read Family-Time Bible in Pictures, and the Jesus Storybook Bible twice :001_wub: , as well as a few extras including My ABC Bible Verses and Big Thoughts For Little People. I either need a good Bible story book to replace the Egermeir's Bible Story Book or a good extra to go alongside it.

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