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Ds13 made it into mid-state orchestra - he placed 6th chair (out of 18)! He will be so excited tomorrow!


We now return you to our regularly scheduled ignoring.



Woohoo!  GREAT job!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Paige--I'd also think about what industry your dh is in.  When dh is in NY dealing with banks and insurance companies it's very different than when he's in San Jose dealing with the tech industry.  Likewise, local culture also plays in.  The Midwest tends to be very suit oriented, where as west coast is business casual....  The joke is that you don't know whether you're meeting with the intern who is coming to take you to a meeting or with the CIO until you look at their shoes.

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Here too. Both boys have their birthdays in January. Last year, due to mechanical issues, my car registration was done in March, so at least that is pushed back some. But 2017 has not been good to us. Hopefully we can get things on the right track before 2018 starts.


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Car registration!  Dang it, where did I put that sticker?  I did the registration, now I simply have to put the sticker on the windshield and I keep forgetting!

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Book #4 changed, because I got some Neil Gaiman in from the library. So now book #4 is Neverwhere. I still plan to read Codependant No More. Sometime. Because I know it will help.


I found a slow cooker cookbook at the library, too. Cookbooks make me happy. There's so much excitement and potential! I won't count it as a book for my 100, but I read cookbooks like I read novels.


Whiny-ed-po, avert your eyes! Reported!


Lessons have been so hard to keep up on with DH home. For a quiet guy, he sure is disruptive! And I now he doesn't mean to be, but still. No one focuses and I get tired of being the bad guy who ruins the fun. Le sigh. I'm not sure what the answer is, but a conversation is in order today, and I don't wanna.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Bookie, this is what my husband does for school:


-prereads books so there are no surprises

-reads history books at dinner while I clean up

-Artistic Pursuits

-piano (he can play)

-secretarial duties during prep (hole punch, sort, google)

Edited by Slache
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Do y'all's car registration stickers also end up sticking like mad to the windshield so you need to use water and soap etc to get it off and it's a utter mess doing so because little pieces of paper end up all over your dash? Or is that a NY thing? I don't recall it being an issue in TX...

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Do y'all's car registration stickers also end up sticking like mad to the windshield so you need to use water and soap etc to get it off and it's a utter mess doing so because little pieces of paper end up all over your dash? Or is that a NY thing? I don't recall it being an issue in TX...



Yeah, that can happen here.  Which is why I put off dealing with the sticker until I had time, and now I don't know where I put it....

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I'm kind of thinking it's because we keep getting condensation freezing to the inside of the windshield, so those dumb stickers get wet, and dry, and wet, and dry a million times during winter. But I don't know. I do know that I nicked the inspection sticker trying to get the registration one off... I was not happy about that, but I think it'll do until December when we'll have to get a new one for that. 

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:hurray: And there he was worried about it.

I know. He didn't even make it to the 3rd/final sight-reading excerpt, so it was a little iffy. Competition in this region is extremely stiff - a relatively affluent area with many top-notch (and expensive) music schools. The more advanced students don't even bother with regional and state orchestra competitions because they are already playing on the collegiate level and there is just no challenge to them with this. This dynamic does give kids like mine a fighting chance if they practice like the dickens and can calm their nerves enough to play during the audition. :D

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Yeah, that can happen here.  Which is why I put off dealing with the sticker until I had time, and now I don't know where I put it....



I found it!  It was hidden in the Dad Project file box....


The sticker is now in place on my windshield.

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Good morning.  It's my birthday and I can cry if I want to. 




(I'm actually not even close to crying and am in a good mood but that song is stuck in my head.) 



Happy Birthday, Jean!!!!   :party:  :party:


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These are great suggestions, and a good framework for the conversation, too. Much better than, "Dude, quit distracting the kids!"


I think he just hasn't yet grasped how much work goes into our days.

Only way to find out is to do it! (The work, that is...) :lol:

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TX stickers are a cling vinyl. My beach parking pass is a true sticker-- Goo Be Gone is good at getting the adhesive up.



The registration sticker I just swapped out was a true sticker, but thankfully the plastic layer pulled it off mostly intact.  I only had a bit of adhesive to clean up.  I cheated.  After cleaning the spot on the window and letting it dry I just applied the new sticker over the old adhesive remnants.  We'll see how it holds up this year!

