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Okay---I did chores, planned school, executed school and did not execute my students, cleaned house, contacted eye doc about cat's eye and set up tomorrows visit to eye doc :glare: , cleaned house, did the grocery shopping, and now I'm going to eat and write. And I'm wore plum out. All I want is bath and bed, and I still need to get two hours of writing in.


ETA: It's a the-day-busted-me Booyah! :svengo:

Edited by Critterfixer
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It is a channel that I get with my bunny ears.  And  yes, it is the channel that I watch some of those old shows on.  The other one I watch is called "Antenna TV". 


Sounds like a local channel.  Still, I'll google them tomorrow just to see if I can find anything.  Thanks!

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*sigh*  I'm tired, and I didn't do enough today to warrant feeling this tired.  I took an impromptu nap on the sofa for 30 minutes or so in latter afternoon.  I didn't get as much exercising done today, but I did log in at least 5400 steps today anyway, and that with NOT having my phone on me the whole time (I'm using a pedometer app on the phone).


Anyone have/know anything about Fitbits, especially the non-wrist ones?  Or any similar devices?


*sigh*  Bedtime.  G'ight, all. 


See there?  I couldn't even spell g'night properly....

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I want to be a cat. For two reasons.

1) you can be fat and no one cares!

2) you can sprawl out in your back on the patio and snooze and no one cares!


My fat cat Socks looks so comfy out there and I just want to do that instead of the dishes. Of course right now I'm on ITT and eating chocolate covered raisins, which is not good!

Edited by KrissiK
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I didn't know what to say. He's asked how babies get in mommies tummies before and we've always said that God put them there but he asked how. It was 15 minutes past bedtime so it was partially a be quite and go to sleep sort of thing but I really didn't know what to say.

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Or you could be me and tell your children in scientific detail until they beg you to stop before they throw up. :tongue_smilie:


I thought the usual answer to that question was "Ask your father."    :lol:   (Not that that's particularly helpful for the child.    :lol: )



I'm off to take kitty to the eye doctor yet again. And I haven't even got her "eye" fund replenished from the last time. :sad: I may or may not have threatened to trade her in on the latest model gray and white kitten, to DH's great disapproval. 

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*sigh*  I'm tired, and I didn't do enough today to warrant feeling this tired.  I took an impromptu nap on the sofa for 30 minutes or so in latter afternoon.  I didn't get as much exercising done today, but I did log in at least 5400 steps today anyway, and that with NOT having my phone on me the whole time (I'm using a pedometer app on the phone).


Anyone have/know anything about Fitbits, especially the non-wrist ones?  Or any similar devices?


*sigh*  Bedtime.  G'ight, all. 


See there?  I couldn't even spell g'night properly....


After posting the above ended up stabbing myself in the eye with a frothy toothbrush.  I tried last night to post about that, too, but my phone didn't cooperate.


Yesterday became such a Monday in the end....



But today is a new day, so GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE!  I hope everyone had a good night and is having a good day.  Prime Day at Amazon, too -- maybe I'll go shop there for pedometers/fitness trackers....

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Why didn't she just tell him in simple terms?  It could be as simple as "God grows the baby in the mother's womb." 


So funny story.  I answered DS's question once about how babies are born.  A few months later I went to pick him up at daycare and he was playing with the dolls.  I watched him from the doorway, unbeknownst to him. One of the girl dolls was giving birth to another, smaller doll.  You'd think I would have been mortified.  Nope.  I laughed and said something to the teacher in the room who shrugged.  She said it's only a problem when the kids get misinformation. ;)  Somehow I think she would have answered differently if he was demonstrating how the baby got in, not how the baby got out. :lol:

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I didn't know what to say. He's asked how babies get in mommies tummies before and we've always said that God put them there but he asked how. It was 15 minutes past bedtime so it was partially a be quite and go to sleep sort of thing but I really didn't know what to say.


Ah, clever boy.  Trying to delay bedtime by asking probing and pertinent questions.  "It's time for you to go to sleep.  We can talk about this tomorrow, when Mommy is not so tired."


When I was young the answer I used to get to many questions was "you'll understand when you are older."  I finally realized this was the standard adult cop-out answer when adults simply weren't going to tell me.  I got in trouble once for responding to that with "how will I understand when I am older if no one is ever willing to explain it to me?"  I ended up learning several lessons the hard, mortifying, blame-me-for-not-knowing way in my adolescence and young adulthood because no one ever wanted to answer certain questions, even when I was older.


