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(((Critter)))  I was up during the night too for a child, but couldn't go back to sleep until long afterwards.  I don't think a nap is in my future today.  Which reminds me of my friend (((Dawn))) who is fighting sleep deprivation daily right now.  Hope last night was better for you.    :grouphug:


What was really funny about the sleeplessness was that when I did get back to sleep, I dreamed that I was in the hospital with a bad infection on my right side that was making me really sick, and they wouldn't give me my baby! Because I guess if I'm going to be sleepless, there had better be a good reason for it in my book! :lol:


I am back from cat's eye appointment. The ulcer I picked up on last Thursday has healed, but the scar was there, so I wasn't seeing things. Conclusion is that cat must stay on her immune suppressant eye drops from here on out. Naturally the cat doesn't appreciate the normal carrier vehicle for the medication, and we are trying a different carrier which I think she will like better but is it ever $$$$! :glare:  I really need to make a squillion dollars soon.

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DD7 is vacuuming the girls' room and has broken into a rendition of "itsy bitsy spider".


I'm hoping she just found a spider, because the two baby lizards we've found in the house so far this week were cute, but were promptly trapped and sent back outside.  Even outside creatures don't like the baking heat of summer in Texas.

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This question was asked on FB and no one is responding. These are missionaries with limited internet access and are probably poor. Friends of mine but FB friends with Matt now.


"Homeschool advice please: [DD] is going into fourth grade and I am tired of the fluffy approach of the English curriculum we've been using for her. I'm considering switching to the Fix-it grammar from IEW or Easy Grammar. Any thoughts?"


Okay, go!


Dunno if this is still relevant, but how about CLE?  Thorough, not fluffy, and likely appropriate for a missionary's budget.

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I keep getting these bills from Kaiser, anywhere from $5 to over $200, and I ignore them and they go away. What's with that? It's all stuff which is supposed to be covered which is why I ignore them, but why am I getting billed? I think they're hoping I pay them so they can keep the money.


Do you think that if I put them with my other bills that my other bills will learn to go away too?


Are they really bills?  Sometimes I get things (not from Kaiser since we don't use them) that are "informational only" (it is marked that way). 

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Are they really bills? Sometimes I get things (not from Kaiser since we don't use them) that are "informational only" (it is marked that way).

Yep. They come with return coupons and envelopes. We used to pay them until Matt's coworker told us to stop.
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Today's Lunch:


"The best scrambled eggs in the world"

Microwave pancakes

Toppings bar: fresh strawberries, whipped cream, Hershey's Special Dark Syrup, real maple syrup, powdered sugar

My kids are on their way over!


(They were not overly enthusiastic about their lunch of IP sweetpotatoes.)

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My kids are on their way over!


(They were not overly enthusiastic about their lunch of IP sweetpotatoes.)


When I make waffles (which is not often), I sometimes substitute baby food sweet potatoes for the oil.  I had read that you could substitute apple sauce, so I decided to see if baby food would work, and it did!

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I just dropped my cellphone into the dog's water




Where is everyone?  Are you not taking this thread seriously? 

I can't seem to post from my iPad any more - keeps kicking me off.  sigh.


I have spent waaaaaay to much time this afternoon finding vrbo places close to the center of the solar eclipse next year.  My house will be just outside the full eclipse path.  In case you don't know about it - August 21, 2017 - be there or be square. 



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Where is everyone? Are you not taking this thread seriously?

I can't seem to post from my iPad any more - keeps kicking me off. sigh.


I have spent waaaaaay to much time this afternoon finding vrbo places close to the center of the solar eclipse next year. My house will be just outside the full eclipse path. In case you don't know about it - August 21, 2017 - be there or be square.



My iPhone keeps kicking me off and making me sign back in for every like and every reply. ITT is worth it for a little while, but they had better fix it pronto. Because bazooka.

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I am without my phone which is hiding out in some rice. So my participation on this board has been hugely curtailed. Before, I would peek while standing in line waiting or other odd moments. Right now I"m at the library with my laptop.

Been there. :grouphug:
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That started happening to me today too.

Me too. It is very frustrating. This is the first time I haven't had to sign back in when going to another page. I also lost a nice post I had about ikslo's signature, and how she should include she and her ds are master dissecters (I don't think dissecters is even a real word :D). However, I am looking forward to her signature. :)

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I can like things now...lets see if I can post something!


Anyone been watching Stranger Things on Netflix? I like it. Takes place in 1983, so the music is ultra retro, of course.


