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No one is taking this thread seriously.  :hat:


We were eating ice cream with neighbors.


BTW anybody know how we'd remove something from a neighborhood's restrictive covenants? (We're not in a HOA.) It seems like a lot of people are interested in keeping chickens, and I think they ought to be able to do it.

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Math and Grammarville

By Critter and Ikslo


Livin’ on twaddle,

I was happy to dawdle,

Until Mom told me my work must be done.

Now here it is sunset,

And she won’t let me drop it,

I’ll be here all night and I never had fun!



Wastin’ away again in Math and Grammarville,

Hopin’ there’s a whole hour of art!

Some people say that there is knowledge to gain,

But I know;  I don’t want no part!


It sure isn’t pleasin’

All this logic and reason,

Getting shoved down my throat with these dusty old books!

When I could be skatin’

Buildin’ forts and be playin’

So I’m givin’ Mom my nastiest looks!




I’ve stalled and I’ve grumbled,

Dropped my pencil and fumbled,

Lost my place and my temper and spilled all the glue.

But Mom isn’t buying,

All these tricks that I’m tryin,

And I’ll just have it all tomorrow to do!




Somebody--was it Lynn?--fixed the refrain to reflect a change of heart on the part of the student. :laugh:



Omigosh, LIKE!!!!!



  :hurray:  :hurray: That is absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!   :hurray: :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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So, I had told my haumana (members of my hula class) that I was NOT going to teach them "Tiny Bubbles" or "Mele Kalikimaka." Awful, Hollywood-themed quasi-hula. Ugh. But *my* kumu said that if we do occasional little shows at rehab/retirement homes (which will probably be about our speed), many of the residents are quite elderly, and that's how they remember hula and Hawaii. So I'm going to suck it up and teach a few of those terrible dances.


That is all.



Hey, you can throw a few Elvis Presley numbers in, too!  Woohoo, it's retro-I've-never-been-to-Hawaii-but-I've-seen-movies-so-I-know-what-it's-like-there ka-hokiness!



Though the 8-year-old part of me who still has a small crush on Bing Crosby's voice still voices a disappointed, "aw," at the quasi-hula remark.  Surely HE knew what Hawaiin Christmas would be like!  Just like he knew all about the Irish forgetting to take their overalls out of the pot on wash day before they make supper!

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So, I had told my haumana (members of my hula class) that I was NOT going to teach them "Tiny Bubbles" or "Mele Kalikimaka." Awful, Hollywood-themed quasi-hula. Ugh. But *my* kumu said that if we do occasional little shows at rehab/retirement homes (which will probably be about our speed), many of the residents are quite elderly, and that's how they remember hula and Hawaii. So I'm going to suck it up and teach a few of those terrible dances.


That is all.



When I was in high school German Club (everyone in German class was automatically "in" German Club, run by our teacher) we went to sing Christmas Carols (in German) at a nursing home.  One resident insisted, despite his fellow residents' attempts to hush him, on starting the show from his chair with a rendition of My Wild Irish Rose.

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Here I am!


I've been liking things here and there, but I couldn't post because my keyboard broke.   :(


My mouse has worked, so I could click around on tabs that were already opened.  I could check ITT and the main board.  News sites.  And I had a youtube tab open, so I could play my own warped version of "Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon" by clicking on recommended videos to try to get to something that interested me.   :)  I ended up on videos showing how to make sushi!   :D



I had the opposite problem the other week -- my trackball died.  No clickage whatsoever.  Highly frustrating!

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That's weird - I thought I posted that an hour and a half ago!



Doesn't time just FLY when you are having fun?  You had so MUCH fun your sense of time flew all out of proportion!

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Is that from the Cheesecake Factory?  A gluten-free dessert?


So glad that my keyboard is working.  Off to google...   :)



Don't forget your booyah, now that your keyboard is working!

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I bought myself red roses to celebrate my win for Camp. 

Me--"They don't have sunflowers, but I like these. I think I'll get them for my win."

DH--"You didn't win. The guy with 94,000 words won.

:glare: The question now is, does DH want humble pie with or without foot in mouth....

He insists that he didn't understand that winning camp meant getting to your personally set word count goal, not beating the entire cabin!

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Hello everyone!


Ellie, you are a very patient and kind hula teacher!


Susan, I understand your pain!


Jean, your dinner sounds wonderful!


Critter, good for you! Roses are lovely!


I tried a new recipe for dinner. My friend IMed me the recipe. Hollow out and toast a loaf of French bread. Fill it with refried beans and cheese, put in a 400 degree oven till cheese is melted. Top with pico de gallo. It was a hit.


And now I'm listening to the John Batchelor show, which is always dangerous because he interviews authors and I always end up buying another book. And I'm in the middle of three as it is.

