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Correction, AMJ. The heat is impossible to deal with when sweat never evaporates. I took the dogs out to walk yesterday afternoon in jeans and a short sleeve shirt. By the time I got back from walking less than a half mile the dogs were about to have a heat stroke, their tongues were hanging out so far. As for me, every item of clothing was clinging to my body like a wet swim suit.

108 heat index or higher today. I am hating it.

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Take a shower.  Go play with the hose.  Go grocer shopping and stand in front of an open freezer.  Buy a Slurpee.  Flag down the ice cream truck...


Hose is an acceptable substitute for the swimming pool, especially if you have a sprinkler and DON'T have fire ants.  Squirt guns will also do, if a hose isn't available.

Sometimes I shower 3 times a day in the summer for exactly this reason (too hot and sweaty).


DD12 hates to go grocery shopping because I tend to shop the perimeter more than the shelf food aisles.  The perimeter is COLD from all of the freezers and refrigerated cases.


Dr says no more Slurpees for me.  :crying:


The rare ice cream trucks that come around here are VERY suspect and no one will approach them.  Also, no more ice cream treats for me.  :crying:

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Renai! Clarify that next time you post a picture like that!


Ikslo, it's not the same.


I fear that after Jean named our van I cannot participate in the totally narly song. Besides, I shop at Target and Costco which do not require lamentation, but shouts of joy.


I want your Target managers to transfer down here, then.  Our local Target never has any decent selection and isn't as cheery and helpful as the Target 30 minutes away.  That one is decent, but I'd really like a shouts-of-joy Target.

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Hmm, at what temperature are you cold?  74 degrees?  DH sleeps cold and is always throwing on another blanket.  I sleep hot and am always kicking off the covers.  We compromise and have the yes-we-are-home-now setting on the thermostat at 74, and I have a remote for the ceiling fan so I can turn it on and off without getting out of bed.  When we are away for the day we let the thermostat go to 80, low enough to keep the fish tank from cooking, but high enough to give the electric bill a break.


At my ILs' house I suffer through being warm because it's their house.  They routinely keep it up around 78.  I think they've gotten to where they feel cold more easily over the years.  I'll turn on a ceiling fan because I'm hot enough to feel nauseous and FIL will come turn it off again because he doesn't like the breeze.


74 is our average, and yes, I am still cold.  But I often find it set lower.  78 would be AWESOME!  :hurray:

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The monitor detached from the keyboard, frame of monitor was partially off. It turned on for a while to see if things worked, but then beeped and shut off, according to dd16. I was outside garden communing and not speaking to her when she was testing it. 

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Correction, AMJ. The heat is impossible to deal with when sweat never evaporates. I took the dogs out to walk yesterday afternoon in jeans and a short sleeve shirt. By the time I got back from walking less than a half mile the dogs were about to have a heat stroke, their tongues were hanging out so far. As for me, every item of clothing was clinging to my body like a wet swim suit.

108 heat index or higher today. I am hating it.


I stand corrected -- impossible is the word.  Some days just standing outside the car for a minute waiting for the hot air inside to escape (so we can breathe when we climb in to start it up) is enough to have us sopping wet.


I'm a northern girl, transplanted too far south.  But DH won't leave his parents' area (especially since the rest of the family is now 4 hours away), and I'm hesitant to leave DH or his folks.  They have 5 acres and 2 horses and have put in a LOT of work on the place they have now, or I suspect they'd be willing to move up north near the rest.  So here I stay.


I love my seat cooling feature in my pickup truck!

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The monitor detached from the keyboard, frame of monitor was partially off. It turned on for a while to see if things worked, but then beeped and shut off, according to dd16. I was outside garden communing and not speaking to her when she was testing it. 


How did it happen?  Did she drop it?

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I stand corrected -- impossible is the word.  Some days just standing outside the car for a minute waiting for the hot air inside to escape (so we can breathe when we climb in to start it up) is enough to have us sopping wet.


I'm a northern girl, transplanted too far south.  But DH won't leave his parents' area (especially since the rest of the family is now 4 hours away), and I'm hesitant to leave DH or his folks.  They have 5 acres and 2 horses and have put in a LOT of work on the place they have now, or I suspect they'd be willing to move up north near the rest.  So here I stay.


I love my seat cooling feature in my pickup truck!


♥♥ My new car is going to have heated seats!  ♥♥

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I miss the aridity of the high desert.  SE TX is WAY too humid.  The heat is harder to deal with when sweat just doesn't evaporate.


