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I pronounce all the foreign place names etc in America wrong*, because I use the phonics of the language they originated from but it turns out to be Americanized, OR, alternatively, when I decide to do my best guess at how it's Americanized, it turns out that that specific one does still go by the phonics of the language it came from. 


*Huge exaggeration. Btw, I did teach DW, who is from Corpus, the Spanish word for 'yellow'. Me: like that place in Texas. Her: huh? Me: Amarillo. Her: that means yellow?!? (btw, I did know that that's pronounced differently in American and in Spanish, but it was just funny that it had never registered with her that there was a major city in Texas named Yellow. She had Spanish in elementary school because she lived in Corpus, and doesn't really remember any Spanish). 


In New Mexico, there is a Madrid. Now, with every single (it seems) city here using Spanish phonics, you'd think Madrid would be pronounced in Spanish. But, no. The residents there insist on calling it MAdrid. /a/ as in mat.  :confused1:

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There was a kid in my Spanish class last year that kept talking about eating Pokemon. I had to shut that talk down, lol.


Speaking of Pokemon, there's a teacher on Outschool that is doing classes based on Pokemon: Pokemammals, Pokebugs, etc. Gymnast would love to attend some of these, but alas, we must eat.

Edited by Renai
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There was a kid in my Spanish class last year that kept talking about eating Pokemon. I had to shut that talk down, lol.


Speaking of Pokemon, there's a teacher on Outschool that is doing classes based on Pokemon: Pokemammals, Pokebugs, etc. Gymnast would love to attend some of these, but alas, we must eat.



So glad my kids don't know about that. 

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Looks like Nashville has some loops, so maybe there are some possibilities of getting around some of the mess.  4.5 hours is good for dashing up there when needed, since it would likely be for overnight at least anyway, but should be pretty prohibitive of MIL just popping round every Sunday.


So, Lynn lives in KY, right?  What part of the state, Lynn?


near Lexington which is only 1 - 1.5 hours from Cincy.  I think that might be too close.  

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Paint dead people. Those should hold still...  :leaving:


I got married at 20. Today was actually our 13th anniversary. Well, before it turned midnight, it was. And DW had to work all.day. I'm so done with this project. The deadline was yesterday (as in, Friday), but her boss felpfully got it moved to tomorrow (as in, Sunday evening).  :banghead:



Congrats on 13 years!

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I knew that it was Hawaiian. I pronounce it pokey and so do my Hawaiian friends (who live in Seattle).



Alright!  A more reliable source for the pronunciation!  Pokey it will be here, too, then.

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In New Mexico, there is a Madrid. Now, with every single (it seems) city here using Spanish phonics, you'd think Madrid would be pronounced in Spanish. But, no. The residents there insist on calling it MAdrid. /a/ as in mat.  :confused1:



Dubois is usually pronounced "doo-BWAH".  Not in Wyoming (I think it's Wyoming).  There the town's name is pronounced "DOO-boys", and if you pronounce it wrong the wrath of the citizens is visited upon you.

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near Lexington which is only 1 - 1.5 hours from Cincy.  I think that might be too close.  



No, from what Slashie said (later) that's about the distance they are looking for.


Okay, Slashie, Lynn will help you find a place and get situated near her!  Now that we have your future location settled you can start packing.

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I'm up. My back hurts. Caffeine.  :zombie: Self portrait.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Poor back.


I walked a mile on the treadmill and rewarded myself with peppermint tea with a little honey.


Today we will "party" with DH's parents to ring in the new year.  Pizza and snack foods are planned, and watching movies.


I need to remember to call Dad today.


Maybe I should go walk some more.  There's a lot I need to get done, but nothing urgent and my brain isn't into figuring it all out right now.  I suspect the weather has something to do with it.



Must remember to shut the cat inside before we go to ILs' house today.  We have neighbors who like to set off fireworks (they are careful about it).  Our cat won't like that.

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Why can't I post anything? :(


Well, there it worked! Must have been something weird with the multi-quote.


Good morning! Merry New Year's Eve!


We are lazing about this morning because there is only one church service at 10am which is 2 hours later than our usual service.



:( JJM will bazooka Nashville for you.



Come on over!



