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Good Morning.


Dd16 is taking her driving test today at 1 p.m. She is excited, but worried she won't pass. I think she will do fine, but then again, she doesn't have as much driving experience as I would have liked.



Oh, how exciting! Good luck to her!! Edited by ikslo
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Good Morning! I was very excited when I went to bed last night because I knew when I got up, I could have COFFEE! Can I get an "Amen"?


I'm sorry about the bee sting! Ice always helps! Benadryl is good!


I know nothing about high school biology. We're still liking Apologia, but we're still in elementary school/junior high.


Susan, Family Fun Day sounds great! Hope you have a good time!


Dawn, good luck for dd and the driving test. The only thing I remember from those days is driver's ed my freshman year. And we saw this video that had to have been made in the 60's. This guy is on the freeway and kept telling us to give the other drivers "a friendly tap on the horn," so they'd know we were there. Back then we thought that was a good way to get yourself "flipped off", and today it's a good way to get yourself shot. Lol. Hope she does well!


Jean, glad you had a good night sleep. It does do wonders for a more benevolent outlook.

Edited by KrissiK
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Does anything help a bee sting?


Meat tenderizer or ammonia?  I've never dealt with a bee sting, but meat tenderizer works for jellyfish stings and ammonia is the only thing that works for me on fire ant bites.


I also keep some Sting-eez or Sting Stop packets in my first aid kit.  I have been bitten/stung in the past by something unidentified and this stuff worked quite well.

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Today is our Day of Family Fun in which we go for a walk in a park, go bowling, have a picnic, and go swimming at the county pool to celebrate 2 dds' birthdays. It was requsted by dd(turns 10 on Monday) to have a day of family fun for her birthday.


I need to have some coffee, finish frosting the cake, and get the picnic together.


A wonderful plan!  Happy Birthday to both!!!!


:party:  :party:

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I slept all night. I was not woken up by any dogs, cat , rabbit, teen or husband. I already feel more kindly towards them.



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I want cookie dough.


*gives*  Here, please eat this for me and get it out of my house.  It's torture to have such stuff around when I'm trying to be good.

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Well, should get up and make breakfast. Saturday I "make breakfast" as opposed to everyone just pours their own bowl of cereal. I'm thinking an omelet, with red peppers (from my garden) and mushrooms and cheese with pico de gallo on top, bacon and hashbrowns. I just don't really feel like getting up. It's nice sitting here surfing the Net and drinking COFFEE!

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Good morning, everyone!  I stayed up until 10:30 or 11 last night shopping for curricula, but I'm all caught up on sleep (why do I keep mis-typing "sheep" instead?) because DH and I didn't wake up until 8 this morning.  The two pitstops during the night don't count because I know the way too well, I've trained myself to actually get out of bed when I start having toilets appear in strange places in my dreams, and I drank 80 oz of water yesterday (supposed to get up to 100 oz per my personal trainer).


Time to get a VERY belated breakfast (I'm supposed to have first breakfast at 6:30 and "morning snack" -- what I prefer to call second breakfast -- at 9:30), then get on to more looking at curricula.


Our lovely rain-cooled air is gone and the heat is back with a vengeance.  Here, storms!  Here, storms!  C'mon back!

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Breakfast:  I'm eating the full-fat lemon yogurt I bought for DD15 because she said she liked it and would eat it.  She hasn't eaten it in over two weeks.


I'm doing my best to empty out the fridge.  I need to inventory the contents of fridge, freezer, and pantry so I can meal plan (with an eye towards encouraging the family to eat up stuff I don't want around anymore), then I must grocery shop.  This should really be done before I shop online anymore.  Pickings are getting a little slim for me.



Hey, no fair!  The yogurt encourages licking the foil lid.  I always have fun licking the foil lid!  I cut my tongue on it today.  Wah.  (It's not bad and doesn't hurt, but it is bleeding just a little.)

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I snuck out of the house and fled to the library.  Only ds was up anyway.  I desperately need to get the next camp lesson done (and the five after that).  At home someone always needs me to point out the item that is right in front of their nose or needs me to watch some cat video or to help them with something or another.  So far no one has texted me to ask where I am.  I feel slightly naughty for the escape.

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Dd found me.  :leaving:



Already someone wants me to do something for them. 


No!  Go away! 



They can't live without you.  They will forget how to breathe without you there to demonstrate.

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She passed. :hurray:

Woohoo! Congratulations!

Already someone wants me to do something for them.


No! Go away!


they always do!

They can't live without you. They will forget how to breathe without you there to demonstrate.

A true statement!


Well, my yard and garden now look like someone cares just a little bit. It's too hot to work out there, really, and the poor little plants are very stressed due to the extreme heat, but... we did fill up the green waste container!


Shower has been taken... gearing up for the great "Back to School Walmart Trip". I made a list of all the stuff I need for science, so next week I will prepare gallon size ziploc bags with materials for science experiments. And I want to make new Christmas stockings, so I'm going to get some fabric from Walmart and that'll be my weekly project, too.

Edited by KrissiK
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Back from The Walmart. Spent a small fortune. Gave my BFF an heart attack. I accidentally called her. I never call her. She never calls me. Unless it's an absolute emergency or someone died. We hate talking on the phone, so we always text. But I accidentally called her. And so she called me back in a panic. I felt horrible. So, now, I have to put all this carp away!


But, like my Coffee Sister, Susan.... I must have a cuppa!

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We're home! I have picked up supper and printer paper (so glad I don't have to go to Kmart often!), unpacked everything, scooped kitty litter, printed Latin lessons out, looked thfough my Texas history stuff, and have the third of four laundry loads in.


Any ideas for a fun, thorough, interesting Texas history curriculum?


Anyone have any definite preference for Latin? I'm mostly leaning toward Lively Latin or Latin for Children. Not interested in Latina Christiana.


FWIW and if this is still relevant, we started out with Minimus and then did Cambridge.  She's using Oxford Latin Course now, because she's taking it through CLRC.


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I am almost ready for the first day of school. At least ready enough to start. After a trip to the library.


Our elderly neighbor, Bob, came over today and offered to drive dd18 and dd13 a few blocks away to look at a bike that was being thrown out (he'd seen it on his morning walk and saw that we had no vehicle for the day.) I was waiting for the plumber, so they went and came back a few minutes later with a nice Huffy for dd13. Just needs new tires. :)











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I've said I'm starting fall term on August 29th. That had better make it true. 

So far, I have received my Periodic Table of the Elements, and the shower curtain (for boys) that I'm secretly thinking of purloining for my bathroom. :laugh:

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I think it must only be entertaining if you are very high or drunk. 


Okay--so, have you seen The Point?  :lol:  

It's one of my favorite movies, and DH saw it and said the above. I'm not sure what the guy was on when he animated it, but it was some colorful stuff, let me tell you!


ETA: It's a movies that make you go  :confused1:  Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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