I used to live in central Texas. I miss the humidity, actually. Here, sweat just sticks to me (if I can actually break a sweat) and feels disgusting. When I was in TX, I could walk outside and tell exactly what temperature it was, +/- a degree. Here, it's anyone's guess. In TX, dd16's lovely curls really perk up without a lot of add-in stuff. Just walk out into the humidity and it's beautiful. :D

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♥♥ My new car is going to have heated seats!  ♥♥


One of the reasons we got the pickup we did was it had running boards (so younger DD doesn't have to belly-crawl her way into the cab) and rear-row seat heat (so younger DD doesn't freeze in the winter).


It could be that younger DD's enduring fixation on stuffed critters is to always surround herself with things soft and fluffy and warm....

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How did it happen?  Did she drop it?


She said she had put it on the foot of the bed. I'm sure a black laptop blends in with black blankets. It fell off or something, maybe a bunch of clothes got thrown on top, maybe it got stepped on multiple times while covered up by said clothes. I really don't know. She found it under stuff and open.

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This is why I usually keep things in MY room. It may be a mess, but electronics are well taken care of, and cannot be found on the floor, and are never trampled on. This happened on the day I let her use the laptop (I'd removed it) and she took it to her room.

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74 is our average, and yes, I am still cold. But I often find it set lower. 78 would be AWESOME! :hurray:

That's too cold for me too, especially if I am sitting near a vent. I usually just turn the air off until I feel uncomfortable, or 5:00 (before dh gets home) - whichever comes first. We finally figured out that dh feels so hot in the house because he spends all day in his office which is always an icebox.

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We have our thermostat at 78F and all of our fans on which keeps part of the house at 78F and part at 80F.  I'm mostly comfortable in the house, but sometimes it's too hot.  We're saving for a more efficient air conditioner.


There are cooled seats for vehicles?  That is the happiest news I've heard all day!

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I'm being hounded by a mortgage guy.  We called him first so it isn't that we don't want to do business with him.  But he gave us all the information yesterday and we specifically told him that we needed a couple of days before we could make any decisions.  He's called 5 times in the last hour.  I'm not picking up.  And if it were up to me at this point I would not do business with him because I don't like pushy people. 

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We have our thermostat at 78F and all of our fans on which keeps part of the house at 78F and part at 80F.  I'm mostly comfortable in the house, but sometimes it's too hot.  We're saving for a more efficient air conditioner.


There are cooled seats for vehicles?  That is the happiest news I've heard all day!


The seat cooling feature is still one of the upgrade options but it's becoming more and more common.  Ours happened to come along with certain other features I really wanted and DH agreed with -- blindspot monitoring, approach sensors, an awesome back-up camera.  And navigation -- I LIKE having a map I can call up at the push of a button when I'm diverted into an unfamiliar area due to road construction or an accident.  Don't just tell me when to turn -- show me the map and let ME decide.


We also get 5 years of traffic and weather conditions, which have already proven worthwhile on our road trip.


The first time I encountered seat cooling was a few years back when a coworker had a luxury loaner car while hers was being worked on.  We turned on the seat cooling and giggled all the way back to the dealership -- the fan was rather strong and tickled.  My current seat cooling doesn't blow noticeably, but it does chill.  Until you get used to it it feels like you sat in something wet....


I love my seat cooling!  Even often-chilly younger DD turns it on after an evening of Aikido.

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I printed out the answer keys for dd9 and ds11's math curriculum. And I think I threw them out. :(


I wanted to like this, but then you added the last sentence.  I like the first part.  I hope the last proves erroneous.

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I'm being hounded by a mortgage guy.  We called him first so it isn't that we don't want to do business with him.  But he gave us all the information yesterday and we specifically told him that we needed a couple of days before we could make any decisions.  He's called 5 times in the last hour.  I'm not picking up.  And if it were up to me at this point I would not do business with him because I don't like pushy people. 


Like in support, not the fact he's being needy (giving him the benefit of the doubt).

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Yay, booyah!


This is an it-didn't-post-as-quickly-as-I-wanted-because-I-clicked-enter-instead-of-clicking-on-the-post-button booyah.

Edited by AMJ
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No response back from The Egg & I.  What's wrong with these people?  You'd think they have something better to do than checking their email every minute in case a customer contacts them....

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Our house is kept at 76 in the summer, 73 in the winter.  I usually wear long sleeves.


I *almost* got heated seats in our new car.  But that car didn't have push-button start.  So I got the push-button start instead.  Because arthritis. 

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I'm being hounded by a mortgage guy.  We called him first so it isn't that we don't want to do business with him.  But he gave us all the information yesterday and we specifically told him that we needed a couple of days before we could make any decisions.  He's called 5 times in the last hour.  I'm not picking up.  And if it were up to me at this point I would not do business with him because I don't like pushy people. 


I'd call him back and ask him why in the heck he has called you five times in the last hour.  And then I'd go with someone else, unless he has a smoking hot interest rate for you.