I am teaching ds11, who is a cheese fanatic, how to make quark cheese. The recipe is basically to put a quart or two of buttermilk in a baking dish, cover, and put it in the oven overnight at 150* (or 170* for us, because that is as low as my oven will go.) In the morning, strain it in some cheesecloth for a couple hours, and there you have it.


Ds21 is taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom for the first time in 2-1/2 years. It works!!

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I can like things now...lets see if I can post something!


Anyone been watching Stranger Things on Netflix? I like it. Takes place in 1983, so the music is ultra retro, of course.


I am teaching ds11, who is a cheese fanatic, how to make quark cheese. The recipe is basically to put a quart or two of buttermilk in a baking dish, cover, and put it in the oven overnight at 150* (or 170* for us, because that is as low as my oven will go.) In the morning, strain it in some cheesecloth for a couple hours, and there you have it.


Ds21 is taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom for the first time in 2-1/2 years. It works!!

But now there is another shower to clean. Did ya think of that? Huh? Did ya?


I mean...



Yay!!!! It's working!

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Where is everyone?  Are you not taking this thread seriously? 

I can't seem to post from my iPad any more - keeps kicking me off.  sigh.


I have spent waaaaaay to much time this afternoon finding vrbo places close to the center of the solar eclipse next year.  My house will be just outside the full eclipse path.  In case you don't know about it - August 21, 2017 - be there or be square. 




My iPhone keeps kicking me off and making me sign back in for every like and every reply. ITT is worth it for a little while, but they had better fix it pronto. Because bazooka.


That started happening to me today too.



Me too. It is very frustrating. This is the first time I haven't had to sign back in when going to another page. I also lost a nice post I had about ikslo's signature, and how she should include she and her ds are master dissecters (I don't think dissecters is even a real word :D). However, I am looking forward to her signature. :)

This is why I've been off all day! I can't post, it keeps logging me out!


But, I had a productive afternoon. Took a nap, made the history time-line (I knew I'd find use for all those rolls of adding machine tape my dad gave me) and started cutting out Christmas stockings for the kids whilst listing to Andy Williams sing, "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire...."

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I can like things now...lets see if I can post something!


Anyone been watching Stranger Things on Netflix? I like it. Takes place in 1983, so the music is ultra retro, of course.


I am teaching ds11, who is a cheese fanatic, how to make quark cheese. The recipe is basically to put a quart or two of buttermilk in a baking dish, cover, and put it in the oven overnight at 150* (or 170* for us, because that is as low as my oven will go.) In the morning, strain it in some cheesecloth for a couple hours, and there you have it.


Ds21 is taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom for the first time in 2-1/2 years. It works!!

A German cheesemaker would likely scoff at this recipe - I got it off an American German website and I think it was described as a kind of "easy cheater's version". Nevertheless. It's easier than sending ds off to Wisconsin to make cheese.


Maybe I could ship him off to Heather's (professormom) place?

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Good Wednesday Morning!


One is going to play tennis this morning and I'm taking another one to a play date with a friend and her mom.  All this recreation and socializing is really hurting my productivity and my ability to get school started.  The early start is not happening for us this year; I might as well admit defeat and go with Aug. 15.  


(((Dawn)))  Wish I had the magic cure for all you're doing and the insomnia.   :grouphug:

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Good Morning.


It is Wednesday. Dd16 has left for school. Dh took her, and will pick her up this afternoon. Then they will go to the license branch since it is only open on Wednesdays and Fridays. She will then be good to go.


It will be quite without her here today. She has really helped me this summer. I will miss her.


I slept a bit, maybe 2-3 hours. I will survive, I hope. :)


I hope everyone has an enjoyable and lovely day.

Edited by Openhearted
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Five year old funny for the day:

"Really, Mom! I swallow my promise." (And then I figured out she was trying to say, "I solemnly promise...")


Swallowed promises are taken VERY seriously, indeed.  They are more binding than pinky-swears, and if you go back on a swallowed promise you have to stick a needle in BOTH of your eyes.

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Okay, gals.  I need some advice if you have it, please.


I thought hot flashes were finally all done and gone for me (they were for a while), but something I've changed recently (meds, diet, increased exercise) has caused them to return.  What are your most effective ways of cooling down?  Have you found any good practices or products for sleeping?  I'm washing bedding a lot more often because I'm sweating at night, and hot flashes during the day in this hot, humid weather are torture.


:bigear:  :bigear:

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Dd13 lit up like a firework when I mentioned NaNoWriMo to her and I promised to ask you about it. :) Is there a particularly good website to help kids through the process? I don't know anything about it.



NaNoWriMo has a Young Writers Program (ywp.nanowrimo.org)!  

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