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Could be gluten, could be grains in general.  I have a friend who has to avoid nearly all grains and grain-like foods.  White rice is okay because all of the bran is removed.  Wild rice is okay because it is different enough from grains.  But no quinoa or amaranth.  Certainly no oats or corn.


:grouphug: :grouphug:  Gentle hugs to both girls.  They did a lot today.


We've eliminated gluten for her at the same time I was eliminating it for myself. There was no noticeable effect. Panel 1 includes corn, rye, wheat, and rice. Rice was iffy, but the others were clear. Except oat.


Have I mentioned she must be going through a growth spurt? She's at 42 inches (noticeable difference from the beginning of the school year), but has dropped weight and was at 32.8. 

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We've eliminated gluten for her at the same time I was eliminating it for myself. There was no noticeable effect. Panel 1 includes corn, rye, wheat, and rice. Rice was iffy, but the others were clear. Except oat.


Have I mentioned she must be going through a growth spurt? She's at 42 inches (noticeable difference from the beginning of the school year), but has dropped weight and was at 32.8. 


What a puzzle.  Oh, well.


Growth spurt -- yeah, they do that, don't they?  DD12 here grew 3 inches in the past year, according to the pediatrician.  I knew she was getting taller overnight.

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just a total aside but since you're talking about Queen - the politics social group is currently debating whether We Are the Champions is essentially a gay anthem. 




Okay, I never heard that before.  I thought it was the anthem of anyone who wanted to be in-yo-face obnoxious about winning something.

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DH came home before it was time to take DD12 to Aikido, so I asked him to take her this evening.  I'm going to cut up more leftover meats from this past weekend and make hash.  Yes, DD12, the kid hash will have tater tots instead of sweet potato....

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In reading up on fitness trackers and plain old pedometers it appears that a lot of them have a threshold, usually of about 10 steps.  This means that whenever you start walking from a still position the device won't count steps until you have taken at least 10.  Whether or not it will count those initial 10 steps AFTER you have taken more seems to be up to the device.


I, however, want to see ALL of my steps.  Part of getting off my butt and moving includes getting more housework done more frequently and regularly, but most of my housework is done with a few steps over here, work, a few steps over there, work, repeat all day if necessary.  Think about it -- not many bathrooms, laundry rooms, or kitchens are big enough to warrant walking 10+ uninterrupted steps in a row as you work there but the time and steps do add up.


My phone, however, WILL count every one of those steps, but only if I have my phone on my person.  So many of my comfy, warm-weather pants have no pockets (curse you, women's fashion industry!).  This is why I thought a clip-like device like the Jawbone UP Move would work for me.  Unfortunately, I'm beginning to suspect that it, too, has an unannounced step threshold, since it misses so many of the steps I take.  It often says I'm idle or barely moving about when I've been doing housework for a while.


I think I'll be buying myself a FlipBelt in the very near future so I can more easily keep my phone on me.  That might be the simplest and cheapest fix for me.



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You suck at this. Do you get a food score? Like, does it score your food on a scale of 1-10 and give you a daily total?


Why would it score your food?? Does not compute. Sorry.


You put in the food and it "scores" your nutrition based on your goals. For example, it does the normal stuff like calories, carbs, fat, and protein, but also one of my personal goals is no more than 1500mg of sodium a day. SP tracks my sodium along with the other nutrients (iron, vitamin d, cholesterol, whatever). Values are within ranges instead of one set number. There is a daily report with all the values in word and chart form. It tells me where I've gone over, under, or on target for my goals. You can also keep track of these nutrients throughout the day just by scrolling down the food tracking page and seeing the list. It tracks as you put in the foods.


Plus, there is an app, so you can put in your foods (exercise, water, all the stuff) without getting on the computer all the time. It syncs with fitbit, so the foods you input will show up on the fitbit, if that matters to you. It syncs with all the things. My fitbit minutes and steps automatically update into sparkpeople (but not vice versa). 


There are challenges and forums if you are inclined to be involved in those. I have a couple of people from there as friends on my fitbit. Since I will apparently never catch up, I need to add some friends that are slower walkers than I.  :lol:


Exercise stuff. It has a lot of things, including their own workout videos. Some more popular programs - like P90 - are already in the system, so you only need to choose them and input your minutes. You can adjust the program so the fitness and calorie trackers will not communicate. The default is the program adjusting the calories depending on how much you exercise so the calories increase the more you exercise. This is good for those in a weight maintenance program. Mine don't communicate, because I only want to eat my calorie range to lose weight. More about that here http://www.sparkpeople.com/community/help_answer.asp?id=169.


It's quite comprehensive. In other words, it has all the things.

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I'm going to make chicken nuggets. Gluten free nuggets. That means it is sorta healthy.



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Care to share the recipe, please?  I could use healthy chicky nuggets, and my no-grains friend would certainly examine the recipe to see if it could work for her.

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Care to share the recipe, please? I could use healthy chicky nuggets, and my no-grains friend would certainly examine the recipe to see if it could work for her.