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Hi! I have nothing to contribute to the conversation. But I am here. I canned 4 more quarts of peaches this morning and am making a slew of mini pizza crusts to freeze. I need to turn off talk radio. It's making me seriously irritated.


And I am irritated and a little down about an incident that happened with our neighbors down the street. I don't know them,dh has met them, but they have a couple of younger boys (5 & 7) my second son likes to play with sometimes. The other day DS and a other neighbor boy were over there and the younger boys had the parents iPad and were showing my son and the other neighbor some graphic Netflix videos of people having s€x. And they were wanting the boys to come in and play Grand Theft Auto with them. My boy told me he said he didn't want to watch the video (we've had that talk several times). And the kids know they are allowed only in 2 houses on our block, people who we know well and share our values. I hate to sound like a whiner but I just hate this. I know this is the world we live in and it makes me sick.

Edited by KrissiK
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I'd call him back and ask him why in the heck he has called you five times in the last hour.  And then I'd go with someone else, unless he has a smoking hot interest rate for you.


At call number 9, I called him back and let him have it.  I don't know if my husband will be mad at me or not but at this point I don't care. 



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At call number 9, I called him back and let him have it.  I don't know if my husband will be mad at me or not but at this point I don't care. 




Quoting myself to say, that the mortgage guy e-mailed an apology and said that he was just wanting to touch base to see if I had any questions,  I don't buy it.  He could have left a message any one of the 9 times he called to say that he was touching base to see if I had any questions and to give him a call back if I did.  :banghead:

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Why would it score your food?? Does not compute. Sorry.


You put in the food and it "scores" your nutrition based on your goals. For example, it does the normal stuff like calories, carbs, fat, and protein, but also one of my personal goals is no more than 1500mg of sodium a day. SP tracks my sodium along with the other nutrients (iron, vitamin d, cholesterol, whatever). Values are within ranges instead of one set number. There is a daily report with all the values in word and chart form. It tells me where I've gone over, under, or on target for my goals. You can also keep track of these nutrients throughout the day just by scrolling down the food tracking page and seeing the list. It tracks as you put in the foods.


Plus, there is an app, so you can put in your foods (exercise, water, all the stuff) without getting on the computer all the time. It syncs with fitbit, so the foods you input will show up on the fitbit, if that matters to you. It syncs with all the things. My fitbit minutes and steps automatically update into sparkpeople (but not vice versa).


There are challenges and forums if you are inclined to be involved in those. I have a couple of people from there as friends on my fitbit. Since I will apparently never catch up, I need to add some friends that are slower walkers than I. :lol:


Exercise stuff. It has a lot of things, including their own workout videos. Some more popular programs - like P90 - are already in the system, so you only need to choose them and input your minutes. You can adjust the program so the fitness and calorie trackers will not communicate. The default is the program adjusting the calories depending on how much you exercise so the calories increase the more you exercise. This is good for those in a weight maintenance program. Mine don't communicate, because I only want to eat my calorie range to lose weight. More about that here http://www.sparkpeople.com/community/help_answer.asp?id=169.


It's quite comprehensive. In other words, it has all the things.

Does it track water?

Can I have a sugar goal?

How long does it take for your nutritional information to get on your fitbit app?

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So, the food is good at The Egg and I? I've seen that chain here, and I've wondered.  The book, written in the 1940s, is downright depressing.


I didn't know there was a book.  I thought they were just being cute with the name, playing off The King And I.


The food is pretty good, a little fancier and pricier than Denny's.  They only do breakfast and lunch, no supper.

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Hi! I have nothing to contribute to the conversation. But I am here. I canned 4 more quarts of peaches this morning and am making a slew of mini pizza crusts to freeze. I need to turn off talk radio. It's making me seriously irritated.


And I am irritated and a little down about an incident that happened with our neighbors down the street. I don't know them,dh has met them, but they have a couple of younger boys (5 & 7) my second son likes to play with sometimes. The other day DS and a other neighbor boy were over there and the younger boys had the parents iPad and were showing my son and the other neighbor some graphic Netflix videos of people having s€x. And they were wanting the boys to come in and play Grand Theft Auto with them. My boy told me he said he didn't want to watch the video (we've had that talk several times). And the kids know they are allowed only in 2 houses on our block, people who we know well and share our values. I hate to sound like a whiner but I just hate this. I know this is the world we live in and it makes me sick.

You are not a whiner, you are an excellent mother.

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Hi! I have nothing to contribute to the conversation. But I am here. I canned 4 more quarts of peaches this morning and am making a slew of mini pizza crusts to freeze. I need to turn off talk radio. It's making me seriously irritated.


