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:grouphug: To those who need them, or those who just want them. I need a shower before I get hugs.

:hurray: Jean's ds! 

Don't own an instant pot so can't commiserate, brag or offer advice.

Can't help with cars. I drive a Toyota truck.

I have worked, walked dogs, medicated my ancient herd of cats, and authed 3000+ words. I'm kind of dragging. But I'm up to 38,000 on my word count. And I was informed that my beta reader wanted to kill me for only letting her have two chapters to read. So I'd say that I've got those first few chapters in pretty good shape. :D

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I feel I have accomplished some things today, including The Walmart, library, major bonus room cleaning, kitchen cleaning (twice), three loads of laundry, and a few other things, including a discussion with dh over how much we both despise our sofa covers. I hate living room furniture. Maybe we should just build a few wooden benches and be done with it.

Edited by Susan in TN
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He has a black belt! Halfway through his two hour test, he hurt his foot when it collided with someone's elbow. It may be broken but may not be. It's responding to Aleve so he wants to wait and see how it is tomorrow.


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Oops. I quoted myself for no reason. Time for bed!

Well done!


Dd16 and I just Cized It Up with Shaun T. It is time for bed. Eventually.

Crazy 8s? It's pretty boring until the 3rd week.


I'm home. Finally. Anyone awake?

Me! But I need to go ninight. Goodnight!

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A quick good morning and hope everyone has a great day.  Spent all day at the pool yesterday and now going back early this morning for dive.  But thankfully won't be there all day!


Definitely triple points for Jean!  I threw a quick load in the d/w this morning and started a load of towels.  pre-coffee!!!


Speaking of coffee,  :auto: , gotta get some!

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Sometimes I wish I liked coffee. I like the smell of it. But not the taste. DH is already up and out to get groceries. And I'm being lazy, but I need to get up and around soon. We are going to try to get to our spot by the waterfall before it gets smoking hot today. 

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Good Morning.


My headache is almost (but not quite) gone.  Everyone is going to church without me.  I will be attending First Church of the Livestream... with volume control.


Critter, I'm with you about coffee.  I like the smell of it, but I don't like to drink it.  I think the last cup of coffee I had was when I was in college.  I asked for whipped cream on it because I like so much cream and sugar.  The waitress looked at me very strangely.  Starbucks had not yet made it to the East Coast and whipped cream on coffee was not "a thing" yet.  

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Good Morning all! Had a good night sleep, but woke up with a sore throat, I really hope it's just allergies!

I'm currently reading the IP user manual.

excellent choice in reading material.   

I feel I have accomplished some things today, including The Walmart, library, major bonus room cleaning, kitchen cleaning (twice), three loads of laundry, and a few other things, including a discussion with dh over how much we both despise our sofa covers. I hate living room furniture. Maybe we should just build a few wooden benches and be done with it.

you have accomplished much. Dh and I bought our living room furniture brand new 12 years ago and immediately put slipcovers  on because of the kids. They still look brand new.  

Oops. I quoted myself for no reason. Time for bed!

you get points for quoting yourself, you know!  

Dd16 and I just Cized It Up with Shaun T. It is time for bed. Eventually.

I thought you were talking about Shaun the Sheep. Nevermind.   

Ugh, I typed a long message and then got an error. I'm going to bed.


Good night!

 I hate it when that happens! 

I get triple virtue points for cleaning the kitchen tonight. Good night.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

you get quadruple virtue points because you cleaned the kitchen on a Saturday night.
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A quick good morning and hope everyone has a great day.  Spent all day at the pool yesterday and now going back early this morning for dive.  But thankfully won't be there all day!


Definitely triple points for Jean!  I threw a quick load in the d/w this morning and started a load of towels.  pre-coffee!!!


Speaking of coffee,  :auto: , gotta get some!

 pre-coffee and coffee. That's a good way to tell time. I like that. 


 yes, you're speaking my language, girlfriend! 

Sometimes I wish I liked coffee. I like the smell of it. But not the taste.


i used to be like that. And my Grandma always thought there was something seriously wrong with me. But then I went to Brasil, learned to like coffee and my Grandma felt much better about the direction my life was going.  

Good Morning.


My headache is almost (but not quite) gone.  Everyone is going to church without me.  I will be attending First Church of the Livestream... with volume control.


Critter, I'm with you about coffee.  I like the smell of it, but I don't like to drink it.  I think the last cup of coffee I had was when I was in college.  I asked for whipped cream on it because I like so much cream and sugar.  The waitress looked at me very strangely.  Starbucks had not yet made it to the East Coast and whipped cream on coffee was not "a thing" yet.


Junie, I wish I could go to Church with you this morning. I honestly feel like garbage and on those rare Sundays I do stay home I enjoy an on-line sermon. I like John MacArthur. But alas, I teach Children's Church today and the pastor wants me to give a VBS report.   

I'm up! Will have coffee in a few!!!

This will be another busy week, BUT it's the last week before our beach trip!!


coffee is good! Yay, beach trip!
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i used to be like that. And my Grandma always thought there was something seriously wrong with me. But then I went to Brasil, learned to like coffee and my Grandma felt much better about the direction my life was going.


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Sometimes I wish I liked coffee. I like the smell of it. But not the taste. DH is already up and out to get groceries. And I'm being lazy, but I need to get up and around soon. We are going to try to get to our spot by the waterfall before it gets smoking hot today.

My coffee is prepared like a dessert - plenty of sugar (stevia) and cream. Black coffee makes me gag.

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Dh and I bought our living room furniture brand new 12 years ago and immediately put slipcovers on because of the kids. They still look brand new.