Edited by KrissiK
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Hey, you can throw a few Elvis Presley numbers in, too!  Woohoo, it's retro-I've-never-been-to-Hawaii-but-I've-seen-movies-so-I-know-what-it's-like-there ka-hokiness!



Though the 8-year-old part of me who still has a small crush on Bing Crosby's voice still voices a disappointed, "aw," at the quasi-hula remark.  Surely HE knew what Hawaiin Christmas would be like!  Just like he knew all about the Irish forgetting to take their overalls out of the pot on wash day before they make supper!


Elvis's are the worst. :blush5:


If Mele Kalikimaka had more than one verse, it might be bearable, but no. We do the same thing multiple times. :-p



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Good morning, everyone!


Hugs and prayers for all of the flood & storm victims.  


Boo to local news for not giving all of the pertinent details (where did the water come from?  Nation-wide news told us later -- storms).  Local news instead insisted on giving full time to the fluff they already had planned.


I start personal training again later today.  



DD12's stuffed buddy of today is a bunny named Carrots.  He's having a rough start to the day.  He thought a bit of fluff on his paw was a spider.  He can't do push-ups because his arms are shorter than his nose.  When he was told to get a drink of water along with his carrot breakfast he tried to get it from the fridge dispenser and got squirted all over his head.


I'm beginning to suspect he's having so much trouble on purpose because he likes the hugs he gets when he is comforted.

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*sigh*  I have to wait until at least Wednesday before school books start arriving.  I want to play with it all NOW.


Oh, yeah, I still have to clean up the homeschool room.  That's easily a 2-day project.  I don't wanna do the work, though, I just want the mess to go away and the fun stuff to arrive.

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Amazingly ALL of the kids' cousins are now on the same school schedule.  In the past there were almost as many different school schedules as there were cousins.  I will align some of our breaks with school breaks the cousins get, so either we can go visit them or they can come visit us and the kids will all get to play together.  Even the college-bound cousin starts her fall semester on the same school day as all of the others.


I did tell the kids that we won't start school before their cousins.  We MIGHT start at the same time as them, or we might wait until after Labor Day.  Ima still decidin'.

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The boys are writing. They've got this summer routine--take care of chickens, come in and eat scrambled eggs and something else (sometimes it might be bacon, or sausage, or fruit, or toast, or cereal) and then they park themselves at their desks and write for an hour or more. This has resulted in stories of 102/135 pages over the last month. I figure they can spend the fall learning to type by putting their stories in Scrivener.

I'm having tea, and then I'm going to retreat to the dark zone to write. 

Laundry is going, breakfast is done. Going to be a hot one outside.

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I have now done a good half hour of weeding.  DD12 was supposed to do it because it's reclaiming the sandbox she wants to keep going, but there were too many spiders for her.  She is JUST like me when I was that age, so I really sympathize.  As a result I pulled the bulk of the weeds, and now I and my exercise clothes are covered in sweat and sand and dirt and plant debris and there are rocks in the treads of my shoes.


Rocks.  In SE TX.  There are no native rocks here.  Where did these come from?


I have a lot of cleaning up to do to be ready for exercising once again.


And it doesn't help that for some reason I have a bad case of gas.  WHY TODAY OF ALL DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?!   :cursing:


such A mONDAY.







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Good Morning! This is our last week of play before we start school.


I like Lynn's coffee and chocolate idea, too. Although I'm just gonna have the coffee since I am day 5 sans sugar.


Happy Birthday, Susan's dd. My dd is 10 years old, too. I bet they'd be friends if they knew eachother.


Critter, that's awesome that your boys write!


A good day to all who are starting school and planning for school. (Educational post for the day)


It's supposed to be a balmy 101 degrees today here in the great Central Valley. I might put on a sweater. My mil is coming this morning, DS is volunteering with fil, and since other DS is at camp, it's be just the girls this morning.


Oh, and a hug for AMJ! There, there, (pats back and brushes off debris) ("Debris... we got debris" quick, what movie is that from?)

Edited by KrissiK
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I have now done a good half hour of weeding.  DD12 was supposed to do it because it's reclaiming the sandbox she wants to keep going, but there were too many spiders for her.  She is JUST like me when I was that age, so I really sympathize.  As a result I pulled the bulk of the weeds, and now I and my exercise clothes are covered in sweat and sand and dirt and plant debris and there are rocks in the treads of my shoes.


Rocks.  In SE TX.  There are no native rocks here.  Where did these come from?


I have a lot of cleaning up to do to be ready for exercising once again.


And it doesn't help that for some reason I have a bad case of gas.  WHY TODAY OF ALL DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?!   :cursing:


such A mONDAY.