Here is the recipe. Go to the gluten free section of the frozen food aisle in the grocery store. Buy. Prepare according to package directions.



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Renai: some of our food sensitivities have just popped up from repeated exposure when our guts has been irritated by other things. I have several food things that have been temporary (a few years rather than permanent). When I went hardcore on elimination + added a ton of probiotics, the leaky gut allergies went away. My environmental and medical ones stayed.

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Thankfully, we're out of peaches, apricots, and cherries, so I just won't purchase anymore. She got home and ate oranges (I have canned ones) right away. It's hard to tell how she feels since her reactions no longer entail blisters on her bottom. It takes time to realize when her hair is falling out until it's thinned out. When I notice that, then I figure it has to be something she's eating. She used to get eczema really bad on the side of her head where it thins out. But, she hasn't even had that - just the thinning. That was the main reason I wanted all the panels done - I wanted a better answer to what she is and isn't allergic to.


Why in the world is she allergic to oat??? What will that entail? That's her go-to breakfast food. That, and her favorite cereal - Honey Bunches of Oats. :glare:


With panel 1 (chocolate, egg white, cow milk, corn, rye, oat, soy, wheat, potato, rice), she squirmed big time, and the nurse had to clean her right away and do it again. You could see both pokes. The doctor considered having it done again because it appeared that even potato and rice may have had reactions, but was hard to tell because of the two pokes. There was also question on the Nut panel, because it looked like she may not have been poked with the middle needles. But then she saw a middle poke, and accepted the rest of the results. There was literally no reaction at all in the middle. Almond was at the top and walnut at the bottom, and had very clear results.


Gymnast was a trooper though. She had silent tears because she said it hurt. I asked if she was just really itchy, but she said no, the pokes hurt. She was lying on her stomach while I was standing there holding the kindle in front of her while it read books. The books with the turning pages. :)


And, she's still asleep. I guess it did wipe her out.

Honestly, with so many food reactions, I'm rather surprised they don't have you doing blood tests instead. Other than getting the blood drawn, it's easy peasy. Well, DS did practically faint after the last round - but I wasn't there so I suspect he stood up too fast.

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I have eliminated the funky smell my van picked up after our time at the beach this weekend. It was either damp, beach shoes, or leftover picnic sandwiches. In any event, my eyes no longer burn and I don't have to keep my windows down in 105F heat to keep from dry heaving. There are aspects to parenting that I don't enjoy. Kid stench = bad.

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Here is the recipe. Go to the gluten free section of the frozen food aisle in the grocery store. Buy. Prepare according to package directions.



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Wow, this is challenging!  I'll have to set aside some time this weekend to play with the recipe!

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Renai: some of our food sensitivities have just popped up from repeated exposure when our guts has been irritated by other things. I have several food things that have been temporary (a few years rather than permanent). When I went hardcore on elimination + added a ton of probiotics, the leaky gut allergies went away. My environmental and medical ones stayed.


Any probiotic suggestions?

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Honestly, with so many food reactions, I'm rather surprised they don't have you doing blood tests instead. Other than getting the blood drawn, it's easy peasy. Well, DS did practically faint after the last round - but I wasn't there so I suspect he stood up too fast.


When DD12 was sick a few months back the pediatrician drew some blood to check for things.  DD nearly passed out (though it was a bit delayed) and I had to half carry her back to the exam room from the bathroom (she also had to pee in a cup).  They called it a "vasal vagal" reaction, if I recall correctly, and said that some people are more prone to it after having blood drawn, especially if they are unwell.

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I have eliminated the funky smell my van picked up after our time at the beach this weekend. It was either damp, beach shoes, or leftover picnic sandwiches. In any event, my eyes no longer burn and I don't have to keep my windows down in 105F heat to keep from dry heaving. There are aspects to parenting that I don't enjoy. Kid stench = bad.


Yay, and :grouphug: .  Good job.

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Any probiotic suggestions?


My doc really likes White Mountain lowfat yogurt.  It comes in glass jars, and is really tangy.  It's really growing on me, and I'm generally not a fan of lowfat yogurt.


As for probiotic supplements for the dairy-averse, I'm all ears: :bigear:.




You know, that icon really does look like my Dad, like a bald Radar O'Reilly.

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I spent nine freaking hours of my life helping kids sort their wardrobes. I am done until next year. I have my shopping list ready to go.


Good job!  Dark chocolate for you!  *gives*

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You want the hardcore stuff---at least five billion cultures, and enteric coated/delayed release. I had to take antibiotics last month and so I am doing another round to recolonize. I am taking RenewLife's ultimate flora. I like Florastor too.


Thank you!

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It's a where-is-everyone booyah!  I guess you are all cooking or eating supper.  If my family would just come home I'd feed them....


Edited by AMJ
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I'm going to make chicken nuggets. Gluten free nuggets. That means it is sorta healthy.



