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The kitten won't stop scratching at the gash behind her ear. It has become even worse and would never heal if I left her alone.


So...I fashioned her a sort of hoodie out of an old sock. It seems to be working, but I am no longer the kitten's favorite person.


I can't stop laughing. It's ridiculous.



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Poor baby!!!!! She doesn't look too happy!

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The kitten won't stop scratching at the gash behind her ear. It has become even worse and would never heal if I left her alone.


So...I fashioned her a sort of hoodie out of an old sock. It seems to be working, but I am no longer the kitten's favorite person.


I can't stop laughing. It's ridiculous.



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Help me. Someone please help me. Satan has taken over Mom's body and is torturing me.



(I swear, if that cat had a thumb, it'd be in its mouth!)

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Poor baby!!!!! She doesn't look too happy!

She's not. She's never been this mad at me before. But I will take it. A week or two of kitty hating me is better than kitty scratching and it getting infected and so on. She may not realize that, but I do.


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The kitten won't stop scratching at the gash behind her ear. It has become even worse and would never heal if I left her alone.


So...I fashioned her a sort of hoodie out of an old sock. It seems to be working, but I am no longer the kitten's favorite person.


I can't stop laughing. It's ridiculous.



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Poor kitty!!!!


But what a nice, warm, sweater....

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I’m back. I ketchupped. We had Christmas with DH’s family. It was nice. Now i’m Having my afternoon cuppa to stave off impending headache due to not having afternoon cuppa.☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ The highlight of the day was mathematical genius 17 year old nephew and his garden hose bugle. Yes, he made a bugle out of a garden hose that he coiled 3 Times, struck a bugle mouth piece on one end and the top half of a water bottle on the other end to act as a bell. It was amazing. The kid played the beginning of Handel’s Royal Fireworks Music on it.


Ok, it wasn’t the Royal Fireworks Music, but it was some other trumpet thingie that is very recognizable.



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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I'm always flitting from one task to another because more than one thing needs to be done either at once or in quick succession.  The result of this is that I tend to not have time to totally finish things up - filing or putting everything away.  Thus a constant state of mess from everything because before I can get back to doing the last minute details, other time sensitive things (like dinner prep) are begging for my attention. 



I have come to expect this to be the normal state for everyone.  It is, isn't it?

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My oldest DS said something yesterday that remind me of you and all you artistic types. He was bored and I told him he should do some sketching of pieces he wanted to make in metal shop next semester. He said, no, he didn’t do it that way. He said he just looks at a piece of metal and can see what he needs to make out of it when he looks at it. He doesn’t plan.



The kid has an eye!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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The kitten won't stop scratching at the gash behind her ear. It has become even worse and would never heal if I left her alone.


So...I fashioned her a sort of hoodie out of an old sock. It seems to be working, but I am no longer the kitten's favorite person.


I can't stop laughing. It's ridiculous.



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What a time to run outta likes!  She's adorable when she's angry!   :laugh:

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Not the people who have picture perfect homes.



I have a hard time believing those are actual homes.  I think they are fronts, kept in pristine condition and only "lived" in when being shown to people.



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I’m still struggling through “Theodore Rex†by Edmund Morris. The second in the Theodore Roosevelt series. It’s a very good book, but requires thought and attention, two qualities that I don’t have much of these days.



I listened to the audio book on CD driving to and from Colorado.  I then was given the paperback for Christmas, and started reading (distractions plus reading-oriented caused me to want to "re-read").  I discovered there are sections of the book missing from the audiobook, and told DH.  DH was sure I was wrong -- it's 8 disks, after all!  I found the sleeve and sure enough, it's abridged.  And read by a guy who gets slightly overly dramatic at points.


If you are struggling with reading the book maybe see if your library has the audiobook?

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High pitched squeaking








Breathing anywhere near me before my first dose of caffeine.



Repeating the same sound or phrase over and over and over and over and over....



This past weekend I told dear niece that that was enough of "hearing the cosmos" on the second day of repetition.  I am amazed at my forbearance in lasting that long!

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I like a cone for cats that won't leave their cuts alone. They don't like cones either. :laugh:



I can see the surfaces again. This is progress. My art supplies have been organized. It will probably take me two days to get them back into a workable state of disorder. But at least I know where everything is and how much I have of it.

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This reminds me of a good story.  Feel free to use any of this if it helps you.  Maybe 10 years ago?  Our oldest one or two were questioning Santa.  (I would have been glad to have never begun the myth, but dh loves all kinds of celebrations and holidays, and wanted them to believe longer.)  There was talk of setting up the cam-corder (yes, a cam-corder)  to catch the red-man in action.  So, when dh's brother visited, he brought a Santa suit with him and we made sure the room was set up as it would be Christmas Eve (we already had the tree up - I think he was visiting for Thanksgiving).  So after the kids were in bed we staged a Christmas and filmed brother in law in the Santa suit.  Then on the actual Christmas Eve we made sure the room looked the exact same and dh made a big deal of setting up cam corder, etc. to prove to kids Santa was real.  The next morning, he showed them the footage of BIL in the suit.  I think they believed for another year or two at least.   :laugh:



Ingenious!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Dutch courage will help you speak Dutch. If you learned some Dutch first, that is:




(I also started a thread about this on Gen Ed, but, I thought it was funny anyway, and this way you don't have to go swimming in the sea - if anyone wants resources for learning Dutch, I can give pointers for that too)

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I think I planned too much. We never managed to make the cake or decorate the tree! Oh well, there’s twelve days of Christmas. Dh had a migraine, so he napped most of the afternoon while the kids played with stuff.


My dad got me an autographed photo of Rimmer from Red Dwarf. :wub: 🤓



Too cool!  For my 29th birthday (oh so long ago) my sis got me an autographed photo of Quark (ST TNG), complete with suitably leering offer (very much in character).

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I like a cone for cats that won't leave their cuts alone. They don't like cones either. [emoji23]



I can see the surfaces again. This is progress. My art supplies have been organized. It will probably take me two days to get them back into a workable state of disorder. But at least I know where everything is and how much I have of it.

Old sock is cheaper than a vet visit + cone. I don't happen to have a kitty cone on hand


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District court (same courthouse as county court) called me back a few minutes ago.  She instructed me to claim the caregiver exemption this time around because of my situation with Dad.  I'll come up again in a future jury pull and I can serve at that time.


Yay!  Simple instructions to satisfy all parties!


She also thanked me a couple of times for letting them know so promptly that I won't be able to participate at this time.   :)

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Would be cool if dd wasn't learning Korean. We practice Chinese at the church when we're watching the kids of the people in esl classes. One of the 3-year-olds just laughs and laughs at us when he stumps us!


And...this is why I tell adults to practice with adults. Among other reasons.


Well, the rest of you can learn Chinese. Unless you're also learning Korean...

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After multiple discussions we're discontinuing Friday pizza night for a gluten free alternative. Tonight is fish tacos. We saw Star Wars earlier so no movie. LOVED the horse/cow/hyena things. Alex cheered them on quite loudly.


Are you sure?

Absolutely. Are you dropping German?
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My mom told me today that I’m in my prime. It’s kind of depressing bc I feel like an old lady. I feel like I spent my youth and it’s gone. I wish someone would let me sleep for two weeks straight.


Yes I would like some cheese to go with that whine. Preferably in the form of cake.


It's better than your mom saying you're past your prime.  :grouphug: I'd join you for the 2 week nap, but insomnia.

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