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Good Morning! This is our last week of play before we start school.


I like Lynn's coffee and chocolate idea, too. Although I'm just gonna have the coffee since I am day 5 sans sugar.


Happy Birthday, Susan's dd. My dd is 10 years old, too. I bet they'd be friends if they knew eachother.


Critter, that's awesome that your boys write!


A good day to all who are starting school and planning for school. (Educational post for the day)


It's supposed to be a balmy 101 degrees today here in the great Central Valley. I might put on a sweater. My mil is coming this morning, DS is volunteering with fil, and since other DS is at camp, it's be just the girls this morning.


Oh, and a hug for AMJ! There, there, (pats back and brushes off debris) ("Debris... we got debris" quick, what movie is that from?)



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Good Morning! This is our last week of play before we start school.


I like Lynn's coffee and chocolate idea, too. Although I'm just gonna have the coffee since I am day 5 sans sugar.


Happy Birthday, Susan's dd. My dd is 10 years old, too. I bet they'd be friends if they knew eachother.


Critter, that's awesome that your boys write!


A good day to all who are starting school and planning for school. (Educational post for the day)


It's supposed to be a balmy 101 degrees today here in the great Central Valley. I might put on a sweater. My mil is coming this morning, DS is volunteering with fil, and since other DS is at camp, it's be just the girls this morning.


Oh, and a hug for AMJ! There, there, (pats back and brushes off debris) ("Debris... we got debris" quick, what movie is that from?)



(((AMJ))) It will get better.






Thank you. *sniffle*  I don't feel quite so slimy and disgusting now.


DD12 did want to give me a hug right away, but I had her give me a kiss on the forehead instead.


*sigh*  Ding-y dryer beckons.

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Ding ding ding ding.... you win the prize. "Tell her, Johnny, what she's won." "All right, Bob! She's win an all expense paid trip to.... Southern Argentina! Romp with the penguins and enjoy a full week in your little cabin in Patagonia! But that's not all! To take with you on your trip we're giving you a brand new wardrobe! But wait... That's not all. You'll be driving to the airport in your brand new luxury sports car with free gas for a year...."


Ok, so did anyone else grow up watching The Price is Right with Bob Barker?

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Good morning.


I haven't been able to get in a good deep sleep until 2-3 a.m., so I have been sleeping until 9 a.m. the last two mornings. This is unacceptable. Especially since dd16 will be starting school Wednesday. I wake up tired, and I go to bed tired. I just can't sleep. This is resulting in headaches. I am a mess.


It is raining again.


Happy Birthday, Susan's dd. :party: :party:


:grouphug: AMJ


I'm gonna try to get some planning and organizing done today. It seems as soon as I settle in to do something then it is time for lunch or meds or something else. Then I get distracted and have to start all over again. I am a mess.


Hoping for a encouraging and peaceful day.

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Ding ding ding ding.... you win the prize. "Tell her, Johnny, what she's won." "All right, Bob! She's win an all expense paid trip to.... Southern Argentina! Romp with the penguins and enjoy a full week in your little cabin in Patagonia! But that's not all! To take with you on your trip we're giving you a brand new wardrobe! But wait... That's not all. You'll be driving to the airport in your brand new luxury sports car with free gas for a year...."


Ok, so did anyone else grow up watching The Price is Right with Bob Barker?



SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!  *jumping up and down like a maniacal bunny*


I could really use a trip to romp with penguins in the cold right now!


DH can have the car.  He REALLY wants one.  It's ticket-me-red, right?

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Ding ding ding ding.... you win the prize. "Tell her, Johnny, what she's won." "All right, Bob! She's win an all expense paid trip to.... Southern Argentina! Romp with the penguins and enjoy a full week in your little cabin in Patagonia! But that's not all! To take with you on your trip we're giving you a brand new wardrobe! But wait... That's not all. You'll be driving to the airport in your brand new luxury sports car with free gas for a year...."


Ok, so did anyone else grow up watching The Price is Right with Bob Barker?



Oh, and I was sure I belonged on the show as a contestant, or at least supporting my Mom as a contestant.  I always did a lot better than most of the contestants.  I mean really, some of those guesses were just ridiculous.  Laundry machines do NOT cost more than new cars!

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Ding ding ding ding.... you win the prize. "Tell her, Johnny, what she's won." "All right, Bob! She's win an all expense paid trip to.... Southern Argentina! Romp with the penguins and enjoy a full week in your little cabin in Patagonia! But that's not all! To take with you on your trip we're giving you a brand new wardrobe! But wait... That's not all. You'll be driving to the airport in your brand new luxury sports car with free gas for a year...."


Ok, so did anyone else grow up watching The Price is Right with Bob Barker?