Finally, though, as a parent with kids with precocious questions I understood the adults of my youth being caught off-guard and unprepared.  I, too, got caught off-guard and unprepared, but with the experiences of my youth flashing through my mind.  Sometimes I managed to blurt out timely and appropriate answers (B is a boy, and you are a girl.  Boys have boy parts.  Girls have girl parts.  I tried very hard to come up with a response that did not imply anyone was "lacking" something or had "extra" parts).  Other times I knew I had to give the typical "I'm not going to tell you that right now" response. 


I ended up telling my girls that there are some things we don't want to explain until they are older, and we won't always explain WHY we don't want to tell them yet.  I told them that I would tell them at the time they ask if I was not going to answer the question fully, but I would try to give them what information I could and not just leave them hanging.  I also told them that there will be times when the question is bad timing (Mom is driving, Mom is cooking, Mom is brain-dead and wants peace and quiet, it's bedtime so stop asking questions, etc.) and I will state so if that is the case.


That, combined with actually giving them certain "embarrassing" information before they ever got around to asking for it, seems to have covered the bases for the time being.  Combined with having a female pediatrician (the girls had their annual check-ups yesterday) I think the girls know they have adults to talk to and won't balk if something really worries them.  We have all had some frank but matter-of-fact conversations, including yesterday at the doctor's office.


It's a far cry from the "depend upon the nuns to show the girls a film" approach of my parents.  Who knows, when my girls are parents maybe they, too, will recall their youths with embarrassment and handle things drastically different to avoid whatever "mistakes" I have made.  :laugh:

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Amazon has started running their own delivery vehicles, and I must say, they are quite prompt.  One rang the doorbell this morning about 7 AM with the packages that were to arrive tomorrow.


I ordered in some new sheets and mattress pads for our new bed (due Thursday), since the sheets DH ordered in came out of the dryer a massive mess of wrinkles (more than 3 hours ironing those things out) and the mattress pads he ordered STILL haven't arrived.  I still need to figure out how to iron a king-size sheet on an ironing board whose length is a third of the shortest dimension of the sheet.  Or I could order new sheets.


I will wash the new(est) sheets later this afternoon -- they are supposed to be wrinkle resistant, so I will test that out.  I will also wash up the new mattress pads, though I wonder if I will actually like them during the summer -- somehow I managed to overlook the word "microplush" in the product description and was surprised to discover these mattress pads are fuzzy. 

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Good morning!  I got to sleep at about 1:30 last night!!  (So much better than falling asleep to the sound of dh's morning shower.  I'm thinking about getting a white noise machine.)


When my little ones ask me difficult questions, I respond with "I don't know how to explain it to you."  I found that this works because then the kids don't feel bad that they're not old enough for certain information.  They just think that their mama is not very good at explaining things.

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Where are out of coffee so I'm having tea this morning. It's healthier anyway. We are out of milk so I put a spoonful of ice cream in it. :)


I got an instant pot in a storage card for my tablet.


What a coincidink - I got an instant pot and a tablet.

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All of these recipes are GF/DF. Some call for butter, but I imagine that's an easy fix. I have shared most of them before, but I just updated mt Whole30 Google Doc so I thought I should share.



Baked Eggs in Marinara Sauce

Banana Pancakes

BLT Quiche with Potato Crust


Egg Foo Yong

Overnight Breakfast Casserole

Salmon Fritata

Sweet Potato, Apple and Pancetta Hash

Twice Baked Breakfast Sweet Potatoes

Main Course:

Beef Stew

Broiled Scallops

Buffalo Chicken Casserole

Cod with Tomato Caper Sauce and Sugar Peas

Cooking A Whole Chicken In An Instant Pot

Cilantro Coconut Shrimp Soup

Crispy and Tender Baked Chicken Thighs

Faux Pho

Filet Mignon with Rich Balsamic Glaze

Grilled Rosemary Chicken Breasts

Grilled Salmon With Avocado Salsa

Kale And Celery Soup

Marinated Grilled Shrimp

Mexican Soup

Moroccan Grilled Salmon

Paleo Egg Roll Soup

Peach Balsamic Rosemary Chicken

Pina Colada Chicken

Pot Roast

Pulled Pork Carnitas

Red Chicken Soup

Roast Chicken And Gravy

Roasted Tomato Soup

Romesco Garlic Shrimp With Zucchini Noodles

Shepherd’s Pie

Stewed Tilapia (don’t add the salt)

Sweet Potato Soup

Thai Stir Fry

Tuna Cakes with Green Olives


Baba Ghanoush

Baked Bloomin Onion

Cauliflower Couscous

Crispy Potatoes

Garlic Herb Potatoes


Home Fries

Potato Salad


Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts

Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips and Brussels Sprouts

Spicy Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Thai Brussels Sprouts

Tomato Cucumber Salad



Italian Dressing

Jerk Seasoning

Olive Oil Mayo

Ranch Dressing


Snack Mix

Sweet Potato Chips

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