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Chicken nuggets are like licking your plate in that everyone needs to just mind their own business and let me eat. :)

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When DD12 was sick a few months back the pediatrician drew some blood to check for things.  DD nearly passed out (though it was a bit delayed) and I had to half carry her back to the exam room from the bathroom (she also had to pee in a cup).  They called it a "vasal vagal" reaction, if I recall correctly, and said that some people are more prone to it after having blood drawn, especially if they are unwell.


Vasovagal syncope 



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Why does she get these eye ulcers? 


Two different disease processes that are linked. She has chronic herpes virus in her corneas that sometimes becomes active. However, her last ulcers were not from the herpes--those ulcers are very classic in shape. So, the specialist (and I agree) thinks that she has an autoimmune condition that gets triggered by the chronic herpes business. Which means we walk a tightrope between keeping her eye inflammation down without triggering a viral flare. All very complicated, nasty and a real pain in the....eye. :glare:

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Two different disease processes that are linked. She has chronic herpes virus in her corneas that sometimes becomes active. However, her last ulcers were not from the herpes--those ulcers are very classic in shape. So, the specialist (and I agree) thinks that she has an autoimmune condition that gets triggered by the chronic herpes business. Which means we walk a tightrope between keeping her eye inflammation down without triggering a viral flare. All very complicated, nasty and a real pain in the....eye. :glare:


Poor sweetheart.  *pets gently*

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I cut up chicken breasts into nugget sized pieces, dip in egg, then roll in shredded parmesan mixed with a little almond meal. Fry in a little oil.


I can try this!  Thanks!  My friend should be able to handle it, too.

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Youngest drew on her bunkbed with a dry erase pen.  :cursing:


For the fabric try hairpsray to remove the ink.  Lay paper towels (several sheets thick) under the ink stain, spray (aerosols work best) the stain, and the BLOT, DON'T RUB.  Keep spraying and blotting with fresh paper toweling.  This is how we used to get ink from leaky pens out of shirts.


It takes a solvent to get the ink out.  If she drew on wood consult with someone knowledgeable about wood finishes as to what might be safe.

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The kids are up later tonight because we got sucked into an Anime, Your Lie In April.  A really neat show, actually, about some musical junior high students.  I read ahead on the episode descriptions, and will voice this caution -- it might not be a happily ever after sort of story.  Netflix listed it as PG-14, and I would stick close to that.


Bedtime now!  G'night, all!

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When DD12 was sick a few months back the pediatrician drew some blood to check for things. DD nearly passed out (though it was a bit delayed) and I had to half carry her back to the exam room from the bathroom (she also had to pee in a cup). They called it a "vasal vagal" reaction, if I recall correctly, and said that some people are more prone to it after having blood drawn, especially if they are unwell.

Good to know.

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Here is the recipe. Go to the gluten free section of the frozen food aisle in the grocery store. Buy. Prepare according to package directions.



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:lol: I think I might try this recipe.  It looks pretty straight-forward.

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Oh, then she got it from me. I dropped my interest in veterinary science when I discovered that the sight of metal in flesh (needles, scalpels, etc.) made me go faint.

I love all that now - so neat. But not so much when I was younger. Is that weird that I changed like that? But toenail fungus I still can't handle.



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Why would it score your food?? Does not compute. Sorry.


You put in the food and it "scores" your nutrition based on your goals. For example, it does the normal stuff like calories, carbs, fat, and protein, but also one of my personal goals is no more than 1500mg of sodium a day. SP tracks my sodium along with the other nutrients (iron, vitamin d, cholesterol, whatever). Values are within ranges instead of one set number. There is a daily report with all the values in word and chart form. It tells me where I've gone over, under, or on target for my goals. You can also keep track of these nutrients throughout the day just by scrolling down the food tracking page and seeing the list. It tracks as you put in the foods.


Plus, there is an app, so you can put in your foods (exercise, water, all the stuff) without getting on the computer all the time. It syncs with fitbit, so the foods you input will show up on the fitbit, if that matters to you. It syncs with all the things. My fitbit minutes and steps automatically update into sparkpeople (but not vice versa).


There are challenges and forums if you are inclined to be involved in those. I have a couple of people from there as friends on my fitbit. Since I will apparently never catch up, I need to add some friends that are slower walkers than I. :lol:


Exercise stuff. It has a lot of things, including their own workout videos. Some more popular programs - like P90 - are already in the system, so you only need to choose them and input your minutes. You can adjust the program so the fitness and calorie trackers will not communicate. The default is the program adjusting the calories depending on how much you exercise so the calories increase the more you exercise. This is good for those in a weight maintenance program. Mine don't communicate, because I only want to eat my calorie range to lose weight. More about that here http://www.sparkpeople.com/community/help_answer.asp?id=169.


It's quite comprehensive. In other words, it has all the things.

Does it connect with Moov?

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My church has decided to throw me a baby shower. I think they might not understand the point. So what do I ask for? We need more bibs and towels, just haven't gotten around to actually getting them so I'll ask for bibs, towels and... what? Gift cards for Costco and Target? Is that rude? Can I say no more clothes or toys? We have so many. A gift card to Rainbow Resources? :laugh: Seriously though, what do I want?

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