Ya know, that (and the hugs) cheered me right up.  Thank you!

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The boys are writing. They've got this summer routine--take care of chickens, come in and eat scrambled eggs and something else (sometimes it might be bacon, or sausage, or fruit, or toast, or cereal) and then they park themselves at their desks and write for an hour or more. This has resulted in stories of 102/135 pages over the last month. I figure they can spend the fall learning to type by putting their stories in Scrivener.

I'm having tea, and then I'm going to retreat to the dark zone to write. 

Laundry is going, breakfast is done. Going to be a hot one outside.


I can't like this because I am jealous.  I can't get DS to write a paragraph without tears.

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Good morning.


I haven't been able to get in a good deep sleep until 2-3 a.m., so I have been sleeping until 9 a.m. the last two mornings. This is unacceptable. Especially since dd16 will be starting school Wednesday. I wake up tired, and I go to bed tired. I just can't sleep. This is resulting in headaches. I am a mess.


It is raining again.


Happy Birthday, Susan's dd. :party: :party:


:grouphug: AMJ


I'm gonna try to get some planning and organizing done today. It seems as soon as I settle in to do something then it is time for lunch or meds or something else. Then I get distracted and have to start all over again. I am a mess.


Hoping for a encouraging and peaceful day.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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I can't like this because I am jealous.  I can't get DS to write a paragraph without tears.



The girls and I did well enough with the elementary levels of MCTLA, though we also did well with IEW's Teaching Writing Structure and Style before we found MCTLA.  Thanks to someone else linking to Quarks & Quirks' blog I've been browsing through that, and found this review of MCT's Advanced Academic Writing I:  https://quarksandquirks.wordpress.com/2012/06/17/review-advanced-academic-writing-i-michael-clay-thompson/


This blogger's kids seem to have some VERY similar issues with my eldest, so to read what she says about MCT's AAWI gives me a little bit of concern.  The girls and I have already decided to do MCTLA level 4 (the new Lit-focused level) this year, so we will see how that goes.  I think, too, that giving DD15 an extra year before having her start MCT's AAWI could be beneficial.


However, I will see if the upgrade price of $30 is still good for my IEW TWSS DVDs -- if it is I will order the replacement set to keep on hand.  We WILL still continue on with the bulk of MCTLA and likely will continue through AAWI when we get to it.  But I'll keep the IEW TWSS in reserve, just in case.

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What is with all the August 1 school starts?  Is that really a thing?  In this part of the world school doesn't start until Labor day or the day after. 



When I was growing up only the Catholic schools (which my family attended) started before Labor Day.  My senior year school started on my (August) birthday, and my friends stuffed a big, yellow teddy bear in my locker.  They then convinced my carpool to wait an extra 10 minutes before joining me at the car at the end of the day so everyone could see me with my bear.


Those were GOOD friends!

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OK - Dh isn't feeling well this morning.  I get that.  I am sorry about that.  But all the exaggerated sighs and groans do not make me feel sympathetic but instead have the opposite effect. 





Neither does the high drama here over the smallest of matters.  Or the martyred sighs when I point out that the "problem" at hand was entirely of that DD's own creation in the first place.



We are going to see a melodrama play this weekend.  Time to point out the similarities between teen drama and melodrama again!


Hmm, it's a popcorn melodrama, too (the audience gets to throw popcorn at the villians).  Maybe I should just start throwing popcorn when one of the kids gets too overly dramatic about anything!

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OK - Dh isn't feeling well this morning.  I get that.  I am sorry about that.  But all the exaggerated sighs and groans do not make me feel sympathetic but instead have the opposite effect. 





Ya know, you COULD get all "kitty wookums" over him, cooing and baby talking and "booboo"ing and the like whenever he sighs and groans too loud.  I do this too my cat when she gets whiny about something and she shuts up and runs.

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Well, I can't get a poem out of my boys or a paragraph about history without tears, so there is that.


ETA: It's a writing with tears Booyah! (Not all writing being created equal, the enthusiasm over cats in space does not carry over into a brief paragraph explaining the significance of duels in early Arkansas history--although, IMO, duels are pretty cool...)

Edited by Critterfixer
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My writing problem was always letters.  I'd get them started, but then they'd get all long and ramble-y and never get sent.  No one ever taught me how to write letters to people, and that was well before email and other digital means of communication.  The phone sounded the death knell (sp?) for considered correspondence, I think.

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I plugged 30 minutes of weeding into an online calories burned calculator and it said I burned 284 calories.  I have added this as cardio exercise in MyFitnessPal, so I'm looking a whole lot less sit-on-my-butt-ish this morning.


Thanks for the hugs!  My Monday is going a lot better now.




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