And I am irritated and a little down about an incident that happened with our neighbors down the street. I don't know them,dh has met them, but they have a couple of younger boys (5 & 7) my second son likes to play with sometimes. The other day DS and a other neighbor boy were over there and the younger boys had the parents iPad and were showing my son and the other neighbor some graphic Netflix videos of people having s€x. And they were wanting the boys to come in and play Grand Theft Auto with them. My boy told me he said he didn't want to watch the video (we've had that talk several times). And the kids know they are allowed only in 2 houses on our block, people who we know well and share our values. I hate to sound like a whiner but I just hate this. I know this is the world we live in and it makes me sick.


Not whining, boundaries.  A very important part of growing up, one that frees the kids and helps them be more confident.

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Several packages arriving today.  DD15 wants to play -- not the Exploding Kittens that just arrived, but her (expanded for her birthday) Adventure Time Munchkin.  *sigh*  Okay, coming.  We can play for a little while.


I wish her cousins didn't move so far away.


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Hi! I have nothing to contribute to the conversation. But I am here. I canned 4 more quarts of peaches this morning and am making a slew of mini pizza crusts to freeze. I need to turn off talk radio. It's making me seriously irritated.


And I am irritated and a little down about an incident that happened with our neighbors down the street. I don't know them,dh has met them, but they have a couple of younger boys (5 & 7) my second son likes to play with sometimes. The other day DS and a other neighbor boy were over there and the younger boys had the parents iPad and were showing my son and the other neighbor some graphic Netflix videos of people having s€x. And they were wanting the boys to come in and play Grand Theft Auto with them. My boy told me he said he didn't want to watch the video (we've had that talk several times). And the kids know they are allowed only in 2 houses on our block, people who we know well and share our values. I hate to sound like a whiner but I just hate this. I know this is the world we live in and it makes me sick.


:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug: That stinks. 

We have restrictions on the iPad for this very reason.  And Grand Theft Auto at 5&7?  Du meine Guete!


ETA:  The restrictions are to prevent it from happening, not because it did happen - just clarifying!

Edited by ikslo
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I've tracked food off and on for Sparkspeople and/or Fitbit.  They share information so it doesn't matter which place I track it.  I no longer track because I know basically how much I can eat of what foods.  Default nutrients tracked for Sparkpeople are total calories, carbs, fat, protein, fiber.  You can edit the nutrient goals to add from 75 nutrients including fructose, glucose and sucrose.  Of course in order to track those goals you have to choose foods that have those nutrients already entered or else do the research and enter them yourself.  This is true for any tracking program. 


Yes, you can track your water intake. 

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You are not a whiner, you are an excellent mother.


Not whining, boundaries.  A very important part of growing up, one that frees the kids and helps them be more confident.


:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug: That stinks. 

We have restrictions on the iPad for this very reason.  And Grand Theft Auto at 5&7?  Du meine Guete!


ETA:  The restrictions are to prevent it from happening, not because it did happen - just clarifying!

Thanks for the encouragement. I think that what bothers me is not only that my boys are being bombarded with this, but also that these poor little boys are, too. And they don't have parents who protect them from it. I don't know a lot about the living situation, but the kids live with the grandparents, even though I believe the actual parents are in the picture somehow. This is the second family on our block living like this, and we live on a middle class block. I didn't realize there are so many situations where grandparents are having to step in.


P0-n is so available now. When I was a kid you had to get the print version, which was only available if you had a source (dad or other male who bought it). Now you can access anything anywhere.

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So, I'm trying to schedule out our days for the upcoming school year. I have 4 children to edumacate, my oldest going into 7th grade is basically incapable (or maybe just unwilling) of doing independent work. Oldest dd does pretty well independently. And then I've got two littles. I'm combining science and history for the girls with Apologia and MoH. But I've got to teach baby dd how to read, so there's time spent with that and I like to go over Latin with the kids individually. They do math independently ... I need more time in the mornings.

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So, I'm trying to schedule out our days for the upcoming school year. I have 4 children to edumacate, my oldest going into 7th grade is basically incapable (or maybe just unwilling) of doing independent work. Oldest dd does pretty well independently. And then I've got two littles. I'm combining science and history for the girls with Apologia and MoH. But I've got to teach baby dd how to read, so there's time spent with that and I like to go over Latin with the kids individually. They do math independently ... I need more time in the mornings.


Try getting everyone up at 5 AM! 


My Dad, raised on a farm and a 14-year Marine, once decided this was a wise idea.  We were all up, dressed, fed breakfast, and sent outside to play before the neighbor

ADULTS had even woken up.  That lasted ONE day.  When people called to complain Mom made Dad answer the phone.


Edited to fix a typo.

Edited by AMJ
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