There are no loops for those coming from the North. Anything that looks like a loop is a trap (except 840 and that will add an extra hour to the travel time because it's so far out of the way).



*So the other side of Indianapolis might actually be your best bet? Except it will be farther away from us. :(

*As soon as possible. I need Alex to Konmarie the toy bins and gift wrap box.


Slache & Jean

If you are really nice, I'll play you some songs on the ukulele. If you are bad, I will make you listen to banjo music. Or the Portsmouth Sinfonia.


Kentucky is really beautiful, too. Plus horsies!



Edited by Susan in TN
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Alright! A more reliable source for the pronunciation! Pokey it will be here, too, then.

I looked it up because I was feeling dumb, and the pronounciation I found was saying the last syllable as “-ehâ€. And I didn’t realize it was Hawaiian. But it is a thing. The people at the restaurant were very kind to this hick who didn’t know nothing ‘bout no poke bowls. No condescension or anything like that, just a lot of helpfulness.
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near Lexington which is only 1 - 1.5 hours from Cincy.  I think that might be too close.  


 If Slache wanted to be farther, maybe she could go for Danville with Centre. It's nice there and the last bit of driving would be not major highway IIRC. 

Edited by Paige
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Me:  Are you enjoying that sticker book or is it just stressing you out?


Ds3: It just stwessing me out!   Aughhhhhhh!!  It not even on top and now it boked!!!



It would appear that my three year-old is a sticker book perfectionist and Lloyd Garmadon's Mech Dragon will be the end of him. 


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I have five of my old journals. Should I throw them away? I’m feeling deeply ambivalent.



Unless you are really pressed for space or they bring up things you would rather not remember I'd hang onto them until you were more decisive on the matter.  Or scan them in and keep them in a digital folder on your computer.

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I put my shirt on inside out this morning. Just noticed.

I had a brain wave about matching skin tone. I think I'll get out my light box and my paint box and see how it works.



That is so 80s retro!  Remember that fad?  The fashion industry even sewed clothes with that inside-out look once people just started wearing their sweatshirts and other things that way.  I loved it, because of the relief from seams against my skin.  I still wear undies and pajamas inside-out, because who would even care other than me?

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Why can't I post anything? :(


Well, there it worked! Must have been something weird with the multi-quote.


Good morning! Merry New Year's Eve!


We are lazing about this morning because there is only one church service at 10am which is 2 hours later than our usual service.



:( JJM will bazooka Nashville for you.



Come on over!



There are no loops for those coming from the North. Anything that looks like a loop is a trap (except 840 and that will add an extra hour to the travel time because it's so far out of the way).



*So the other side of Indianapolis might actually be your best bet? Except it will be farther away from us. :(

*As soon as possible. I need Alex to Konmarie the toy bins and gift wrap box.


Slache & Jean

If you are really nice, I'll play you some songs on the ukulele. If you are bad, I will make you listen to banjo music. Or the Portsmouth Sinfonia.


Kentucky is really beautiful, too. Plus horsies!





I wonder if my Dad still has his banjo?  He never did learn to play it.  If it fits in the truck or trailer I'll try to bring it down, if he still has it.  Could be fun to mess with.

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Morning. Coffee. Church. Gug.


Self journal starts Monday! :party:


No, from what Slashie said (later) that's about the distance they are looking for.


Okay, Slashie, Lynn will help you find a place and get situated near her!  Now that we have your future location settled you can start packing.

I've suggested before that we'll just move in with them and host a fabulous morning time, cook and clean instead of paying rent. I think that's best.



I have five of my old journals. Should I throw them away? I’m feeling deeply ambivalent.

My mother threw mine away when I left home. I wish she hadn't.



I don't do journals.

I'm considering beginning one again.
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Dh’s cold sounds absolutely horrible. And he’s continuing to push himself because it fell on one of his busiest weeks.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Morning. Coffee. Church. Gug.


Self journal starts Monday! :party:


I've suggested before that we'll just move in with them and host a fabulous morning time, cook and clean instead of paying rent. I think that's best.


   My mother threw mine away when I left home. I wish she hadn't.


   I'm considering beginning one again.


What's a self journal?  Is it just a normal journal?  What makes it special?


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