Our slipcovers are awful. It would look about the same if we draped a bedsheet over them. They are wrinkled and don't stay tucked in, even with the "stay tucked" things we added. The sofas don't have any removable cushions, so we are limited in the kind of covers we can use.

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Crazy 8s? It's pretty boring until the 3rd week.




This is what I was responding to last night with my long post that got lost and I gave up and went to bed.


I don't know what Crazy 8s is. With the BOD daily challenges, it picks different workouts from different programs. The consistency is what is being exercised on what day - Monday is piyo (pilates/yoga) or cardio, Tuesday is lower body or total body resistance, Thursdays are rest/recovery (stretching, etc.) etc. The only program I plan to do to completion is P90x3. It needs equipment, but the modifications uses bands which is why I was looking for bands the other day. The daily challenges dd16 and I do for fun.


There was something else I wrote last night, but now I don't remember what it was.

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Back from the waterfall. We went this morning, and was that the right choice! Place filled up with squeakers and their squeaky toys after lunch. But by then we'd soaked in the mineral pool, watched the crazy college kids jumping from the top of the falls into the water, and basically just listened to water and the wind in the sycamore trees. Morning sunlight makes spectacular patterns on falling water when it shines through restless leaves. Just saying. 

I feel nicely refreshed.

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The stepson of one of my coworkers is a paraplegic now from doing that.  :( 


Sorry to hear that. The pool is about twelve feet deep, but you do have to hit it, and I watched more than one person come very close to hitting the rim of the bowl...I was secretly very, very happy that both of my boys wanted nothing to do with jumping. Not an easy place to get an ambulance in and out of either. 

It's a dangerous thing to do. 


Now swimming across the pool and letting the waterfall run over your head and back---that was awesome.


ETA: It's a look where you leap in treacherous waters Booyah

Edited by Critterfixer
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I'm not sure a waterfall was involved, now that I think about it, but he and his friends were jumping from the rocks/cliff into a river pool below. He didn't miss the pool, but just hit the water "wrong," if I remember correctly. Anyway, I'm glad your guys were not impressed enough to be clamoring to copy them!


Autowrong correction :D

Edited by ikslo
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I'm not sure a waterfall was involved, now that I think about it, but he and his friends were jumping from the rocks/cliff into a river pool below. He didn't miss the pool, but just hit the water "wrong," if I remember correctly. Anyway, I'm glass your guys were not impressed enough to be clamoring to copy them! 


So was I. Sometimes they are too hesitant to try things, but this was one thing that I don't care if they never try it! They were more interested in paddling around with their goggles on trying to touch the fish on the bottom of the pool. :laugh:

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This is what I was responding to last night with my long post that got lost and I gave up and went to bed.


I don't know what Crazy 8s is. With the BOD daily challenges, it picks different workouts from different programs. The consistency is what is being exercised on what day - Monday is piyo (pilates/yoga) or cardio, Tuesday is lower body or total body resistance, Thursdays are rest/recovery (stretching, etc.) etc. The only program I plan to do to completion is P90x3. It needs equipment, but the modifications uses bands which is why I was looking for bands the other day. The daily challenges dd16 and I do for fun.


There was something else I wrote last night, but now I don't remember what it was.

CIZE follows a logical progression where moves build on each other. The first week is very boring and the second isn't much better. I just assumed you did the first week. I did BBOD because I wanted to do 21 day fix and I didn't want to pay for it. I didn't mess around much other than that.


Do you remember the name of the video or what Shawn was wearing? I like the one with the tic tac green shorts. It's got some cool hand motions.

Edited by Slache
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Our slipcovers are awful. It would look about the same if we draped a bedsheet over them. They are wrinkled and don't stay tucked in, even with the "stay tucked" things we added. The sofas don't have any removable cushions, so we are limited in the kind of covers we can use.

That's a bummer. We ordered ours from Surefit and have had good success. But,we also,have removable cushions.
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Yesterday I napped twice. Once from 40 min and another time for a bit over 2h! 

I was apparently very sleep deprived. 

In between falling asleep and staggering around yawning, I Zumba'd and then dd & I bathed Lilly (& dried her with the hairdryer to blow out the last of the undercoat). I bought some special shampoo and conditioner for her and wow, what a difference. She's a silky soft little spaniel again.  My parents are flying as I type.  Depending on how they'll feel after landing & how long the whole getting out of the airport thing takes they'll either come get her tonight or tomorrow morning. 

Today it was Zumba and then dh and I had to run to several stores to buy many feet of carpet runner. The first store didn't have enough for us.  Life with wood floor & aging large breed dogs with arthritis and loss of feeling in the rear means that soon your house looks like an airport with tons of runways. My poor dogs keep lying down and not being able to get up.  I previously had a bunch of old yoga mats scattered everywhere (SO classy, I tell ya) but they're now thoroughly destroyed so we needed a more sturdy solution. 


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  Life with wood floor & aging large breed dogs with arthritis and loss of feeling in the rear means that soon your house looks like an airport with tons of runways.




That's why we don't have wood floors.  (Well, that and the lack of money. . . )  Libby can barely walk on the vinyl kitchen floor and she can't walk at all on ds's wood floor.  And she didn't appreciate "doggie bowling" (ie. when she tried walking in there and went skating across the floor to topple down all of ds's stacked books by his bed.)  Rusty bunny doesn't like the vinyl floor either.  If you put him on it he will hunker down and thump until you take him off of it.  Neko loves this because he knows that the kitchen is the only place where he is safe from a homicidal stalking bunny. 

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