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I was just coming on to whine about how I feel that if I have to solve one more problem this week I'm going to explode, and low and behold, the condition has a name. I am suffering from directed attention fatigue. Who knew there was such a thing? Apparently the symptoms are greatly reduced by spending time in nature. Preferably in front of waterfalls. :D

I'm seriously grouchy, growly and snappish. And my neck hurts.

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You know, when we decided to move out into the middle of nowhere 2 years ago, I looked at our yard and thought: sunsets, nature study, and backyard barbecues.

Now I look out the window and think: mosquitoes, ticks, rattlesnakes & heat exhaustion.


I wish all this nature didn't completely ruin nature for me.


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All except the rattlesnakes, Lanalouwho. We have them, but not quite in the backyard. The last waterfall trip we made, we saw a large rattler dead on the road. So they are around. Mostly it's copperheads around here, and most of the time they are shy and don't bother us much. But regardless of the ticks, skeeters, chiggers, water scorpions, biting flies and sundry other annoyances, I do better if I get my Sunday out of doors. Last week I didn't get it. Consequently, it's Friday and I'm in a biting mode.

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I was just coming on to whine about how I feel that if I have to solve one more problem this week I'm going to explode, and low and behold, the condition has a name. I am suffering from directed attention fatigue. Who knew there was such a thing? Apparently the symptoms are greatly reduced by spending time in nature. Preferably in front of waterfalls. :D

I'm seriously grouchy, growly and snappish. And my neck hurts.


I like that you found a name for it, and waterfalls reduce the symptoms.


I do not like that your neck hurts. :(   :grouphug:

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I was given a sermon on Jonah, sin and perfection by a 5 year old, followed immediately by instructions on how to blow up a car. Neither were accurate.

 once when I was teaching some students told me how to get ride of gophers by pumping some kind of gas into their network of holes and throwing a lighted match in the hole! 

I successfully made sushi for lunch today.  None of the kids was interested so I had to eat it all by myself.


(They had roast beef sandwiches, instead.)

  I had leftover roast beef sandwich for lunch. It was yummy!

Park day ended up being me and the only other mom I knew, and no one else. So all my nervousness was wasted. At least it was fun.

Tonight I'm planning to gorge on pasta. It's going to be a good night.

it's always nice to have a nice talk with someone.  

Junie makes me happy.  :)

me, too!  

But it's raining now, the plum tart is out of the oven, and I'm going to go battle the skeeters on the front porch and enjoy the noise of the rain!

i'm coming to your houses we could study Latin together. I need a study partner. I haven't heard the sound of rain in 5 months.  

I've killed 2 rattlesnakes under my front porch in the last month. And hubby's been working long hours so the yard desperately needs to be mowed. Luckily, my dog is a decent snake alarm.

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we just finished reading Riki-Tiki-Tavi. Now that is a snake killer!
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Audit is over. No findings, just a few "concerns." I honestly think the lead auditor was being nice to us due to the way the one auditor was acting. Whatever, we'll take it. No findings makes us look awesome. LOL


Also, Aunt Flo paid me a visit immediately after the audit ended. And I mean like 5 minutes after. Impeccable timing. She'll be visiting all weekend, it seems. Lucky us.

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Junie making sushi

Makes me want to hurl

Don't put that stuff in front of me

I'm just a squeamish girl



Go with that for Hootie.


Sorry, Junie, it's not you (or YOUR sushi). It's me.


No worries.  This sushi didn't have any fish in it because I ran out.  There, there.  No need to be squeamish.  :)

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That's a pizza to be proud of! I used the recipe for the crust in the Test Kitchen's Gluten Free book--I think it's Book 2. But I didn't do the crusts in two cake pans. I made one big one in my 12 in cast iron skillet. It crisped up the bottom wonderfully. Crunchy and soft, and slightly chewy---mmmmmm.

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We had carnitas tacos for dinner and now the neighbor boys are over eating the leftovers. I wonder sometimes if their parents feed them anything but popsicles.


We spent the day at Very Expensive University. Their nursing professors and lab facilities were amazing. Dd and I got a free lunch at the cafeteria (I had a Big Salad and baked sweet potato) and later, free "anything you want" at Starbucks. Tomorrow we will spend the day at Even More Expensive University. We will not venture over to the Massively Expensive Mecca of Nursing Schools.


No word back from the umbrella program. I was gone all day and couldn't call, but they didn't respond to my email either.


The engine light in our new-to-us car went on today, and dh called the dealership complaining over all the things we are having to fix on it. The guy in the repair center said the salesman who sold us the car packed up and moved to FL 2 weeks ago, and so he said to bring it in and he would fix the issues "on the house" (probably the ignition coil) and give us a free loaner car for a couple days.


In other news, we discovered a rooster in our chicken coop. After some investigation by dd13, it turns out that a neighbor boy saw it running around and since we have the only chickens in the neighborhood, he caught it and stuck it in our coop. The youngers named him David, but dd18 protested and renamed him Chanticleer. I guess we'll keep him until the owner shows up or he starts making a racket.


I must rid the house of goat and try to down a bit more cranberry juice and then watch The Walking Dead.

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Daddy's making overnight pumpkin pie oatmeal.


Next week's dinners:

Chipotle's Chicken Burrito Bowl

Steak & Mushroom Pie

Ham & Kale Risotto (I really like ampersands)

Fish Pie

Champagne Chicken


Breakfast for the week is Turkey Apple Sausage Patties with Flourless Chocolate Zucchini Muffins.


I'm also making those 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies.

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I think we're going to Slash's house for dinner next week.

That steak and mushroom pie would totally be my last meal. It's awesome.




3 slices of bacon cut into large dice

1.5 lbs chuck steak well trimmed, cut into .5 inch dice

1.5 cups canned beef broth

.5 cup Madeira wine

2 cloves of garlic crushed

2 veal or lamb kidneys cleaned of inner fat and cut into half inch cubes

2 tbs chopped yellow onions

3 tbs chopped parsley

1 tsp whole thyme leaves or to taste

¼ to ½ whole sage leaves rubbed or to taste

Salt and black pepper to taste

3 tbs each butter and flour cooked together to form a roux

1 batch basic easy crust



Heat a heavy black iron kettle or dutch oven and lightly brown the bacon

Turn up the heat and brown beef cubes well

Add enough beef stock to barely cover, put a lid on the pot

Simmer the meat until tender about a half hour

Add remaining ingredients except roux

Continue cooking for another 15 minutes

Thicken the sauce with the roux

Roll out crust to make 1 large pie or 4 individual pot pies


Substitute sauted (about 1 lb) mushrooms in pan of hot butter

Add mushrooms just after you thicken the sauce with the roux

Bake 45 min at 375 until crust brown and flakey

Edited by Slache
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I have decided what I'm going to do for the next several days' meals. I bought a pork tenderloin today, so tomorrow I'm going to cut it in half. In one crock pot, I'll cook one half with onion, salsa Verde, cumin, etc. Then shred for tacos.

In another crock pot, I'll cook half in soy sauce, rice vinegar, etc. Then we'll shred it and use it in place of ground pork to make egg roll in a bowl.


Those, along with the soup I made tonight, should carry us through until I have another day off.

I hate pork and chicken. We eat lots of chicken, because cheap, but I still hate it. I was born to be rich. I'm not sure what went wrong.
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Guess you need the rest and should go on to sleep then! Hope you feel better soon!!

I didn't "like" your post because sick, I did because I laughed picturing you stuck!

You're the first person I've known he'd hostage by laundry!

Probably not. I imagine most people wouldn't admit to doing something this stupid. I got out. Lost a shirt. It'll be okay.
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