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Only way to find out is to do it! (The work, that is...) :lol:



DH is discovering this working with DD16 on Geometry.  He has now encountered multiple times when her brain just shut off.  Done.  I'm-a-goldfish-now.  And I think he's beginning to see that she truly can't do a thing about it at that point.

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Do y'all's car registration stickers also end up sticking like mad to the windshield so you need to use water and soap etc to get it off and it's a utter mess doing so because little pieces of paper end up all over your dash? Or is that a NY thing? I don't recall it being an issue in TX...

Our registration stickers go on the license plate. They are so sticky that you just stick the new one on top of the old one until you have about a 2" layer sticking out. Then you just break it off and continue as before.

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These are great suggestions, and a good framework for the conversation, too. Much better than, "Dude, quit distracting the kids!"


I think he just hasn't yet grasped how much work goes into our days.


I hated when DH was home when we tried to do school. If we couldn't just skip the day, I'd either tell him to stay in his room (not likely to happen unless he was sick) or we'd do school in one of the kids' rooms and shut the door. I'd have gone nuts if it was an ongoing thing! It wasn't even his behavior- it's my own issues being uncomfortable with being watched. 



Happy Birthday, Jean!


Whoever was shopping for a pan- World Market has them on sale 50% off today. 

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Do y'all's car registration stickers also end up sticking like mad to the windshield so you need to use water and soap etc to get it off and it's a utter mess doing so because little pieces of paper end up all over your dash? Or is that a NY thing? I don't recall it being an issue in TX...

your stickers go on the Windshield? We put ours on the upper right corner of our rear license plate.
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My children and DH have abandoned me for the afternoon. Decisions, decisions...

I should write another 1000 words. 

I have the sketch done for the white camellia that I'm supposed to do for homework. It is very beautiful, and I've a mind to turn it into a decent sized painting if it turns out well.

I could fold the laundry.

I could wash the linens on my bed.


Or...I could turn on some music, get a hot bath going, read a book in the bath, then curl up in the bed with the cats for an afternoon nap. :D

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My children and DH have abandoned me for the afternoon. Decisions, decisions...

I should write another 1000 words.

I have the sketch done for the white camellia that I'm supposed to do for homework. It is very beautiful, and I've a mind to turn it into a decent sized painting if it turns out well.

I could fold the laundry.

I could wash the linens on my bed.


Or...I could turn on some music, get a hot bath going, read a book in the bath, then curl up in the bed with the cats for an afternoon nap. :D

I love camellias. They are one of my favorite flowers. They bloom in January and I think they epitomize January - they are just kind of a crisp and clean flower with crisp and clean leaves. Perfect after all the gaudiness and insanity of December.
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I love camellias. They are one of my favorite flowers. They bloom in January and I think they epitomize January - they are just kind of a crisp and clean flower with crisp and clean leaves. Perfect after all the gaudiness and insanity of December.

See, ours bloom right now. I used to have one--a hideous pink thing. It wasn't a pretty pink. But, I would love, love, love to have a white one.

In January and February my black hellebore blooms. Now, I could paint those all winter long. I would love to have a whole glade full of them, and not just the black ones, but the white ones, the pink ones, the speckled ones, the yellow ones...

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Happy Birthday Jean!  :party:


your stickers go on the Windshield? We put ours on the upper right corner of our rear license plate.



Yes, like this:




The registration sticker is about the size of a credit card (slightly bigger, I think). The previous time I didn't realize it was going to be impossible to get off and pulled it off when I didn't have time to fiddle with it, but the center part (the whiter part) came off, so I just carefully positioned it over the previous one...but, that meant that this time I had even more stuff to deal with. You can also see that with the way they're positioned, when you're trying to scrub the registration sticker off, it's also really easy to damage the inspection sticker. 

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See, ours bloom right now. I used to have one--a hideous pink thing. It wasn't a pretty pink. But, I would love, love, love to have a white one.

In January and February my black hellebore blooms. Now, I could paint those all winter long. I would love to have a whole glade full of them, and not just the black ones, but the white ones, the pink ones, the speckled ones, the yellow ones...

I love those. We have pink ones in the fern garden and they bloom in February. I have never seen a black one.
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